930 resultados para Odontogenic Tumors


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The expression of integrins alpha2beta1, alpha3beta1, and alpha5beta1 in 30 ameloblastomas (20 solid and 10 unicystic tumors), 12 adenomatoid odontogenic tumors (AOTs), and 5 human tooth germs in different stages of odontogenesis was analyzed. The distribution, location, pattern, and intensity of immunohistochemical expression were evaluated. Intensity was analyzed using scores (0 = absence, 1 = weak staining, and 2 = strong staining). No difference in the immunoexpression of the integrins was observed between solid and unicystic ameloblastomas. When these two ameloblastoma types were pooled into a single group, the following significant differences were found: immunoexpression of integrin alpha2beta1 was stronger in ameloblastomas than in AOTs and tooth germs, and the expression of integrin alpha5beta1 was stronger in ameloblastomas than in AOTs. The lack of detection of integrin alpha3beta1 in tooth germs and its detection in the odontogenic tumors studied suggest that this integrin might be used as a marker of neoplastic transformation in odontogenic tissues.


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A swing-lock denture is useful in partially dentate patients where the configuration of the remaining teeth means that either the retention or stability available for a conventional removable partial denture is compromised. Such removable prostheses can also prove to be extremely useful when providing prosthodontic rehabilitation following surgical resection of oral cancer. A 20 year-old patient was referred to the Restorative Department of Cork University Dental Hospital following segmental mandibulectomy to treat a calicifying epithelial odontogenic tumour (Pindborg Tumour). Initial treatment using a conventional lower partial denture failed. This paper outlines the successfully rehabilitation using a lower Cobalt-Chromium swing-lock partial denture.


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Os tumores odontogénicos são neoplasias derivadas da ectoderme ou dos componentes mesenquimais do periodonto. As lesões possuem características clínicas similares aos tumores odontogénicos, sendo a diferenciação histopatológica essencial para o diagnóstico. Existe controvérsia em relação aos nomes, as características clínicas e histopatológicas dos mesmos. Por outro lado, a maioria dos cirurgiões removem-nos sem exame histopatológico pré-cirúrgico. O objetivo do trabalho foi relatar um caso de fibroma periférico odontogénico (FPO) em um cão castrado, sem raça definida, 11 anos de idade. O paciente apresentava uma massa ao redor do segundo, terceiro e quarto dente pré-molar da maxila direita. Foi realizado o hemograma, bioquímica sérica, exame de urina e a biópsia da massa enviada para a histopatologia, sendo o diagnóstico pré-cirúrgico de fibroma periférico odontogénico. O tratamento foi cirúrgico, utilizando o bisturi elétrico. O presente relato de caso permitiu concluir que o exame histopatológico pré-cirúrgico é importante para o diagnóstico do tumor e a exérese total da massa tumoral é o tratamento de eleição.


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Aims: Ameloblastoma is an odontogenic neoplasm with local invasiveness and recurrence. We have previously suggested that growth factors and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) influence ameloblastoma invasiveness(1). The aim was to study expression of MMPs, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) and growth factors in ameloblastoma. Methods and results: Thirteen cases of solid/multicystic ameloblastoma were examined. As a control, calcifying cystic odontogenic tumour (CCOT), a non-invasive odontogenic neoplasm with ameloblastomatous epithelium was also studied. Immunohistochemistry detected MMPs, TIMPs and growth factors in ameloblastoma and CCOT. The labelling index (LI) of MMP-9 and TIMP-2 was significantly higher in ameloblastoma compared with CCOT. The LI of epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor (TGF)-alpha and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) was also increased in ameloblastoma. This neoplasm showed greater expression of MMPs, TIMPs and growth factors compared with CCOT. We then analysed these molecules in ameloblastoma cells and stroma. Ameloblastoma cells exhibited increased LI of MMP-1, -2 and EGFR. We found a positive correlation between EGF and TIMP-1, and between TGF-alpha and TIMP-2. It is known that signals generated by growth factors are transduced by the ERK pathway. Ameloblastoma stroma exhibited the phosphorylated (activated) form of ERK. Conclusions: These results suggest an interplay involving growth factors MMPs and TIMPs that may contribute to ameloblastoma behaviour. Signals generated by this molecular network would be transduced by ERK 1/2 pathway.


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Ameloblastoma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor are odontogenic tumors arising from the odontogenic epithelium with distinct clinical behavior. In attempt to comprehend the interaction between the odontogenic tumor cells and the extracellular matrix, the present work evaluated and compared the immunohistochemical expression of the matrix metalloproteinases-1 (MMP-1), -2 (MMP-2) and -9 (MMP-9) in 20 cases of ameloblastoma and 10 adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. MMP-1 exhibited exuberant expression in the parenchyma and in the stroma of both studied tumors, while the MMP-2 showed varied expression with about of 80% and 60% of the neoplastic cells exhibiting positivity in the ameloblastoma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, respectively. With relation to the MMP-2 expression by the mesenchymal cells, it was observed that 65% of the ameloblastoma and 80% of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor were positive. The immunoreactivity of MMP-9 was detected in all studied cases, although its expression had occurred predominantely in less than 50% of the parenchyma cells of the ameloblastoma, while in about of 60% of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor more than 50% of cells were positive. The mesenchymal cells were positive to MMP-9 in 65% of the ameloblastoma and in 80% of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, respectively. Statistically significant difference was observed to the MMP-1 expression with relation to MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the ameloblastoma (p < 0.001). It was not possible to perform statistical analysis to the cases of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, however there was a tendency toward a differential expression of the MMP-1 with relation to other studied MMPs. These results suggest that MMP-1, - 2 and -9 are implicated in the growth and progression of both tumors analyzed as well as the more pronounced participation of the stroma in the ameloblastoma could together to be related to the higher clinical aggressiveness


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BMPs are components superfamily ligands transformation growth fator-β (TGF-β) secreted into the extracellular environment, with mechanisms of intercellular communication through specific ligands and receptors in various target cells, being recognized for its influence in osteogenic induction, also play an important role in tissue homeostasis, cell proliferation, differentiation control , in addition to being present in the development of various malignancies. The aim of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of BMP-2, BMP-4 and its receptors BMPRIA and BMPRII in cases of ameloblastoma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. The sample consisted of 20 cases of solid ameloblastoma (SA), 10 cases of ameloblastoma unicystic (UA) and 16 cases of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT). The expression of BMPs and their receptors was evaluated in the parenchyma and stroma of lesions, establishing the percentage of immunopositive cells (0 - negative; 1-1 % to 10 % of cells positive; 2 - 11% to 25% of positive cells; 3 - 26% to 50% of cells positive; 4 - 51% to 75 % of positive cells; 5 - more than 75% positive cells). Analysis of the expression of BMP-2 revealed no statistically significant differences in parenchymal (p = 0.925) and stromal component (p = 0.345) between the groups, as well as BMP-4 (p = 0.873 / p = 0.131). In the epithelial component, SA and AOT had a higher frequency of score 5. In turn, all cases of UA were classified as score 5. The analysis of the stromal component showed no statistically significant difference between groups with respect to median scores BMPRIA positivity (p = 0.768) and BMPRII (p = 0.779). In the epithelial component of SA and UA, no statistically significant correlations between imunoexpression proteins analyzed were observed. In turn, the group of AOT, statistically significant positive correlations between the scores of expression of all studied proteins were found. In the stromal component, statistically significant positive correlations were found only in the SA group in BMP -4 and BMPRII (r = 0.476; p = .034), in the UA in BMP-4 and BMPRIA (r = 0.709; p = 0.022). The results of this study suggest that the BMPs and their receptors are involved in the development process odontogenic tumors. BMP-4, in turn, besides being present in odontogenic tumors have the capacity to form mineralized material.


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Ameloblastomas and keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOT) represent odontogenic lesions that, despite their benign nature, are distinguished by a distinct biological behavior, characterized by locally aggressive growth and recurrent episodes. The gnathic bone resorption caused by the growth of these lesions is a key to the expansion of the same, both being mediated by osteoclastic cells like enzymatic activity of various matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) factor. The expression of stimulatory factors and inhibitors of bone resorption has been correlated with the development of these lesions, with emphasis to some MMPs such as collagenases and gelatinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), among others. Based on the premise that stimulatory and inhibitory factors of osteolytic processes can be decisive for the growth rate of intraosseous odontogenic lesions, this experiment evaluated the immunoreactivity of MMP-9, -13 and TIMP-1 protein in the epithelium and mesenchyme of ameloblastoma and the KOT specimens, by a quantitative analysis of the immunoreactivity cells. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests with a significance level set at 5 %. Immunohistochemical expression of MMP-9, -13 and TIMP-1 was observed in 100% of cases both in the epithelium and in mesenchyme. The immunoreactivity in the epithelium of KOT and ameloblastomas revealed a predominance of score 3 for MMP-9 (p=0.382) and MMP-13 (p=0.069) and no statistically significance for TIMP-1, the latter being significantly higher immunoreactivity in ameloblastomas. In the mesenchyme, there was a higher score immunoreactivity of MMP-13 (p=0.031) in ameloblastomas in relation to KOT, whereas for MMP-9 and TIMP-1 no statistically significant difference (p=0.403 was observed, p=1.000). The calculation of the ratio of scores revealed expression of proteins in general, similarity of the lesions, a significant predominance of equal expression of TIMP-1 and MMP-9 was observed only in the epithelium of ameloblastoma. The marked immunostaining of MMP-9 , MMP-13 and TIMP-1 in epithelium and mesenchyme of the lesion indicate that these proteins involved in ECM remodeling required for tumor progression, however, specific differences in the expression of some of these proteins, are not sufficient to suggest differences in the biological behavior of ameloblastomas and KOTs


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Myofibroblasts are cells that exhibit a hybrid phenotype, sharing the morphological characteristics of fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells, which is acquired during a process called differentiation. These cells then start to express -SMA, a marker that can be used for their identification. Studies suggest that myofibroblasts are related to the aggressiveness of different tumors and that TGF-1 and IFN- play a role in myofibroblast differentiation, stimulating or inhibiting this differentiation, respectively. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of myofibroblasts in epithelial odontogenic tumors, correlating the presence of these cells with the aggressiveness of the tumor. Immunohistochemistry was used to evaluate the expression of TGF-1 and IFN- in myofibroblast differentiation, as well as the expression of MMP-13, which is activated by myofibroblasts, and of EMMPRIN (extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer) as a precursor of this MMP. The sample consisted of 20 solid ameloblastomas, 10 unicystic ameloblastomas, 20 odontogenic keratocysts, and 20 adenomatoid odontogenic tumors. For evaluation of myofibroblasts, anti- -SMA-immunoreactive cells were quantified in connective tissue close to the epithelium. Immunoexpression of TGF-1, IFN-, MMP-13 and EMMPRIN was evaluated in the epithelial and connective tissue components, attributing scores of 0 to 4. The results showed a higher concentration of myofibroblasts in solid ameloblastomas (mean of 30.55), followed by odontogenic keratocysts (22.50), unicystic ameloblastomas (20.80), and adenomatoid odontogenic tumors (19.15) (p=0.001). No significant correlation between TGF-1 and IFN- was observed during the process of myofibroblast differentiation. There was also no correlation between the quantity of myofibroblasts and MMP-13 expression. Significant correlations were found between MMP-13 and TGF-1 (r=0.087; p=0.011), between MMP- 13 and IFN- (r=0.348; p=0.003), as well as between EMMPRIN and MMP-13 (r=0.474; p<0.001) and between EMMPRIN and IFN- (r=0.393; p=0.001). The higher quantity of myofibroblasts observed in solid ameloblastomas, odontogenic keratocysts and unicystic ameloblastomas suggests that these cells are one of the factors responsible for the more aggressive biological behavior of these tumors, although the myofibroblast population was not correlated with TGF-1, IFN-, MMP-13 or EMMPRIN. The correlation between MMP- 13 and TGF-1 suggests that the latter induces the expression of this metalloproteinase. The present results also support the well-established role of EMMPRIN as an inducer of MMP-13. Furthermore, the relationship between EMMPRIN and IFN- and between MMP-13 and IFN- suggests synergism in the antifibrotic effect of these markers


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Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (AFO) is a rare, benign, slow-growing odontogenic tumor, generally asymptomatic and more prevalent in children and adolescents. We report a case of AFO in the mandible of an eight-year-old Caucasian male patient, and review the literature. Intraoral examination revealed a swelling extending from the deciduous second molar to the retromolar triangle, covered with normal mucosa. A panoramic radiograph showed a large, well-demarcated radiolucency with radiopaque areas. The provisional diagnosis was of AFO, and so an incisional biopsy was performed. Histologically, the lesion was composed of connective tissue resembling the dental papilla, with epithelial strands or islands, as well as denticles and amorphous masses of enamel and dentin consistent with a diagnosis of AFO. Surgical excision and curettage of the lesion were performed. The patient has been monitored for eight years and the lesion has not recurred.


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Background: Excisional biopsies of gingival overgrowths, performed with safety margins, frequently result in mucogingival defects. These defects may produce esthetic problems and increase the chances of dentin hyperesthesia and its possibility of hindering oral hygiene. Methods: Two clinical cases are reported in which gingival overgrowths were removed by excisional biopsy, resulting in unsightly defects. The first clinical case presents an invasive approach for the treatment of a recurrent pyogenic granuloma in the anterior maxilla, and the second depicts a complete removal of a peripheral odontogenic fibroma in the posterior maxilla. In both situations, the soft-tissue defects were repaired by periodontal plastic surgery, including a laterally positioned flap and a coronally positioned flap, respectively. Results: Periodontal plastic surgery successfully restored the defects that resulted from biopsies, and no recurrence has been noticed in the 5-year postoperative follow-up period. Conclusions: The combination of biopsy and periodontal plastic surgery in a one-step procedure seems to be suitable to remove gingival overgrowths in most areas of the mouth, regardless of esthetic significance. Such procedures seem to restore gingival health, encourage healing, and create both esthetics and function in the excised area.


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We report a case of a palatal calcified foreign body simulating an odontogenic lesion. Surgical exploration revealed a calcified mass that was analysed under light microscopy and identified as a vegetal foreign body. Further scanning electron microscopy analysis revealed that the foreign body was a piece of wood. Hard palate foreign bodies have been reported previously, however, it seems that this is the first case of its kind. © 2007 Nature Publishing Group.


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O ameloblastoma e o tumor odontogênico cístico calcificante (TOCC) são tumores odontogênicos que tem origem do epitélio odontogênico, porém ainda não é conhecido o estímulo ou gatilho que leva à transformação neoplásica desses tumores. O comportamento biológico das lesões é distinto, pois o ameloblastoma é um tumor mais agressivo e com taxa de recorrência significativa. Já o TOCC é um tumor menos agressivo e raramente há recorrência e por esse motivo foi utilizado como controle no estudo. Portanto, a elucidação completa dos mecanismos pelos quais esses tumores odontogênicos apresentam tais comportamentos biológicos continua sendo um desafio para os pesquisadores. As c (A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase with ThromboSpondin) são metaloendopeptidases que são dependentes de zinco em seu domínio catalítico. Essas enzimas possuem ampla atividade catalítica contra uma variedade de substratos como os proteoglicanos (agrecan, brevican e versican), que são proteínas presente na matriz extracelular (MEC). As ADAMTS exibem características estruturais que lhes conferem um grande potencial para exibir múltiplas funções. Exibem função crucial em vários processos como proliferação, adesão, invasão e sinalização celular. As alterações nessas enzimas estão presentes em diversos tumores, o que sugere que estas proteínas podem estar envolvidas no processo carcinogênico em diferentes caminhos. Especificamente a ADAMTS-1 tem sido correlacionada com a tumorigênese de algumas neoplasias como no câncer de mama, pulmão e pâncreas. Assim como a ADAMTS, agrecan, brevican e versican são expressos em vários tumores e a regulação alterada desses proteoglicanos pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da carcinogênese. Neste trabalho foram estudadas ADAMTS-1, agrecan, brevican e versican no ameloblastoma e TOCC. Foram incluídos 20 casos de ameloblastoma e 6 casos de TOCC, utilizados como controle. A expressão de ADAMTS-1, agrecan, brevican e versican foi avaliada por imunohistoquímica e as áreas de marcação foram mensuradas e analisadas. Para análise de correlação entre as proteínas estudadas utilizou-se o teste de Spearman. Todas as amostras de ameloblastoma expressaram ADAMTS-1, agrecan, brevican e versican. Todas as amostras de TOCC também expressaram as mesmas proteínas, porém numa quantidade significativamente menor que no ameloblastoma. A diferença de expressão de ADAMTS-1 e brevican no epitélio do ameloblastoma e do TOCC foi significante estatisticamente (p<0,0105). Assim como a expressão de agrecan e versican, no epitélio do ameloblastoma e do TOCC, também foi estatisticamente significante (p<0,0067) e (p<0,0148), respectivamente. Não houve correlação entre as proteínas estudadas.