683 resultados para Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UAM
Resumen basado en el de la publicacin
We understand that the successful old age is not confined only in the analysis of quantitative aspects concerning the economic situation of the subject that gets old, but this special way of aging is related to other values, such as dignity, happiness, self-esteem, willingness, autonomy, independence, social involvement with family and friends, among others. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the human aging process, considering the history of life of ten seniors who fit the profile of successful old age, seeking to identify elements that contribute to educational thinking in order to get a successful aging. In this perspective, we argue in this study, the idea that we need to learn to engage in experiences that more than providing satisfaction and well-being in the moment in which we conducted, serve as a potentiating to a successful old age. Thus, throughout this thesis we question: what are the present indicative in the histories of life of elderly people, considered successful, which may contribute to an education that people experiencing their age more satisfactorily. This is a qualitative study, that took as universe a methodological oral history, in which we used as a technique of research a semistructured interview as a part of their life history, with emphasis on consideration of the following categories: diary routine, with emphasis on social harmony in the family, at work and in friendship groups of leisure and physical activity, self-knowledge and the learning experiences throughout life. To get the objectives outlined, as well as lectured on the categories analyzed, we support our reflection on the theory of the course of life, which includes human aging as a historical and cultural contextual reality. Our research revealed, among other things, that successful aging is coupled to an active lifestyle, where the involvement in physical activities, recreational and social experiences throughout life is important for increasing self-esteem, autonomy and joy of living, conditions that enable successful old age. Our study also revealed that the educationfor successful old age is linked with the consumption along the life, educational activities which broaden the possibilities of social interaction between people, even among different generations, since the interaction is important to learn and accept our possibilities and limits.
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Sign.: a10, b-z8, [et]8, [cum]8, [rum]8, A-C8, D-E6
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The aim of this work is to present the Exercise I-1b pin-cell burn-up benchmark proposed in the framework of OECD LWR UAM. Its objective is to address the uncertainty due to the basic nuclear data as well as the impact of processing the nuclear and covariance data in a pin-cell depletion calculation. Four different sensitivity/uncertainty propagation methodologies participate in this benchmark (GRS, NRG, UPM, and SNU&KAERI). The paper describes the main features of the UPM model (hybrid method) compared with other methodologies. The requested output provided by UPM is presented, and it is discussed regarding the results of other methodologies.
In the framework of the OECD/NEA project on Benchmark for Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling (UAM) for Design, Operation, and Safety Analysis of LWRs, several approaches and codes are being used to deal with the exercises proposed in Phase I, Specifications and Support Data for Neutronics Cases. At UPM, our research group treats these exercises with sensitivity calculations and the sandwich formula to propagate cross-section uncertainties. Two different codes are employed to calculate the sensitivity coefficients of to cross sections in criticality calculations: MCNPX-2.7e and SCALE-6.1. The former uses the Differential Operator Technique and the latter uses the Adjoint-Weighted Technique. In this paper, the main results for exercise I-2 Lattice Physics are presented for the criticality calculations of PWR. These criticality calculations are done for a TMI fuel assembly at four different states: HZP-Unrodded, HZP-Rodded, HFP-Unrodded, and HFP-Rodded. The results of the two different codes above are presented and compared. The comparison proves a good agreement between SCALE-6.1 and MCNPX-2.7e in uncertainty that comes from the sensitivity coefficients calculated by both codes. Differences are found when the sensitivity profiles are analysed, but they do not lead to differences in the uncertainty.
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CCBE. s. XVI, A, 597
Contiene: I. Ad Monimum: libri tres; Contra Arcanos; Ad Trasimundum regem; Ad diuersos epistole septem; Ad Donatum ... [et al.]. [9], 414 p. Sign. tip.: a-z8, aa-bb8, cc12 -- II. Opuscula Maxentii Johannis Serui Dei ... Libellus fidei Romae ; Capitula contra nestorianos et pelagianos edita ; Professio breuissima catholicae fidei ... [et al.]. [6], 138 p. Sign. tip.: A-I8