68 resultados para OSTEOARTICULAR


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A 59-year-old female patient with mitral valve prolapse and a previous history of lumbosacral spondyloarthrosis and lumbar disk hernia had an episode of infective endocarditis due to Streptococcus viridans, which evolved with peripheral embolism to the left kidney, spleen, and left iliac artery, and intraventricular cerebral hemorrhage. Her clinical manifestations were low back pain and hematuria, which were initially attributed to an osteoarticular condition. Infective endocarditis is a severe polymorphic disease with multiple clinical manifestations and it should always be included in the differential diagnosis by clinicians.


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La inflamación osteoarticular es un desequilibrio entre formación y detrucción tisular. Es factor fundamental la acción condrolítica de metalo proteasas, cuya liberación es el final de una cascada en que los estímulos enzimo-secretorios de moléculas de adhesión, radicales libres de O2, y citokinas compiten con TIMPs y otros inhibidores tisulares. Tales mediadores son generados en la matriz extracelular, en células fias como endoteliocitos, condorcitos y sinoviocitos, o migrantes como PMN, macrófagos y linfocitos. Todas poseen receptores específicos que captan señales estimulantes (ICAM) o inhibidoras (TIMPs) y liberan mediadores que conducen el estímulo hacia el siguiente escalón celular de la cascada. La proteoglicanasa es una metalo proteasa que degrada ciertos componentes de la matriz extracelular. Como las enzimas colagenazas, estromelisina y gelatinazas, es secretada como proenzima y su función es remover el tejido conectivo durante el "turnover" normal y patológico. Los niveles de MMPs, ICAM y VCAM en cultivos de condorcitos, PMN y sinoviocitos provenientes de pacientes con artropatías con y sin estímulo fagocítico y/o la acción de AINEs, podría constituir un índice de la participación celular, reflejar la severidad de la afección y orientar sobre la eficiencia de los tratamientos antiinflamatorios. Objetivos Generales Determinar "in vitro" y "ex vivo" los roles de citokinas, matrixinas, inhibidores tisulares y adhesinas en atritis reumatoidea y osteoartritis como modelos inflamatorios humanos, identificando agentes que puedan inhibir terapéuticamente a las MMPs y citokinas y modular la degradación y reparación del tejido conectivo en esas patologías. Objetivos Específicos Cultivo de condrocitos de tejido articular humano para determinar "in vitro" y "ex vivo" los niveles de molécula de adhesión, inhibidores tisulares de citokinas (TIMPs) y MMPs, comparando con sus concentraciones en plasma y líquido sinovial, con y sin empleo de AINEs.


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FUNDAMENTO: O ciclismo indoor é um exercício aeróbico no qual se utiliza grandes grupamentos musculares dos membros inferiores, carente de impacto osteoarticular e de elevado gasto calórico, o que o torna interessante para se gerar uma estratégia não farmacológica. OBJETIVO: Analisar a composição corporal e o perfil lipídico sérico de mulheres com sobrepeso após doze semanas de dieta hipocalórica e treinamento de ciclismo indoor. MÉTODOS: Foram randomizadas 40 mulheres (23,90 ± 3,10 anos), subdivididas em quatro grupos: controle (C), ciclismo indoor (CI), ciclismo indoor associado a dieta hipocalórica (CD) e dieta hipocalórica (D). As variáveis analisadas foram: estatura e massa corporal, IMC, percentual de gordura, massa magra, triglicerídeos, colesterol e lipoproteinas (HDL,LDL,VLDL). O treinamento de ciclismo indoor consistiu em três sessões semanais de 45 minutos cada e a uma restrição energética de aproximadamente 1.200 kcal. O estudo teve duração de 12 semanas. Utilizou-se a estatística descritiva (média e desvio padrão) e inferencial (test t de Student). O nível de significância adotado foi de p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Os grupos CI, CD e D reduziram significativamente as médias das variáveis antropométricas após as 12 semanas de intervenção (massa corporal, percentual de gordura e índice de massa corporal), além dos níveis séricos de colesterol total e triglicerídios. Em relação ao HDL colesterol, houve aumento significativo para os grupos CI e CD. CONCLUSÃO: De acordo com os resultados, o ciclismo indoor e a dieta hipocalórica contribuíram no combate ao sobrepeso bem como no controle do nível sérico dos lipídeos.


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Rapid-growing mycobacteria (e.g. M. abscessus and M. chelonae) are emerging pathogens with various clinical manifestations. Among immunocompetent individuals, rapid-growing mycobacteria may be responsible of pulmonary, cutaneous, osteoarticular and postoperative infections, as well as lymphadenitis and catheter-associated infections. Among immunocompromised patients, disseminated infections are also observed. Diagnosis relies on specific microbiological investigations to confirm etiology and guide antibiotic treatment. The treatment requires a multi-disciplinary approach that includes specific long-term antibiotic treatment, surgical debridement and reduction of immunosuppression whenever possible.


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Coxiella burnetii is the agent of Q fever , an emergent worldwide zoonosis of wide clinical spectrum. Although C. burnetii infection is typically associated with acute infection, atypical pneumonia and flu-like symptoms, endocarditis, osteoarticular manifestations and severe disease are possible, especially when the patient has a suppressed immune system; however, these severe complications are typically neglected. This study reports the sequencing of the repetitive element IS1111 of the transposase gene of C. burnetii from blood and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples from a patient with severe pneumonia following methotrexate therapy, resulting in the molecular diagnosis of Q fever in a patient who had been diagnosed with active seronegative polyarthritis two years earlier. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first documented case of the isolation of C. burnetii DNA from a BAL sample.


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Standardized clinical examination can obviate the need for osteoarticular radiographs for trauma. This paper summarizes a number of decision rules that allow clinical exclusion of significant fracture of the cervical spine, elbow, knee or ankle, making radiographs unnecessary. These criteria were all derived from large cohort studies (Nexus, Ottawa, CCS, etc..., and have been prospectively validated. The rigorous use of these criteria in daily practice improves treatment times and costs with no adverse effect on treatment quality.


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TBC1D7 forms a complex with TSC1 and TSC2 that inhibits mTORC1 signaling and limits cell growth. Mutations in TBC1D7 were reported in a family with intellectual disability (ID) and macrocrania. Using exome sequencing, we identified two sisters homozygote for the novel c.17_20delAGAG, p.R7TfsX21 TBC1D7 truncating mutation. In addition to the already described macrocephaly and mild ID, they share osteoarticular defects, patella dislocation, behavioral abnormalities, psychosis, learning difficulties, celiac disease, prognathism, myopia, and astigmatism. Consistent with a loss-of-function of TBC1D7, the patient's cell lines show an increase in the phosphorylation of 4EBP1, a direct downstream target of mTORC1 and a delay in the initiation of the autophagy process. This second family allows enlarging the phenotypic spectrum associated with TBC1D7 mutations and defining a TBC1D7 syndrome. Our work reinforces the involvement of TBC1D7 in the regulation of mTORC1 pathways and suggests an altered control of autophagy as possible cause of this disease.


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Extrapulmonary tuberculosis represents an increasing proportion of all cases of tuberculosis reaching 20 to 40% according to published reports. Extrapulmonary TB is found in a higher proportion of women, black people and immunosuppressed individuals. A significant proportion of cases have a normal chest X-Ray at the time of diagnosis. The most frequent clinical presentations are lymphadenitis, pleuritis and osteoarticular TB. Peritoneal, urogenital or meningeal tuberculosis are less frequent, and their diagnosis is often difficult due to the often wide differential diagnosis and the low sensitivity of diagnostic tests including cultures and genetic amplification tests. The key clinical elements are reported and for each form the diagnostic yield of available tests. International therapeutic recommendations and practical issues are reviewed according to clinical presentation.


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The relation among education, disease prevalence, and frequency of health service utilization was analyzed using data from the Swiss National Health Survey SOMIPOPS, conducted in 1981-1983 on a randomly selected sample of 4,255 individuals, representative of the entire Swiss population. The prevalence of several important cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, osteoarticular, and psychiatric disorders was higher among less educated individuals; only allergic conditions were directly associated with indicators of social class. More educated individuals reported lower frequencies of general practitioner visits, but higher frequencies of specialized consultations. These findings confirm that education is an important determinant not only of mortality but also of morbidity and health-care utilization and require careful consideration in terms of the planning and evaluation of health services.


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Introducció Aquest treball, aborda l'atenció domiciliaria a les persones amb dependència des de la perspectiva de la teràpia ocupacional a la comarca d’Osona. Conèixer aquesta tipologia de persones i la seva problemàtica, ha de servir per adaptar les infraestructures d’aquests serveis a fi de donar millor resposta a les seves necessitats. Objectiu Descriure la tipologia d'usuaris que es deriven al servei de Teràpia Ocupacional Domiciliària a la comarca d'Osona Metodologia S'ha realitzat un estudi descriptiu preliminar d'una mostra (n=65) de usuaris de la base de dades del Banc D'ajudes Tècniques (BAT Osona) del Consell Comarcal d'Osona. En aquest estudi s'han analitzat les variables de sexe, edat, nivell funcional, diagnòstic, situació familiar, agents derivadors, motius de derivació i problemàtica principal detectada. Resultats S'indica un perfil femení de la mostra (72,09%), amb una mitjana d'edat de 74,41 anys. A nivell funcional, la mitjana de puntuació ha estat de 65 punts en l'Ìndex de Barthel, en persones amb patologia osteoarticular en el 18,60% dels casos. La situació familiar situa un perfil compartit de persones que viuen en família (41,86%) o soles (39,53%). En les derivacions al servei, el 58,13% dels casos es fa des dels Ajuntaments i per dificultats en el quarto de bany (46,51%). La problemàtica més detectada en aquests domicilis és la dificultat per l'accés a la banyera (67,40%). Conclusió Aquests resultats ens indiquen una clara tipologia de persones que s’han d’atendre i unes problemàtiques en la seva vivenda que provoquen serioses dificultats de desenvolupament funciona. Es precís, en futures investigacions acotar encara més aquets perfils i problemàtiques a fi de precisar les estratègies d’intervenció i optimitzar millor aquest tipus de recursos.


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Hyponatremia is a frequent finding and asks for a rapid diagnostic evaluation. We report a case of recurrent hyponatremia secondary to an adrenal insufficiency of medicamentous and tuberculous origin. This case illustrates the importance of a rapid etiologic diagnosis of hyponatremia and allows us to review adrenal insufficiency of tuberculous origin. It also stresses the danger of potential drug interactions in case of corticosteroid substitution.


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The prevalence of infectious diseases at our hospital (Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, Lausanne [CHUV], 900 beds) was studied retrospectively over a two years period (1980-1981). The medical diagnosis of 30203 patients recorded in the computerized medical archives, representing 93% of the patients admitted during the period of observation, was reviewed. To assess the reliability of the computerized data, quality control was carried out through detailed analysis of all the histologically proven appendicitis recorded during 1981. 88% of the histologically proven appendicitis were registered in the computer and the diagnosis was specific in 87% of cases. An infectious disease was the primary reason for admission in 12.8% of the patients (3873) during the study period. Altogether, 20.2% of patients presented with an infection during their hospital stay. Because of the retrospective nature of the study it was not possible to determine whether these additional infections were nosocomially acquired. The organ systems most frequently infected were the respiratory tract (28.5% of all infections), the digestive tract (20.5%), the skin and osteoarticular system (16%) and the urogenital tract (11.6%). An infection was the primary reason for admission of 40.2% of the patients hospitalized in the dermatology service, of 19.7% of patients admitted in internal medicine, of 15-17% of the patients admitted in pediatrics, ENT and general surgery, and of 1-2% of the patients admitted in neurosurgery and radiotherapy. These observations highlight the continuing importance of infectious diseases in a modern hospital, in spite of high socio-economic levels, stringent hygiene and epidemiologic measures, and modern antibiotic availability.


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A ressonância magnética tornou-se o método de imagem de escolha para o estudo das articulações, devido a sua grande diferenciação tecidual, resolução de estruturas, imagens em múltiplos planos e estudos dinâmicos (cinemáticos). Talvez a articulação do joelho seja o exame de ressonância magnética mais solicitado na área osteoarticular. O conhecimento detalhado da anatomia, fisiologia e aspecto de imagenologia da região permite uma interpretação adequada dos exames. No entanto, por vezes, estruturas anatômicas que só aparecem esporadicamente, variantes anatômicas e artefatos podem causar erros de interpretação desses exames. O presente artigo tem por finalidade discutir as causas mais freqüentes de erros de interpretação, suas causas e como evitá-los.


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Neste trabalho os autores realizam um estudo revisional e iconográfico de pacientes portadores da paracoccidioidomicose disseminada, apresentando os principais achados radiográficos no sistema nervoso central, glândulas adrenais, sistema osteoarticular, ganglionar e trato digestivo destes pacientes. Os métodos de diagnóstico por imagem têm permitido uma abordagem mais precisa destes pacientes e se mostrado cada vez mais sensíveis na detecção de lesões, mesmo em pacientes assintomáticos. Na maioria dos casos essas alterações são inespecíficas, podendo simular tanto lesões neoplásicas como infecciosas crônicas, sendo muitas vezes indistinguíveis da tuberculose. Apesar destas alterações serem incaracterísticas e do diagnóstico de certeza da paracoccidioidomicose só ocorrer após a confirmação micológica ou histológica do fungo, é possivel sugerir um diagnóstico preciso quando os achados de imagem forem analisados em um contexto clínico e epidemiológico pertinente.