996 resultados para ORAL TOLERANCE


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INTRODUCCIÓN: Si se valora a tiempo la Sensibilidad a la insulina, se evitara padecer diabetes tipo 2; en los adultos mayores hay cambios como el aumento de tejido adiposo y sarcopenia, relacionados con disminución de la sensibilidad a la insulina. OBJETIVO: Determinar la sensibilidad a la insulina mediante la prueba de tolerancia oral a la glucosa en la población adulta mayor del cantón Cuenca, en el año 2015. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio descriptivo en 120 adultos mayores del cantón Cuenca; 60 casos con síndrome metabólico según el criterio ATP III y 60 casos sin síndrome metabólico. Se trata de una muestra no probabilística por conveniencia debido al costo de las pruebas de laboratorio. Se tomaron dos muestras de sangre una en ayunas y otra postprandial y se dosifico glucosa e insulina. Los datos fueron analizados en SPSS 22, Excel empleando frecuencias, porcentajes, medidas de tendencia central como mediana, promedio, medidas de dispersión, desvío stándar. RESULTADOS: El 39,2 % de adultos mayores presentó insulinemia postprandial alterada. Según el método HOMA-IR el 42 % presenta baja sensibilidad a la insulina y según el método QUICKI el 91,7 % presenta sensibilidad disminuida a la insulina. La baja sensibilidad a la insulina según género, edad y estado civil no fue significativa; en cambio con el IMC elevado se tiene más probabilidad de padecer insulinorresistencia (p=0,03) .Siendo más significativo los pacientes con síndrome metabólico aumenta dos veces la probabilidad de padecer insulinorresistencia (p=0.02, OR 2.3 IC 95% 1.09 – 4.85).


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Epidemiological and experimental studies suggest that changes in gut microbial balance are associated with increases in the prevalence of allergic diseases. Probiotics are proposed to provide beneficial immunoregulatory signals which aid in oral tolerance achievement and alleviation of symptoms of allergic diseases. The present study evaluates both the immunological mechanisms of probiotics in infants with allergic diseases and their preventive aspect among infants prone to allergy. Furthermore, the purpose of the study was to characterise the immunological features of cord blood mononuclear cells (CBMCs) in infants at high genetic risk for allergy. GATA-3 expression (p = 0.03), interleukin (IL) -2(p = 0.026), and IL-5 (p = 0.013) secretion of stimulated CBMCs were higher in IgE-sensitized infants at age 2 than in non-allergic, non-sensitized infants. Lactobacillus GG (LGG) treatment increased secretion of IFN-γ by PBMCs in vitro in infants with cow s milk allergy (CMA) (p = 0.006) and in infants with IgE-associated eczema (p = 0.017), when compared to levels in the placebo group. A probiotic mixture, increased secretion of IL-4 by PBMCs in vitro in infants with CMA (p = 0.028), when compared with placebo-group levels. The LGG treatment induced higher plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) (p = 0.021) and IL-6 (p = 0.036) levels in infants with IgE-associated eczema than in the placebo group. The probiotic mixture induced higher plasma IL-10 levels in infants with eczema (p = 0.016). In the prevention study of allergic dis-eases, the infants receiving the probiotic mixture had higher plasma levels of CRP (p = 0.008), total IgA (p = 0.016), total IgE (p = 0.047), and IL-10 (p = 0.002) than did infants in the placebo group. Increased CRP level at age 6 months was associated with a decreased risk for eczema at age 2 not only in the infants who received probiotics but also in the placebo group (p = 0.034). In conclusion, the priming of the GATA-3 and IL-5 pathway can occur in utero, and a primary feature of T-cells predisposing to IgE-sensitization seems to directly favour Th2 deviation. LGG treatment induced increased plasma levels of CRP and IL-6 in infants with IgE-associated eczema, suggesting an activation of innate immu-nity. The probiotic mixture, when given to allergy-prone infants, induced inflammation, detected as increased plasma CRP levels, which at age 6 months was associated with decreased risk for eczema at age 2.The probiotic-induced response in allergy prone infants was characterized by their higher plasma IL-10, total IgE, and CRP levels, without induction of an allergen-specific IgE response. In this respect, the probiotics in infancy appear to induce protective immune profiles that are characteristic for chronic low-grade inflammation, a response resembling that of helminth-like infections.


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Chicken type II procollagen (ccol2a1) has become as an important oral tolerance protein for effective treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. However, its molecular identity remains unclear. Here, we reported the full-length cDNA and nearly complete genomic DN


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Coeliac disease is an enteropathy associated with dietary gluten which occurs in individuals with a genetic predisposition. The pathogenesis remains obscure although it is clear that only certain parts of the gliadin molecule are toxic and there is considerable evidence of immunological activity, including antibody production. In this issue of European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Carton et al. present evidence in favour of an inherent depletion of CD4CD8 T cells, which could result in a loss of oral tolerance to ingested gliadin. Using flow cytometry they also demonstrated that the classic T-cell infiltration of coeliac disease is not due to an increase in T cells but is an apparent increase associated with a relative decrease in enterocytes as a result of the change in architecture of the mucosa. These could be important fundamental observations in helping to unravel the pathogenesis of coeliac disease.


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La tolérance orale permet la modulation de la réponse immunitaire à l’égard des antigènes exogènes présents dans la lumière intestinale. Essentiels à l’établissement d’une relation symbiotique entre le système immunitaire et la flore intestinale, l’induction et le maintien de la tolérance orale reposent sur différents mécanismes immunologiques. Parmi eux, l’induction de cellules T régulatrices par les cellules dendritiques et de mécanismes apoptotiques. Or, la glycoprotéine membranaire CD47 est impliquée, en périphérie, dans ces mécanismes. Cependant, le rôle de CD47 dans la tolérance orale n’est pas connu. À l’aide d’un modèle murin déficient en CD47, nous avons démontré principalement, que l’absence de CD47 est associée à une diminution de 50 % de la proportion de cellules dendrites myéloïdes CD11b+CD103- retrouvées dans les ganglions mésentériques. Suite au transfert adoptif de cellules T antigènes spécifiques dans nos différents modèles expérimentaux, on a, aussi, observé une diminution de 45 % de leur niveau d’activation dans les ganglions mésentériques. Malgré les effets observés, le CD47 n’est pas impliqué dans l’induction d’une réaction de tolérance orale secondaire à l’administration intragastrique de fortes doses d’ovalbumine. Cependant, nous avons démontré que CD47 est impliquée au niveau de la migration des cellules dendritiques de la peau et de certaines sous-populations retrouvées dans les ganglions mésentériques.


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PURPOSE. FTY720 (fingolimod) is an immunomodulatory drug capable of preventing T-cell migration to inflammatory sites by binding to and subsequently downregulating the expression of sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor 1 (S1P(1)) leading in turn to T-cell retention in lymphoid organs. Additional effects of FTY720 by increasing functional activity of regulatory T cells have recently been demonstrated, raising the conversion of conventional T cells into regulatory T cells and affecting the sequestration of regulatory T cells in normal mice. In this study, the action of FTY720 in the ocular autoimmune model in mice was investigated. METHODS. Mice were immunized with 161-180 peptide and pertussis toxin and were treated with 1 mg/kg/d FTY720 by gavage (7-21 days postimmunization [dpi]) or left untreated. Spleen cells, harvested 21 dpi, were cultured and assayed for cytokine production. Draining lymph node, spleen, and eye cells 21 dpi were assayed for quantification of T-cell populations. Disease severity was evaluated by histologic examination of the enucleated eyes at 21 and 49 dpi. In addition, anti-IRBP antibodies were analyzed by ELISA. RESULTS. FTY720 was effective in suppressing the experimental autoimmune uveitis score. Although there was a reduction in the number of eye-infiltrating cells, FTY did not prevent Treg accumulation at this site. FTY720 leads to a significant increase of CD4(+)IFN-gamma(+) and CD4(+)Foxp3(+) cell percentages in lymph nodes, suggesting that this site could be the source of Treg cells found in the eye. CONCLUSIONS. The data showed that treatment in vivo with FTY720 was able to suppress EAU in mice. These results are indicative of the possible therapeutic use of FTY720 in ocular autoimmune processes. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010;51:2568-2574) DOI:10.1167/iovs.09-4769


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Heat-labile toxins (LT) encompass at least 16 natural polymorphic toxin variants expressed by wild-type enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains isolated from human beings, but only one specific form, produced by the reference ETEC H10407 strain (LT1), has been intensively studied either as a virulence-associated factor or as a mucosal/transcutaneous adjuvant. In the present study, we carried out a biological/immunological characterization of a natural LT variant (LT2) with four polymorphic sites at the A subunit (S190L, G196D, K213E, and S224T) and one at the B subunit (T75A). The results indicated that purified LT2, in comparison with LT1, displayed similar in vitro toxic activities (adenosine 3`,5`-cyclic monophosphate accumulation) on mammalian cells and in vivo immunogenicity following delivery via the oral route. Nonetheless, the LT2 variant showed increased adjuvant action to ovalbumin when delivered to mice via the transcutaneous route while antibodies raised in mice immunized with LT2 displayed enhanced affinity and neutralization activity to LT1 and LT2. Taken together, the results indicate that the two most frequent LT polymorphic forms expressed by wild ETEC strains share similar biological features, but differ with regard to their immunological properties.


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Foxp3(+)CD25(+)CD4(+) regulatory T cells are vital for peripheral tolerance and control of tissue inflammation. In this study, we characterized the phenotype and monitored the migration and activity of regulatory T cells present in the airways of allergic or tolerant mice after allergen challenge. To induce lung allergic inflammation, mice were sensitized twice with ovalbumin/aluminum hydroxide gel and challenged twice with intranasal ovalbumin. Tolerance was induced by oral administration of ovalbumin for 5 consecutive days prior to OVA sensitization and challenge. We detected regulatory T cells (Foxp3(+)CD25(+)CD4(+) T cells) in the airways of allergic and tolerant mice; however, the number of regulatory T cells was more than 40-fold higher in allergic mice than in tolerant mice. Lung regulatory T cells expressed an effector/memory phenotype (CCR4(high)CD62L(low)CD44(high)CD54(high)CD69(+)) that distinguished them from naive regulatory T cells (CCR4(int)CD62L(high)CD44(int)CD54(int)CD69(-)). These regulatory T cells efficiently suppressed pulmonary T-cell proliferation but not Th2 cytokine production.


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Dendritische Zellen (DCs) nehmen eine Schlüsselrolle in unserem Immunsystem ein, indem DCs sowohl Immunität, als auch Toleranz induzieren können. Im Falle der Immunität sind DCs in der Lage die Differenzierung der verschiedenen T-Helferzellen, wie Th1-, Th2- und Th17-Zellen zu steuern und tragen so zu der Qualität einer Immunantwort bei. Auf der anderen Seite können DCs in Gegenwart von TGF-β, IDO und Retinsäure die Differenzierung von regulatorischen T-Zellen induzieren und tragen somit zur Aufrechterhaltung der peripheren Toleranz bei. Insbesondere in den Darm-assoziierten lymphatischen Geweben (GALT) müssen DCs unverhältnismäßige Immunantworten gegen harmlose Antigene aus der Nahrung und kommensale Bakterien verhindern, während gegen Pathogene schützende Immunantworten induziert werden müssen. Auf Grund dieser entgegengesetzten Funktionen der DCs wollten wir die molekularen Mechanismen der DCs untersuchen, die der Regulation von Immunität und Toleranz zu Grunde liegen. Insbesondere der Wnt-Signalweg ist für die Aufrechterhaltung der peripheren Toleranz im GALT von Bedeutung. Da die Casein Kinase 2 in diesem Signalweg entscheidend beteiligt ist, haben wir die CK2-Funktion konditionell, unter der Kontrolle des CD11c-Promotors, deletiert. Hierfür haben wir CD11c-cre Mäuse mit Mäusen verpaart, welche ein von loxP-Signalsequenzen flankiertes Ck2β Gen (CK2β-fl/fl) tragen. Die konditionelle Deletion der CK2-Funktion in DCs, führte zu einer verstärkten Expression der kostimulatorischen Moleküle (wie CD40, CD80, CD86) und der Zytokine IL-6 und IL-12 unter „steady-state“ Bedingungen. Detaillierte Untersuchungen der T-Zellen in CD11c-cre x CK2β-fl/fl Mäusen zeigte eine deutlich reduzierte naive T-Zellpopulation, einhergehend mit einer erhöhten Th1- und Th17-Differenzierung. Speziell in den mesenterialen Lymphknoten konnte eine höhere Frequenz von T-bet+ und Rorγt+ CD4+ T-Zellen gefunden werden, welche große Mengen der Zytokine IFN-γ und IL-17 nach ex vivo Stimulation produzierten. Weiterführende in vivo Versuche, hier wurde das Modell der oralen Toleranz gewählt, zeigten das eine CK2-Deletion in DCs die Induktion einer oralen Toleranz verhindert. Unsere Daten zeigen eindeutig, dass die CK2 entscheidend in der Regulation der DC Homöostase und der Aufrechterhaltung der peripheren Toleranz beteiligt ist.


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Oral administration of autoantigens can prevent and partially suppress autoimmune diseases in a number of experimental models, Depending on the dose of antigen fed, this approach appears to involve distinct yet reversible and short-lasting mechanisms (anergy/deletion and suppression) and usually requires repeated feeding of large (suppression) to massive (anergy/deletion) amounts of autoantigens to be effective. Most importantly, this approach is relatively less effective in animals already systemically sensitized to the fed antigen, such as in animals already harboring autoreactive T cells and, thus, presumably also in humans suffering from an autoimmune disorder. We have previously shown that feeding a single dose of minute amounts of antigens conjugated to cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) can effectively suppress delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions in systemically immune animals. We now report that feeding small amounts of myelin basic protein (MBP) conjugated to CTB either before or after disease induction protected rats from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Such treatment was as effective in suppressing interleukin 2 production and proliferative responses of lymph node cells to MBP as treatment involving repeated feeding with much larger (50- to 100-fold) doses of free MBP. Different from the latter treatment, which led to decreased production of interferon-gamma in lymph nodes, low-dose oral CTB-MBP treatment was associated with increased interferon-gamma production. Most importantly, low-dose oral CTB-MBP treatment greatly reduced the level of leukocyte infiltration into spinal cord tissue compared with treatment with repeated feeding of large doses of MBP. These results suggest that the protection from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis achieved by feeding CTB-conjugated myelin autoantigen involves immunomodulating mechanisms that are distinct from those implicated by conventional protocols of oral tolerance induction.


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The aim of this study was to determine the role of CD4 and CD8 cells on specific antibody production by murine Peyer's patch (PP) cells after oral immunization with Actinomyces viscosus in mice. Female DBA/2 mice were orally immunized with three low doses of heat-killed A. viscosus. Sham-immunized mice served as a control group. Mice were depleted of CD4 or CD8 cells by intraperitoneal injection of anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 antibodies daily for 3 days before oral immunization. One week after the last oral immunization, PPs were removed and cell suspensions were cultured with A. viscosus. Specific antibody production in the culture supernatants was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results showed that oral immunization with A. viscosus induced a predominant specific immunoglobulin A (IgA) response by PP cells and, to a lesser extent, IgM antibodies. Depletion of CD4 but not CD8 cells suppressed the production of specific antibodies. These results suggest that oral immunization with low doses of A. viscosus may induce the production of specific antibodies by murine PP cells in a CD4-cell-dependent fashion.


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Background: Biolistic injections provide a needle-free delivery of antigen-laden microparticles to the epithelium. The precision of the injection preferentially targets the Langerhans cell network, which, although ideal for vaccination, might not be suitable for the downregulation of immune responses in immunotherapy. Objective: We sought to determine the ability of biolistic injection of antigen into the epithelium of sensitized mice to inhibit IgE antibody and lung inflammatory responses produced by further exposure to antigen. Methods: Mice were sensitized by means of a needle injection of ovalbumin (OVA) in alum and given a series of biolistic injections of OVA or vehicle control, followed by a boost of OVA in alum. Serum IgE and IgG antibodies were measured before and after the boost. The mice were then challenged intranasally, and the infiltration of inflammatory cells was measured by means of bronchoalveolar lavage. Airway reactivity of the challenged mice was measured by examining responses to methacholine with forced oscillatory techniques. Results: Biolistic injection of OVA into the dorsal skin of sensitized mice markedly inhibited IgE and IgG1 antibody responses induced by boosting. IgG2a antibody responses were reduced rather than stimulated. The eosinophilic inflammation in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid induced by intranasal challenge was also markedly inhibited. Lung hyperreactivity showed an initial increase and then a decrease of responsiveness to methacholine, with elastance returning to the level of unsensitized mice. Biolistic injection into the buccal epithelium was also inhibitory. Conclusions: Biolistic injection of allergen inhibited the boosting of IgE antibody and eosinophilic lung inflammatory responses without inducing TO immunity.