1000 resultados para ODP Leg 184


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A reconnaissance study of alkenone stratigraphy for the past 35 m.y. in the northern South China Sea (SCS) using sediments from Sites 1147 and 1148 of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 184 has been completed. Alkenones were not detected in sediment samples older than ~31 Ma. However, C37:2 appeared in the sedimentary record between ~8 and 31 Ma and both C37:2 and C37:3 were present between 0 and 8 Ma. These changes in alkenone occurrences may signal a response to global-scale Neogene cooling as well as to monsoon intensification and sea level changes over time as a result of Himalayan uplift and the opening of the SCS. Alternatively, they may be related to an evolutionary record of the development of temperature control on alkenone production in coccolithophores. The Uk'37 index for 0-8 Ma produces sea-surface temperatures (SST) of 19°-26°C, which are in the range of previously determined glacial-interglacial values for the northern SCS. Before the late Pleistocene (~1.2 Ma), the SST range is between 23° and 26°C with less variation. This change in variability may signify the early stage of intensified winter monsoons where cold wind and waters from the north may not yet have had a significant effect on SST or it may be the evolutionary link between the early development of unsaturated alkenones in coccolithophores and modern temperature control of alkenone production. We believe a long-term alkenone record is useful for further understanding of global-scale neogene cooling, the development of the East Asian monsoon system, and the evolutionary development of temperature control on alkenone unsaturation. Our data indicate that a high-resolution Uk'37 record for at least the last ~8 Ma is feasible for the northern SCS.


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Dinoflagellate stratigraphy is described for the section from 364.75 to 843.85 meters below seafloor (mbsf) at Site 1148 (Sections 184-1148A-40X-1 through 76X-6 and 184-1148B-39X-CC through 56X-1) in the South China Sea. Two assemblage zones and two subzones are defined, based on characteristics of the assemblages and lowest/highest occurrences of some key species. These are the Cleistosphaeridium diversispinosum Assemblage Zone (Zone A; Oligocene), with the Enneadocysta pectiniformis Subzone (Subzone A-1) and the Cordosphaeridium gracile Subzone (Subzone A-2), and the Polysphaeridium zoharyi Assemblage Zone (Zone B; early Miocene). The highest concurrent occurrence of Enneadocysta arcuata, Eneadocysta multicornuta, Homotryblium plectilum, and Homotryblium tenuispinosum delineates the upper boundary of Zone A, which appears to mark a hiatus. Subzone A-1 is of early Oligocene age, as evidenced by the highest occurrences of E. pectiniformis and Phthanoperidinium amoenum at the upper boundary of the subzone. Subzone A-2 is of late Oligocene age based on the highest occurrences of C. gracile and Wetzeliella gochtii close to the upper boundary of the subzone and the occurrence of Distatodinium ellipticum and Membranophoridium aspinatum within the subzone. Zone B is dated as early Miocene based on the lowest occurrences of Cerebrocysta satchelliae, Hystrichosphaeropsis obscura, Melitasphaeridium choanophorum, Membranilarnacia? picena, and Tuberculodinium vancampoae within the zone. The present assemblage zones/subzones are correlative to various degrees with coeval zones/assemblages from areas of high to low latitudes in terms of common key species. We have compared the species content of the assemblage Zones A and B, and the subzones A-1 and A-2, with coeval assemblage(s)/zone(s) described from many, often widely distant, high- and low-latitude regions of the world. These comparisons show that, to various degrees and aside from a number of key species, the coordinated presence of certain important species may also help to assign an age to a given assemblage.


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Green clay layers are reported from the Pliocene-Holocene intervals in five of the six sites drilled in the South China Sea (SCS) during Leg 184. Centimeter-scale discrete, discontinuous, and bioturbated layers, constituted by stiff and porous green clays, were observed, sometimes associated with iron sulfides and pyrite. Detailed mineralogical and geochemical analyses indicate that they differentiate from the host sediments in their higher content of iron, smectite, and mixed-layered clays and lower amounts of calcite, authigenic phosphorus, quartz, and organic matter. Although no glauconite was observed, the mineralogy and geochemistry of green clay layers, along with their geometrical relation to background sediments, suggest that they most likely represent the result of the first steps of glauconitization. Correlation between green layers and volcanic ash layers was suggested for green laminae observed elsewhere in Pacific sediments but was not confirmed at SCS sites. Statistical analysis of the temporal distribution of green layers in the records of the last million years suggests that green clay layers have become more frequent since 600 ka. Only at Site 1148 does the green layer record show a statistically significant cyclicity which may be related to orbital eccentricity. A possible influence of sea level variations, related both to climatic changes and tectonism, is postulated.


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Monsoon climate is an important component of the global climatic system. A comprehensive understanding of its variability over glacial-interglacial time scales as well as of its effects on the continent and in the ocean is required to decipher links between climate, continental weathering and productivity. A detailed multiproxy study, including bulk and clay mineralogy, grain-size analysis, phosphorus geochemistry (SEDEX extraction), organic matter characterization, and nitrogen stable isotopes, was carried out on samples from ODP Sites 1143 and 1144 (Leg 184, South China Sea), covering the past 140 000 years. We tentatively reconstruct the complex sedimentation and climatic history of the region during the last glacial-interglacial cycle, when sea-level variations, linked to the growth and melting of ice caps, interact with monsoon variability. During interglacial periods of high sea level, summer monsoon was strong, and humid and warm climate characterized the adjacent continent and islands. Clay minerals bear signals of chemical weathering during these intervals. High calcite and reactive phosphorus mass accumulation rates (MARs) indicate high productivity, especially in the southern region of the basin. During glacial intervals, strong winter monsoon provided enhanced detrital input from the continent, as indicated by high detrital MAR. Glacial low sea level resulted in erosion of sediments from the exposed Sunda shelf to the south, and clay mineral variations indicate that warm and humid conditions still prevailed in the southern tropical areas. Enhanced supply of nutrients from the continent, both by river and eolian input, maintained high primary productivity. Reduced circulation during these periods possibly induced active remobilization of nutrients, such as phosphorus, from the sediments. Intense and short cold periods recorded during glacial and interglacial stages correlate with loess records in China and marine climatic records in the North Atlantic, confirming a teleconnection between low- and high-latitude climate variability.


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Narrow-spaced oxygen and carbon stable isotope records of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white) were obtained at Ocean Drilling Program Leg 184 Site 1144 to establish a first record of high-resolution Pleistocene monsoon variability on orbital to centennial timescales in the northern South China Sea. The new records extend from the Holocene back to marine isotope Stage (MIS) 34 (1.1 Ma). Sedimentation rates average 0.56 m/k.y. for the upper Matuyama and Brunhes Chrons and increase to 1.8 m/k.y. over the last 100 k.y. Stable isotope records thus reach an average time resolution of 270-500 yr for the last 375 k.y. and 570 yr further back to 700 ka. On the other hand, major stratigraphic gaps were identified for peak warm Stages 5.5, 7.5 (down to 8.4), 11.3, and 15.5. These gaps probably resulted from short-lasting events of contour current erosion induced by short-term enhanced incursions of Upper Pacific Deep Water near the end of glacial terminations. A further major hiatus extends from MIS 34 to MIS 73(?). The long-term variations in monsoon climate were largely dominated by the 100-k.y. eccentricity cycle. Planktonic delta13C values culminated near 30, 480, and 1035 ka and reflect an overlying 450-k.y. eccentricity cycle of minimum nutrient concentrations in the surface ocean. Superimposed on the orbital variations, millennial-scale cycles were prominent throughout the last 700 k.y., mainly controlled by short-term changes in monsoon-driven precipitation and freshwater input from mainland China. During the last 110 k.y. these short-lasting oscillations closely match the record of 1500-yr Dansgaard-Oeschger climate cycles in the Greenland ice core record.


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Canonical correspondence analysis indicates that the distribution of Neogene benthic foraminiferal faunas (>63 µm) in seven DSDP and ODP sites (500-4500 m water depth) east of New Zealand (38-51°S, 170°E-170°W) is most strongly influenced by depth (water mass stratification), and secondly by age (palaeoceanographic changes influencing faunal composition and biotic evolution). Stratigraphic faunal changes are interpretted in terms of the pulsed sequential development of southern, and later northern, polar glaciation and consequent cooling of bottom waters, increased vertical and lateral stratification of ocean water masses, and increased overall and seasonal surface water productivity. Oligocene initiation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC), flowing northwards past New Zealand, resulted in extensive hiatuses throughout the Southwest Pacific, some extending through into the Miocene. Planktic foraminiferal fragmentation index values indicate that carbonate dissolution was significant at abyssal depths throughout most of the Neogene, peaking at upper abyssal depths in the late Miocene (11-7 Ma), with the lysocline progressively deepened thereafter. Miocene abyssal faunas are dominated by Globocassidulina subglobosa and Oridorsalis umbonatus, with increasing Epistominella exigua after 16 Ma at upper abyssal depths. Peak abundances of Epistominella umbonifera indicate increased input of cold Southern Component Water to the DWBC at 7-6 Ma. Faunal association changes imply establishment of the modern Oxygen Minimum Zone (upper Circumpolar Deep Water) in the latest Miocene. Significant latitudinal differences between the benthic foraminiferal faunas at lower bathyal depths indicate the existence of an oceanic front along the Chatham Rise (location of present Subtropical Front), since the early late Miocene at least, with more pulsed productivity (higher E. exigua) along the south side. Modern Antarctic Intermediate Water faunal associations were established north of the Chatham Rise at 10-9 Ma, and south of it at 3-1.5 Ma. Middle-upper bathyal faunas on the Campbell Plateau are dominated by reticulate bolivinids during the early and middle Miocene, indicative of sustained productivity above relatively sluggish, suboxic bottom waters. Faunal changes and hiatuses indicate increased current vigour over the Campbell Plateau from the latest Miocene on. Surface water productivity (food supply) appears to have increased in three steps (at times of enhanced global cooling) marked by substantially increased relative abundance of: (1) Abditodentrix pseudothalmanni, Alabaminella weddellensis, Cassidulina norvangi (16-15 Ma, increased pulsed productivity); (2) Bulimina marginata f. aculeata, Nonionella auris, Trifarina angulosa, Uvigerina peregrina (3-1.5 Ma, increased overall productivity); and (3) Cassidulina carinata (1-0.5 Ma, increased overall productivity). Three intervals of deep-sea benthic foraminiferal taxonomic turnover are recognised (16-15, 11.5-10, 2-0.5 Ma) corresponding to intervals of enhanced global cooling and possible productivity changes. The late Pliocene-middle Pleistocene extinction, associated with increasing Northern Hemisphere glaciation, culminating in the middle Pleistocene climatic transition, was more significant in the study area than the earlier Neogene turnovers.


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The preliminary results of a comprehensive study of clay minerals (<2 µm) are presented for the upper 2 m.y. of sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 184 Site 1146 from the northern margin of the South China Sea, close to the Pearl River mouth. More than 500 samples were analyzed, and four main mineral species are present: smectite, illite, chlorite, and kaolinite. On a general basis, illite + chlorite and smectite display anti-correlated behavior in relation to changes in the proportion of primary to secondary minerals in the sediment. Low-frequency and high-frequency changes are observed in the smectite/(illite + chlorite) ratio.