996 resultados para O and H antigens
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The expression of the ABH and Lewis blood groups was determined in blood and saliva samples from two semi-isolated Black communities of Northern Brazil: Cametá and Alcântara. The distributions of ABO blood group phenotypes and the ABH secretor status frequencies showed no significant differences between these populations. In contrast, there was a difference regarding the frequency of the red blood cell Le(a-b-) phenotypes, associated with erythrocyte/saliva discordance, as confirmed by the observation that individuals with Le(a-b-) red cells have the Lewis antigen in their saliva, resulting in a nongenuine Le(a-b-) phenotype, whose frequency was higher in Alcântara.
Millions of people worldwide are currently infected with human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes simplex virus (HSV) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). For this enormous contingent of people, the search for preventive and therapeutic immunological approaches represents a hope for the eradication of latent infection and/or virus-associated cancer. To date, attempts to develop vaccines against these viruses have been mainly based on a monovalent concept, in which one or more antigens of a virus are incorporated into a vaccine formulation. In the present report, we designed and tested an immunization strategy based on DNA vaccines that simultaneously encode antigens for HIV, HSV and HPV. With this purpose in mind, we tested two bicistronic DNA vaccines (pIRES I and pIRES II) that encode the HPV-16 oncoprotein E7 and the HIV protein p24 both genetically fused to the HSV-1 gD envelope protein. Mice i.m. immunized with the DNA vaccines mounted antigen-specific CD8⁺ T cell responses, including in vivo cytotoxic responses, against the three antigens. Under experimental conditions, the vaccines conferred protective immunity against challenges with a vaccinia virus expressing the HIV-derived protein Gag, an HSV-1 virus strain and implantation of tumor cells expressing the HPV-16 oncoproteins. Altogether, our results show that the concept of a trivalent HIV, HSV, and HPV vaccine capable to induce CD8⁺ T cell-dependent responses is feasible and may aid in the development of preventive and/or therapeutic approaches for the control of diseases associated with these viruses.
BACKGROUND Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, the etiologic agent of furunculosis, is a major pathogen of fisheries worldwide. Despite the identification of several virulence factors the pathogenesis is still poorly understood. We have used high-throughput proteomics to display the differences between in vitro secretome of A. salmonicida wild-type (wt, hypervirulent, JF5054) and T3SS-deficient (isogenic ΔascV, extremely low-virulent, JF2747) strains in exponential (GP) and stationary (SP) phases of growth. RESULTS Among the different experimental conditions we obtained semi-quantitative values for a total of 2136 A. salmonicida proteins. Proteins of specific A. salmonicida species were proportionally less detected than proteins common to the Aeromonas genus or those shared with other Aeromonas species, suggesting that in vitro growth did not induce the expression of these genes. Four detected proteins which are unidentified in the genome of reference strains of A. salmonicida were homologous to components of the conjugative T4SS of A. hydrophila pRA1 plasmid. Polypeptides of three proteins which are specific to the 01-B526 strain were also discovered. In supernatants (SNs), the number of detected proteins was higher in SP (326 for wt vs 329 for mutant) than in GP (275 for wt vs 263 for mutant). In pellets, the number of identified proteins (a total of 1536) was approximately the same between GP and SP. Numerous highly conserved cytoplasmic proteins were present in A. salmonicida SNs (mainly EF-Tu, EF-G, EF-P, EF-Ts, TypA, AlaS, ribosomal proteins, HtpG, DnaK, peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases, GAPDH, Enolase, FbaA, TpiA, Pgk, TktA, AckA, AcnB, Mdh, AhpC, Tpx, SodB and PNPase), and several evidences support the theory that their extracellular localization was not the result of cell lysis. According to the Cluster of Orthologous Groups classification, 29% of excreted proteins in A. salmonicida SNs were currently poorly characterized. CONCLUSIONS In this part of our work we elucidated the whole in vitro exoproteome of hypervirulent A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and showed the secretion of several highly conserved cytoplasmic proteins with putative moonlighting functions and roles in virulence. All together, our results offer new information about the pathogenesis of furunculosis and point out potential candidates for vaccine development.
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules displayed clustered patterns at the surfaces of T (HUT-102B2) and B (JY) lymphoma cells characterized by interreceptor distances in the micrometer range as detected by scanning force microscopy of immunogold-labeled antigens. Electron microscopy revealed that a fraction of the MHC class II molecules was also heteroclustered with MHC class I antigens at the same hierarchical level as described by the scanning force microscopy data, after specifically and sequentially labeling the antigens with 30- and 15-nm immunogold beads. On JY cells the estimated fraction of co-clustered HLA II was 0.61, whereas that of the HLA I was 0.24. Clusterization of the antigens was detected by the deviation of their spatial distribution from the Poissonian distribution representing the random case. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements also confirmed partial co-clustering of the HLA class I and II molecules at another hierarchical level characterized by the 2- to 10-nm Förster distance range and providing fine details of the molecular organization of receptors. The larger-scale topological organization of the MHC class I and II antigens may reflect underlying membrane lipid domains and may fulfill significant functions in cell-to-cell contacts and signal transduction.
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Discriminating antigen and non-antigen using proteome dissimilarity III:tumour and parasite antigens
Computational genome analysis enables systematic identification of potential immunogenic proteins within a pathogen. Immunogenicity is a system property that arises through the interaction of host and pathogen as mediated through the medium of a immunogenic protein. The overt dissimilarity of pathogenic proteins when compared to the host proteome is conjectured by some to be the determining principal of immunogenicity. Previously, we explored this idea in the context of Bacterial, Viral, and Fungal antigen. In this paper, we broaden and extend our analysis to include complex antigens of eukaryotic origin, arising from tumours and from parasite pathogens. For both types of antigen, known antigenic and non-antigenic protein sequences were compared to human and mouse proteomes. In contrast to our previous results, both visual inspection and statistical evaluation indicate a much wider range of homologues and a significant level of discrimination; but, as before, we could not determine a viable threshold capable of properly separating non-antigen from antigen. In concert with our previous work, we conclude that global proteome dissimilarity is not a useful metric for immunogenicity for presently available antigens arising from Bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and tumours. While we see some signal for certain antigen types, using dissimilarity is not a useful approach to identifying antigenic molecules within pathogen genomes.
Immunogenicity arises via many synergistic mechanisms, yet the overall dissimilarity of pathogenic proteins versus the host proteome has been proposed as a key arbiter. We have previously explored this concept in relation to Bacterial antigens; here we extend our analysis to antigens of viral and fungal origin. Sets of known viral and fungal antigenic and non-antigenic protein sequences were compared to human and mouse proteomes. Both antigenic and non-antigenic sequences lacked human or mouse homologues. Observed distributions were compared using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The statistical null hypothesis was accepted, indicating that antigen and non-antigens did not differ significantly. Likewise, we could not determine a threshold able meaningfully to separate non-antigen from antigen. We conclude that viral and fungal antigens cannot be predicted from pathogen genomes based solely on their dissimilarity to mammalian genomes.
In colorectal cancer (CRC), two carbohydrate structures are modulated: the Sda antigen, synthesized by B4GALNT2, and sLex antigen, mainly synthesized by FUT6. sLex antigen is often overexpressed and associated with worse prognosis; B4GALNT2/Sda antigen are dramatically downregulated but their role in tumor progression and development is not fully clear. TCGA interrogation revealed a dramatic down-regulation of B4GALNT2 mRNA in CRC, compared with normal samples. Patients with higher B4GALNT2 mRNA in CRC samples displayed longer survival. Yet, methylation and miRNA expression play a relevant role in B4GALNT2 downregulation in CRC. To clarify the mechanisms linking the B4GALNT2/Sda expression level to CRC phenotype, three different CRC cell lines were modified to express B4GALNT2: LS174T cell line, in which the constitutively expressed sLex antigen was partially replaced by Sda; SW480/SW620 pair, both lacking Sda and sLex antigens. In LS174T cells, the expression of B4GALNT2 reduced the ability to grow in poor adherence conditions and the expression of ALDH, a stemness marker. In SW620 cells, B4GALNT2 expression impacted on the main aspects of malignancy. In SW480 cells the expression of B4GALNT2 left unchanged the proliferation rate and the wound healing ability. To clarify the impact of sLex on CRC phenotype, the SW480/SW620 pair were permanently transfected to express FUT6 cDNA. In both cell lines, overexpression of FUT6/sLex boosted the clonogenic ability in standard growth conditions. Conversely, the growth in soft agar and the capacity to close a wound were enhanced only in SW620 cells. Transcriptome analysis of CRC cell lines transfected either with B4GALNT2 or FUT6 showed a relevant impact of both enzymes on gene expression modulation. Overall, current data may help to personalize therapies for CRC patients according to the B4GALNT2 levels and support a causal effect of this glycosyltransferase on reducing malignancy independently of sLex inhibition.
Using BCG, MPT-51 and Ag85 as antigens in an indirect ELISA for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis
This study evaluated the Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein antigen MPT-51, the trimeric antigen 85 (Ag85) complex, and Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) in an indirect ELISA to diagnose bovine tuberculosis (TB) from serum samples. Serum was collected from 208 intra-dermal tuberculin test (ITT)-positive and 54 ITT-negative animals from a region where bovine TB is endemic. Using the Ag85 and BCG antigens, the indirect ELISA was able to discriminate ITT-positive from ITT-negative animals. This level of discrimination was not achieved when using the MPT-51 antigen. The highest sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of the test was found when BCG was used (Se, 82%; Sp, 91%). Further work in different epidemiological settings and with larger numbers of animals will be required to validate these findings. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A dot-ELISA was developed for the detection of antibodies in CSF in the immunologic diagnosis of human neurocysticercosis, using antigen extracts of the membrane and scolex of Cysticercus cellulosae (M+S-Cc) and, alternately, membrane (M) and vesicular fluid (VF) of Cysticercus longicollis (Cl) covalently bound to a new solid phase consisting of polyester fabric treated with N-methylol-acrylamide resin (dot-RT). The test was performed at room temperature, with reduced incubation times and with no need for special care in the manipulation of the support. The sensitivity rates obtained were 95.1% for antigen Cc and 97.6% for antigen Cl. Specificity was 90.6% when Cc was used, and 96.9% and 100% when M-Cl and VF-Cl were used, respectively. No significant differences in titer were observed between tests carried out with homologous and heterologous antigens. The low cost and easy execution of the dot-RT test using antigen extracts of Cysticercus longicollis indicate the test for use in the immunodiagnosis of human neurocysticercosis.
The specific antibody responses were compared among susceptible (A/Sn), moderately susceptible (Balb/c) and resistant (C57 BL/lOJ) mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi (Y strain). Sera obtained during the second week of infection recognized a surface trypomastigote antigen of apparent Mr 80 kDa while displaying complex reactivity to surface epimastigote antigens. Complex trypomastigote antigens recognition was detected around the middle of the third week of infection. No major differences were observed along the infection, among the three strains of mice, neither in the patterns of surface antigen recognition by sera, nor in the titres of antibodies against blood trypomastigotes (lytic antibodies), tissue culture trypomastigotes or epimastigotes. On immunoblot analysis, however, IgG of the resistant strain displayed the most complex array of specificities against both trypo and epimastigote antigens, followed by the susceptible strain. IgM antibodies exhibited a more restricted antigen reactivity, in the three mouse strains studied. Balb/c sera (IgG and IgM) showed the least complex patterns of reactivity to antigens in the range of 30 kDa to 80 kDa. The onset of reactivity in the serum to trypomastigote surface antigens was also dependent on the parasite load to which the experimental animal was subjected.