981 resultados para Nutritional management
Summary For the nutritional management of bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis it is important to identify nutrients that positively influence the bone remodeling process at the cellular level. Soy isoflavones show promising osteoprotective effects in animals and humans but their mechanism of action in bone cells is yet poorly understood. Firstly, soy tissue cultures were characterized as a new and optimized source of isoflavones. A large variability in the isoflavone content was observed and high-producing strains (46.3 mg/g dry wt isoflavones) were identified. In the Ishikawa cells bioassay, the estrogenicity of isoflavones was confirmed to be 1000 to 10000 less than 17Mestradiol and that of the malonyl forms was shown for the first time (EC50 of 350 nM and 1880 nM for malonylgenistin and malonyldaidzin, respectively). The estrogenic activity of soya tissue culture extracts correlated to their isoflavone content. Secondly, the effects of phytonutrients on BMP-2 gene expression and on the mevalonate synthesis pathway, as key mediators of bone formation, were investigated. Dietary achievable concentrations of genistein and daidzein (10vM), and statins (4xM) but not 17M estradiol (10nM), induced BMP-2 gene expression (by up to 3-fold) and inhibited the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway (by up to 50%) in the human osteoblastic cell line hP0B¬tert. In addition, several plant extracts (Cyperus rotundus, Lindera benzoin and Cnidium monnieri) induced BMP-2 gene expression but this induction was not restricted to the inhibition of the cholesterol synthesis pathway neither to the estrogenicity. Finally, the gene expression profiles during hP0B-tert differentiation induced by vitamin D and dexamethasone were analyzed with the Affymetrix human GeneChip. 1665 different genes and 98 ESTs were significantly regulated. The expression profiles of bone-related genes was largely in agreement with previously documented patterns, supporting the physiological relevance of the genomic results and the hP0B-tert cell line as a valid model of human osteoblast differentiation. The expression of alternative differentiation markers during the osteogenic treatment of hP0B-tert cells indicated that the adipocyte and myoblast differentiation pathways were repressed, confirming that these culture conditions allowed only osteoblast differentiation. The gene ontology analysis identified further sub-groups of genes that may be involved in the bone formation process. Aims of the thesis In order to define new strategies for the nutritional management of bone health and for the prevention of osteoporosis the major goal of the present work was to investigate the potential of phytonutrients to positively modulate the bone formation process at the cellular level and, in particular: 1.To select and optimise alternative plant sources containing high levels of isoflavones with estrogenic activity (Chapter 3). 2.To compare the effects of statins and phytonutrients on BMP-2 gene expression and on the mevalonate synthesis pathway and to select new plant extracts with a bone anabolic potential (Chapter 4). 3.To further characterize the new human periosteal cell line, hP0B-tert, as a bone- formation model, by elucidating its gene expression profile during differentiation induced by vitamin D and dexamethasone (Chapter 5).
BACKGROUND: To estimate the prevalence of undernutrition among children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) and to explore its influence on quality of life. METHODS: Seventy-two children with PIMD (47 male; 25 female; age range 2 to 15 years 4 months; mean age 8.6, SD 3.6) underwent an anthropometric assessment, including body weight, triceps skinfold thickness, segmental measures and recumbent length. Undernutrition was determined using tricipital skinfold percentile and z-scores of weight-for-height and height-for-age. The quality of life of each child was evaluated using the QUALIN questionnaire adapted for profoundly disabled children. RESULTS: Twenty-five children (34.7%) were undernourished and seven (9.7%) were obese. Among undernourished children only eight (32 %) were receiving food supplements and two (8%) had a gastrostomy, of which one was still on a refeeding programme. On multivariate analysis, undernutrition was one of the independent predictors of lower quality of life. CONCLUSION: Undernutrition remains a matter of concern in children with PIMD. There is a need to better train professionals in systematically assessing the nutritional status of profoundly disabled children in order to start nutritional management when necessary.
Gastric cancer is a frequent cause of cancer-related mortality in the world. Surgery is the only potentially curative therapy, although the adverse effects of surgery are common and considerable. Common variable immunodeficiency is in many cases cause of gastrointestinal system problems such as chronic diarrhea caused by infestation with giardia lamblia, nodular lymphoid hiperplasia ad loss of villi leading frequently to malapsortion and malnutrition. Nutritional deficiencies due to malapsorption (postgastrectomy and secondary to loss of villi, giardiasis and common variable inmunodeficiency) are common. We present the case of a patient with gastric cancer who underwent a gastrectomy with common variable hipogammaglobulinemia and chronic infestation by giardia lamblia, with serious diarrhea resistant to treatment and malabsorption.
Severe forms of intestinal failure represent one of the most complex pathologies to manage, in both children and adults. In adults, the most common causes are chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction and severe short bowel syndrome following large intestinal resections, particularly due to massive mesenteric ischemic, within the context of cardiopathies occurring with atrial fibrillation. The essential management after stabilizing the patient consists in nutritional support, either by parenteral or enteral routes, with tolerance to oral diet being the final goal of intestinal adaptation in these pathologies. Surgery may be indicated in some cases to increase the absorptive surface area. Parenteral nutrition is an essential support measure that sometimes has to be maintained for long time, even forever, except for technique-related complications or unfavorable clinical course that would lead to extreme surgical alternatives such as intestinal transplantation. Hormonal therapy with trophism-stimulating factors opens new alternatives that are already being tried in humans.
Critical illness is characterised by nutritional and metabolic disorders, resulting in increased muscle catabolism, fat-free mass loss, and hyperglycaemia. The objective of the nutritional support is to limit fat-free mass loss, which has negative consequences on clinical outcome and recovery. Early enteral nutrition is recommended by current guidelines as the first choice feeding route in ICU patients. However, enteral nutrition alone is frequently associated with insufficient coverage of the energy requirements, and subsequently energy deficit is correlated to worsened clinical outcome. Controlled trials have demonstrated that, in case of failure or contraindications to full enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition administration on top of insufficient enteral nutrition within the first four days after admission could improve the clinical outcome, and may attenuate fat-free mass loss. Parenteral nutrition is cautious if all-in-one solutions are used, glycaemia controlled, and overnutrition avoided. Conversely, the systematic use of parenteral nutrition in the ICU patients without clear indication is not recommended during the first 48 hours. Specific methods, such as thigh ultra-sound imaging, 3rd lumbar vertebra-targeted computerised tomography and bioimpedance electrical analysis, may be helpful in the future to monitor fat-free mass during the ICU stay. Clinical studies are warranted to demonstrate whether an optimal nutritional management during the ICU stay promotes muscle mass and function, the recovery after critical illness and reduces the overall costs.
The study aimed to identify potential biomarkers of mammary gland infection in Santa Inês sheep. Commercial flocks of sheep provided the same hygiene, sanitary, and nutritional management under semi-intensive production systems were monitored during the lactation stage-and assessed 15, 30, 60, and 90 days after delivery (through the end of lactation and weaning). The California Mastitis Test (CMT) was performed on the mammary glands. Milk was collected for bacterial examination and protein analysis. Bacterial culture and biochemical characterization of the samples were performed. Forty-two milk samples from healthy glands (negative CMT and bacterial testing) and 43 milk samples from infected glands (positive CMT and bacterial testing) taken at the predefined time points were assessed. A rennin solution was used to obtain the whey. The proteins analysis was performed using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), which allowed for the quantification of nine whey proteins produced in healthy glands: serum albumin, lactoferrin, IgA, IgG heavy-chain (IgG HC), IgG light-chain (IgG LC), total IgG (IgG HC + IgG LC), α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin, protein with MW 15.000 Da, protein with MW 29.000 Da and eleven whey proteins secreted by infected glands, including haptoglobin and α-1-acid glycoprotein. A comparison of whey proteins between healthy and infected glands showed increases (P<0.05) in the secreted and total contents of all proteins, except for IgG LC and α-lactoalbumin. The most significant changes were observed in α-1-acid glycoprotein, lactoferrin and haptoglobin, which showed three-, five-, and seven-fold increases in secretion, respectively. This study showed that haptoglobin, α-1-acid glycoprotein, lactoferrin, albumin, and the IgA and IgG immunoglobulins may serve as potential biomarkers for mammary gland infection in sheep.
Aunque el manejo nutricional de los pacientes con Pancreatitis Aguda Severa ha sido bien establecido por la evidencia disponible, el inicio de la vía oral en Pancreatitis Leve no ha sido igualmente estudiado. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el efecto del inicio temprano de la nutrición por vía oral en estos pacientes. Métodos: Realizamos un descriptivo serie de comparación de casos en los cuales comparamos la evolución y resultados del manejo de los pacientes con pancreatitis aguda antes y después de iniciar un protocolo de inicio temprano de nutrición por vía oral. Resultados: La serie incluyó 13 pacientes manejados con restitución convencional y 9 pacientes a quienes se restituyó tempranamente la nutrición oral. No existieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto las características clínicas, etiológicas y demográficas entre los grupos. No se presentaron casos de progresión a enfermedad severa en ninguno de los grupos. La aparición de síntomas gastrointestinales como vomito y dolor después del inicio de la dieta fue similar en los dos grupos. Conclusiones: La restitución de la nutrición por vía oral basada criterios preestablecidos (la intensidad del dolor menor de 4 y un periodo mayor a 6 horas desde el último episodio emético) es segura y disminuye el periodo de ayuno inicial mas no el de estancia hospitalaria.
Introducción: la insuficiencia renal crónica IRC ha aumentado su prevalencia en los últimos años pasando de 44.7 pacientes por millón en 1993 a 538.46 pacientes por millón en 2010, los pacientes quienes reciben terapia de remplazo renal hemodiálisis en Colombia cada vez tienen una mayor sobrevida. El incremento de los pacientes y el incremento de la sobrevida nos enfocan a mejorar la calidad de vida de los años de diálisis. Metodología: se comparó la calidad de vida por medio del SF-36 en 154 pacientes con IRC estadio terminal en manejo con hemodiálisis, 77 pacientes incidentes y 77 pacientes prevalentes, pertenecientes a una unidad renal en Bogotá, Colombia. Resultados: se encontró una disminución de la calidad de vida en los componentes físicos (PCS) y metales (MCS) de los pacientes de hemodiálisis en ambos grupos. En el modelo de regresión logística la incapacidad laboral (p=0.05), el uso de catéter (p= 0,000), el bajo índice de masa corporal (p=0.021), la hipoalbuminemia (p=0,033) y la anemia (p=0,001) fueron factores determinantes en un 78,9% de baja calidad de vida de PCS en los pacientes incidentes con respecto a los prevalentes. En el MCS de los pacientes incidentes vs. Prevalentes se encontró la hipoalbuminemia (p=0.007), la anemia (p=0.001) y el acceso por catéter (p=0.001) como factores determinantes en un 70.6% de bajo MCS Conclusiones: la calidad de vida de los pacientes de diálisis se encuentra afectada con mayor repercusión en el grupo de los pacientes incidentes, se debe mejorar los aspectos nutricionales, hematológicos y de acceso vascular en este grupo.
Introducción: La OMS revela que en 2010 alrededor de 43 millones de niños menores de 5 años presentan sobrepeso. En Colombia según la Encuesta Nacional de Situación Nutricional en Colombia en su versión 2005, mostraba una prevalencia general de sobrepeso de 3.1% niños de 0 a 4 años. Es una condición de salud de origen multifactorial en la que interviene factores genéticos, ambientales, maternos y perinatales. Objetivo: Establecer la asociación de riesgo entre el bajo peso al nacer y el desarrollo de sobrepeso y obesidad en niños de 4 a 5 años. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo retrospectivo de corte transversal con los datos nutricionales, maternos y perinatales de la Encuesta Nacional de Demografía en Salud del año 2010 en Colombia. Se analizó la asociación entre la variable independiente bajo peso al nacer con el desenlace sobrepeso y obesidad en menores de 4 a 5 años, usando como medida el IMC según la edad. Se realizaron análisis univariados, bivariados y de regresión logística con un modelo de riesgo según las variables que inciden en el desenlace y la variable independiente. Resultados: La muestra obtenida para el estudio fue de 2166 niños de 4 a 5 años de edad quienes cumplían los criterios de inclusión. La prevalencia de sobrepeso u obesidad en la primera infancia fue de 21.8% (472) y el bajo peso al nacer. Los resultados sugieren la asociación de bajo peso y sobrepeso u obesidad es de ORajustado= 0.560 (0.356 – 0.881). Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren que existe una asociación como factor protector entre el bajo peso y el sobrepeso u obesidad en la primera infancia. Sin embargo, debido al comportamiento de las variables consideradas en la muestra no hay suficiente información para rechazar completamente la hipótesis nula.
Availability of nutrients is influenced by extremes of age, and a better characterization of this influence is necessary for appropriate development of foods and nutritional management throughout life stages of cats. This study investigated nutrient digestibility, mineral absorption, faeces and urine production in three groups of six young, mature and old cats fed two diets containing different energy densities. Apparent digestibility and mineral absorption were calculated by total collection method and values were tested with ANOVA and regression analysis. A quadratic relationship was detected between age and digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, acid-hydrolysed fat and starch in the low-energy diet. Starch digestibility showed the same response in the high-energy diet. Young adult cats had intermediate digestibility, mature cats the highest and old cats the lowest. Mineral absorption (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium and chloride) and urinary pH were not different among groups. These findings confirm previous studies that found low digestibility of nutrients in some old cats, and support evidence that this trend is even more important in less digestible dry foods. on the contrary, data suggest that mineral formulations do not need to be varied in diets for adult cats of different ages.
O conhecimento científico sobre nutrição de animais de companhia tem aumentado de forma contínua, acompanhando o fenômeno visto em diversas áreas de conhecimento. Na última década, têm-se prioritariamente pesquisas direcionadas ao uso de nutrientes na promoção de saúde, prevenção de doenças degenerativas, melhoria da qualidade de vida e aumento da expectativa de vida de cães e gatos. Este direcionamento de pesquisas é, em grande parte, explicado pela importância que cães e gatos assumiram na vida das pessoas, fazendo com que as decisões alimentares dos proprietários com seus animais se assemelhassem às que adotam para si próprios. A publicação da nova revisão do Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats em 2006 foi, talvez, o avanço recente mais significativo, trazendo novo entendimento sobre necessidades energéticas e de nutrientes nas diferentes fases de desenvolvimento e estados fisiológicos. Apesar destes avanços, ainda são necessárias pesquisas na área de caracterização físico-química e de utilização dos ingredientes, efeitos do processo de extrusão e mesmo de necessidades nutricionais, que conta com uma base pequena de artigos disponíveis, a maioria antiga. Talvez os desafios científicos mais importantes em nutrição de cães e gatos sejam metabolismo de carboidratos, importância da massa corporal magra na saúde, urolitíases, gerontologia, relação entre microbiota intestinal e saúde, imunonutrição e manejo nutricional em condições clínicas específicas importantes para estas espécies.
A reflectância da folha em determinados comprimentos de onda pode ser uma alternativa para estimar a concentração de nitrogênio (N) na planta, devido à relação entre o teor de clorofila e de N no tecido foliar. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar índices da cor verde em grama-bermuda para predizer o nível de N na planta. O experimento foi conduzido em área comercial de produção de grama-bermuda, localizada na cidade de Capela do Alto/SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (0, 150, 300, 450 e 600kg de N ha-1) e quatro repetições. Foi avaliada a reflectância das folhas pelo uso de medidor de cor de grama, clorofilômetro, e por meio de análise da imagem digital. O matiz (H) e índice de cor verde escuro (ICVE), calculados com base nos índices de reflectância da imagem digital, o ICVE, obtido com medidor de cor de grama, e a intensidade de coloração verde (ICV), obtida com o clorofilômetro, apresentaram forte correlação positiva com a concentração de N e a taxa de cobertura do solo (TCS) da grama-bermuda, podendo ser utilizados como índices auxiliares na recomendação de adubação nitrogenada para a cultura. Os valores obtidos que podem servir como primeiros índices para avaliação do estado nutricional em N na grama-bermuda Celebration são: H de 88 a 109o e ICVE de 0,54 a 0,66 (imagem digital); H de 67 a 76o e ICVE de 0,41 a 0,44 (medidor de cor da grama TCM 500); e ICV de 374 a 471 (clorofilômetro CM 1000).
Na floricultura, a competição por mercados é intensa e o diferencial de produtividade consiste no manejo nutricional adequado, por promover grande impacto sobre a qualidade, a produtividade e a longevidade das inflorescências e da planta. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de níveis de condutividade elétrica (CE) no desenvolvimento de plantas de crisântemo (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev.) em vaso sob cultivo protegido. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Paranapanema - SP. Usou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e parcelas divididas. As parcelas foram constituídas pelas épocas de amostragem, e as subparcelas, pelos diferentes níveis de CE, determinados na solução aplicada via água de irrigação: 1,42; 1,65; 1,89; 2,13 e 2,36 dS m-1 (fase vegetativa); 1,71; 1,97; 2,28; 2,57 e 2,85 dS m-1 (fase de botão). Determinaram-se, semanalmente, a altura da planta e o diâmetro do buquê, e a cada 14 dias, a área foliar e a fitomassa seca da parte aérea da planta. O tratamento, correspondente à aplicação de solução com CE de 2,13 dS m-1 na fase vegetativa e 2,57 dS m-1 na fase de botão, proporcionou melhor aspecto visual das plantas, além de apresentar maior valor de fitomassa seca da parte aérea, maior área foliar e melhores formação e coloração.
Weight-age and hip height-age relations of Nellore calves, from birth to 10 months old were fitted using a logistic model including sex and year of birth as fixed effects. Calves and their dams were reared on natural pasture using continuous grazing system. The crude protein content and total digestible nutrients were analyzed for pasture selected by the animals. The weights of the calves were adjusted to 205 days and 365 days. There were no significant effects of sex and birth year on the growth curve parameters, but there were significant effects of sex on hip height. The average weight (a parameter) at 10 months of age was 170 kg and the inflection point was observed at 93.5 days old. When weight-age and hip height-age curves were combined in the same graph, the intersection occurred at 142 days. The number of days to gain 160 kg from birth to 205 days of age (adjusted) and number of days to gain 240 kg from 205 days to slaughter was different between the birth years, which were probably due to the quality of the natural pastures. It is necessary to implement nutritional management strategies such as high quality pasture and/or feeding supplementation for calves once they reach three months of age.