860 resultados para Nutrition of athletes


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of superficial application of limestone and slag, and their effects on soil chemical attributes and on yield and mineral nutrition of soybean, maize, and Congo signal grass (Urochloa ruziziensis). The experiment was carried out in a Rhodic Hapludox under no tillage system. The treatments consisted of the use of limestone or slag (silicates of calcium and magnesium) to correct soil acidity, and of a control treatment without the use of soil correctives. Rates were calculated in order to raise soil base saturation up to 70%. Soybean was sown in November 2006 and maize in December 2007. Congo signal grass was sown right after the harvests of soybean and maize, and it was cropped during the off-seasons. Soil chemical attributes were evaluated at 6, 12, and 18 months after the application of the corrective materials. Slag is an efficient source for soil acidity correction, being able to raise the exchangeable base levels in the soil profile faster than lime. Both limestone and slag increase dry matter yield of Congo signal grass, and grain yield of soybean and maize. Slag is more effective in improving maize grain yield.


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Abstract:The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilization on the growth and yield of arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza), as well as on the plant's nutrient uptake, distribution, and removal. The experiment was carried out in a typical Oxisol, with sandy texture. A randomized complete block design was used, with four replicates. The treatments consisted of five N rates: 0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 kg ha-1. The plots were composed of three 8-m-length rows, spaced at 0.60 m between rows and 0.40 m between plants. The plants were harvested after an 8-month cycle. Nitrogen fertilization significantly increased the proportion of N and S accumulated in stems, and of Ca, Mg, Fe, and Mn in leaves. N supply increased Zn distribution to stems and leaves, whereas high N rates increased Cu allocation to stems more than to the rootstock. High N rates increase plant dry matter (DM) production and nutrient uptake and removal, but do not result in the greatest yield due to the greater development of leaves and stems, and to the lower allocation of DM in storage roots.


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ABSTRACT Levels of Zn in tropical soils profoundly influences growth and nutrition of tree crops. Research was undertaken to assess the effect of soil Zn on growth and nutrition of clonal cacao tree seedlings of PH 16. Three acidic Oxisol soils differing in texture were used with nine doses of Zn (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, and 64 mg dm-3). Rooted clonal seedlings were grown in plastic pot with 11 dm-3 of the soils at varying Zn levels for 240 days. At harvest growth (dry matter mass of leaves, stems, shoots, roots, and total) and nutrient concentrations were determined. The clonal cacao seedlings showed differences for production of dry matter mass and foliar nutrient concentrations for P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, and Cu. There was Zn toxicity in all soils.


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A greenhouse experiment was carried out from November 2006 to April 2007 at FCAV/UNESP, Brazil, aiming to study the dry mass production and the accumulation and distribution of macronutrients in Ipomoea quamoclit, an important weed for annual and perennial crops in Brazil. The plants were grown in seven liter pots with sand substrate, daily irrigated with Hoagland & Arnon nutrient solution. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replicates. The treatments corresponded to evaluation times at 14 day intervals, beginning 21 days after emergence (DAE). In each evaluation, the plants of four pots were analyzed in function of dry mass production and macronutrient content. I. quamoclit had a small dry mass and macronutrient accumulation at the beginning of the experimental stage, increasing after 77 DAE and reaching the maximum theoretical value at 146, 143, 140, 149, 142, 153, and 124 DAE, for dry mass, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S, respectively. K and N were the macronutrients most accumulated by I. quamoclit plants.


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A greenhouse trial was carried out from November 1995 to April 1996 at FCAV/UNESP, Brazil, aiming to study the dry matter production and the accumulation and distribution of macronutrients in Solanum americanum, an important weed for annual and perennial crops in Brazil. The plants were grown in seven liter pots with sand substrate, irrigated daily with Hoagland & Arnon nutrient solution. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replicates. The treatments corresponded to evaluation times at 14 day intervals, beginning 21 days after emergence (DAE). In each evaluation, the plants of four pots were analyzed for dry matter production and macronutrient content. S. americanum had a small dry matter and macronutrient accumulation at the beginning of the experimental stage, increasing after 77 DAE and reaching the maximum theoretical value at 142, 142, 164, 149, 140, 149 and 152 DAE, for dry matter, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S, respectively. K and N were the most accumulated macronutrients for S. americanum plants.


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When formulating least-cost poultry diets, ME concentration should be optimised by an iterative procedure, not entered as a fixed value. This iteration must calculate profit margins by taking into account the way in which feed intake and saleable outputs vary with ME concentration. In the case of broilers, adjustment of critical amino acid contents in direct proportion to ME concentration does not result in birds of equal fatness. To avoid an increase in fat deposition at higher energy levels, it is proposed that amino acid specifications should be adjusted in proportion to changes in the net energy supplied by the feed. A model is available which will both interpret responses to amino acids in laying trials and give economically optimal estimates of amino acid inputs for practical feed formulation. Flocks coming into lay and flocks nearing the end of the pullet year have bimodal distributions of rates of lay, with the result that calculations of requirement based on mean output will underestimate the optimal amino acid input for the flock. Chick diets containing surplus protein can lead to impaired utilisation of the first-limiting amino acid. This difficulty can be avoided by stating amino acid requirements as a proportion of the protein.


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Two controlled microcosm experiments aimed at a critical re-assessment of the contributions of divergent arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi to plant mineral nutrition were established that specifically targeted Plantago lanceolata–Glomus intraradices (B.B/E) and –Gigaspora margarita (BEG 34) symbioses developed in a native, nutrient limited, coastal dune soil. Plant tissue nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) status as well as plant growth parameters and levels of mycorrhizal colonization were assessed at harvest. In addition to the general well-established mycorrhizal facilitation of P uptake, the study was able to demonstrate a G. intraradices-specific contribution to improved plant nitrogen and potassium nutrition. In the two respective experiments, G. intraradices-inoculated plants had 27.8% and 40.8% more total N and 55.8% and 23.3% more total K when compared to Gi. margarita inoculated counterparts. Dissimilar overall contribution of the two isolates to plant nutrition was identified in AM-genus specific differences in plant tissue N:P:K ratios. G. intraradices inoculated and non-mycorrhizal plants generally exhibited N:P:K ratios indicative of P limitation whereas for Gi.margarita mycorrhizal plants, corresponding ratios strongly implied either N or K limitation. The study provides further evidence highlighting AM functional biodiversity in respect to plant nutrient limitation experienced by mycorrhizal P. lanceolata in an ecologically relevant soil system.


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One definition of food security is having sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet dietary needs. This paper highlights the role of plant mineral nutrition in food production, delivering of essential mineral elements to the human diet, and preventing harmful mineral elements entering the food chain. To maximise crop production, the gap between actual and potential yield must be addressed. This gap is 15–95% of potential yield, depending on the crop and agricultural system. Current research in plant mineral nutrition aims to develop appropriate agronomy and improved genotypes, for both infertile and productive soils, that allow inorganic and organic fertilisers to be utilised more efficiently. Mineral malnutrition affects two-thirds of the world's population. It can be addressed by the application of fertilisers, soil amelioration, and the development of genotypes that accumulate greater concentrations of mineral elements lacking in human diets in their edible tissues. Excessive concentrations of harmful mineral elements also compromise crop production and human health. To reduce the entry of these elements into the food chain, strict quality requirements for fertilisers might be enforced, agronomic strategies employed to reduce their phytoavailability, and crop genotypes developed that do not accumulate high concentrations of these elements in edible tissues.


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To understand whether genotypic variation in root-associated phosphatase activities in wheat impacts on its ability to acquire phosphorus (P), various phosphatase activities of roots were measured in relation to the utilization of organic P substrates in agar, and the P-nutrition of plants was investigated in a range of soils. Root-associated phosphatase activities of plants grown in hydroponics were measured against different organic P substrates. Representative genotypes were then grown in both agar culture and in soils with differing organic P contents and plant biomass and P uptake were determined. Differences in the activities of both root-associated and exuded phosphodiesterase and phosphomonoesterase were observed, and were related to the P content of plants supplied with either ribonucleic acid or glucose 6-phosphate, respectively, as the sole form of P. When the cereal lines were grown in different soils, however, there was little relationship between any root-associated phosphatase activity and plant P uptake. This indicates that despite differences in phosphatase activities of cereal roots, such variability appears to play no significant role in the P-nutrition of the plant grown in soil, and that any benefit derived from the hydrolysis of soil organic P is common to all genotypes.


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The research outlined in this paper highlights the importance of the early nutrition of vegetable crops, and its long-term effects on their subsequent growth and development. Results are also presented to demonstrate how the nutrient supply during the establishment stages of young seedlings and transplants can be enhanced by targeting fertiliser to a zone close to their developing roots. Three different precision fertiliser placement techniques are compared for this purpose: starter, band or side-injected fertiliser. The use of each of these methods consistently produced the same (or greater) yields at lower application rates than those from conventional broadcast applications, increasing the apparent recovery of N, P and K, and the overall efficiency of nutrient use, while reducing the levels of residual nutrients in the soil. Starter fertilisers also advanced the maturity of some crops, and enhanced produce quality by increasing the proportions of the larger and/or more desirable marketable grades. The benefits of the different placement techniques are illustrated with selected examples from research at Warwick HRI using different vegetable crops, including lettuce, onion and carrot.


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The p-nitrophenyl phosphomonoesterase assay (p NPPase) is commonly used to measure cell-wall-associated and extracellular phosphatase activity of soil fungi. p NPPases are usually assayed in the context of fungal nutrition, where inorganic P supply might be enhanced by the mineralisation of monoester organic P sources in the soil. The importance of the assay to the P nutrition of soil fungi is considered based on the evidence currently available including the consistency of methodological approach. The nature of organic P in the soil and the relevance of the assay to some specific soil substrates is discussed, particularly the chemistry and bioavailability of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate and the lower inositol phosphates. The evidence for the long-term stability of p NPPases in the soil is examined in the light of the persistence of p NPPase in soils. The role of persistent extracellular fungal p NPPases in the soil P cycle is discussed. Conclusions from p NPPase based studies must be based upon an appreciation of the constraints of the assay and the complex chemistry of organic P and p NPPase in the soil.


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The p-nitrophenol phosphomonoesterase assay (pNPPase) is commonly used to measure cell-wall-associated and extracellular phosphatase activity of soil fungi. pNPPases are usually assayed in the context of fungal nutrition, where inorganic P supply might be enhanced by the mineralisation of organic P sources in the soil. We report here on a series of experiments with the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Hebeloma cylindrosporum that highlight components of accepted methodology that might impinge on the reliability of the assay. These include the loss of pNPPase after filtration, inaccuracies in measuring wall-associated enzyme and the ample pool of intracellular pNPPase can be mistakenly measured as external pNPPase if cells are accidentally damaged.


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Um experimento em casa de vegetação foi conduzido entre novembro de 1995 e abril de 1996 na FCAV/UNESP, Brasil, objetivando estudar a produção de matéria seca, a distribuição e o acúmulo de macronutrientes por Solanum americanum - uma importante planta infestante de culturas anuais e perenes no Brasil. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos de 7 L com substrato de areia, os quais foram irrigados diariamente com solução nutritiva de Hoagland & Arnon. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos corresponderam às épocas de avaliação, em intervalos de 14 dias, iniciando-se 21 dias após a emergência (DAE). em cada avaliação, as plantas de quatro vasos foram analisadas quanto à produção de matéria seca e ao conteúdo de macronutrientes. S. americanum apresentou pequeno acúmulo de matéria seca e de macronutrientes no início da fase experimental. Esses acúmulos intensificaram-se após 77 DAE, atingindo o máximo valor teórico aos 142, 142, 164, 149, 140, 149 e 152 DAE, para matéria seca, N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S, respectivamente. K e N foram os macronutrientes acumulados em maior quantidade por plantas de S. americanum.