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The role of interferon-gamma in autoimmune diabetes was assessed by breeding a null mutation of the interferon-gamma receptor alpha chain into the nonobese diabetic mouse strain, as well as into a simplified T cell receptor transgenic model of diabetes. In contrast to a previous report on abrogation of the interferon-gamma gene, mutation of the gene encoding its receptor led to drastic effects on disease in both mouse lines. Nonobese diabetic mice showed a marked inhibition of insulitis-both the kinetics and penetrance-and no signs of diabetes; the transgenic model exhibited near-normal insulitis, but this never evolved into diabetes, either spontaneously or after experimental provocation. This failure could not be explained by perturbations in the ratio of T helper cell phenotypes; rather, it reflected a defect in antigen-presenting cells or in the islet beta cell targets.


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The monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1 or SLC16A1) is a carrier of short-chain fatty acids, ketone bodies, and lactate in several tissues. Genetically modified C57BL/6J mice were produced by targeted disruption of the mct1 gene in order to understand the role of this transporter in energy homeostasis. Null mutation was embryonically lethal, but MCT1 (+/-) mice developed normally. However, when fed high fat diet (HFD), MCT1 (+/-) mice displayed resistance to development of diet-induced obesity (24.8% lower body weight after 16 weeks of HFD), as well as less insulin resistance and no hepatic steatosis as compared to littermate MCT1 (+/+) mice used as controls. Body composition analysis revealed that reduced weight gain in MCT1 (+/-) mice was due to decreased fat accumulation (50.0% less after 9 months of HFD) notably in liver and white adipose tissue. This phenotype was associated with reduced food intake under HFD (12.3% less over 10 weeks) and decreased intestinal energy absorption (9.6% higher stool energy content). Indirect calorimetry measurements showed ∼ 15% increase in O2 consumption and CO2 production during the resting phase, without any changes in physical activity. Determination of plasma concentrations for various metabolites and hormones did not reveal significant changes in lactate and ketone bodies levels between the two genotypes, but both insulin and leptin levels, which were elevated in MCT1 (+/+) mice when fed HFD, were reduced in MCT1 (+/-) mice under HFD. Interestingly, the enhancement in expression of several genes involved in lipid metabolism in the liver of MCT1 (+/+) mice under high fat diet was prevented in the liver of MCT1 (+/-) mice under the same diet, thus likely contributing to the observed phenotype. These findings uncover the critical role of MCT1 in the regulation of energy balance when animals are exposed to an obesogenic diet.


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Pathogenesis in the Rpe65(-/-) mouse model of Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA) is characterized by a slow and progressive degeneration of the rod photoreceptors. On the opposite, cones degenerate rapidly at early ages. Retinal degeneration in Rpe65(-/-) mice, showing a null mutation in the gene encoding the retinal pigment epithelium 65-kDa protein (Rpe65), was previously reported to depend on continuous activation of a residual transduction cascade by unliganded opsin. However, the mechanisms of apoptotic signals triggered by abnormal phototransduction remain elusive. We previously reported that activation of a Bcl-2-dependent pathway was associated with apoptosis of rod photoreceptors in Rpe65(-/-) mice during the course of the disease. In this study we first assessed whether activation of Bcl-2-mediated apoptotic pathway was dependent on constitutive activation of the visual cascade through opsin apoprotein. We then challenged the direct role of pro-apoptotic Bax protein in triggering apoptosis of rod and cone photoreceptors.Quantitative PCR analysis showed that increased expression of pro-apoptotic Bax and decreased level of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 were restored in Rpe65(-/-)/Gnat1(-/-) mice lacking the Gnat1 gene encoding rod transducin. Moreover, photoreceptor apoptosis was prevented as assessed by TUNEL assay. These data indicate that abnormal activity of opsin apoprotein induces retinal cell apoptosis through the Bcl-2-mediated pathway. Following immunohistological and real-time PCR analyses, we further observed that decreased expression of rod genes in Rpe65-deficient mice was rescued in Rpe65(-/-)/Bax(-/-) mice. Histological and TUNEL studies confirmed that rod cell demise and apoptosis in diseased Rpe65(-/-) mice were dependent on Bax-induced pathway. Surprisingly, early loss of cones was not prevented in Rpe65(-/-)/Bax(-/-) mice, indicating that pro-apoptotic Bax was not involved in the pathogenesis of cone cell death in Rpe65-deficient mice.This is the first report, to our knowledge, that a single genetic mutation can trigger two independent apoptotic pathways in rod and cone photoreceptors in Rpe65-dependent LCA disease. These results highlight the necessity to investigate and understand the specific death signaling pathways committed in rods and cones to develop effective therapeutic approaches to treat RP diseases.


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Dyssegmental dysplasia, Silverman-Handmaker type (DDSH; #MIM 224410) is an autosomal recessive form of lethal dwarfism characterized by a defect in segmentation and fusion of vertebral bodies components ("anisospondyly") and by severe limb shortening. It is caused by mutations in the perlecan gene (HSPG2), but so far, only three molecularly confirmed cases have been reported. We report a novel case of DDSH in a fetus that presented at 15 weeks gestation with encephalocele, severe micromelic dwarfism and narrow thorax. After termination of pregnancy, radiographs showed short ribs, short and bent long bones and anisospondyly of two vertebral bodies. The fetus was homozygous for a previously undescribed null mutation in HSPG2.


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The biosynthetic genes pchDCBA and pchEF, which are known to be required for the formation of the siderophore pyochelin and its precursors salicylate and dihydroaeruginoate (Dha), are clustered with the pchR regulatory gene on the chromosome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The 4.6-kb region located downstream of the pchEF genes was found to contain three additional, contiguous genes, pchG, pchH, and pchI, probably forming a pchEFGHI operon. The deduced amino acid sequences of PchH and PchI are similar to those of ATP binding cassette transport proteins with an export function. PchG is a homolog of the Yersinia pestis and Y. enterocolitica proteins YbtU and Irp3, which are involved in the biosynthesis of yersiniabactin. A null mutation in pchG abolished pyochelin formation, whereas mutations in pchH and pchI did not affect the amounts of salicylate, Dha, and pyochelin produced. The pyochelin biosynthetic genes were expressed from a vector promoter, uncoupling them from Fur-mediated repression by iron and PchR-dependent induction by pyochelin. In a P. aeruginosa mutant lacking the entire pyochelin biosynthetic gene cluster, the expressed pchDCBA and pchEFG genes were sufficient for salicylate, Dha, and pyochelin production. Pyochelin formation was also obtained in the heterologous host Escherichia coli expressing pchDCBA and pchEFG together with the E. coli entD gene, which provides a phosphopantetheinyl transferase necessary for PchE and PchF activation. The PchG protein was purified and used in combination with PchD and phosphopantetheinylated PchE and PchF in vitro to produce pyochelin from salicylate, L-cysteine, ATP, NADPH, and S-adenosylmethionine. Based on this assay, a reductase function was attributed to PchG. In summary, this study completes the identification of the biosynthetic genes required for pyochelin formation from chorismate in P. aeruginosa.


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Studies were funded by Colegio de Postgraduados, México. CONACyT, México. SRE, México. Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec, University of Montreal and an Operating Grant to B.D. Murphy from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.


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Les dystrophies musculaires des ceintures (ou limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, LGMD) sont un groupe hétérogène de dystrophies musculaires chez l’adulte et sont définies par une atrophie et une faiblesse progressive qui surviennent dans les muscles proximaux. Chez une cohorte canadienne-française, nous avons précédemment décrit une nouvelle forme récessive, désignée LGMD2L et marquée par une atrophie asymétrique du quadriceps, que nous avions cartographiée au chromosome 11p12-p13 grâce à des analyses de liaison. L’objectif de ce projet de thèse était de raffiner l’intervalle candidat, puis d’identifier et de caractériser le gène muté responsable de la LGMD2L. Grâce à une cartographie par homozygotie de polymorphismes de nucléotide simple (SNPs) réalisée sur une grande famille consanguine, nous avons redéfini l’intervalle candidat à une région du chromosome 11p14.3-p15.1. Par séquençage de l’ADN génomique et complémentaire au gène Anoctamine 5 (ANO5) inclus dans cet intervalle, nous avons identifié trois mutations, chez autant de familles: une substitution créant un site d’épissage aberrant, une insertion d’un nucléotide et une mutation faux-sens. Les deux premières mutations étaient associées à une hausse de la dégradation de l’ARN messager médiée par une troncation prématurée. Nous avons également identifié des mutations ANO5 chez une seconde dystrophie musculaire de type distal cartographiant au même locus que la LGMD2L, nommée MMD3, et dont la manifestation initiale était une faiblesse des mollets, mais qui pouvait progresser vers une atrophie des quadriceps. Une réparation membranaire défective avait été observée chez les fibroblastes de deux patients MMD3, suggérant un rôle pour ANO5 dans ce mécanisme. La localisation et la fonction d’ANO5 dans le muscle sont inconnues, mais cette protéine fait partie d’une famille conservée de protéines à huit domaines transmembranaires, les Anoctamines, dont certains membres sont des transporteurs chloriques activés par le calcium. Les résultats de nos études d’immunofluorescence suggèrent qu’ANO5 se localise peu au sarcolemme, mais plutôt à une structure intracellulaire qui suit la ligne Z des myofibrilles. De façon étonnante, cette localisation était préservée chez un patient LGMD2L porteur homozygote de la mutation d’épissage, en dépit du fait que cette dernière était considérée comme une mutation nulle. Néanmoins, nous avons identifié un épissage alternatif de l’exon 15 qui se produisait sur une proportion des transcrits porteurs de la mutation d’épissage, ce qui rétablirait le cadre de lecture, soulignant la complexité de la régulation de l’épissage d’ANO5 et laissant croire que la LGMD2L pourrait être causée par une perte de fonction partielle, et non complète, d’ANO5. Des études subséquentes par des groupes européens ont montré que les anoctaminopathies 5 sont une cause fréquente de dystrophies musculaires des ceintures chez l’adulte. Notre découverte de mutations au gène Anoctamine 5 a mis en évidence une nouvelle classe de protéines importantes pour la biologie du muscle et a ouvert la voie à de nouvelles pistes pour étudier les mécanismes par lesquels un défaut de réparation membranaire progresse en une dystrophie musculaire.


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La polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR) est une maladie auto-immune chronique. Elle est caractérisée par une inflammation persistante touchant de multiples petites articulations, causant douleurs, rougeurs, gonflements et déformations. Des études menées auprès de patients et d’animaux ont démontré que certains auto-anticorps, cytokines et enzymes tissue-déstructives sont des médiateurs importants dans le développement de la PR. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, les traitements de fond (DMARDs en anglais) ont été démontrés très efficaces pour traiter la PR. D'autre part, des effets secondaires ont été rapportés pour ces traitements, par exemple l'augmentation du risque d'infections opportunistes. L’objectif de ce travail est d’acquérir des connaissances sur le rôle du TL1A (TNF-like molécule 1 A; TNFSF15) et son partenaire Nob1 (Pno1 ; YOR145c) dans la pathogenèse de la PR afin de découvrir de nouveaux médicaments contre ces molécules dans l'avenir. TL1A est un membre de la famille du TNF. Il déclenche des signaux co-stimulateurs via le récepteur de mort 3 (DR3) et induit la prolifération ainsi que la production des cytokines pro inflammatoires par les lymphocytes. Des données multiples suggèrent l'implication de la cascade TL1A-DR3 dans plusieurs maladies auto-immunes. Donc, nous avons proposé les hypothèses suivantes:1) la production locale de TL1A dans les articulations est un composant d’un cercle vicieux qui aggrave la PR; 2) dans la PR, la production de TL1A dans les organes lymphoïde augmente la production d’auto-anticorps pathogénique. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons démontré que la TL1A aggrave la maladie chez les souris où l’arthrite a été induite par le collagène (AIC). Par ailleurs, nous avons constaté que l’expression de TL1A est élevée dans les tissus atteints de PR ainsi que dans les ganglions lymphatiques drainant de la souris AIC. Mécaniquement, nous avons découvert que la TL1A est induite par le TNF-α et IL-17 produits par les cellules T in vitro. Ces résultats montrent directement que les TL1A-DR3 jouent un rôle essentiel dans la pathogenèse de la PR. De plus, afin de poursuivre notre étude, la TL1A a été génétiquement supprimée dans les souris (TL1A KO). Nous avons montré que les souris TL1A KO n’ont aucune anomalie apparente et aucun dysfonctionnement du système immunitaire dans des conditions normales. Cependant, ces souris manifestent des AIC améliorées et une réduction significative des niveaux d'anticorps, anti-collagène du type II i dans le sérum. Nous avons trouvé que les ganglions lymphatiques de drainage (dLNs) de souris KO étaient plus petites avec une cellularité inférieure comparativement aux souris WT de 14 jours après l’immunisation. De plus, nous avons découvert que le DR3 a été exprimé par les cellules plasmatiques dans l’étape de la différenciation terminale et ces cellules surviennent mieux en présence de TL1A. La conclusion de cette étude apporte des nouvelles connaissances sur le rôle de TL1A qui amplifie les réponses humorales d’AIC. Nous avons suggéré que TL1A pourrait augmenter la réponse d’initiation d'anticorps contre collagène II (CII) ainsi que prolonger la survie des cellules plasmatiques. Une autre molécule qui nous intéresse est Pno1. Des études antérieures menées chez la levure ont suggéré que Pno1 est essentielle pour la néogénèse du protéasome et du ribosome Le protéasome étant crucial pour la différenciation terminale des cellules plasmatiques pendant les réponses humorales chez les mammifères, nous avons donc supposé que Pno1 joue un rôle dans la production d'anticorps pathogenique dans la PR via la voie du protéasome. Nous avons donc généré des souris génétiquement modifiées pour Pno1 afin d’étudier la fonction de Pno1 in vivo. Cependant, une mutation non-sens dans le Pno1 provoque une létalité embryonnaire à un stade très précoce chez les souris. D'autre part, une réduction de 50% de Pno1 ou une surexpression de Pno1 n’ont aucun effet ni sur le fonctionnent des cellules T et B, ni sur les activités du protéasome ainsi que sur la réponse humorale dans l’AIC. Ces résultats suggèrent que Pno1 est une molécule essentielle sans redondance. Par conséquent, il n’est pas une cible appropriée pour le développement de médicaments thérapeutiques. En conclusion, nos études ont révélé que la TL1A n’est pas essentielle pour maintenir les fonctions du système immunitaire dans des conditions normales. En revanche, il joue un rôle critique dans la pathogenèse de la PR en favorisant l'inflammation locale et la réponse humorale contre des auto-antigènes. Par conséquent, une inhibition de la TL1A pourrait être une stratégie thérapeutique pour le traitement de la PR. Au contraire, Pno1 est essentiel pour la fonction normale des cellules. Une délétion totale pourrait entraîner des conséquences graves. Il n’est pas une cible appropriée pour développer des médicaments de la PR.


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Objective Growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis and insulin are key determinants of bone remodelling. Homozygous mutations in the GH-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) gene (GHRHR) are a frequent cause of genetic isolated GH deficiency (IGHD). Heterozygosity for GHRHR mutation causes changes in body composition and possibly an increase in insulin sensitivity, but its effects on bone quality are still unknown. The objective of this study was to assess the bone quality and metabolism and its correlation with insulin sensitivity in subjects heterozygous for a null mutation in the GHRHR. Patients and methods A cross-sectional study was performed on 76 normal subjects (68.4% females) (N/N) and 64 individuals (64.1% females) heterozygous for a mutation in the GHRHR (MUT/N). Anthropometric features, quantitative ultrasound (QUS) of the heel, bone markers [osteocalcin (OC) and CrossLaps], IGF-I, glucose and insulin were measured, and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMAIR) was calculated. Results There were no differences in age or height between the two groups, but weight (P = 0.007) and BMI (P = 0.001) were lower in MUT/N. There were no differences in serum levels of IGF-I, glucose, T-score or absolute values of stiffness and OC, but insulin (P = 0.01), HOMAIR (P = 0.01) and CrossLaps (P = 0.01) were lower in MUT/N. There was no correlation between OC and glucose, OC and HOMAIR in the 140 individuals as a whole or in the separate MUT/N or N/N groups. Conclusions This study suggests that one allele mutation in the GHRHR gene has a greater impact on energy metabolism than on bone quality.


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The mammalian Cutl1 gene codes for the CCAAT displacement protein (CDP), which has been implicated as a transcriptional repressor in diverse processes such as terminal differentiation, cell cycle progression, and the control of nuclear matrix attachment regions. To investigate the in vivo function of Cutl1, we have replaced the C-terminal Cut repeat 3 and homeodomain exons with an in-frame lacZ gene by targeted mutagenesis in the mouse. The CDP-lacZ fusion protein is retained in the cytoplasm and fails to repress gene transcription, indicating that the Cutl1(lacZ) allele corresponds to a null mutation. Cutl1 mutant mice on inbred genetic backgrounds are born at Mendelian frequency, but die shortly after birth because of retarded differentiation of the lung epithelia, which indicates an essential role of CDP in lung maturation. A less pronounced delay in lung development allows Cutl1 mutant mice on an outbred background to survive beyond birth. These mice are growth-retarded and develop an abnormal pelage because of disrupted hair follicle morphogenesis. The inner root sheath (IRS) is reduced, and the transcription of Sonic hedgehog and IRS-specific genes is deregulated in Cutl1 mutant hair follicles, consistent with the specific expression of Cutl1 in the progenitors and cell lineages of the IRS. These data implicate CDP in cell-lineage specification during hair follicle morphogenesis, which resembles the role of the related Cut protein in specifying cell fates during Drosophila development.


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MRF4 is one of four skeletal muscle specific regulatory genes, (the other three genes being MyoD, myf5, and myogenin), each of which has the unique ability to orchestrate an entire program of muscle-specific transcription when introduced into diverse cell types. These findings have led to the notion that these factors function as master regulators of muscle cell fate. Analysis of mice lacking MyoD, myf5, and myogenin have further defined their roles in the commitment and differentiation of myotomal progenitor cells. Current data strongly supports the model that MyoD and myf5 share functional redundancy in determining the muscle cell lineage, while myogenin acts downstream of MyoD and myf5, to initiate myoblast differentiation. Unlike other myogenic bHLH genes, MRF4 is expressed predominantly in the adult, suggesting that it may function to regulate adult muscle maturation and maintenance. To test this hypothesis and to eventually incorporate MRF4 into a general model for muscle specification, differentiation, maturation and maintenance, I deleted the MRF4 gene. MRF4-null mice are viable and fertile, however, they show mild rib anomalies. In addition, the expression of myogenin is dramatically upregulated only in the adult, suggesting that myogenin may compensate for the loss of MRF4 in the adult, and MRF4 may normally suppress the expression of myogenin after birth. MRF4 is also required during muscle regeneration after injury.^ To determine the degree of genetic redundancy between MRF4-myogenin; and MRF4-MyoD, I crossed the MRF4-null mice with MyoD- and myogenin-null mice respectively. There are no additional muscle phenotypes in double-null progeny from a MRF4 and myogenin cross, suggesting that the existence of residual fibers in myogenin-null mice is not due to the presence of MRF4. MRF4 expression also cannot account for the ability of myogenin-null myoblasts to differentiate in vitro. However, the combination of the MRF4-null mutation with the myogenin-null mutation results in a novel rib phenotype. This result suggests that MRF4 modifies the myogenin-null rib phenotype, and MRF4 and myogenin play redundant roles in rib development.^ MRF4 also shares dosage effects with MyoD during mouse development. (MyoD+/$-$;MRF4$-$/$-$)mice are fertile and viable, while (MyoD$-$/$-$;MRF4+/$-$) mice die between birth and two weeks after birth, and have a small skeletal structure. The double homozygous mice for MRF4 and MyoD mutations are embryonic lethal and die at around E10.5. These results suggest that MRF4 and MyoD share overlapping functions during mouse embryogenesis. ^


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Complex molecular events underlie vertebrate eye development and disease. The eye is composed of two major tissue types: the anterior and posterior segments. During development, the retinal progenitor cells differentiate into six neuronal and one non-neuronal cell types. These cell types later organize into the distinct laminar structure of the mature retina which occupies the posterior segment. In the developed anterior segment, both the ciliary body and trabecular meshwork regulate intraocular pressure created by the aqueous humor. The disruption in intraocular pressure can lead to a blinding condition called glaucoma. To characterize molecular mechanisms governing retinal development and glaucoma, two separate mouse knockout lines carrying mutations in math5 and myocilin were subjected to a series of in vivo analyses. ^ Math5 is a murine homologue of Drosophila atonal , a bHLH proneural gene essential for the formation of photoreceptor cells. The expression of math5 coincides with the onset of retinal ganglion cell differentiation. The targeted deletion of mouse math5 revealed that a null mutation inhibits the formation of a majority of the retinal ganglion cells. The mutation also interferes with the normal development of other retinal cell types such as amacrine, bipolar and photoreceptor cells. These results suggest that math5 is a proneural gene responsible for differentiation of retinal ganglion cells and may also have a role in normal development of other neuronal cell types within the retina. ^ Myocilin has two unique protein coding regions bearing homology to non-muscle myosin of Dictyostelium discoideum and to olfactomedin, an extracellular matrix molecule first described in the olfactory epithelium of the bullfrog. Recently, autosomal dominant forms of myocilin mutations have been found in individuals with primary open-angle glaucoma. The genetic linkage to glaucoma suggests a role of myocilin in normal intraocular pressure and ocular function. However, the analysis of mice heterozygous and homozygous for a targeted null mutation in myocilin indicates that it is dispensable for normal intraocular pressure or ocular function. Additionally, the lack of a discernable phenotype in both heterozygous and null mice suggests that haploinsufficiency is not a critical mechanism for MYOC-associated glaucoma in humans. Instead, disease-causing mutations likely act by gain of function. ^ In summary, these studies provide novel insights into the embryonic development of the vertebrate retina, and also begin to uncover the molecular mechanisms responsible for the pathogenesis of glaucoma. ^


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During vertebrate embryogenesis, cells from the paraxial mesoderm coalesce in a rostral-to-caudal progression to form the somites. Subsequent compartmentalization of the somites yields the sclerotome, myotome and dermatome, which give rise to the axial skeleton, axial musculature, and dermis, respectively. Recently, we cloned a novel basic-Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) protein, called scleraxis, which is expressed in the sclerotome, in mesenchymal precursors of bone and cartilage, and in connective tissues. This dissertation focuses on the cloning, expression and functional analysis of a bHLH protein termed paraxis, which is nearly identical to scleraxis within the bHLH region but diverges in both its amino and carboxyl termini. During the process of mouse embryogenesis, paraxis transcripts are first detected at about day 7.5 post coitum within the primitive mesoderm lying posterior to the head and heart primordia. Subsequently, paraxis expression progresses caudally through the paraxial mesoderm, immediately preceding somite formation. Paraxis is expressed at high levels in newly formed somites before the first detectable expression of the myogenic bHLH genes, and as the somite becomes compartmentalized, paraxis becomes downregulated within the myotome.^ To determine the function of paraxis during mammalian embryogenesis, mice were generated with a null mutation in the paraxis locus. Paraxis null mice survived until birth, but exhibited severe foreshortening along the anteroposterior axis due to the absence of vertebrae caudal to the midthoracic region. The phenotype also included axial skeletal defects, particularly shortened bifurcated ribs which were detached from the vertebral column, fused vertebrae and extensive truncation and disorganization caudal to the hindlimbs. Mutant neonates also lacked normal levels of trunk muscle and exhibited defects in the dermis as well as the stratification of the epidermis. Analysis of paraxis -/- mutant embryos has revealed a failure of the somites to both properly epithelialize and compartmentalize, resulting in defects in somite-derived cell lineages. These results suggest that paraxis is an essential component of the genetic pathway regulating somitogenesis. ^


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The Bacillus anthracis toxin genes, cya, lef , and pag, can be viewed as a regulon, in which transcription of all three genes is activated in trans by the same regulatory gene, atxA, in response to the same signal, CO2. I determined that several phenotypes are associated with the atxA gene. In addition to being toxin-deficient, an atxA -null mutant grows poorly on minimal media and sporulates early compared to the parent strain. Furthermore, an atxA-null mutant has an altered 2-D gel protein profile. I used a genetic approach to find additional atxA-regulated genes. Random transcriptional lacZ fusions were generated in B. anthracis using transposon Tn 917-LTV3. Transposon-insertion libraries were screened for mutants expressing increased β-galactosidase activity in 5% CO2. Introduction of an atxA-null mutation in these mutants revealed that 79% of the CO2-regulated fusions were also atxA-dependent. DNA sequence analysis of transposon insertion sites in mutants carrying CO 2/atxA-regulated fusions revealed ten mutants harboring transposon insertions in loci distinct from the toxin genes. The majority of the tcr (toxin co-regulated) loci mapped within the pXO1 pathogenicity island. These results indicate a clear association of atxA with CO2-enhanced gene expression in B. anthracis and provide evidence that atxA regulates genes other than the structural genes for the anthrax toxin proteins. ^ Characterization of one tcr locus revealed a new regulatory gene, pagR. The pagR gene (300 nt) is located downstream of pag. pagR is cotranscribed with pag and is responsible for autogenous control of the operon. pagR also represses expression of cya and lef. Repression of toxin gene expression by pagR may be mediated by atxA. The steady state level of atxA mRNA is increased in a pagR mutant. Recombinant PagR protein purified from Escherichia coli did not specifically bind the promoter regions of pagA or atxA. An unidentified factor in B. anthracis crude extracts, however, was able to bind the atxA promoter in the absence of PagR or AtxA. These investigations increase our knowledge of virulence regulation in B. anthracis and ultimately will lead to a better understanding of anthrax disease. ^


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Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are common tumors of the human immune system, primarily of B cell lineage (NHL-B). Negative growth regulation in the B cell lineage is mediated primarily through the TGF-β/SMAD signaling pathway that regulates a variety of tumor suppressor genes. Ski was originally identified as a transforming oncoprotein, whereas SnoN is an isoform of the Sno protein that shares a large region of homology with Ski. In this study, we show that Ski/SnoN are endogenously over-expressed both in patients' lymphoma cells and NHL-B cell lines. Exogenous TGF-β1 treatment induces down-regulation of Ski and SnoN oncoprotein expression in an NHL-B cell line, implying that Ski and SnoN modulate the TGF-β signaling pathway and are involved in cell growth regulation. Furthermore, we have developed an NHL-B cell line (DB) that has a null mutation in TGF-β receptor type II. In this mutant cell line, Ski/SnoN proteins are not down-regulated in response to TGF-β1 treatment, suggesting that downregulation of Ski and SnoN proteins in NHL-B require an intact functional TGF-β signaling pathway Resting normal B cells do not express Ski until activated by antigens and exogenous cytokines, whereas a low level of SnoN is also present in peripheral blood Go B cells. In contrast, autonomously growing NHL-B cells over-express Ski and SnoN, implying that Ski and SnoN are important cell cycle regulators. To further investigate a possible link between reduction of the Ski protein level and growth inhibition, Ski antisense oligodeoxynucleotides were transfected into NHL-B cells. The Ski protein level was found to decrease to less than 40%, resulting in restoring the effect of TGF-β and leading to cell growth inhibition and G1 cell cycle arrest. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that Ski associates with Smad4 in the nucleus, strongly suggesting that over-expression of the nuclear protein Ski and/or SnoN negatively regulates the TGF-β pathway, possibly by modulating Smad-mediated tumor suppressor gene expression. Together, in NHL-B, the TGF-β/SMAD growth inhibitory pathway is usually intact, but over-expression of the Ski and/or SnoN, which binds to Smad4, abrogates the negative regulatory effects of TGF-β/SMAD in lymphoma cell growth and potentiates the growth potential of neoplastic B cells. ^