1000 resultados para Northeastern growth
ABSTRACTThe incidence and the levels of yield loss caused by the white mold of soybean (caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) have increased in areas of higher altitude at Cerrado and Southern Brazil, causing yield losses of up to 60%. The aim of this study was to select saprobic fungi with the potential to control the white mold of soybean. First, in vitroantagonism screening was carried out to test eight saprobic fungi against S. sclerotiorum. Assessment of S. sclerotiorum mycelial growth was done at four and seven days after its placement on the culture medium. The isolate showing greatest antagonistic effect in all tests/assessments was Myrothecium sp. An in vivo experiment was conducted in a greenhouse and growth chamber, where plants previously treated with eight saprobic fungi were artificially inoculated with S. sclerotiorum. The fungal culture medium (potato-dextrose) and the commercial resistance inducer acibenzolar-S-methyl were used as controls. In the in vivotests, severity of the white mold was assessed at 8, 14 and 21 days after inoculation. The highest reduction percentage in the lesion length was observed for the treatment with Myrothecium sp. (70%), which has the greater potential to be used as biocontrol agent of soybean under the conditions of this experiment.
ABSTRACT Monitoring analyses aim to understand the processes that drive changes in forest structure and, along with prediction studies, may assist in the management planning and conservation of forest remnants. The objective of this study was to analyze the forest dynamics in two Atlantic rainforest fragments in Pernambuco, Brazil, and to predict their future forest diameter structure using the Markov chain model. We used continuous forest inventory data from three surveys in two forest fragments of 87 ha (F1) and 388 ha (F2). We calculated the annual rates of mortality and recruitment, the mean annual increment, and the basal area for each of the 3-year periods. Data from the first and second surveys were used to project the third inventory measurements, which were compared to the observed values in the permanent plots using chi-squared tests (a = 0.05). In F1, a decrease in the number of individuals was observed due to mortality rates being higher than recruitment rates; however, there was an increase in the basal area. In this fragment, the fit to the Markov model was adequate. In F2, there was an increase in both the basal area and the number of individuals during the 6-year period due to the recruitment rate exceeding the mortality rate. For this fragment, the fit of the model was unacceptable. Hence, for the studied fragments, the demographic rates influenced the stem density more than the floristic composition. Yet, even with these intense dynamics, both fragments showed active growth.
PURPOSE:To verify the existence of associations between different maternal ages and the perinatal outcomes of preterm birth and intrauterine growth restriction in the city of São Luís, Maranhão, Northeastern Brazil.METHODS:A cross-sectional study using a sample of 5,063 hospital births was conducted in São Luís, from January to December 2010. The participants comprise the birth cohort for the study "Etiological factors of preterm birth and consequences of perinatal factors for infant health: birth cohorts from two Brazilian cities" (BRISA). Frequencies and 95% confidence intervals were used to describe the results. Multiple logistic regression models were applied to assess the adjusted odds ratio (OR) of maternal age associated with the following outcomes: preterm birth and intrauterine growth restriction.RESULTS:The percentage of early teenage pregnancy (12–15 years old) was 2.2%, and of late (16–19 years old) was 16.4%, while pregnancy at an advanced maternal age (>35 years) was 5.9%. Multivariate analyses showed a statistically significant increase in preterm births among females aged 12–15 years old (OR=1.6; p=0.04) compared with those aged 20–35 years. There was also a higher rate in preterm births among females aged 16–19 years old (OR=1.3; p=0.01). Among those with advanced maternal age (>35 years old), the increase in the prevalence of preterm birth had only borderline statistical significance (OR=1.4; p=0.05). There was no statistically significant association between maternal age and increased prevalence of intrauterine growth restriction.
Excess salts in the root zone inhibit water uptake by plants, affect nutrient uptake and may result in toxicities due to individual salts in the soil solution. Excess exchangeable sodium in the soil may destroy the soil structure to a point where water penetration and root aeration become impossible. Sodium is also toxic to many plants. Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are consumed as protein source in northeastern Brazil, although little is known about common bean cultivar tolerance to salinity. The germination of bean cultivars under salt stress was studied. The cultivars 'Carioca' and 'Mulatinho' were submitted to germination test in a germinator at 25ºC, at the Seed Analysis Laboratory of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation unit in the Semi- Arid region (Embrapa Semi Árido), Petrolina, Pernambuco State. These seeds were germinated on "germitest" papers imbibed in distilled water or in 10, 50, 100 e 200 mol.m-3sodium chloride (NaCl) solutions. At the first and second counts of the germination test, normal seedlings were counted, measured, weighed and dried, supplying data for vigor, total germination, fresh matter weight and dry matter weight and seedlings length. Total protein was quantified in cotyledons at 3, 6 and 9 days after sowing. The results indicated that the NaCl content influenced seed germination and concentrations above 50 mol.m-3 decreased germination and seedling growth.
Les habitats uniques de l'écotone forêt boréale-subarctique dans le nord du Canada subissent les contrecoups du changement climatique. Combinés aux effets de la mondialisation, les changements environnementaux touchent les Inuits de cette région et imposent des contraintes importantes sur leur mode de vie traditionnel, ce qui a des répercussions sur leur langue et les savoirs qui l'accompagnent. Cette étude compare deux aspects de l’ethnobiologie inuite : a) les noms et les utilisations des plantes par les Inuits de Nain, Nunatsiavut, suivis par une comparaison des utilisations avec la communauté inuite de Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik, et b) une analyse des types de lieux ou d’habitats que les Inuits reconnaissent et nomment. Des interviews semi-dirigés ont été menés à Nain, Nunatsiavut et à Kangiqsualujjuaq, au Nunavik. Les plantes mentionnées sont utilisées comme aliment, thé, médecine, combustible, construction, nettoyage, et autres utilisations. Les deux communautés ont utilisé un nombre égal de plantes, avec des proportions équivalentes de taxons vasculaires/invasculaires, de formes de croissance (habitus), et d’espèces par catégorie d'utilisation. Les éléments du paysage les plus fréquemment rapportés sont d’ordre topographique, hydrologique ou écologique. L’intégration des concepts inuits, quant aux plantes et au paysage, à ceux de la science occidentale peut améliorer notre compréhension de l'écologie subarctique, aider à impliquer les acteurs locaux dans les décisions sur le développement de leur territoire et, conséquemment, modifier l'aménagement du territoire ainsi que les initiatives de conservation de la biodiversité. Ces concepts ont également des répercussions sur les stratégies d'adaptation face aux changements climatiques.
We present a simple, generic model of annual tree growth, called "T". This model accepts input from a first-principles light-use efficiency model (the "P" model). The P model provides values for gross primary production (GPP) per unit of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Absorbed PAR is estimated from the current leaf area. GPP is allocated to foliage, transport tissue, and fine-root production and respiration in such a way as to satisfy well-understood dimensional and functional relationships. Our approach thereby integrates two modelling approaches separately developed in the global carbon-cycle and forest-science literature. The T model can represent both ontogenetic effects (the impact of ageing) and the effects of environmental variations and trends (climate and CO2) on growth. Driven by local climate records, the model was applied to simulate ring widths during the period 1958–2006 for multiple trees of Pinus koraiensis from the Changbai Mountains in northeastern China. Each tree was initialised at its actual diameter at the time when local climate records started. The model produces realistic simulations of the interannual variability in ring width for different age cohorts (young, mature, and old). Both the simulations and observations show a significant positive response of tree-ring width to growing-season total photosynthetically active radiation (PAR0) and the ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration (α), and a significant negative response to mean annual temperature (MAT). The slopes of the simulated and observed relationships with PAR0 and α are similar; the negative response to MAT is underestimated by the model. Comparison of simulations with fixed and changing atmospheric CO2 concentration shows that CO2 fertilisation over the past 50 years is too small to be distinguished in the ring-width data, given ontogenetic trends and interannual variability in climate.
The objective of this study was to identify and quantify the influence of F (inbreeding coefficient) on weaning weight (WW), weight gain from weaning to 18 months of age (WG345), finishing visual score (precocity) at 18 months of age, muscling visual score at 18 months of age (MUS), hip height (HH), scrotal circumference at 18 months of age (SC), heifer probability of pregnancy at 14 months of age (PP14), and stayability (STAY) in Brazilian Nellore cattle. The complete pedigree included 417,552 animals born between 1984 and 2007 on 12 farms located in the states of Mato Grosso do Sul, Sao Paulo and Bahia. Following the observation of a statistically significant effect (P<0.05) of the covariates individual inbreeding coefficient (F) and maternal inbreeding coefficient, regression analysis of each trait, adjusted for all other effects, was performed as a function of the linear and quadratic effect of F and maternal F (when significant). Inbreeding negatively affected all traits studied (P<0.05), except for muscling. A quadratic effect of individual F on WW, WG345, HH and PP14, and a quadratic effect of maternal F on WG345 and HH were observed. Levels of inbreeding higher than 7-11% affected negatively growth and reproductive performance of Nellore cattle. Therefore, inbreeding should be avoided, except for purposes of genetic breeding whose main objective is the fixation of certain alleles in the population. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Background: Evaluating child growth is, in practice, performed by measuring the development of a child's weight, height, and body composition in comparison to averages observed among a reference population. Objective: To describe the nutritional status of children of low income families who live in urban region in northeastern Brazil. Methods: This study is a population case series with a transversal and observational design. The study population consisted of 257 children, aged 5 to 10 years, who were enrolled in a public school to children of low income families. We used the cutoff point for short stature of -2 Z scores for age, and underweight, overweight, and obese were classified as the 5th, 85th, and 95th percentiles, respectively, of the body mass index (BMI) for age, with both classifications in accordance with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC 2000). Comparisons by gender were performed for the measures of the central tendency and the frequency of diagnoses, in addition to the tendency of the evolution of BMI by age. Results: The prevalence of short stature was 3.5% (95% CI: 1.9-6.5). In the evaluation of BMI for age, the prevalences found for underweight, overweight, and obese were 5.8% (95% CI: 3.6-9.4), 4.7% (95% CI: 2.7-8.0), and 2.3% (95% CI: 1.1-5.0), respectively. We found a significant trend in the reduction of BMI with the increase in age. Conclusions: According to CDC references, the prevalences of underweight and short stature were higher than expected and for the overweight and obesity were lower than expected, indicating that the nutritional transition had still not reached, as commonly is described, these low income children from the urban outskirts of the Northeast region.
For over 3 centuries, diameter-limit harvesting has been a predominant logging method in the northeastern United States. Silvicultural theory asserts that such intensively selective harvesting can lead to genetic degradation. A decrease in softwood productivity has recently been reported in Maine - has a long history of dysgenic selection degraded the genetic resources of Maine softwoods, contributing to a decrease in growth and productivity? This study examines two aspects of potential implications of diameter-limit harvesting: effects on residual phenotypes of red spruce and impacts on genetic diversity of white pine. Radial growth of residual red spruce trees in stands experiencing 50 years of fixed diameter-limit harvesting was measured using annual increment rings and compared with residual red spruce trees in positive selection stands. Trees remaiaing after several rounds of diameter-limit harvesting exhibited sigdicantl y smaller radial sizes throughout their lives, and displayed significantly slower growth rates for the first 80 years of measured growth. These results strongly suggest that the largest and fastest-growing genotypes and their respective gene complexes determining good radial growth have been removed from the diameter-limit stand. Dysgenic selection can be observed in fixed diarneter-limit stands, resulting in a diminished genetic resource and decreased residual stand value. To examine more direct genetic implications of long-term diameter-limit harvesting, microsatellite DNA markers were implemented to study genetic diversity of eastern white pine in Maine. Three age groups of trees were studied: mature trees older than 200 years, juvenile trees 5-30 years old, and embryos. Trees were genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. Overall genetic diversity levels of eastern white pine in Maine were extremely high, with an average observed heterozygosity of 0.762. Genetic differentiation was minimal among and between all three age groups, although an excess of heterozygotes was shown in the mature and juvenile groups that was not reflected in the embryo group, which actually had a slight heterozygote deficiency. Allele frequencies did not differ significantly between age groups, but did reveal more rare and low frequency alleles in the embryo groups than in the mature group. Overall, low frequency alleles comprise the largest portion of alleles in the sample population, with no common alleles evident overall. These results suggest that significant genetic degradation has either not occurred for white pine, or that the results of dysgenic selection have not yet emerged. It is clear, however, that selective harvesting could result in a loss of low frequency alleles, which are a primary reserve of evolutionary potential in a species. Implications of these studies affect industrial forestry, regional economics, and ecological concerns for the northeast. Long-term diameter-limit harvesting can lead to a degradation of residual phenotypes, and an overall decrease in stand quality. Potentially, a loss of low frequency, locally adapted alleles could result in a decrease of allelic richness and degradation of the regidnal genetic resource. Decreased genetic variation can lead to seriously limited evolutionary potential of species and ecosystems, particularly in rapidly changing environments. Based on these findings, I recommend a reassessment of any harvesting prescription that includes fixed diameter-limit removals, particularly for species that have low natural genetic diversity levels or a limited natural range, such as red spruce. Maintenance of a healthy genetic reserve can avoid effects of dysgenic harvesting.
Stable isotopic data obtained from planktonic and benthic foraminifers were used to study paleoceanographic changes along the northeastern Australian margin from late Miocene (10 Ma) to Holocene time, and to evaluate the influence of these changes on reef growth. The data indicate that variations in surface-water temperatures may have had an important effect on the reef complexes on the Queensland Plateau and possibly off the northeastern Australian margin. Three sites were studied: Leg 21, Site 209 on the eastern edge of the Queensland Plateau, and Leg 133, Site 811 on the western margin, and Site 817 on the lower southern slope of the plateau. Shallow-water bioclasts recovered from Holes 811A and 817A indicate extensive reef growth on the Queensland Plateau during the middle Miocene (before 12 Ma), signifying surface-water temperatures of 20°C or greater. The amount of reefal detritus produced during the late Miocene (10.0-5.2 Ma) decreased progressively, resulting in a reduction in area of the reef complexes. The isotopic data from planktonic foraminifers in these late Miocene age sediments indicate the presence of relatively cool surface waters (16°-19°C), which may have been a major factor contributing to the demise of the reefs on the Queensland Plateau. Surface waters remained cool until the middle Pleistocene (1.2-0.5 Ma), when the surface-water temperature apparently increased to approximately 25°C, recorded both in the isotopic data and by renewed reef growth. This increase occurred simultaneously (within the error of the age model) with the initiation of the Great Barrier Reef. We propose that cooling of surface waters during the early late Miocene contributed to reef decline on the Queensland Plateau, and that subsequent warming of surface waters during the middle Pleistocene promoted the initiation of reef growth on the northeastern Australian margin. Reef development on the Queensland Plateau never recovered to the middle Miocene extent because of a combination of tectonic (accelerated subsidence of the plateau) and paleoceanographic (the cooler surface waters present from the late Miocene throughout the Pliocene) factors. Variations in seafloor d18O appear to be controlled by regional factors, as indicated by the similarity of data from Sites 811 and 817 to those from Site 590 on Lord Howe Rise.
From July 4 to 18,1995 surface chlorophyll a concentrations (C_cs) and integral primary production (C_ps) were studied in the northeastern part of the Norwegian Sea (73°42'N; 13°16'E), over a test area where an accident of the nuclear submarine Komsomolets had taken place. It was found that during this interval C_cs decreased by factor of about 3.3 (from 0.78 to 0.24 mg/m**3); average chlorophyll concentration within the photo-synthetic layer (C_cl) decreased by factor of about 3.5 (from 0.97 to 0.28 mg/m**3). The value of C_ps in the water column varied slightly (from 445 to 539 mg C/m**2 per day), since decrease in C_cl was compensated both by 1.5-fold growth of the photosynthetic layer thickness (from 40 to 60 m) and by 2.1-fold increase in its average assimilation number (from 0.58 to 1.20 mg C/mg chl a per hour). Monthly averages of C_ps were obtained from published data on seasonal C_cs changes and on the level of incident solar irradiation. They were found to be less than 100 mg C/m**2 per day in March and October and 100-500 mg C/m**2 per day in April-June. Annual primary production calculated from above values was equal to 105 g C/m**2.
The stable isotope composition of planktonic foraminifera correlates with evidence for pulses of terrigenous sediment in a sediment core from the upper continental slope off northeastern Brazil. Stable oxygen isotope records of the planktonic foraminiferal species Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globigerinoides ruber (pink) reveal sub-Milankovitch changes in sea-surface hydrography during the last 85,000 yr. Warming of the surface water coincided with terrigenous sedimentation pulses that are inferred from high XRF intensities of Ti and Fe, and which suggest humid conditions in northeast Brazil. These tropical signals correlate with climatic oscillations recorded in Greenland ice cores (Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles) and in sediment cores from the North Atlantic (Heinrich events). Trade winds may have caused changes in the North Brazil Current that altered heat and salt flux into the North Atlantic, thus affecting the growth and decay of the large glacial ice sheets.