313 resultados para Nonequilibrium


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The nonequilibrium dynamic phase transition, in the kinetic Ising model in the presence of an oscillating magnetic field has been studied both by Monte Carlo simulation and by solving numerically the mean-field dynamic equation of motion for the average magnetization. In both cases, the Debye ''relaxation'' behavior of the dynamic order parameter has been observed and the ''relaxation time'' is found to diverge near the dynamic transition point. The Debye relaxation of the dynamic order parameter and the power law divergence of the relaxation time have been obtained from a very approximate solution of the mean-field dynamic equation. The temperature variation of appropriately defined ''specific heat'' is studied by the Monte Carlo simulation near the transition point. The specific heat has been observed to diverge near the dynamic transition point.


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The nonequilibrium dynamic phase transition in the kinetic Ising model in the presence of an oscillating magnetic field is studied by Monte Carlo simulation. The fluctuation of the dynamic older parameter is studied as a function of temperature near the dynamic transition point. The temperature variation of appropriately defined ''susceptibility'' is also studied near the dynamic transition point. Similarly, the fluctuation of energy and appropriately defined ''specific heat'' is studied as a function of temperature near the dynamic transition point. In both cases, the fluctuations (of dynamic order parameter and energy) and the corresponding responses diverge (in power law fashion) near the dynamic transition point with similar critical behavior (with identical exponent values).


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Stationary velocity distribution functions are determined for a particle in a gravitational field driven by a vibrating surface in the limit of small dissipation. It is found that the form of the distribution function is sensitive to the mechanism of energy dissipation, inelastic collisions or viscous drag, and also to the form of the amplitude function of the vibrating surface. The velocity distributions obtained analytically are found to be in excellent agreement with the results of computer simulations in the limit of low dissipation. [S0031-9007(99)08898-5].


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We drive a d-dimensional Heisenberg magnet using an anisotropic current. The continuum Langevin equation is analysed using a dynamical renormalization group and numerical simulations. We discover a rich steady-state phase diagram, including a critical point in a new nonequilibrium universality class, and a spatiotemporally chaotic phase. The latter may be controlled in a robust manner to target spatially periodic steady states with helical order.


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HgCdTe mid wave infrared (MWIR) n(+)/nu/p(+) homo-junction photodiodes with planar architecture are designed, fabricated, and measured at room temperature. An improved analytical I-V model is reported by incorporating trap assisted tunneling and electric field enhanced Shockley-Read-Hall generation recombination process due to dislocations. Tunneling currents are fitted before and after the Auger suppression of carriers with energy level of trap (E-t), trap density (N-t), and the doping concentrations of n(+) and nu regions as fitting parameters. Values of E-t and N-t are determined as 0.79 E-g and similar to 9 x 10(14) cm(-3), respectively, in all cases. Doping concentration of nu region was found to exhibit nonequilibrium depletion from a value of 2 x 10(16) to 4 x 10(15) cm(-3) for n(+) doping of 2 x 10(17) cm(-3). Pronounced negative differential resistance is observed in the homo-junction HgCdTe diodes. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3682483]


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We present a comprehensive numerical study of spiral-and scroll-wave dynamics in a state-of-the-art mathematical model for human ventricular tissue with fiber rotation, transmural heterogeneity, myocytes, and fibroblasts. Our mathematical model introduces fibroblasts randomly, to mimic diffuse fibrosis, in the ten Tusscher-Noble-Noble-Panfilov (TNNP) model for human ventricular tissue; the passive fibroblasts in our model do not exhibit an action potential in the absence of coupling with myocytes; and we allow for a coupling between nearby myocytes and fibroblasts. Our study of a single myocyte-fibroblast (MF) composite, with a single myocyte coupled to N-f fibroblasts via a gap-junctional conductance G(gap), reveals five qualitatively different responses for this composite. Our investigations of two-dimensional domains with a random distribution of fibroblasts in a myocyte background reveal that, as the percentage P-f of fibroblasts increases, the conduction velocity of a plane wave decreases until there is conduction failure. If we consider spiral-wave dynamics in such a medium we find, in two dimensions, a variety of nonequilibrium states, temporally periodic, quasiperiodic, chaotic, and quiescent, and an intricate sequence of transitions between them; we also study the analogous sequence of transitions for three-dimensional scroll waves in a three-dimensional version of our mathematical model that includes both fiber rotation and transmural heterogeneity. We thus elucidate random-fibrosis-induced nonequilibrium transitions, which lead to conduction block for spiral waves in two dimensions and scroll waves in three dimensions. We explore possible experimental implications of our mathematical and numerical studies for plane-, spiral-, and scroll-wave dynamics in cardiac tissue with fibrosis.


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We use a self-consistent strong-coupling expansion for the self-energy (perturbation theory in the hopping) to describe the nonequilibrium dynamics of strongly correlated lattice fermions. We study the three-dimensional homogeneous Fermi-Hubbard model driven by an external electric field showing that the damping of the ensuing Bloch oscillations depends on the direction of the field and that for a broad range of field strengths a long-lived transient prethermalized state emerges. This long-lived transient regime implies that thermal equilibrium may be out of reach of the time scales accessible in present cold atom experiments but shows that an interesting new quasiuniversal transient state exists in nonequilibrium governed by a thermalized kinetic energy but not a thermalized potential energy. In addition, when the field strength is equal in magnitude to the interaction between atoms, the system undergoes a rapid thermalization, characterized by a different quasiuniversal behavior of the current and spectral function for different values of the hopping. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.260402


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We derive exact expressions for the zeroth and the first three spectral moment sum rules for the retarded Green's function and for the zeroth and the first spectral moment sum rules for the retarded self-energy of the inhomogeneous Bose-Hubbard model in nonequilibrium, when the local on-site repulsion and the chemical potential are time-dependent, and in the presence of an external time-dependent electromagnetic field. We also evaluate these expressions for the homogeneous case in equilibrium, where all time dependence and external fields vanish. Unlike similar sum rules for the Fermi-Hubbard model, in the Bose-Hubbard model case, the sum rules often depend on expectation values that cannot be determined simply from parameters in the Hamiltonian like the interaction strength and chemical potential but require knowledge of equal-time many-body expectation values from some other source. We show how one can approximately evaluate these expectation values for the Mott-insulating phase in a systematic strong-coupling expansion in powers of the hopping divided by the interaction. We compare the exact moment relations to the calculated moments of spectral functions determined from a variety of different numerical approximations and use them to benchmark their accuracy. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.013628


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We present a nonequilibrium strong-coupling approach to inhomogeneous systems of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. We demonstrate its application to the Mott-insulating phase of a two-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model in the presence of a trap potential. Since the theory is formulated self-consistently, the numerical implementation relies on a massively parallel evaluation of the self-energy and the Green's function at each lattice site, employing thousands of CPUs. While the computation of the self-energy is straightforward to parallelize, the evaluation of the Green's function requires the inversion of a large sparse 10(d) x 10(d) matrix, with d > 6. As a crucial ingredient, our solution heavily relies on the smallness of the hopping as compared to the interaction strength and yields a widely scalable realization of a rapidly converging iterative algorithm which evaluates all elements of the Green's function. Results are validated by comparing with the homogeneous case via the local-density approximation. These calculations also show that the local-density approximation is valid in nonequilibrium setups without mass transport.


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This paper attempts to unravel any relations that may exist between turbulent shear flows and statistical mechanics through a detailed numerical investigation in the simplest case where both can be well defined. The flow considered for the purpose is the two-dimensional (2D) temporal free shear layer with a velocity difference Delta U across it, statistically homogeneous in the streamwise direction (x) and evolving from a plane vortex sheet in the direction normal to it (y) in a periodic-in-x domain L x +/-infinity. Extensive computer simulations of the flow are carried out through appropriate initial-value problems for a ``vortex gas'' comprising N point vortices of the same strength (gamma = L Delta U/N) and sign. Such a vortex gas is known to provide weak solutions of the Euler equation. More than ten different initial-condition classes are investigated using simulations involving up to 32 000 vortices, with ensemble averages evaluated over up to 10(3) realizations and integration over 10(4)L/Delta U. The temporal evolution of such a system is found to exhibit three distinct regimes. In Regime I the evolution is strongly influenced by the initial condition, sometimes lasting a significant fraction of L/Delta U. Regime III is a long-time domain-dependent evolution towards a statistically stationary state, via ``violent'' and ``slow'' relaxations P.-H. Chavanis, Physica A 391, 3657 (2012)], over flow time scales of order 10(2) and 10(4)L/Delta U, respectively (for N = 400). The final state involves a single structure that stochastically samples the domain, possibly constituting a ``relative equilibrium.'' The vortex distribution within the structure follows a nonisotropic truncated form of the Lundgren-Pointin (L-P) equilibrium distribution (with negatively high temperatures; L-P parameter lambda close to -1). The central finding is that, in the intermediate Regime II, the spreading rate of the layer is universal over the wide range of cases considered here. The value (in terms of momentum thickness) is 0.0166 +/- 0.0002 times Delta U. Regime II, extensively studied in the turbulent shear flow literature as a self-similar ``equilibrium'' state, is, however, a part of the rapid nonequilibrium evolution of the vortex-gas system, which we term ``explosive'' as it lasts less than one L/Delta U. Regime II also exhibits significant values of N-independent two-vortex correlations, indicating that current kinetic theories that neglect correlations or consider them as O(1/N) cannot describe this regime. The evolution of the layer thickness in present simulations in Regimes I and II agree with the experimental observations of spatially evolving (3D Navier-Stokes) shear layers. Further, the vorticity-stream-function relations in Regime III are close to those computed in 2D Navier-Stokes temporal shear layers J. Sommeria, C. Staquet, and R. Robert, J. Fluid Mech. 233, 661 (1991)]. These findings suggest the dominance of what may be called the Kelvin-Biot-Savart mechanism in determining the growth of the free shear layer through large-scale momentum and vorticity dispersal.


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A colloid supported against gravitational settling by means of an imposed electric field behaves, on average, as if it is at equilibrium in a confining potential T. M. Squires, J. Fluid Mech. 443, 403 (2001)]. We show, however, that the effective Langevin equation for the colloid contains a nonequilibrium noise source, proportional to the field, arising from the thermal motion of dissolved ions. The position fluctuations of the colloid show strong, experimentally testable signatures of nonequilibrium behavior, including a highly anisotropic, frequency-dependent ``effective temperature'' obtained from the fluctuation-dissipation ratio.


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We employ an exact solution of the simplest model for pump-probe time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy in charge-density-wave systems to show how, in nonequilibrium, the gap in the density of states disappears while the charge density remains modulated, and then the gap reforms after the pulse has passed. This nonequilibrium scenario qualitatively describes the common short-time experimental features in TaS2 and TbTe3, indicating a quasiuniversality for nonequilibrium ``melting'' with qualitative features that can be easily understood within a simple picture.


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We present direct experimental signatures of a nonequilibrium phase transition associated with the yield point of a prototypical soft solid-a binary colloidal glass. By simultaneously quantifying single-particle dynamics and bulk mechanical response, we identified the threshold for the onset of irreversibility with the yield strain. We extracted the relaxation time from the transient behavior of the loss modulus and found that it diverges in the vicinity of the yield strain. This critical slowing down is accompanied by a growing correlation length associated with the size of regions of high Debye-Waller factor, which are precursors to yield events in glasses. Our results affirm that the paradigm of nonequilibrium critical phenomena is instrumental in achieving a holistic understanding of yielding in soft solids.


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This work illustrates that a variety of nanowire microstructures can be obtained either by controlling the nanowire formation kinetics or by suitable thermal processing of as-deposited nanowires with nonequilibrium metastable microstructure. In the present work, 200-nm diameter Ag-Ni nanowires with similar compositions, but with significantly different microstructures, were electrodeposited. A 15 mA deposition current produced nanowires in which Ag-rich crystalline nanoparticles were embedded in a Ni-rich amorphous matrix. A 3 mA deposition current produced nanowires in which an Ag-rich crystalline phase formed a backbone-like configuration in the axial region of the nanowire, whereas the peripheral region contained Ni-rich nanocrystalline and amorphous phases. Isothermal annealing of the nanowires illustrated a phase evolution pathway that was extremely sensitive to the initial nanowire microstructure.


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Nonequilibrium process for cracking ethane and n-buthane in the manufacture of ethene has been analytically and numerically investigated in a Heavi-side function temperature field and through a normal shock wave. The results demonstrate that, while the reaction temperature increases, the maximum value of ethene yield is increased, and the optimal reaction duration is sharply shortened. For the identical initial reaction temperature, the maximum value of ethene yield through a stationary normal shock wave is less than that in a Heavi-side function temperature field. However, the ethene consumption after the maximum value in the former case is less than that in the latter. Higher ethene yield will be obtained by using the gasdynamic heating method than by using the current methods.