983 resultados para Non-Archimedean Real Closed Fields


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Non-invasive, real-time dynamic monitoring of pressure inside a column with the aid of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor is presented in the present work. A bare FBG sensor is adhered on the circumference of a pressure column normal to its axis, which has the ability to acquire the hoop strain induced by the pressure variation inside the column. Pressure induced hoop strain response obtained using FBG sensor is validated against the pressure measurements obtained from conventional pressure gauge. Further, a protrusion setup on the outer surface of the column has been proposed over which a secondary FBG sensor is bonded normal to its axis, in order to increase the gauge length of this FBG sensor. This is carried out in order to validate the variation in sensitivity of the protrusion bonded FBG sensor compared to the bare FBG sensor bonded over the surface. A comparative study is done between the two FBG sensors and a conventional pressure gauge in order to establish the capacity of FBG sensor obtained hoop strain response for pressure monitoring inside the column.


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Non-invasive real time in vivo molecular imaging in small animal models has become the essential bridge between in vitro data and their translation into clinical applications. The tremendous development and technological progress, such as tumour modelling, monitoring of tumour growth and detection of metastasis, has facilitated translational drug development. This has added to our knowledge on carcinogenesis. The modalities that are commonly used include Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), bioluminescence imaging, fluorescence imaging and multi-modality imaging systems. The ability to obtain multiple images longitudinally provides reliable information whilst reducing animal numbers. As yet there is no one modality that is ideal for all experimental studies. This review outlines the instrumentation available together with corresponding applications reported in the literature with particular emphasis on cancer research. Advantages and limitations to current imaging technology are discussed and the issues concerning small animal care during imaging are highlighted.


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Na última década, a referência ao conceito de redes cresceu rapidamente entre a literatura sobre turismo, geralmente aplicado a tópicos como as interorganizações, estrutura de multi-destinos, espaços de Turismo online, entre outros. O conceito de rede difundiu-se na natureza e na sociedade, em áreas que vão desde a Biologia à Medicina, ou da Economia à Gestão, e o conhecimento sobre redes tem vindo a impulsionar uma teoria comum para facilitar a compreensão de diferentes sistemas complexos e a representação das ligações entre organizações, acções, bens, proteínas ou pessoas. A tese teve como propósito o encontro de um eixo comum entre dois campos férteis de investigação através de uma revisão teórica sistemática. A investigação sobre redes complexas é um campo recente na Física que tem vindo a desenvolver-se bastante na última década com fortes aplicações interdisciplinares. Por outro lado, a análise de redes sociais é uma área de investigação activa em Sociologia e Economia há bastante tempo. O estudo das implicações das redes complexas para a ciência das redes de turismo é uma área promissora já com resultados fascinantes. A tese tem três resultados principais. Primeiro, traz conhecimento das ricas áreas de conhecimento sobre redes complexas e redes sociais. Em segundo lugar, apresenta modelos evolutivos que melhor se adaptam às chegadas turísticas internacionais. Como se organizam as redes sociais? Como é que os indivíduos escolhem os seus destinos de viagem? Estes são exemplos de questões que serão abordadas na tese. Em terceiro lugar, discute resultados que fazem notar comportamentos comuns entre redes em turismo e outras redes reais. O que é comum a todas as redes na natureza? Adicionalmente, os padrões encontrados entre os destinos turísticos mostram um comportamento não social, com destinos mais característicos de redes económicas e sistemas tecnológicos que questionam a faceta social do sector do turismo. Por acréscimo, a rede de transportes aéreos e a rede de turismo mostram diferenças consideráveis que se podem dever a razões políticas ou outras que provavelmente explicam o aumento da utilização de voos charters.


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La thèse présente une description géométrique d’un germe de famille générique déployant un champ de vecteurs réel analytique avec un foyer faible à l’origine et son complexifié : le feuilletage holomorphe singulier associé. On montre que deux germes de telles familles sont orbitalement analytiquement équivalents si et seulement si les germes de familles de difféomorphismes déployant la complexification de leurs fonctions de retour de Poincaré sont conjuguées par une conjugaison analytique réelle. Le “caractère réel” de la famille correspond à sa Z2-équivariance dans R^4, et cela s’exprime comme l’invariance du plan réel sous le flot du système laquelle, à son tour, entraîne que l’expansion asymptotique de la fonction de Poincaré est réelle quand le paramètre est réel. Le pullback du plan réel après éclatement par la projection monoidal standard intersecte le feuilletage en une bande de Möbius réelle. La technique d’éclatement des singularités permet aussi de donner une réponse à la question de la “réalisation” d’un germe de famille déployant un germe de difféomorphisme avec un point fixe de multiplicateur égal à −1 et de codimension un comme application de semi-monodromie d’une famille générique déployant un foyer faible d’ordre un. Afin d’étudier l’espace des orbites de l’application de Poincaré, nous utilisons le point de vue de Glutsyuk, puisque la dynamique est linéarisable auprès des points singuliers : pour les valeurs réels du paramètre, notre démarche, classique, utilise une méthode géométrique, soit un changement de coordonée (coordonée “déroulante”) dans lequel la dynamique devient beaucoup plus simple. Mais le prix à payer est que la géométrie locale du plan complexe ambiante devient une surface de Riemann, sur laquelle deux notions de translation sont définies. Après avoir pris le quotient par le relèvement de la dynamique nous obtenons l’espace des orbites, ce qui s’avère être l’union de trois tores complexes plus les points singuliers (l’espace résultant est non-Hausdorff). Les translations, le caractère réel de l’application de Poincaré et le fait que cette application est un carré relient les différentes composantes du “module de Glutsyuk”. Cette propriété implique donc le fait qu’une seule composante de l’invariant Glutsyuk est indépendante.


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Drawing upon European industry and country case studies, this paper investigates the scope and drivers of cross-border real estate development. It is argued that the real estate development process encompasses a diverse range of activities and actors. It is inherently localised, the production process is complex and emphermal, and the outputs are heterogeneous. It analyses a transactions database of European real estate markets to provide insights into the extent of, and variations in, market penetration by non-domestic real estate developers. The data were consistent with the expectation that non-domestic real estate developers from mature markets would have a high level of market penetration in immature markets. Compared to western European markets, the CEE real estate office sales by developers were dominated by US, Israeli and other EU developers. This pattern is consistent with the argument that non-domestic developers have substantial Dunning-type ownership advantages when entering immature real estate markets. However, the data also suggested some unexpected patterns. Relative to their GDP, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands and Israel accounted for large proportions of sales by developers. All are EU countries (except Israel) with small, open, affluent, highly traded economies. Further, the data also indicate that there may be a threshold where locational disadvantages outweigh ownership advantages and deter cross-border real estate development.


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We evaluate a number of real estate sentiment indices to ascertain current and forward-looking information content that may be useful for forecasting the demand and supply activities. Our focus lies on sector-specific surveys targeting the players from the supply-side of both residential and non-residential real estate markets. Analyzing the dynamic relationships within a Vector Auto-Regression (VAR) framework, we test the efficacy of these indices by comparing them with other coincident indicators in predicting real estate returns. Overall, our analysis suggests that sentiment indicators convey important information which should be embedded in the modeling exercise to predict real estate market returns. Generally, sentiment indices show better information content than broad economic indicators. The goodness of fit of our models is higher for the residential market than for the non-residential real estate sector. The impulse responses, in general, conform to our theoretical expectations. Variance decompositions and out-of-sample predictions generally show desired contribution and reasonable improvement respectively, thus upholding our hypothesis. Quite remarkably, consistent with the theory, the predictability swings when we look through different phases of the cycle. This perhaps suggests that, e.g. during recessions, market players’ expectations may be more accurate predictor of the future performances, conceivably indicating a ‘negative’ information processing bias and thus conforming to the precautionary motive of consumer behaviour.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We give a brief review of the Functional Renormalization method in quantum field theory, which is intrinsically non perturbative, in terms of both the Polchinski equation for the Wilsonian action and the Wetterich equation for the generator of the proper verteces. For the latter case we show a simple application for a theory with one real scalar field within the LPA and LPA' approximations. For the first case, instead, we give a covariant "Hamiltonian" version of the Polchinski equation which consists in doing a Legendre transform of the flow for the corresponding effective Lagrangian replacing arbitrary high order derivative of fields with momenta fields. This approach is suitable for studying new truncations in the derivative expansion. We apply this formulation for a theory with one real scalar field and, as a novel result, derive the flow equations for a theory with N real scalar fields with the O(N) internal symmetry. Within this new approach we analyze numerically the scaling solutions for N=1 in d=3 (critical Ising model), at the leading order in the derivative expansion with an infinite number of couplings, encoded in two functions V(phi) and Z(phi), obtaining an estimate for the quantum anomalous dimension with a 10% accuracy (confronting with Monte Carlo results).


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Simulating surface wind over complex terrain is a challenge in regional climate modelling. Therefore, this study aims at identifying a set-up of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) model that minimises system- atic errors of surface winds in hindcast simulations. Major factors of the model configuration are tested to find a suitable set-up: the horizontal resolution, the planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterisation scheme and the way the WRF is nested to the driving data set. Hence, a number of sensitivity simulations at a spatial resolution of 2 km are carried out and compared to observations. Given the importance of wind storms, the analysis is based on case studies of 24 historical wind storms that caused great economic damage in Switzerland. Each of these events is downscaled using eight different model set-ups, but sharing the same driving data set. The results show that the lack of representation of the unresolved topography leads to a general overestimation of wind speed in WRF. However, this bias can be substantially reduced by using a PBL scheme that explicitly considers the effects of non-resolved topography, which also improves the spatial structure of wind speed over Switzerland. The wind direction, although generally well reproduced, is not very sensitive to the PBL scheme. Further sensitivity tests include four types of nesting methods: nesting only at the boundaries of the outermost domain, analysis nudging, spectral nudging, and the so-called re-forecast method, where the simulation is frequently restarted. These simulations show that restricting the freedom of the model to develop large-scale disturbances slightly increases the temporal agreement with the observations, at the same time that it further reduces the overestimation of wind speed, especially for maximum wind peaks. The model performance is also evaluated in the outermost domains, where the resolution is coarser. The results demonstrate the important role of horizontal resolution, where the step from 6 to 2 km significantly improves model performance. In summary, the combination of a grid size of 2 km, the non-local PBL scheme modified to explicitly account for non-resolved orography, as well as analysis or spectral nudging, is a superior combination when dynamical downscaling is aimed at reproducing real wind fields.


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BACKGROUND Patients with downbeat nystagmus syndrome suffer from oscillopsia, which leads to an unstable visual perception and therefore impaired visual acuity. The aim of this study was to use real-time computer-based visual feedback to compensate for the destabilizing slow phase eye movements. METHODS The patients were sitting in front of a computer screen with the head fixed on a chin rest. The eye movements were recorded by an eye tracking system (EyeSeeCam®). We tested the visual acuity with a fixed Landolt C (static) and during real-time feedback driven condition (dynamic) in gaze straight ahead and (20°) sideward gaze. In the dynamic condition, the Landolt C moved according to the slow phase eye velocity of the downbeat nystagmus. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to test for normal distribution and one-way ANOVA for comparison. RESULTS Ten patients with downbeat nystagmus were included in the study. Median age was 76 years and the median duration of symptoms was 6.3 years (SD +/- 3.1y). The mean slow phase velocity was moderate during gaze straight ahead (1.44°/s, SD +/- 1.18°/s) and increased significantly in sideward gaze (mean left 3.36°/s; right 3.58°/s). In gaze straight ahead, we found no difference between the static and feedback driven condition. In sideward gaze, visual acuity improved in five out of ten subjects during the feedback-driven condition (p = 0.043). CONCLUSIONS This study provides proof of concept that non-invasive real-time computer-based visual feedback compensates for the SPV in DBN. Therefore, real-time visual feedback may be a promising aid for patients suffering from oscillopsia and impaired text reading on screen. Recent technological advances in the area of virtual reality displays might soon render this approach feasible in fully mobile settings.


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In modern magnetic resonance imaging, both patients and health care workers are exposed to strong. non-uniform static magnetic fields inside and outside of the scanner. In which body movement may be able to induce electric currents in tissues which could be potentially harmful. This paper presents theoretical investigations into the spatial distribution of induced E-fields in a tissue-equivalent human model when moving at various positions around the magnet. The numerical calculations are based on an efficient. quasi-static, finite-difference scheme. Three-dimensional field profiles from an actively shielded 4 T magnet system are used and the body model projected through the field profile with normalized velocity. The simulation shows that it is possible to induce E-fields/currents near the level of physiological significance under some circumstances and provides insight into the spatial characteristics of the induced fields. The methodology presented herein can be extrapolated to very high field strengths for the evaluation of the effects of motion at a variety of field strengths and velocities. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A beam-column resting on continuous Winkler foundation and discrete elastic supports is considered. The beam-column is of variable cross-section and the variation of sectional properties along the axis of the beam-column is deterministic. Young's modulus, mass per unit length and distributed axial loadings of the beam-column have a stochastic distribution. The foundation stiffness coefficient of the Winkler model, the stiffnesses of discrete elastic supports, stiffnesses of end springs and the end thrust, are all considered as random parameters. The material property fluctuations and distributed axial loadings are considered to constitute independent, one-dimension uni-variate homogeneous real stochastic fields in space. The foundation stiffness coefficient, stiffnesses of the discrete elastic supports, stiffnesses of end springs and the end thrust are considered to constitute independent random variables. Static response, free vibration and stability behaviour of the beam-column are studied. Hamilton's principle is used to formulate the problem using stochastic FEM. Sensitivity vectors of the response and stability parameters are evaluated. Using these statistics of free vibration frequencies, mode shapes, buckling parameters, etc., are evaluated. A numerical example is given.


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Columns which have stochastically distributed Young's modulus and mass density and are subjected to deterministic periodic axial loadings are considered. The general case of a column supported on a Winkler elastic foundation of random stiffness and also on discrete elastic supports which are also random is considered. Material property fluctuations are modeled as independent one-dimensional univariate homogeneous real random fields in space. In addition to autocorrelation functions or their equivalent power spectral density functions, the input random fields are characterized by scale of fluctuations or variance functions for their second order properties. The foundation stiffness coefficient and the stiffnesses of discrete elastic supports are treated to constitute independent random variables. The system equations of boundary frequencies are obtained using Bolotin's method for deterministic systems. Stochastic FEM is used to obtain the discrete system with random as well as periodic coefficients. Statistical properties of boundary frequencies are derived in terms of input parameter statistics. A complete covariance structure is obtained. The equations developed are illustrated using a numerical example employing a practical correlation structure.


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We consider a discrete time system with packets arriving randomly at rate lambda per slot to a fading point-to-point link, for which the transmitter can control the number of packets served in a slot by varying the transmit power. We provide an asymptotic characterization of the minimum average delay of the packets, when average transmitter power is a small positive quantity V more than the minimum average power required for queue stability. We show that the minimum average delay will grow either as log (1/V) or 1/V when V down arrow 0, for certain sets of values of lambda. These sets are determined by the distribution of fading gain, the maximum number of packets which can be transmitted in a slot, and the assumed transmit power function, as a function of the fading gain and the number of packets transmitted. We identify a case where the above behaviour of the tradeoff differs from that obtained from a previously considered model, in which the random queue length process is assumed to evolve on the non-negative real line.


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By sample specificity it is meant that specimens with the same nominal material parameters and tested under the same environmental conditions may exhibit different behavior with diversified strength. Such an effect has been widely observed in the testing of material failure and is usually attributed to the heterogeneity of material at the mesoscopic level. The degree with which mesoscopic heterogeneity affects macroscopic failure is still not clear. Recently, the problem has been examined by making use of statistical ensemble evolution of dynamical system and the mesoscopic stress re-distribution model (SRD). Sample specificity was observed for non-global mean stress field models, such as the duster mean field model, stress concentration at tip of microdamage, etc. Certain heterogeneity of microdamage could be sensitive to particular SRD leading to domino type of coalescence. Such an effect could start from the microdamage heterogeneity and then be magnified to other scale levels. This trans-scale sensitivity is the origin of sample specificity. The sample specificity leads to a failure probability Phi (N) with a transitional region 0 < (N) < 1, so that globally stable and catastrophic modes could co-exist. It is found that the scatter in strength can fit the Weibull distribution very well. Hence, the Weibull modulus is indicative of sample specificity. Numerical results obtained from the SRD for different non-global mean stress fields show that Weibull modulus increases with increasing sample span and influence region of microdamage.