29 resultados para Nomenclatures
Incluye Bibliografía
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise genealógica foucaultiana das práticas discursivas e de poder dirigidas a trabalhadores, sobretudo, rurais, que constituirão o objeto ―trabalho escravo‖. Partimos das diferentes nomenclaturas que são utilizadas para descrever as práticas de exploração dos trabalhadores, no Brasil, para darmos visibilidade aos diferentes campos de luta que se materializam na objetivação e subsequente subjetivação desses trabalhadores. Trabalhamos com a hipótese de que existe nesse jogo de poder-saber disputas que implicam em práticas de governamentalização e de mecanismos biopolíticos disparados por diversos segmentos que são convidados a arbitrar sobre a vida das pessoas, por meio do âmbito do trabalho. Cada nomenclatura assim, ocuparia uma posição estratégica, afim de ―defender‖, ―representar‖, o lugar de saber do qual fala. Essas disputas culminam na produção de documentos, dentre os quais alguns foram escolhidos para serem analisados nesse trabalho dissertativo. São documentos de âmbito internacional e nacional, a fim de que fosse problematizada essas práticas em dois níveis, já que percebe-se que ambos se interpolam e por vezes se completam na criação de estratégias e táticas agenciadas para o cuidado e gestão dos trabalhadores. Assim, verificou-se por meio de séries recortadas ao longo dos documentos que cresce uma demanda cada vez maior de pedido de punição aos considerados culpados em realizar as práticas de exploração, e dentre outras séries levantadas, há uma ampliação de um complexo tutelar, que começa a ser incentivado para o controle e vigilância dos trabalhadores, estimulados por organismos internacionais como a Organização Internacional do Trabalho, e outros movimentos e grupos da sociedade civil, que ajudam na produção de políticas públicas que muitas vezes acabam funcionando como uma forma de controlar os riscos a que possivelmente esses trabalhadores estejam submetidos, utilizam-se da estatística para justificar suas intervenções. Tem-se verificado, portanto, que um paradoxo de biopoder atravessa essas práticas, inserindo-as em um campo de gestão e controle da vida, onde se questiona se de fato os direitos e a dignidade humana dessas pessoas são levadas em consideração ou apenas ocupam um lugar dentro do campo dos acontecimentos possíveis que devem ser controlados por práticas de governamentalidade? Finalizamos tentando articular essas questões à produção de nomes utilizados para descrever as práticas de exploração dos trabalhadores, inserindo-os em estratégias de governo da população.
Para dar voz e rosto aos sujeitos, considerando-os protagonistas de suas histórias, é preciso ouvi-los em escuta ativa: dialogar com suas histórias de vida. As falas coletados na pesquisa empírica oportunizaram a construção da categoria heurística como filhas, da qual abstraio, ao longo deste estudo, algumas possibilidades hermenêuticas. Os instrumentais interpretativos acolhidos neste trabalho sinalizam para algumas possibilidades de compreensão acerca da prática de exploração de meninas nos serviços domésticos. Esta prática, hoje ilegal no Brasil – podendo importar em crime contra a organização do trabalho, pela vigência do Decreto-Lei n.º 6.481, de 12 de junho de 2008, que regulamenta os arts. 3.º, alínea d, e 4.º da Convenção n.º 182 da OIT –, é proibida para menores de 18 anos. Contudo, as normativas legais e as políticas institucionais de enfrentamento não são óbices à formulação de novos discursos para velhas sociabilidades excludentes e estigmatizantes da mulher negra, principal mão-de-obra explorada nos serviços domésticos. Rediscutindo categorias, problematizando nomenclaturas e articulando a interlocução entre os atores envolvidos nesta prática, empreendo a tarefa de dar-lhes visibilidade social.
In regards to the context of the schooling for less the most favored, the school did not appear as intellectual instrument, and yes as prerequisite to take care of to the new requirements of the work market that if modernized the great social changes together with. The school, in turn, if puts in charge them to know scientific, and, for times, them norms of effective behavior in the society and the familiar group, them feelings and moral values, in a transposition of the “cultural capital” and it “capital stock” that passed by generations. This work, therefore, had as objective to study the expectations of schooling of the child in pertaining to school age, in the universes of the family and the school, from the speech of the agents of this process (parents, responsible, professors and the children) and of some practical educative referring to the schooling of the child, leaving of estimated of that the school is a democratic space, with equality of rights and the duties. Mediated for cultural a historical boarding, one searched to interpret the pertaining to school and familiar context of the participants, by means of a counterpoint with the studied bibliography, being this presented throughout the work. The research was of qualitative character, the data had been collected by means of comment in two classrooms, one of the third and one of the room year. Half-structuralized interviews had been made, that had been recorded e, later, transcribing. The environment of the research was a public school of the basic education of a city of the interior of the State of São Paulo, that received children proceeding from families of the urban popular classrooms. The results of the analysis of the data point that the professors present a vision of ideal model of family and pupil that does not correspond to the reality of the context of these and of the new nomenclatures of the familiar order... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This research is a short article about urban dances in Brazil, about how did it came and became popular here, and also it will discuss about the different nomenclatures that exists nowadays: street dance, dances from street or urban dances. As a bibliographic reference, a research was made about the history of those dances in an international context, the creators and all the elements that consists the Hip hop culture: Break dance, grafitte, MC and DJ. The research methodology is characterized as a qualitative, it search for information that can be deeply studded, and the method used was history telling, which prize and brings up the man memory of the facts. The interview was also used as a tool in a previously elaborated script with open questions, so the interviewees could answer their own way and talk as much as they need about the issue. The analyze was made using the Bardin (2009) method. The interviewees are very important at the Hip Hop scenario because their lives were dedicated to the research about urban dances and the Hip Hop culture. During the interview they told how they started to dance and that their first contact with urban dances was made by watching movies that came to Brazil in the eighties. Michael Jackson has also contributed to spread this urban dances at that time with his videos. The main goal of this research is to tell the history of the urban dances, how did they got here, who brought it and how it has spread in Brazil. It justify itself during the fact that exists just a few researches in a scientific way that study this issue, thus the history importance that this contents is to the urban dances in Brazil. My conclusion of this article is that the history has many different ways, a lot of names, and that the urban dances in Brazil has began in many different places at the same time, by films influence that has promoted the styles that had came here in the eighties
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Ensino de Física - FCT
Object. The anatomy of the occipital lobe convexity is so intricate and variable that its precise description is not found in the classic anatomy textbooks, and the occipital sulci and gyri are described with different nomenclatures according to different authors. The aim of this study was to investigate and describe the anatomy of the occipital lobe convexity and clarify its nomenclature. Methods. The configurations of sulci and gyri on the lateral surface of the occipital lobe of 20 cerebral hemispheres were examined in order to identify the most characteristic and consistent patterns. Results. The most characteristic and consistent occipital sulci identified in this study were the intraoccipital, transverse occipital, and lateral occipital sulci. The morphology of the transverse occipital sulcus and the intraoccipital sulcus connection was identified as the most important aspect to define the gyral pattern of the occipital lobe convexity. Conclusions. Knowledge of the main features of the occipital sulci and gyri permits the recognition of a basic configuration of the occipital lobe and the identification of its sulcal and gyral variations. (http://thejns.org/doi/abs/10.3171/2012.1.JNS11978)
Over a decade ago, nanotechnologists began research on applications of nanomaterials for medicine. This research has revealed a wide range of different challenges, as well as many opportunities. Some of these challenges are strongly related to informatics issues, dealing, for instance, with the management and integration of heterogeneous information, defining nomenclatures, taxonomies and classifications for various types of nanomaterials, and research on new modeling and simulation techniques for nanoparticles. Nanoinformatics has recently emerged in the USA and Europe to address these issues. In this paper, we present a review of nanoinformatics, describing its origins, the problems it addresses, areas of interest, and examples of current research initiatives and informatics resources. We suggest that nanoinformatics could accelerate research and development in nanomedicine, as has occurred in the past in other fields. For instance, biomedical informatics served as a fundamental catalyst for the Human Genome Project, and other genomic and ?omics projects, as well as the translational efforts that link resulting molecular-level research to clinical problems and findings.
El trigo blando (Triticum aestivum ssp vulgare L., AABBDD, 2n=6x=42) presenta propiedades viscoélasticas únicas debidas a la presencia en la harina de las prolaminas: gluteninas y gliadinas. Ambos tipos de proteínas forman parte de la red de gluten. Basándose en la movilidad en SDS-PAGE, las gluteninas se clasifican en dos grupos: gluteninas de alto peso molecular (HMW-GS) y gluteninas de bajo peso molecular (LMW-GS). Los genes que codifican para las HMW-GS se encuentran en tres loci del grupo 1 de cromosomas: Glu-A1, Glu-B1 y Glu-D1. Cada locus codifica para uno o dos polipéptidos o subunidades. La variación alélica de las HMW-GS es el principal determinante de de la calidad harino-panadera y ha sido ampliamente estudiado tanto a nivel de proteína como de ADN. El conocimiento de estas proteínas ha contribuido sustancialmente al progreso de los programas de mejora para la calidad del trigo. Comparadas con las HMW-GS, las LMW-GS forman una familia proteica mucho más compleja. La mayoría de los genes LMW se localizan en el grupo 1 de cromosomas en tres loci: Glu-A3, Glu-B3 y Glu-D3 que se encuentran estrechamente ligados a los loci que codifican para gliadinas. El número de copias de estos genes ha sido estimado entre 10-40 en trigo hexaploide, pero el número exacto aún se desconoce debido a la ausencia de un método eficiente para diferenciar los miembros de esta familia multigénica. La nomenclatura de los alelos LMW-GS por electroforesis convencional es complicada, y diferentes autores asignan distintos alelos a la misma variedad lo que dificulta aún más el estudio de esta compleja familia. El uso de marcadores moleculares para la discriminación de genes LMW, aunque es una tarea dificil, puede ser muy útil para los programas de mejora. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido profundizar en la relación entre las gluteninas y la calidad panadera y desarrollar marcadores moleculares que permitan ayudar en la correcta clasificación de HMW-GS y LMW-GS. Se han obtenido dos poblaciones de líneas avanzadas F4:6 a partir de los cruzamientos entre las variedades ‘Tigre’ x ‘Gazul’ y ‘Fiel’ x ‘Taber’, seleccionándose para los análisis de calidad las líneas homogéneas para HMW-GS, LMW-GS y gliadinas. La determinación alélica de HMW-GS se llevó a cabo por SDS-PAGE, y se complementó con análisis moleculares, desarrollándose un nuevo marcador de PCR para diferenciar entre las subunidades Bx7 y Bx7*del locus Glu-B1. Resumen 2 La determinación alélica para LMW-GS se llevó a cabo mediante SDS-PAGE siguiendo distintas nomenclaturas y utilizando variedades testigo para cada alelo. El resultado no fue concluyente para el locus Glu-B3, así que se recurrió a marcadores moleculares. El ADN de los parentales y de los testigos se amplificó usando cebadores diseñados en regiones conservadas de los genes LMW y fue posteriormente analizado mediante electroforesis capilar. Los patrones de amplificación obtenidos fueron comparados entre las distintas muestras y permitieron establecer una relación con los alelos de LMW-GS. Con este método se pudo aclarar la determinación alélica de este locus para los cuatro parentales La calidad de la harina fue testada mediante porcentaje de contenido en proteína, prueba de sedimentación (SDSS) y alveógrafo de Chopin (parámetros P, L, P/L y W). Los valores fueron analizados en relación a la composición en gluteninas. Las líneas del cruzamiento ‘Fiel’ x ‘Taber’ mostraron una clara influencia del locus Glu-A3 en la variación de los valores de SDSS. Las líneas que llevaban el nuevo alelo Glu-A3b’ presentaron valores significativamente mayores que los de las líneas con el alelo Glu-A3f. En las líneas procedentes del cruzamiento ‘Tigre ’x ‘Gazul’, los loci Glu-B1 y Glu-B3 loci mostraron ambos influencia en los parámetros de calidad. Los resultados indicaron que: para los valores de SDSS y P, las líneas con las HMW-GS Bx7OE+By8 fueron significativamente mejores que las líneas con Bx17+By18; y las líneas que llevaban el alelo Glu-B3ac presentaban valores de P significativamente superiores que las líneas con el alelo Glu-B3ad y significativamente menores para los valores de L . El análisis de los valores de calidad en relación a los fragmentos LMW amplificados, reveló un efecto significativo entre dos fragmentos (2-616 y 2-636) con los valores de P. La presencia del fragmento 2-636 estaba asociada a valores de P mayores. Estos fragmentos fueron clonados y secuenciados, confirmándose que correspondían a genes del locus Glu-B3. El estudio de la secuencia reveló que la diferencia entre ambos se hallaba en algunos SNPs y en una deleción de 21 nucleótidos que en la proteína correspondería a un InDel de un heptapéptido en la región repetida de la proteína. En este trabajo, la utilización de líneas que difieren en el locus Glu-B3 ha permitido el análisis de la influencia de este locus (el peor caracterizado hasta la fecha) en la calidad panadera. Además, se ha validado el uso de marcadores moleculares en la determinación alélica de las LMW-GS y su relación con la calidad panadera. Summary 3 Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp vulgare L., AABBDD, 2n=6x=42) flour has unique dough viscoelastic properties conferred by prolamins: glutenins and gliadins. Both types of proteins are cross-linked to form gluten polymers. On the basis of their mobility in SDS-PAGE, glutenins can be classified in two groups: high molecular weight glutenins (HMW-GS) and low molecular weight glutenins (LMW-GS). Genes encoding HMW-GS are located on group 1 chromosomes in three loci: Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1, each one encoding two polypeptides, named subunits. Allelic variation of HMW-GS is the most important determinant for bread making quality, and has been exhaustively studied at protein and DNA level. The knowledge of these proteins has substantially contributed to genetic improvement of bread quality in breeding programs. Compared to HMW-GS, LMW-GS are a much more complex family. Most genes encoded LMW-GS are located on group 1 chromosomes. Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-D3 loci are closely linked to the gliadin loci. The total gene copy number has been estimated to vary from 10–40 in hexaploid wheat. However, the exact copy number of LMW-GS genes is still unknown, mostly due to lack of efficient methods to distinguish members of this multigene family. Nomenclature of LMW-GS alleles is also unclear, and different authors can assign different alleles to the same variety increasing confusion in the study of this complex family. The use of molecular markers for the discrimination of LMW-GS genes might be very useful in breeding programs, but their wide application is not easy. The objective of this work is to gain insight into the relationship between glutenins and bread quality, and the developing of molecular markers that help in the allele classification of HMW-GS and LMW-GS. Two populations of advanced lines F4:6 were obtained from the cross ‘Tigre’ x ‘Gazul’ and ‘Fiel’ x ‘Taber’. Lines homogeneous for HMW-GS, LMW-GS and gliadins pattern were selected for quality analysis. The allele classification of HMW-GS was performed by SDS-PAGE, and then complemented by PCR analysis. A new PCR marker was developed to undoubtedly differentiate between two similar subunits from Glu-B1 locus, Bx7 and Bx7*. The allele classification of LMW-GS was initially performed by SDS-PAGE following different established nomenclatures and using standard varieties. The results were not completely concluding for Glu-B3 locus, so a molecular marker system was applied. DNA from parental lines and standard varieties was amplified using primers designed in conserved domains of LMW genes and analyzed by capillary electrophoresis. The pattern of amplification products obtained was compared among samples and related to the protein allele classification. It was possible to establish a correspondence between specific amplification products and almost all LMW alleles analyzed. With this method, the allele classification of the four parental lines was clarified. Flour quality of F4:6 advanced lines were tested by protein content, sedimentation test (SDSS) and alveograph (P, L, P/L and W). The values were analyzed in relation to the lines prolamin composition. In the ‘Fiel’ x ‘Taber’ population, Glu-A3 locus showed an influence in SDSS values. Lines carrying new allele Glu-A3b’, presented a significantly higher SDSS value than lines with Glu-A3f allele. In the ‘Tigre ’x ‘Gazul’ population, the Glu-B1 and Glu-B3 loci also showed an effect in quality parameters, in SDSS, and P and L values. Results indicated that: for SDSS and P, lines with Bx7OE+By8 were significantly better than lines with Bx17+By18; lines carrying Glu-B3ac allele had a significantly higher P values than Glu-B3ad allele values. lines with and lower L The analysis of quality parameters and amplified LMW fragments revealed a significant influence of two peaks (2-616 y 2-636) in P values. The presence of 2-636 peak gave higher P values than 2-616. These fragments had been cloned and sequenced and identified as Glu-B3 genes. The sequence analysis revealed that the molecular difference between them was some SNPs and a small deletion of 21 nucleotides that in the protein would produce an InDel of a heptapeptide in the repetitive region. In this work, the analysis of two crosses with differences in Glu-3 composition has made possible to study the influence of LMG-GS in quality parameters. Specifically, the influence of Glu-B3, the most interesting and less studied loci has been possible. The results have shown that Glu-B3 allele composition influences the alveograph parameter P (tenacity). The existence of different molecular variants of Glu-B3 alleles have been assessed by using a molecular marker method. This work supports the use of molecular approaches in the study of the very complex LMW-GS family, and validates their application in the analysis of advanced recombinant lines for quality studies.
Bread wheat quality constitutes a key trait for the demands of the baking industry as well as the broad consumer preferences. The role of the low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) with regard to bread quality is so far not well understood owing to their genetic complexity and to the use of different nomenclatures and standards for the LMW-GS assignment by different research groups, which has made difficult the undertaking of association studies between genotypes and bread quality. The development of molecular markers to carry out genetic characterization and allele determination is demanding. Nowadays, the most promising LMW gene marker system is based on PCR and high resolution capillary electrophoresis for the simultaneous analysis of the complete multigene family. The molecular analysis of the bread wheat Glu-B3 locus in F2 and F4:6 populations expressed the expected one-locus Mendelian segregation pattern, thus validating the suitability of this marker system for the characterization of LMW-GS genes in segregating populations, allowing for the successful undertaking of studies related to bread-making quality. Moreover, the Glu-B3 allele characterization of standard cultivars with the molecular marker system has revealed its potential as a complementary tool for the allelic determination of this complex multigene family.
La Tesis Doctoral que se presenta trata de profundizar en el conocimiento del patrimonio arbóreo, en la cuestión de la evaluación y la singularidad a nivel de ejemplares y agrupaciones. La metodología incorpora nuevas herramientas, modelos y criterios utilizados en la valoración del paisaje y de los recursos naturales. Siendo el árbol un generador de espacio y habitats, solo o en masa, es vínculo entre la naturaleza y el ser humano, las comunidades y sus costumbres. Desde estos parámetros se indagan los procesos que permiten estimar el significado, la importancia y el valor del árbol para llevarlo a una consideración de Singular y/o Monumental. El estudio se basa en los sistemas de catalogación, tras el reconocimiento, localization y selección de ejemplares. Así mismo, se explora la relación sistémica entre árbol y entorno para poner de relieve la importancia del árbol en la configuración de determinados paisajes culturales y ecológicos -como son los robledales de antiguos trasmochos en Euskadi-. Sobre un primer inventario se realiza un estudio pormenorizado de cada árbol registrado y, en un procedimiento paramétrico, se definen criterios -ecológicos y paisajísticos, etnográficos y culturales- de selección de elementos y de evaluación. La obtención de distintos índices de singularidad para los árboles, utilizando modelos tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos, sirve como vía hacia una categorization de los árboles muestreados. A partir de la figura de "Árbol Singular", recogida en la Ley 16/ 1994, de Conservación de la Naturaleza del País Vasco se realiza una revisión del marco legislativo y el régimen de protección, haciendo un análisis a nivel local, autonómico y estatal. Dicho examen pone de manifiesto la diversidad de contextos y significados bajo los que se presentan los árboles. Se muestra también una (in)definición: cierta ambigüedad en torno a la definición que induce a diferentes interpretaciones y nomenclaturas en un intento de delimitar la categoría para regularlo jurídicamente. Estas figuras concebidas desde las políticas de protección ambiental, no siempre resultan del todo efectivas. El Catálogo de Árboles Singulares del País Vasco, creado por Decreto como instrumento para poner en valor estos recursos naturales, no ha sido actualizado desde hace casi veinte años. Sin embargo, se han llevado a cabo iniciativas de ampliación como el trabajo impulsado por el Departamento de Medio Ambiente y Biodiversidad de la Diputación Foral de Álava para el inventario de los árboles singulares del Territorio Histórico de Álava y la propuesta de catálogo a partir del cual se desarrolla esta Tesis Doctoral. Desde estas reflexiones y el desarrollo de modelos para la evaluación y catalogación de los ejemplares registrados, la investigación trata de descifrar cómo observamos a los árboles con los que nos vinculamos, cómo son identificados, a través de qué otros parámetros intangibles les damos valor, y por qué necesitamos clasificarlos. El trabajo concluye con propuestas y acciones alternativas para la conservación y mejora de los árboles que se proponen como singulares, entre ellas, la divulgación y la sensibilización para garantizar el compromiso y la ampliación en el futuro de un catálogo abierto para los árboles de interés. ABSTRACT The PhD thesis here presented tries to deepen the knowledge of tree heritage, the issue of evaluation and singularity where it comes to either specimen or groups. The methodology includes new tools, models and criteria to be used in the assessment of landscape and natural resources. With the tree being a creator of space and habitats, alone or in groups, it is a link between nature and humans, societies and their habits. Using these parameters processes are being sought after: processes that allow us to assess the meaning, the importance and the value of trees in order to lead us to considering a tree as being a 'Singular tree' and/or 'Heritage tree'. The research is based on cataloging systems, after recognizing, localizing and selecting of specimen. This way, the systemic relation between the tree and its surrounding is being explored to get a view on the importance of trees in certain cultural and ecological landscapes -such as the oak fields consisting of ancient pollards in the Basque Country-. After a first inventory a detailed study is performed of each registered tree and, using a parametric method, criteria for selection of elements and evaluation are defined -ecological and those concerning the landscape, as well as ethnographical and cultural-. The creation of different indexes of singularity for trees, using qualitative as well as quantitative models, serves as a way to categorize the selected trees. A revision is done on legislation and the protection regimen, analyzing on a local, autonomic state and national level, parting from the concept of the Singular Tree, as included in the Law 16/1994, of Nature Conservation of Basque Coutry. This review proves the diversity of contexts and meanings in which the trees are being presented. Also an (un)definition appears; certain ambiguity of the definition which induces different interpretations and nomenclatures in an attempt to limit categorization in order to legally regulate. These concepts created out of environment protection politics do not always turn out to be completely effective. The Catalogue of Singular Trees in the Basque Country, created by decree as an instrument to value these natural resources, has not been updated since almost twenty years. However, there have been initiatives of amplification such as the work promoted by the Environment and Biodiversity Service of Provincial Council of Alava to create the inventory of singular trees of the Historical Territory of Álava and the catalogue proposal which forms the starting point of this PhD thesis. Parting from these considerations and the development of models for evaluation and cataloging of the registered specimen, the investigation attempts to unravel the way we observe the trees with which we link, how they are identified, by which intangible parameters we assess them and why we need to classify them. This study ends with proposals and alternative actions for the conservation and improvement of the trees that are being proposed as being singular. Among them are the publication and creating of awareness to guarantee the commitment and the development of an open catalogue for significant trees.
"Status": p. [221]-229.
Latest issue consulted: Suppl. 1 to 2006.