834 resultados para Nitrogenio - Adsorção
o objetivo do presente trabalho foi desenvolver um material adsorvente alternativo de íons sulfato a partir de um resíduo industrial abundante e renovável. Apesar da baixa toxicidade, concentrações elevadas destes íons inviabilizam o reciclo, o reuso e o descarte de efluentes. Para tanto, foi utilizado o resíduo do processamento de camarão que, após etapas de desmineralização, desproteinização e desacetilação, forneceu materiais quitinosos em forma de flakes com diferentes graus de desacetilação (GD), tendo sido selecionada a quitina com GD da ordem de 25% como sólido adsorvente. Os estudos de adsorção de íons sulfàto, realizados em frascos agitados com soluções sintéticas, mostraram valores de remoção da ordem de 92%, correspondente a uma capacidade de adsorção de 3,2 mEq.g-l. Estes resultados foram obtidos com o emprego de uma razão sólido/SO/- de 8,5 mg.mg-I, tempo de contato de 15 minutos e um pH de equilíbrio de 4,3 :t 0,3. Além da adsorção de íons sulfato, os resultados revelaram que quiti.na adsorve também íons molibdato (82% em 15 minutos e 92% em 60 minutos) sem qualquer interferência na adsorção de íons sulfato, fato considerado relevante no tratamento de efluentes de mineração de cobre e molibdênio. A adsorção dos íons sulfàto por quiti.na ocorre através do mecanismo de fisissorção por atração eletrostática, seguindo um modelo cinético de pseudo-segunda ordem, onde as etapas de transferência de massa dos íons não foram limitantes. A reversibilidade da adsorção, uma das características de processos que envolvem interações eletrostáticas, foi confirmada através de estudos de dessorção utilizando soluções de NaOH e permitiram verificar a possibilidade de regeneração do adsorvente. A cinética de adsorção em coluna de percolação, para uma granulometria de sólido e pH inicial do meio inferiores, foi maior do que a obtida no sistema de frascos agitados. Por outro lado, a capacidade de adsorção obtida a partir da curva de saturação em coluna de percolação foi praticamente a mesma obtida no sistema de :fIascosagitados. Nos estudos com efluentes industriais, o desempenho da quitina foi praticamente similar ao obtido com efluentes sintéticos, tendo sido atingidos elevados percentuais de adsorção. Estes resultados confirmam o potencial deste bioadsorvente para o tratamento de efluentes contendo altas concentrações de íons sulfato. Finalmente, são discutidas as considerações gerais do processo no contexto geral do tratamento de efluentes líquidos contendo compostos inorgânicos.
A adsorção em leito fixo de carvão ativado granular é uma das mais importantes alternativas para a remoção de compostos orgânicos voláteis em efluentes aquosos, em concentrações baixas. O objetivo deste trabalho é colocar em funcionamento uma unidade piloto de adsorção e desenvolver uma metodologia para avaliar o comportamento de adsorventes nesta planta como a usada no projeto de unidades de adsorção de leito fixo. Esta planta piloto possui uma coluna de 20 mm de diâmetro interno, encamisada. Ela é equipada com espectrofotômetro UV on-line, que permite a medida da concentração de componentes orgânicos voláteis na corrente de efluente. Também, possui módulos para a aquisição de dados de temperatura, vazão e pressão diferencial. Nessa planta, foram realizados experimentos, à temperatura ambiente, para aquisição de curvas de ruptura experimentais da adsorção de tolueno de uma corrente aquosa, em um leito fixo de carvão ativado. O leito era composto por um carvão ativado granular (8 x 12 mesh). Diferentes alturas de leito (5 e 10 cm) e vazões ( 0,8 e 1,6 L.h-1) foram testados, mantendo a concentração de tolueno na alimentação em aproximadamente 50 ppm. Concomitantemente, foram realizados testes para a caracterização do adsorvente, obtendo-se 15,4 % de conteúdo de umidade e 8,7 % de cinzas, massa específica bulk de 0,5 g.mL-1, massa específica real de 1,72 g.mL-1 e 681 m2.g-1 de área superficial A estimação da difusividade mássica e do coeficiente de transferência de massa referente à fase sólida foram obtidos através de dados de testes cinéticos, obtendo-se, respectivamente, os valores médios de 6,1 cm2.h-1 e 0,0162 cm.h-1. As alturas das zonas de transferência de massa obtidas para a vazão de 0,8 L.h-1 aumentaram com o aumento da altura do leito, indicando comportamento de padrões proporcionais. Além disso, analisaram-se dados preliminares de pressão diferencial no leito, que indicam que ela aumentou enquanto havia adsorção. A metodologia desenvolvida poderá ser aplicada para estudar a adsorção com outros pares adsorvente/adsorvato.
O presente trabalho descreve estudos relativos à validação e aperfeiçoamento de uma nova técnica de adsorção em flocos de materiais adsorventes pulverizados e seu uso em reator de leito expandido/fluidizado. A técnica consiste na utilização de polímeros aquo-solúveis para a floculação de suspensões aquosas de materiais adsorventes pulverizados, baseando-se no baixo custo dos mesmos e no fato de que a capacidade de adsorção dos flocos resultantes não é afetada significativamente pelo polímero floculante. O uso da técnica em reator de leito expandido/fluidizado possibilita ainda a vantagem de união dos processos de adsorção e separação sólido-líquido em uma única etapa. Os estudos foram realizados a partir da floculação de carvão ativado e zeólita natural pulverizados, separados e em mistura, para a adsorção de fenol e nitrogênio amoniacal (separados e misturados). Foi realizada uma adequada caracterização dos materiais particulados, incluindo a determinação de distribuição granulométrica, área superficial específica, potencial zeta, dentre outros. Estudos em escala de bancada foram realizados com ambos os poluentes e materiais adsorventes a fim de obter parâmetros de processo (capacidade de adsorção, cinética e concentração de floculante). Estudos em escala semipiloto com um reator de leito expandido/fluidizado de geometria cilíndrico-cônica foram realizados para estudar a adsorção dos poluentes em leito de flocos dos materiais adsorventes (separados e misturados), assim como a regeneração/reciclo do mesmo. A caracterização dos materiais apresentou propriedades semelhantes para ambos (distribuição granulométrica, potencial zeta) e outras distintas para cada um deles (massa específica, área superficial específica) A capacidade de troca catiônica da zeólita natural foi determinada em 1,02 meq NH4 +.g-1 (após homoionização com NaCl). Este material, proveniente do Chile, mostrou um significativo potencial de aplicação como adsorvente de corantes (como o azul de metileno) e, principalmente, de nitrogênio amoniacal. O floculante utilizado na geração dos flocos adsorventes, separados e misturados, foi do tipo poliacrilamida catiônica e sua concentração ótima foi de 4 e 5 mg.g-1, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos nos estudos em escala de bancada (batelada) mostraram elevada cinética (valor médio de 0,3 min-1) e alta capacidade (valor médio de 13,4 mg NH3-N.g-1) em pH neutro (aproximadamente 6) para a adsorção de nitrogênio amoniacal em zeólita natural pulverizada e floculada. No caso da adsorção de fenol em carvão ativado pulverizado e floculado, foram obtidas uma alta cinética (valor médio de 0,8 min-1) e elevada capacidade (156 mg.g-1). Os dados cinéticos e de equilíbrio foram adequadamente descritos por um modelo cinético para reações reversíveis de primeira ordem e pelas isotermas de Langmuir e Freundlich, respectivamente. Tanto a cinética quanto a capacidade de adsorção não mostraram-se afetadas de forma significativa pelo uso do polímero floculante, sendo observada uma ausência de sinergismo na adsorção dos poluentes devido à mistura dos dois materiais adsorventes, tanto pulverizados quanto floculados. Os resultados obtidos nos estudos em escala semipiloto validaram a utilização de flocos de zeólita natural e carvão ativado pulverizados (não- misturados) em reator de leito expandido/fluidizado na adsorção de nitrogênio amoniacal (11 mg NH3-N.g-1) e fenol (132 mg.g-1), respectivamente, dentro das condições experimentais estabelecidas (taxas de aplicação de 38 e 19 m.h-1, respectivamente) A regeneração/reciclo do leito saturado de flocos mostrou-se viável para o caso da adsorção de nitrogênio amoniacal em zeólita natural, sendo insatisfatória para o leito de carvão ativado saturado em fenol. O uso de leitos mistos mostrou-se eficaz e com vantagens tais como a adsorção de múltiplos poluentes em uma única etapa e a possibilidade de aumento da taxa de aplicação no uso de materiais adsorventes menos densos (carvão ativado) misturados com materiais adsorventes de maior massa específica (zeólita natural). Uma pré-avaliação dos custos operacionais envolvidos na técnica para uso em reator de leito expandido/fluidizado foi realizada, sendo estimados entre 0,32 e 1,48 US$.m-3 (volume de solução sintética de poluente tratada até o ponto de exaustão do leito). Finalmente, são discutidas as potencialidades, vantagens/desvantagens e a viabilidade da nova técnica como processo físico-químico alternativo de adsorção em materiais adsorventes pulverizados.
The destructive impact of improper disposal of heavy metals in the environment increases as a direct result of population explosion, urbanization and industrial expansion and technological developments. Argil are potential materials for adsorption of inorganic and the pelletization of it is required for use in adsorptive columns of fixed bed. The low cost and the possibility of regeneration makes these materials attractive for use in the purification process, capable of removing inorganic compounds in contaminated aquatic environments. In this work was made pellets of a mixture of dolomite and montmorillonite by wet agglomeration, in different percentages. The removal of Pb (II) was investigated through experimental studies, and was modeled by kinetic models and isotherms of adsorption. The materials were characterized using the techniques of XRD, TG / DTA, FT-IR, and surface area by BET method. The results showed the adsorption efficiency of the contaminant by the composite material studied in synthetic solution. The study found that the adsorption follows the Langmuir model, and the kinetics of adsorption follows the model of pseudosecond order
Currently, the oil industry is the biggest cause of environmental pollution. The objective was to reduce the concentration of copper and chromium in the water produced by the oil industry. It was used as adsorbent natural sisal fiber Agave sp treated with nitric acid and sodium hydroxide. All vegetable fibers have physical and morphological properties that enablies the adsorption of pollutants. The basic composition of sisal is cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The features are typically found in the characterization of vegetable fibers, except the surface area that was practically zero. In the first stage of adsorption, it was evaluated the effect of temperature and time skeeking to optimize the execution of the factorial design. The results showed that the most feasible fiber was the one treated with acid in five hours (30°C). The second phase was a factorial design, using acid and five hours, this time was it determined in the first phase. The tests were conducted following the experimental design and the results were analyzed by statistical methods in order to optimize the main parameters that influence the process: pH, concentration (mol / L) and fiber mass/ metal solution volume. The volume / mass ratio factor showed significant interference in the adsorption process of chromium and copper. The results obtained after optimization showed that the highest percentages of extraction (98%) were obtained on the following operating conditions: pH: 5-6, Concentration: 100 ppm and mass/ volume: 1 gram of fiber/50mL solution. The results showed that the adsorption process was efficient to remove chromium and copper using sisal fibers, however, requiring further studies to optimize the process.
A self-flotator vibrational prototype electromechanical drive for treatment of oil and water emulsion or like emulsion is presented and evaluated. Oil production and refining to obtain derivatives is carried out under arrangements technically referred to as on-shore and off-shore, ie, on the continent and in the sea. In Brazil 80 % of the petroleum production is taken at sea and area of deployment and it cost scale are worrisome. It is associated, oily water production on a large scale, carrier 95% of the potential pollutant of activity whose final destination is the environment medium, terrestrial or maritime. Although diversified set of techniques and water treatment systems are in use or research, we propose an innovative system that operates in a sustainable way without chemical additives, for the good of the ecosystem. Labyrinth adsor-bent is used in metal spirals, and laboratory scale flow. Equipment and process patents are claimed. Treatments were performed at different flow rates and bands often monitored with control systems, some built, other bought for this purpose. Measurements of the levels of oil and grease (OGC) of efluents treaty remained within the range of legal framework under test conditions. Adsorbents were weighed before and after treatment for obtaining oil impregna-tion, the performance goal of vibratory action and treatment as a whole. Treatment technolo-gies in course are referenced, to compare performance, qualitatively and quantitatively. The vibration energy consumption is faced with and without conventional flotation and self-flotation. There are good prospects for the proposed, especially in reducing the residence time, by capillary action system. The impregnation dimensionless parameter was created and confronted with consecrated dimensionless parameters, on the vibrational version, such as Weber number and Froude number in quadratic form, referred to as vibrational criticality. Re-sults suggest limits to the vibration intensity
A retenção de Se pelos colóides do solo constitui importante processo para a manutenção da sanidade ambiental. A informação sobre a adsorção de Se em solos altamente intemperizados é restrita e existem poucos padrões quantitativos disponíveis para a definição de estratégias de remediação de áreas contaminadas. Quantidades crescentes de Se (5, 10, 25, 50, 100 e 250 mg L-1), na forma de Na2SeO3, foram adicionadas a amostras de dez Latossolos brasileiros [três Latossolos Vermelho-Amarelos (LVA-1, LVA-2 e LVA-3), dois Latossolos Vermelhos (LV-1 e LV-2), um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico (LVef), um Latossolo Vermelho acriférrico (LVwf), dois Latossolos Amarelos (LA-1 e LA-2) e um Latossolo Amarelo acriférrico (LAwf)]. Isotermas de adsorção foram construídas e foi verificado o ajuste dos resultados experimentais aos modelos de Langmuir e de Freundlich. A equação de Langmuir ajustou melhor os resultados de adsorção de Se do que a isoterma de Freundlich. Todas as isotermas apresentaram o formato tipo-L (exponencial), com exceção daquelas obtidas para o LVA-1 e para o LVA-2, que apresentaram comportamento tipo-C (linear). Valores de adsorção máxima (Ads máx), estimada pelo modelo de Langmuir, variaram de 135 (LVA-3) a 2.245 mg kg-1 (LA-1), enquanto os coeficientes de afinidade (K L) estiveram entre 0,002 (LVA-2) e 0,326 (LVA-3). A constante de afinidade estimada pelo modelo de Freundlich (Kf) variou de 13,7 (LVA-2) a 180,1 (LAwf). A adsorção máxima de Se foi mais elevada no LVef e nos Latossolos ácricos (LAwf e LVwf), enquanto os maiores valores de Kf foram encontrados no LV-2, LVef, LVA-3 e LVwf. Não houve correlação entre os atributos dos solos e as constantes de Langmuir. Valores de Kf correlacionaram-se com os teores de argila (r = 0,42*) e com a capacidade de troca de ânions (r = 0,64*).
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a adsorção e a lixiviação do boro em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, cultivado com soja, em conseqüência das doses de boro e da calagem. Foram analisadas amostras de um solo do Estado do Mato Grosso, cultivado com soja durante três anos, com doses de 0, 1,5, 3, 4,5, 6, 7,5 e 9 Mg ha-1 de calcário, e 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 e 10 kg ha-1 de boro, aplicados no primeiro ano de cultivo. Foram determinadas isotermas de adsorção de boro em função da calagem e do tempo de cultivo, assim como a lixiviação em função da calagem e da adubação boratada. No caso da calagem, mesmo com doses relativamente altas de calcário, a adsorção de boro pelo solo é muito alta apenas no ano de aplicação do corretivo, e diminui significativamente com o tempo. No entanto, a lixiviação de boro guarda estreita relação com o teor do nutriente no solo e com a dose do nutriente que é aplicada, mas é pouco influenciada pela calagem.
This study aimed to evaluate the potential use of smectite clays for color removal of textile effluents. The experiments were performed by testing exploratory/planning method factorial and fractional factorial where the factors and levels are predetermined. The smectite clays were used originating from gypsum hub of the region Araripe-PE, and the dye used was Reactive Yellow BF-4G 200%. The smectite clay was collected and transported to the Laboratory of Soil Physics of UFRPE, where it held its preparation through air drying, lump breaking and classification in sieve to then submit it to the adsorption process. Upon completion of 22 complete factorial design it was concluded that the values of (96, 96,5 and 95,8%) corresponding to the percentage of of removal for "in-kind", chemically and thermally activated, respectively and adsorbed amounts of (4,80, 4,61 and 4,74 mg/g) for three clays. Showed that the activation processes used did not increase the adsorption capacity of smectite clay. The kinetic data were best fitted to the Freundlich isotherm, with an exponential distribution of active sites and that shows above the Langmuir equation for adsorption of cations and anions by clays. The kinetic model that best adapted to the results was the pseudosecond order model. In the factorial design study 24-1, at concentrations up to 500 mg/L obtains high percentage of color removal (92,37, 90,92 and 93,40%) and adsorbed amount (230,94, 227,31 and 233,50 mg/g) for three clays. The kinetic data fitted well to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The kinetic model that best adapted to the results was the pseudosecond order model
This work depicts a study of the adsorption of carbon dioxide on zeolite 13X. The activities were divided into four stages: study batch adsorption capacity of the adsorbent with synthetic CO2 (4%), fixed bed dynamic evaluation with the commercial mixture of gases (4% CO2, 1.11% CO, 1 2% H2, 0.233% CH4, 0.1% C3, 0.0233% C4 argon as inert closing balance), fixed bed dynamic modeling and evaluation of the breakthrough curve of CO2 originated from the pyrolysis of sewage sludge. The sewage sludge and the adsorbent were characterized by analysis TG / DTA, SEM, XRF and BET. Adsorption studies were carried out under the following operating conditions: temperature 40 °C (for the pyrolysis of the sludge T = 600 °C), pressures of 0.55 to 5.05 bar (batch process), flow rate of the gaseous mixture between 50 - 72 ml/min and the adsorbent masses of 10, 15 and 20 g (fixed bed process). The time for the adsorption batch was 7 h and on the fixed bed was around 180 min. The results of this study showed that in batch adsorption process step with zeolite 13X is efficient and the mass of adsorbed CO2 increases with the increases pressure, decreases with temperature increases and rises due the increase of activation temperature adsorbent. In the batch process were evaluated the breakthrough curves, which were compared with adsorption isotherms represented by the models of Langmuir, Freündlich and Toth. All models well adjusted to the experimental points, but the Langmuir model was chosen in view of its use in the dynamic model does not have implications for adsorption (indeterminacy and larger number of parameters such as occurred with others) in solving the equation. In the fixed bed dynamic study with the synthetic gas mixture, 20 g of mass adsorbent showed the maximum adsorption percentage 46.7% at 40 °C temperature and 50 mL/min of flow rate. The model was satisfactorily fitted to the three breakthrough curves and the parameters were: axial dispersion coefficient (0.0165 dm2/min), effective diffusivity inside the particle (dm2/min 0.0884) and external transfer coefficient mass (0.45 dm/min). The breakthrough curve for CO2 in the process of pyrolysis of the sludge showed a fast saturation with traces of aerosols presents in the gas phase into the fixed bed under the reaction process
Expanded Bed Adsorption (EBA) is an integrative process that combines concepts of chromatography and fluidization of solids. The many parameters involved and their synergistic effects complicate the optimization of the process. Fortunately, some mathematical tools have been developed in order to guide the investigation of the EBA system. In this work the application of experimental design, phenomenological modeling and artificial neural networks (ANN) in understanding chitosanases adsorption on ion exchange resin Streamline® DEAE have been investigated. The strain Paenibacillus ehimensis NRRL B-23118 was used for chitosanase production. EBA experiments were carried out using a column of 2.6 cm inner diameter with 30.0 cm in height that was coupled to a peristaltic pump. At the bottom of the column there was a distributor of glass beads having a height of 3.0 cm. Assays for residence time distribution (RTD) revelead a high degree of mixing, however, the Richardson-Zaki coefficients showed that the column was on the threshold of stability. Isotherm models fitted the adsorption equilibrium data in the presence of lyotropic salts. The results of experiment design indicated that the ionic strength and superficial velocity are important to the recovery and purity of chitosanases. The molecular mass of the two chitosanases were approximately 23 kDa and 52 kDa as estimated by SDS-PAGE. The phenomenological modeling was aimed to describe the operations in batch and column chromatography. The simulations were performed in Microsoft Visual Studio. The kinetic rate constant model set to kinetic curves efficiently under conditions of initial enzyme activity 0.232, 0.142 e 0.079 UA/mL. The simulated breakthrough curves showed some differences with experimental data, especially regarding the slope. Sensitivity tests of the model on the surface velocity, axial dispersion and initial concentration showed agreement with the literature. The neural network was constructed in MATLAB and Neural Network Toolbox. The cross-validation was used to improve the ability of generalization. The parameters of ANN were improved to obtain the settings 6-6 (enzyme activity) and 9-6 (total protein), as well as tansig transfer function and Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm. The neural Carlos Eduardo de Araújo Padilha dezembro/2013 9 networks simulations, including all the steps of cycle, showed good agreement with experimental data, with a correlation coefficient of approximately 0.974. The effects of input variables on profiles of the stages of loading, washing and elution were consistent with the literature
Nitrogen (N), besides being one of the macro more absorbed by plants, is the that most limits the production of sunflower. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutrient content in leaves, grains and nutrient export due to nitrogen levels in sunflower cultivation. A randomized experimental block design consisting of five treatments and four replications: T1 - 50 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 20 and 20 kg ha(-1), T2 - 70 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 30 and 30 kg ha(-1); T3 - 90 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 40 and 40 kg ha(-1), T4 - 110 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 50 and 50 kg ha(-1), T5 - 130 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 60 and 60 kg ha(-1). These applications were made in installments when sowing and 34 and 48 days after sowing. The parameters were evaluated in leaf nutrient content, nutrient content in grains and nutrient export. Under the experimental conditions it was found that the optimum foliar N were purchased at a dosage above 110 kg ha-1 N. With the increasing amount of N supplied in the sunflower crop was exported over this element, but not at the same rate of increase in dosage. The lowest dose of N the lowest rates of export of P, K, Mg, S, B, Cu, Mn and Zn, while increasing the dose of this nutrient decreased the export of Ca.
Discussions about pollution caused by vehicles emission are old and have been developed along the years. The search for cleaner technologies and frequent weather alterations have been inducing industries and government organizations to impose limits much more rigorous to the contaminant content in fuels, which have an direct impact in atmospheric emissions. Nowadays, the quality of fuels, in relation to the sulfur content, is carried out through the process of hydrodesulfurization. Adsorption processes also represent an interesting alternative route to the removal of sulfur content. Both processes are simpler and operate to atmospheric temperatures and pressures. This work studies the synthesis and characterization of aluminophosphate impregnate with zinc, molybdenum or both, and its application in the sulfur removal from the gasoline through the adsorption process, using a pattern gasoline containing isooctane and thiophene. The adsorbents were characterized by x-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis (DTG), x-ray fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The specific area, volume and pore diameter were determined by BET (Brunauer- Emmet-Teller) and the t-plot method. The sulfur was quantified by elementary analysis using ANTEK 9000 NS. The adsorption process was evaluated as function of the temperature variation and initial sulfur content through the adsorption isotherm and its thermodynamic parameters. The parameters of entropy (ΔS), enthalpy variation (ΔH) and free Gibbs energy (ΔG) were calculated through the graph ln(Kd) versus 1/T. Langmuir, Freundlich and Langmuir-Freundlich models were adjusted to the experimental data, and the last one had presented better results. The thermodynamic tests were accomplished in different temperatures, such as 30, 40 and 50ºC, where it was concluded the adsorption process is spontaneous and exothermic. The kinetic of adsorption was studied by 24 h and it showed that the capability adsorption to the adsorbents studied respect the following order: MoZnPO > MoPO > ZnPO > AlPO. The maximum adsorption capacity was 4.91 mg/g for MoZnPO with an adsorption efficiency of 49%.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere have increased successively by various mechanisms caused by human action, especially as fossil fuel combustion and industrial chemical processes. This leads to the increase in average temperature in the atmosphere, which we call global warming. The search for new technologies to minimize environmental impacts arising from this phenomenon has been investigated. The capture of CO2 is one of the alternatives that can help reduce emis ions of greenhouse gases. The CO2 can be captured through the process of selective adsorption using adsorbents for this purpose. Were synthesized by hydrothermal method, materials of the type MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41 in the molar ratio Si / Al equal to 50. The synthesis of gels were prepared from a source of silicon, sodium, water and aluminum in the case of Al-MCM-41. The period of synthesis of the materials was 5 days in autoclave at 100°C. After that time materials were filtered, washed and dried in greenhouse at 100 º C for 4 hours and then calcined at 450 º C. Then the calcined material was functionalized with the Di-isopropylamine (DIPA) by the method of wet impregnation. We used 0.5 g of material mesopores to 3.5 mL of DIPA. The materials were functionalized in a closed container for 24 hours, and after this period were dried at brackground temperature for 2 hours. Were subsequently subjected to heat treatment at 250°C for 1 hour. These materials were used for the adsorption of CO2 and were characterized by XRD, FT-IR, BET / BJH, SEM, EDX and TG / DTG. Tests of adsorption of CO2 was carried out under the following conditions: 100 mg of adsorbent, temperature of 75°C under flow of 100 mL/min of CO2 for 2 hours. The desorption of CO2 was carried out by thermogravimetry from ambient temperature to 900ºC under flow of 25 mL min of He and a ratio of 10ºC/min. The difratogramas X-ray for the synthesized samples showed the characteristic peaks of MCM-41, showing that the structure of it was obtained. For samples functionalized there was a decrease of the intensities of these peaks, with a consequent reduction in the structural ordering of the material. However, the structure was preserved mesopores. The adsorption tests showed that the functionalized MCM-41 is presented as a material promising adsorbent, for CO2 capture, with a loss of mass on the desorption CO2 of 7,52%, while that in Al-MCM- 41 functionalized showed no such loss