998 resultados para Nitrogen losses


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Current feed evaluation systems for dairy cattle aim to match nutrient requirements with nutrient intake at pre-defined production levels. These systems were not developed to address, and are not suitable to predict, the responses to dietary changes in terms of production level and product composition, excretion of nutrients to the environment, and nutrition related disorders. The change from a requirement to a response system to meet the needs of various stakeholders requires prediction of the profile of absorbed nutrients and its subsequent utilisation for various purposes. This contribution examines the challenges to predicting the profile of nutrients available for absorption in dairy cattle and provides guidelines for further improved prediction with regard to animal production responses and environmental pollution. The profile of nutrients available for absorption comprises volatile fatty acids, long-chain fatty acids, amino acids and glucose. Thus the importance of processes in the reticulo-rumen is obvious. Much research into rumen fermentation is aimed at determination of substrate degradation rates. Quantitative knowledge on rates of passage of nutrients out of the rumen is rather limited compared with that on degradation rates, and thus should be an important theme in future research. Current systems largely ignore microbial metabolic variation, and extant mechanistic models of rumen fermentation give only limited attention to explicit representation of microbial metabolic activity. Recent molecular techniques indicate that knowledge on the presence and activity of various microbial species is far from complete. Such techniques may give a wealth of information, but to include such findings in systems predicting the nutrient profile requires close collaboration between molecular scientists and mathematical modellers on interpreting and evaluating quantitative data. Protozoal metabolism is of particular interest here given the paucity of quantitative data. Empirical models lack the biological basis necessary to evaluate mitigation strategies to reduce excretion of waste, including nitrogen, phosphorus and methane. Such models may have little predictive value when comparing various feeding strategies. Examples include the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier II models to quantify methane emissions and current protein evaluation systems to evaluate low protein diets to reduce nitrogen losses to the environment. Nutrient based mechanistic models can address such issues. Since environmental issues generally attract more funding from governmental offices, further development of nutrient based models may well take place within an environmental framework.


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Foi conduzido um experimento a fim de estudar, comparativamente, o efeito da uréia coberta com enxofre (SCU) e uréia não coberta sobre a perda de nitrogênio (N-NH+4 + N-NO-3) por lixiviaçao em um Latossol Roxo que ocorre sob vegetação de cerrado no Município de Botucatu, SP-Brasil, bem como a influência de doses destes fertilizantes e do pH do solo. Verificou-se que SCU reduziu as perdas de nitrogênio, através do processo de lixiação, apresentando lenta liberação do elemento. O efeito das doses refletiu-se nas perdas por lixiviaçao com uma maior perda para a dose mais elevada (120 kg n/ ha). Houve influência do pH ocorrendo maiores perdas de N para o valor mais elenado, ou seja, no pH 6,5, para ambos os tipos de uréia, verificando-se também que o pH não influiu na liberação do N retido no grânulo de SCU.


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The objective of this experiment was to determine the protein requirements for hen pullets from 1 to 18 weeks of age, by factorial method, using the nitrogen balance and the comparative slaughtering techniques. Protein requirements for maintenance, was obtained by the nitrogen balance technique using four diets with different protein levels (18,9, 4 and 2% of CP) aiming to obtain positive balance, next to zero and negative nitrogen balance. The endogenous nitrogen losses (0.2575 g of N/kg·75/day) was obtained by regression of nitrogen balance (NB) on ingestion nitrogen (IN). The requirements of nitrogen for maintenance was estimated by the intercept of axis X (0.3831 g of N/kg·75/day). The slope of the straight line still supplied the efficiency of N of the diet (67.21%). The regression coefficients of the equation represented the requirements of net nitrogen for weight gain. Considering the conversion efficiencies of nitrogen of the diet into nitrogen for weight gain, the requirements of nitrogen were determined for weight gain of .065, .087g and .090 g of N per gram of weight gain, for the phases 1 to 6, 7 to 12, and 13 to 18 weeks of age, respectively. Based on the results, three equations of prediction of the daily nitrogen requirements were fitted in function of live weight (LW in kg) and daily weight gain (G in g): 1 to 6 weeks N=.3831 x BW·75 + G .065, 7 to 12 weeks N=.3831 × BW·75 + G .087, and 13 to 18 weeks N=.3831 × BW·75 + G .090.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Nitrogen (N) is the most required nutrient for corn plants and, in order to supply this demand in highly productive crops, mineral fertilizers are used, especially urea. The disadvantage of urea is the loss of N-NH3 to atmosphere. To reverse this situation, some technologies have been developed, such as nitrification and urease inhibitors, which are used as additives to urea. This work aimed at evaluating the agronomic efficiency of urea stabilized with urease and nitrification inhibitors applied to cover the 2013/2014 corn crop. We evaluated 11 nitrogen fertilizer applied in coverage: urea + PA (41.6% N, 3% Cu); urea + PA (41.6% N, 1.5% Cu); urea + PA (41.6% N, 3% Zn); urea + PA (41.6% N, 1.5% Zn); urea + PA (41.6% N, 0.34% Cu, 0.94% B); urea + PA (41.6% N, 0.25% Cu, 0.68% B); urea + PA (41.6% N); urea (44.3% N, 0.15% Cu, 0.4% B); urea (43% N, 0.1% Cu, 0.3% B, 0.05% Mo); pearled urea (46% N); urea + 0,8% DMPP (45% N) and the control, which did not receive nitrogen topdressing. The evaluations were: Nitrogen losses through volatilization, content and accumulation of N, boron (B), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) to the dry matter of aerial parts, grains, and in straw and grain productivity. Fertilizers stabilized with urease and nitrification inhibitors did not reduce the volatilization of ammonia volatilization, when compared to pearled urea. Urea with 0.8% of DMPP nitrification inhibitor (3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate) provided higher loss by volatilization, lower productivity and agronomic efficiency compared to pearled urea. The coating of urea with Cu, B and Zn did not increase the accumulation of these nutrients in grains and MSPA plants. The use of fertilizers stabilized and coated with micronutrients did not increase the productivity and agronomic efficiency compared to conventional urea.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O setor avícola, como setor em constante crescimento está associado à produção de elevadas quantidades de resíduos sólidos orgânicos. A crescente taxa de produção de resíduos avícolas leva à necessidade de lhes dar um destino adequado podendo a valorização orgânica, nomeadamente a compostagem, ser uma opção. O presente estudo pretende dar um contributo para o projeto de uma unidade de compostagem numa empresa portuguesa do setor, com valorização dos resíduos produzidos pela mesma, avaliando o potencial de aplicação desta operação de tratamento de resíduos e a qualidade do produto final. Como primeiro passo foi realizada uma caracterização dos resíduos a utilizar de forma a perceber a sua possível influência no processo de degradação. Os ensaios de compostagem foram realizados à escala laboratorial, numa gama de temperatura de 50 a 55ᵒC, utilizando como substrato base uma mistura dos resíduos avícolas, de acordo com os seus quantitativos de produção. Vários potenciais agentes estruturantes foram também testados, como adição ao substrato. A monitorização do processo foi feita com base em análises das fases gasosa (gases de exaustão), sólida (substrato em decomposição) e líquida (lixiviado). A avaliação do processo foi ainda complementada com a caracterização dos produtos finais obtidos, os quais foram ainda sujeitos a testes de fitotoxicidade. Foram observados graus de conversão de matéria orgânica relativamente altos (40-50%), comprovando a aplicabilidade desta operação de tratamento de resíduos. Embora a diferença entre ensaios tenha sido pouco notória, a utilização de uma combinação de cama de aviário e mato destroçado e compostado aparenta ser ligeiramente mais eficiente, enquanto a utilização de casca de eucalipto produziu os piores resultados. Perdas de humidade e de azoto foram as duas situações mais críticas observadas para os vários ensaios, tendo influência tanto sobre o processo como sobre o produto final. Os compostos obtidos revelam baixa qualidade, exibindo valores elevados de pH e condutividade elétrica e elevadas concentrações de metais pesados, tais como cobre e zinco. Supõe-se que as características adversas verificadas estejam associadas à aplicação de quantidades demasiado elevadas de cinza nos substratos, levando à necessidade de redução deste material; estudos adicionais seriam necessários a fim de avaliar as possibilidades de ajuste das quantidades a utilizar, dos diferentes materiais, com o intuito de produzir um produto final com qualidade, respeitando os requisitos legais.


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In der Dissertation wurden die Effekte verschiedener C/N-Verhältnisse und verschiedener Verhältnisse von strukturellen zu löslichen Kohlenhydraten (NDF/SC) von Dung, der in bewässerten Gemüsekulturen im Norden Omans appliziert wurde, untersucht. Im auf sandigen Böden durchgeführten Experiment wurden zwei Büffeldungvarianten zum einen mit einem C/N-Verhältnis von 19 und einem NDF/SC-Verhältnis von 17 (ORG1) und zum anderen mit einem C/N-Verhältnis von 25 und einem NDF/SC-Verhältnis von 108 (ORG2) verwendet. Das relevante faktorielle Anbausystem war eine zweijährige Rotation, bestehend aus Rettich gefolgt von Blumenkohl und Karotte. Eine signifikante Zunahme der Erträge, des Sproßdurchmessers und der Pflanzenhöhe von Blumenkohl (P<0,001) sowie der Konzentration von Askorbinsäure in den Wurzeln von Rettich (P<0,01) mit erhöhter Verfügbarkeit von N, P und K von ORG2 über ORG1 bis hin zur Mineraldünger-Kontrollbehandlung (MIN) konnte festgestellt werden. Innerhalb von 260 Tagen wurden für die gesamte Anbauperiode mit einem photoakustischen Infrarot-Multigasmonitor und einer damit verbundenen Haube bodenbürtige Gasemissionen gemessen. Die errechneten Nettobilanzen zeigten Überschüsse von N und P, welche von Defiziten für K begleitet waren. Die Kohlenstoff Nettobilanzen waren während des Untersuchungszeitraums negativ oder nicht konsistent. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unter extremen klimatischen Bedingungen bewässerter sandiger Böden organische Kultivierung zuerst durch den Kohlenstoffgehalt von Dung und Boden und erst dann durch die applizierten Mengen an N, P und K limitiert wird. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass Gasemissionen den größten Teil der N und C Verluste von bewässerten sandigen Böden im Norden Omans darstellen. Die Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen und Sickerverlusten sollte weiterhin im Fokus zukünftiger Untersuchungen stehen, um zur Entwicklung von nachhaltigen organischen Anbausystemen im Oman und anderen ariden tropischen Ländern beizutragen.


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This paper reports effects of chestnut and mimosa tannins on N utilisation in sheep. Tannins were added to grass either at ensilage or incorporated into grass silage at feeding. The study used an 8 × 5 incomplete Latin Square design with eight mature wether sheep and five 21-day periods. Tannin additions reduced in vivo apparent digestibilities of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and neutral detergent fibre (aNDFom) compared with the untreated control silage (P<0.001). Reductions ranged from 7.6% for DM to 8.5% for aNDFom. Chestnut compared to mimosa tannin silages produced higher values for DM intake (734 g/day versus 625 g/day) and in vivo digestibility for DM, OM and aNDFom (0.66, 0.68 and 0.69 versus 0.61, 0.63 and 0.62; P<0.001). A substantial shift occurred in the pattern of N excretion in sheep fed the tannin versus control silages. As a proportion of daily N intake, urinary N losses were lower (56.4 g/100 g N versus 65.1 g/100 g N intake) and faecal N losses were higher (40.2 g/100 g N versus 29.8 g/100 g N intake) for sheep fed the tannin silages compared with those fed the control grass silage (P<0.001). Nitrogen intake was higher in sheep fed the chestnut compared to mimosa tannin silages (16.2 g/day versus 13.4 g/day; P<0.001), reflecting the lower DM intake of sheep fed the mimosa silages. However, faecal N loss was lower for chestnut compared to mimosa tannin silage fed sheep (38.2 g/100 g N versus 42.1 g/100 g N intake; P<0.01), resulting in higher N retentions with the chestnut compared to the mimosa silage fed sheep (5.49 g/100 g N versus 1.38 g/100 g N intake). Faecal N losses were also higher when tannins were added during ensiling rather than at feeding (P<0.05). Although there was no overall effect of tannins on N retention in mature wether sheep, it is likely that productive ruminants with higher protein requirements would retain more N from silages containing chestnut tannins. Tannins added externally to grass silages may generate some benefits on N utilisation and environmental N excretions in sheep fed the silages.


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Nitrogen and phosphorus losses from the catchment of Slapton Ley, a small coastal lake in SW England, were calculated using an adaptation of a model developed by Jorgensen (1980). A detailed survey of the catchment revealed that its land use is dominated by both permanent and temporary grassland (respectively 38 and 32% of its total area), and that the remainder is made up of the cultivation of cereals and field vegetables, and market gardening. Livestock numbers in the catchment constitute ca. 6600 head of cattle, 10,000 sheep, 590 pigs, 1700 poultry and 58 horses. The permanent human population of the area is ca. 2000, served by two small gravity-fed sewage treatment works (STWs). Inputs to, and losses from, farmland in the catchment were computed using Jorgensen’s model, and coefficients derived from the data of Cooke (1976), Gostick (1982), Rast and Lee (1983) and Vollenweider (1968). Allowing for outputs from STWs, the total annual external load of N and P upon Slapton Ley is 160 t (35 kg ha-1) a-1 N, and 4.8 t (1.05 kg ha-1) a-1 P. Accordingly to Vollenweider (1968, 1975), such loadings exceed OECD permissible level by a factor of ca. 50 in the case of N, and ca. 5 in that of P. In order to reduce nutrient loads, attention would need to be paid to both STW and agricultural sources.


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Nitrous oxide emissions from intensive, fertilised agricultural systems have been identified as significant contributors to both Australia's and the global greenhouse gas (GHG) budget. This is expected to increase as rates of agriculture intensification and land use change accelerate to support population growth and food production. Limited data exists on N2O trace gas fluxes from subtropical or tropical tree cropping soils critical for the development of effective mitigation strategies.This study aimed to quantify GHG emissions over two consecutive years (March 2007 to March 2009) from a 30 year (lychee) orchard in the humid subtropical region of Australia. GHG fluxes were measured using a combination of high temporal resolution automated sampling and manually sampled chambers. No fertiliser was added to the plots during the 2007 measurement season. A split application of nitrogen fertiliser (urea) was added at the rate of 265kgNha-1 during the autumn and spring of 2008. Emissions of N2O were influenced by rainfall events and seasonal temperatures during 2007 and the fertilisation events in 2008. Annual N2O emissions from the lychee canopy increased from 1.7kgN2O-Nha-1yr-1 for 2007, to 7.6kgN2O-Nha-1yr-1 following fertiliser application in 2008. This represented an emission factor of 1.56%, corrected for background emissions. The timing of the split application was found to be critical to N2O emissions, with over twice as much lost following an application in spring (2.44%) compared to autumn (EF: 1.10%). This research suggests that avoiding fertiliser application during the hot and moist spring/summer period can reduce N2O losses without compromising yields.


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Global cereal production will need to increase by 50% to 70% to feed a world population of about 9 billion by 2050. This intensification is forecast to occur mostly in subtropical regions, where warm and humid conditions can promote high N2O losses from cropped soils. To secure high crop production without exacerbating N2O emissions, new nitrogen (N) fertiliser management strategies are necessary. This one-year study evaluated the efficacy of a nitrification inhibitor (3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate—DMPP) and different N fertiliser rates to reduce N2O emissions in a wheat–maize rotation in subtropical Australia. Annual N2O emissions were monitored using a fully automated greenhouse gas measuring system. Four treatments were fertilized with different rates of urea, including a control (40 kg-N ha−1 year−1), a conventional N fertiliser rate adjusted on estimated residual soil N (120 kg-N ha−1 year−1), a conventional N fertiliser rate (240 kg-N ha−1 year−1) and a conventional N fertiliser rate (240 kg-N ha−1 year−1) with nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) applied at top dressing. The maize season was by far the main contributor to annual N2O emissions due to the high soil moisture and temperature conditions, as well as the elevated N rates applied. Annual N2O emissions in the four treatments amounted to 0.49, 0.84, 2.02 and 0.74 kg N2O–N ha−1 year−1, respectively, and corresponded to emission factors of 0.29%, 0.39%, 0.69% and 0.16% of total N applied. Halving the annual conventional N fertiliser rate in the adjusted N treatment led to N2O emissions comparable to the DMPP treatment but extensively penalised maize yield. The application of DMPP produced a significant reduction in N2O emissions only in the maize season. The use of DMPP with urea at the conventional N rate reduced annual N2O emissions by more than 60% but did not affect crop yields. The results of this study indicate that: (i) future strategies aimed at securing subtropical cereal production without increasing N2O emissions should focus on the fertilisation of the summer crop; (ii) adjusting conventional N fertiliser rates on estimated residual soil N is an effective practice to reduce N2O emissions but can lead to substantial yield losses if the residual soil N is not assessed correctly; (iii) the application of DMPP is a feasible strategy to reduce annual N2O emissions from sub-tropical wheat–maize rotations. However, at the N rates tested in this study DMPP urea did not increase crop yields, making it impossible to recoup extra costs associated with this fertiliser. The findings of this study will support farmers and policy makers to define effective fertilisation strategies to reduce N2O emissions from subtropical cereal cropping systems while maintaining high crop productivity. More research is needed to assess the use of DMPP urea in terms of reducing conventional N fertiliser rates and subsequently enable a decrease of fertilisation costs and a further abatement of fertiliser-induced N2O emissions.


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Rainfall simulation experiments were carried out to measure runoff and soil water fluxes of suspended solids, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, dissolved organic carbon and total iron from sites in Pinus plantations on the coastal lowlands of south-eastern Queensland subjected to various operations (treatments). The operations investigated were cultivated and nil-cultivated site preparation, fertilised site preparation, clearfall harvesting and prescribed burning; these treatments were compared with an 8-y-old established plantation. Flow-weighted mean concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in surface runoff from the cultivated and nil-cultivated site-preparation, clearfall harvest, prescribed burning and 8-y-old established plantation treatments were very similar. However, both the soil water and the runoff from the fertilised site preparation treatment contained more nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) than the other treatments - with 3.10 mg N L-1 and 4.32 mg P L-1 (4 and 20 times more) in the runoff. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations in runoff from the nil-cultivated site-preparation and prescribed burn treatments were elevated. Iron concentrations were highest in runoff from the nil-cultivated site-preparation and 8-y-old established plantation treatments. Concentrations of suspended solids in runoff were higher from cultivated site preparation and prescribed burn treatments, and reflect the great disturbance of surface soil at these sites. The concentrations of all analytes were highest in initial runoff from plots, and generally decreased with time. Total nitrogen (mean 7.28, range 0.11-13.27 mg L-1) and total phosphorus (mean 11.60, range 0.06-83.99 mg L-1) concentrations in soil water were between 2 and 10 times greater than in surface runoff, which highlights the potential for nutrient fluxes in interflow (i.e. in the soil above the water table) through the general plantation area. Implications in regard to forest management are discussed, along with results of larger catchment-scale studies.


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The fate of nitrogen (N) applied in biosolids was investigated in a forage production system on an alluvial clay loam soil in south-eastern Queensland, Australia. Biosolids were applied in October 2002 at rates of 6, 12, 36, and 54dryt/ha for aerobically digested biosolids (AE) and 8, 16, 48, and 72dryt/ha for anaerobically digested biosolids (AN). Rates were based on multiples of the Nitrogen Limited Biosolids Application rate (0.5, 1, 3, and 4.5NLBAR) for each type of biosolid. The experiment included an unfertilised control and a fertilised control that received multiple applications of synthetic fertiliser. Forage sorghum was planted 1 week after biosolids application and harvested 4 times between December 2002 and May 2003. Dry matter production was significantly greater from the biosolids-treated plots (21-27t/ha) than from the unfertilised (16t/ha) and fertilised (18t/ha) controls. The harvested plant material removed an extra 148-488kg N from the biosolids-treated plots. Partial N budgets were calculated for the 1NLBAR and 4.5NLBAR treatments for each biosolids type at the end of the crop season. Crop removal only accounted for 25-33% of the applied N in the 1NLBAR treatments and as low as 8-15% with 4.5NLBAR. Residual biosolids N was predominantly in the form of organic N (38-51% of applied biosolids N), although there was also a significant proportion (10-23%) as NO3-N, predominantly in the top 0.90m of the soil profile. From 12 to 29% of applied N was unaccounted for, and presumed to be lost as gaseous nitrogen and/or ammonia, as a consequence of volatilisation or denitrification, respectively. In-season mineralisation of organic N in biosolids was 43-59% of the applied organic N, which was much greater than the 15% (AN)-25% (AE) expected, based on current NLBAR calculation methods. Excessive biosolids application produced little additional biomass but led to high soil mineral N concentrations that were vulnerable to multiple loss pathways. Queensland Guidelines need to account for higher rates of mineralisation and losses via denitrification and volatilisation and should therefore encourage lower application rates to achieve optimal plant growth and minimise the potential for detrimental impacts on the environment.