995 resultados para Nitrogen dioxide


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Nitrogen dioxide (NO$\sb2)$ levels in sixteen substandard houses located in Houston, Texas were examined. The classification of the houses as substandard was based on an assessment of structural integrity which would affect air exchange rates. In these homes, unvented gas space heaters were operated as the primary source of heat.^ The Ogawa passive sampling device was used to measure NO$\sb2$ concentrations over 24 to 48-hour periods during generally cold weather. A sampler was placed in the kitchen and bedroom of each house. The female head of household was asked to wear a monitor during area monitoring to assess her personal exposure. Outdoor levels of NO$\sb2$ were also measured.^ Mean (standard deviation) levels of kitchen, bedroom and personal exposures were 280 (125) ppb, 256 (155) ppb and 164 (102) ppb, respectively. Additional short-term ($<$24 hours) samples were measured in three houses. The mean level of NO$\sb2$ measured outdoors was 51 ppb over the course of the study.^ The measurements obtained with the Ogawa sampler were compared to those levels obtained using a reference method (chemiluminescence). Outdoor levels measured with the diffusion samplers were 48% higher.^ These results suggest that wintertime NO$\sb2$ levels within substandard houses using gas appliances for heating and cooking are extremely elevated. Further work is needed to investigate the prevalence of possible health effects associated with these exposures. ^


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Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu,ZnSOD) is the antioxidant enzyme that catalyzes the dismutation of superoxide (O2•−) to O2 and H2O2. In addition, Cu,ZnSOD also exhibits peroxidase activity in the presence of H2O2, leading to self-inactivation and formation of a potent enzyme-bound oxidant. We report in this study that lipid peroxidation of l-α-lecithin liposomes was enhanced greatly during the SOD/H2O2 reaction in the presence of nitrite anion (NO2−) with or without the metal ion chelator, diethylenetriaminepentacetic acid. The presence of NO2− also greatly enhanced α-tocopherol (α-TH) oxidation by SOD/H2O2 in saturated 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine liposomes. The major product identified by HPLC and UV-studies was α-tocopheryl quinone. When 1,2-diauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine liposomes containing γ-tocopherol (γ-TH) were incubated with SOD/H2O2/NO2−, the major product identified was 5-NO2-γ-TH. Nitrone spin traps significantly inhibited the formation of α-tocopheryl quinone and 5-NO2-γ-TH. NO2− inhibited H2O2-dependent inactivation of SOD. A proposed mechanism of this protection involves the oxidation of NO2− by an SOD-bound oxidant to the nitrogen dioxide radical (•NO2). In this study, we have shown a new mechanism of nitration catalyzed by the peroxidase activity of SOD. We conclude that NO2− is a suitable probe for investigating the peroxidase activity of familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-linked SOD mutants.


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The photochemistry of the polar regions of Earth, as well as the interstellar medium, is driven by the effect of ultraviolet radiation on ice surfaces and on the materials trapped within them. While the area of ice photochemistry is vast and much research has been completed, it has only recently been possible to study the dynamics of these processes on a microscopic level. One of the leading techniques for studying photoreaction dynamics is Velocity Map Imaging (VMI). This technique has been used extensively to study several types of reaction dynamics processes. Although the majority of these studies have utilized molecular beams as the main medium for reactants, new studies showed the versatility of the technique when applied to molecular dynamics of molecules adsorbed on metal surfaces. Herein the development of a velocity map imaging apparatus capable of studying the photochemistry of condensed phase materials is described. The apparatus is used to study of the photo-reactivity of NO2 condensed within argon matrices to illustrate its capabilities. A doped ice surface is formed by condensing Ar and NO2 gas onto a sapphire rod which is cooled using a helium compressor to 20 K. The matrix is irradiated using an Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm, and the resulting NO fragment is state-selectively ionized using an excimer-pumped dye laser. In all, we are able to detect transient photochemically generated species and can collect information on their quantum state and kinetic energy distribution. It is found that the REMPI spectra changes as different sections of the dissociating cloud are probed. The rotational and translational energy populations are found to be bimodal with a low temperature component roughly at the temperature of the matrix, and a second component with much higher temperature, the rotational temperature showing a possible population inversion, and the translational temperature of 100-200 K. The low temperature translational component is found to dominate at long delay times between dissociation and ionization, while at short time delays the high temperature component plays a larger role. The velocity map imaging technique allows for the detection of both the axial and radial components of the translational energy. The distribution of excess energy over the rotational, electronic and translational states of the NO photofragments provides evidence for collisional quenching of the fragments in the Ar-matrix prior to their desorption.


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Sensors to detect toxic and harmful gases are usually based on metal oxides that are operated at elevated temperature. However, enabling gas detection at room temperature (RT) is a significant ongoing challenge. Here, we address this issue by demonstrating that microrods of semiconducting CuTCNQ (TCNQ=7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) with nanostructured features can be employed as conductometric gas sensors operating at 50°C for detection of oxidizing and reducing gases such as NO2 and NH3. The sensor is evaluated at RT and up to 200°C. It was found that CuTCNQ is transformed into a N-doped CuO material with p-type conductivity when annealed at the maximum temperature. This is the first time that such a transformation, from a semiconducting charge transfer material into a N-doped metal oxide is detected. It is shown here that both the surface chemistry and the type of majority charge carrier within the sensing layer is critically important for the type of response towards oxidizing and reducing gases. A detailed physical description of NO2 and NH3 sensing mechanism at CuTCNQ and N-doped CuO is provided to explain the difference in the response. For the N-doped CuO sensor, a detection limit of 1 ppm for NO2 and 10 ppm for NH3 are achieved.


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Sulphide materials, in particular MoS2, have recently received great attention from the surface science community due to their extraordinary catalytic properties. Interestingly, the chemical activity of iron pyrite (FeS2) (the most common sulphide mineral on Earth), and in particular its potential for catalytic applications, has not been investigated so thoroughly. In this study, we use density functional theory (DFT) to investigate the surface interactions of fundamental atmospheric components such as oxygen and nitrogen, and we have explored the adsorption and dissociation of nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on the FeS2(100) surface. Our results show that both those environmentally important NOx species chemisorb on the surface Fe sites, while the S sites are basically unreactive for all the molecular species considered in this study and even prevent NO2 adsorption onto one of the non-equivalent Fe–Fe bridge sites of the (1 1)–FeS2(100) surface. From the calculated high barrier for NO and NO2 direct dissociation on this surface, we can deduce that both nitrogen oxides species are adsorbed molecularly on pyrite surfaces.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work presents a 1-D process scale model used to investigate the chemical dynamics and temporal variability of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ozone (O3) within and above snowpack at Summit, Greenland for March-May 2009 and estimates surface exchange of NOx between the snowpack and surface layer in April-May 2009. The model assumes the surface of snowflakes have a Liquid Like Layer (LLL) where aqueous chemistry occurs and interacts with the interstitial air of the snowpack. Model parameters and initialization are physically and chemically representative of snowpack at Summit, Greenland and model results are compared to measurements of NOx and O3 collected by our group at Summit, Greenland from 2008-2010. The model paired with measurements confirmed the main hypothesis in literature that photolysis of nitrate on the surface of snowflakes is responsible for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) production in the top ~50 cm of the snowpack at solar noon for March – May time periods in 2009. Nighttime peaks of NO2 in the snowpack for April and May were reproduced with aqueous formation of peroxynitric acid (HNO4) in the top ~50 cm of the snowpack with subsequent mass transfer to the gas phase, decomposition to form NO2 at nighttime, and transportation of the NO2 to depths of 2 meters. Modeled production of HNO4 was hindered in March 2009 due to the low production of its precursor, hydroperoxy radical, resulting in underestimation of nighttime NO2 in the snowpack for March 2009. The aqueous reaction of O3 with formic acid was the major sync of O3 in the snowpack for March-May, 2009. Nitrogen monoxide (NO) production in the top ~50 cm of the snowpack is related to the photolysis of NO2, which underrepresents NO in May of 2009. Modeled surface exchange of NOx in April and May are on the order of 1011 molecules m-2 s-1. Removal of measured downward fluxes of NO and NO2 in measured fluxes resulted in agreement between measured NOx fluxes and modeled surface exchange in April and an order of magnitude deviation in May. Modeled transport of NOx above the snowpack in May shows an order of magnitude increase of NOx fluxes in the first 50 cm of the snowpack and is attributed to the production of NO2 during the day from the thermal decomposition and photolysis of peroxynitric acid with minor contributions of NO from HONO photolysis in the early morning.


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A research programme is being carried out at the Institute Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial of Spain, on several aspects of the formation of nitrogen oxides in continuous flow combustion systems, considering hydrogen and hydrocarbons as fuels. The research programme is fundamentally oriented on the basic aspects of the problem, although it also includes the study of the influence on the formation process of several operational and design variables of the combusters, such as type of fuels, fuel/air ratio, degree of mixing in premixed type flames, existence of droplets as compared with homogeneous combustion.This problem of nitrogen oxides formation is receiving lately great attention, specially in connection with automobile reciprocating engines and aircraft gas turbines. This is due to the fact of the increasing frequency and intensity of photochemical hazes or smog, typical of urban areas submitted to strong solar radiation, which are originated by the action on organic compounds of the oxidants resulting from the photochemical decomposition of nitrogen dioxide N02. In the combustion process almost all nitrogen oxides are in form of NO. This nitric oxide reacts with the oxygen of the air and forms N02, this reaction only taking place in or near the exhaust of tne motors, since the N0-02 reaction becomes frozen for the concentration existing in the atmosphere.


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Air pollution is ranked by the World Health Organisation as one of the top ten contributors to the global burden of disease and injury. Exposure to gaseous air pollutants, even at a low level, has been associated with cardiorespiratory diseases (Vedal, Brauer et al. 2003). Most recent epidemiological studies of air pollution have used time-series analyses to explore the relationship between daily mortality or morbidity and daily ambient air pollution concentrations based on the same day or previous days (Hajat, Armstrong et al. 2007). However, most of the previous studies have examined the association between air pollution and health outcomes using air pollution data from a single monitoring site or average values from a few monitoring sites to represent the whole population of the study area. In fact, for a metropolitan city, ambient air pollution levels may differ significantly among the different areas. There is increasing concern that the relationships between air pollution and mortality may vary with geographical area (Chen, Mengersen et al. 2007). Additionally, some studies have indicated that socio-economic status can act as a confounder when investigating the relation between geographical location and health (Scoggins, Kjellstrom et al. 2004). This study examined the spatial variation in the relationship between long-term exposure to gaseous air pollutants (including nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3) and sulphur dioxide (SO2)), and cardiorespiratory mortality in Brisbane, Australia, during the period 1996 - 2004.


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In this thesis, the relationship between air pollution and human health has been investigated utilising Geographic Information System (GIS) as an analysis tool. The research focused on how vehicular air pollution affects human health. The main objective of this study was to analyse the spatial variability of pollutants, taking Brisbane City in Australia as a case study, by the identification of the areas of high concentration of air pollutants and their relationship with the numbers of death caused by air pollutants. A correlation test was performed to establish the relationship between air pollution, number of deaths from respiratory disease, and total distance travelled by road vehicles in Brisbane. GIS was utilized to investigate the spatial distribution of the air pollutants. The main finding of this research is the comparison between spatial and non-spatial analysis approaches, which indicated that correlation analysis and simple buffer analysis of GIS using the average levels of air pollutants from a single monitoring station or by group of few monitoring stations is a relatively simple method for assessing the health effects of air pollution. There was a significant positive correlation between variable under consideration, and the research shows a decreasing trend of concentration of nitrogen dioxide at the Eagle Farm and Springwood sites and an increasing trend at CBD site. Statistical analysis shows that there exists a positive relationship between the level of emission and number of deaths, though the impact is not uniform as certain sections of the population are more vulnerable to exposure. Further statistical tests found that the elderly people of over 75 years age and children between 0-15 years of age are the more vulnerable people exposed to air pollution. A non-spatial approach alone may be insufficient for an appropriate evaluation of the impact of air pollutant variables and their inter-relationships. It is important to evaluate the spatial features of air pollutants before modeling the air pollution-health relationships.