1000 resultados para News agencies -- TFC


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O objetivo principal deste artigo é apresentar uma análise crítica das políticas de expansão da educação superior, no Brasil, instituídas pós-LDB/1996, com a finalidade de identificar e discutir as novas configurações dessa expansão, em especial a que vem sendo efetivada, a partir de 2007, com a criação de redes de empresas por meio da compra e (ou) fusão de instituições de ensino superior privadas do país, por empresas nacionais e internacionais de ensino superior e pela abertura de capitais destas nas bolsas de valores, configurando a formação de oligopólios. Para tanto, utilizamos como recurso metodológico a pesquisa bibliográfica, especificamente a consulta em fontes documentais diversas, em especial, web sites de empresas educacionais, bem como de órgãos da imprensa tradicional e da mídia eletrônica nacionais. Nas considerações finais, apontamos algumas tendências da mercantilização do ensino superior, no Brasil.


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In the capital market the information are used as subsidies for the decision making of investors, among the main highlights are the economic, political, accounting and relating nature to the financial results of companies which have stocks traded at Stock Exchanges. In this perspective, it is essential that the agents involved especially brokerage companies establish management processes that contain a set of criteria for the organization and treatment of information collected in newspapers, news agencies and the companies that trade in stocks. Thus, it is essential to establish rigor in relation to recovery mechanisms of such information, which requires more than technology, because actions are necessary that will propitiate the informational content are made available with consistency, clarity and trustworthiness, so as that users can retrieve them in a timely manner. Furthermore, those processes should provide the efficient use of the information retrieved by users, so that they can use them aiming to subsidize the decisions of sale or purchase shares. Considering that the information systems are responsible for the information dissemination in the framework of capital market, it is necessary to present requisites that contemplate the set organization, treatment, retrieval and use of information. That way, we sought to evidence in this paper these issues, utilizing as a premise the elements proposed by Guimarães (2003) from the perspective of the information environment of a values brokerage companies reflecting through the model used, how these companies realize their work considering the dimensions of the documentary analysis, informational treatment, and the instruments for retrieval and use of information.


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Corporative media, represented by TV, radio, press and internet conglomerates, is responsible for the biggest portion of audience and public all over the world. The commercial media was built upon media concentration and monopoly strategies and this business aims society’s economic and political control. Unfortunately, they don’t represent the biggest portion of population’s interests and, because of that, corporative media faces a crisis moment while alternative means of communication rise from the initiative of professionals who are committed to society’s marginalized sectors. Radical media intends to express a variant vision about hegemonic policies, priorities and perspectives. Citizen journalism is one of radical media arms and this research proposition is to analyze the business model of commercial media in Brazil and in the world, its means of production, and compare them with citizen journalism methods. This work also intends to analyze radical media and how it is opposite to corporative media by studying Escola de Notícias, an educommunication project from São Paulo


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The objective of this project is to publish a book of scientific dissemination aimed at the subject of intellectual or industrial property, in particular patent, and its approval process. Based on a series of weekly blog posts published by its author, Patentes Patéticas use scientific, literary journalism and humour techniques to analyze a selection of U.S. patents that stand out for their questionable utility and criticize the number of patents granted as a metric of technological innovation in a country


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This monograph presents a study about organizational communication, outlining concepts, Brazilian historic, interfering factors and other considerations on the subject, introducing a survey with twelve communication agencies in Bauru as a result, explaining, in practical terms, how processes of organizational communication occur and the journalist's work in this area. Therefore, the organizational communication offers many possibilities for journalists, either as writers or press officers, or even in positions directly related to the Internet. As a key sector for all types of organizations, communication has gained notability, establishing itself as a strategic area for organizational management, especially in the form of integrated communication


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O presente trabalho tem como proposta a curadoria e produção de notícias positivas, de modo que o público tenha acesso ao seu conteúdo em um único lugar, ao invés de procurá-lo em outros veículos. Além da seleção de informação, o projeto ainda conta com outros recursos jornalísticos e projetos que agregam valores positivos ao site. Se faz importante frisar que o conteúdo deste trabalho tem o intuito de contribuir para o exercício da função social do jornalista, a de informar o que é bom para o leitor, de modo a causar um impacto positivo na sociedade. Ao contrário dos jornais tradicionais, que carregam em suas páginas, na maioria das vezes, conteúdos negativos ou violentos


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Since the decade of 1990's, a debate has grown about the so called creative industries. The creatives industries are build for sectors where the creativity emerges as a main input for the products elaboration which are valued by intellectual property statutes. The present monograph intends to describe Journalism as a creative activity, expose how intellectual property works in this area and analyze the function of news aggregators, like Google News, both in author rights matter terms, as about on the recent news mediator and distributor role on digital platforms


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In the present study aimed to study the use of radio and television in Brazil by the various Christian aspects rooted in the country. The main objective was to analyze how the churches define the orientation or the use of strategies of both comprehensive and traditional media vehicles, which are still the most popular mass media, both for the formation of culture and national public opinion in both states and municipalities, which demarcate and retain regional traits that differentiate culturally, economically and socially diverse Brazilian populations. Christian churches are increasingly seeking loopholes and legal facilities, public spaces and broadcast media to facilitate the achievement of followers of their theological ideologies. On the radio, on television and also through social networks of the Internet, pastors, priests, bishops and lay Christians to seek their potential both in public space and home individually, using old and new individual devices and portable reception of audiovisual content. All preachers fiercely competing for space leased the open television networks, in national and local radio stations and invest in the organization of broadcasters Community legalized or informal. The work also aims to study the radio and television concessions in Bauru, to show the failures that occur in broadcasting spectrum management by the federal government and also for the reader to understand what the Constitution says about the use of these vehicles public concession by religious institutions


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This paper aims to discuss the Internet as a space conducive to the development of in-depth reports. The traditional media, often tied to economic and political issues, do not address issues related to collective and social satisfactorily. The emergence of alternative media is important and necessary for the development of investigative journalism, not tied to particular interests. The collective funding or crowdfunding is a financial alternative for the development of journalistic content and the Agência Pública de Reportagem e Jornalismo Investigativo figures as a medium that uses this feature, among others. The analysis of reports produced by the agent allows you to identify aspects of analytical and investigative construction this vast medium that is the Internet


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The energy sector, especially with regard to natural gas trade, is one of the key areas of co-operation between the EU and Russia. However, the character of this co-operation has given rise to increasing doubts both in Brussels and among the EU member states. The questions have emerged whether this co-operation does not make the EU excessively dependent on Russian energy supplies, and whether Gazprom's presence in the EU will not allow Moscow to interfere in the proces of devising the EU energy policy. This report is intended to present the factual base and data necessary to provide accurate answers to the foregoing questions. The first part of the report presents the scope and character of Gazprom's economic presence in the EU member states. The second part shows the presence of the EU investors in Russia. The data presented has been provided by the International Energy Agency, European Commission, the Central Bank of Russia and the Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Some of the data is the result of calculations made by the Centre for Eastern Studies' experts who were basing on the data provided by energy companies, the specialist press and news agencies.


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Introduction. The energy sector, especially with regard to the gas trade, is one of the key areas of co-operation between the EU and Russia. However, the form this co-operation has taken has been giving rise to some concern, both in Brussels and in the EU member states. Questions arise as to whether the EU has not become excessively dependent on Russia for energy, and whether the presence of the Russian gas monopoly in the EU does not enable Russian interference with the development of EU energy policy. The objective of this series of OSW reports (for the previous edition,see Gazprom’s expansion in the EU: co-operation or domination? April 2008 – pdf 1.2 MB) is to provide facts which will permit an accurat answer to these questions to be formulated. Over the course of last year, two new factors strongly affected Gazprom’s capability to operate on the EU market. One was the ongoing global economic crisis, which has depressed demand for gas both in Russia and in Europe. Gazprom has cut both its own production and the quantities of gas it purchases from the Central Asian states, and the decrease in export revenues has forced the company to modify some of its current investment plans. Less demand for gas and the need to reduce production are also having a positive impact – the Russian company is likely to avoid the difficulties in meeting all of its export commitments which, only a year or so ago, it was expected to experience. The other factor affecting Gazprom’s expansion in Europe is the observed radicalisation of the rhetoric and actions of both the company itself and of the Russian authorities with regard to the gas sector as broadly understood. The gas crisis between Russia and Ukraine in January 2009, which resulted in a two-week interruption of gas supplies from Russia to Europe via Ukraine, was the most prominent example of this radicalisation. The hardening of rhetoric in the ongoing energy talks with the EU and other actors, and increased political and business activities designed to promote Russian gas interests in Europe, in particular the lobbying for the Nord Stream and South Stream projects, are further signs of this shift in tone. These issues raise the question of whether, and to what extent, the current condition of Gazprom’s finance will permit the company to implement the infrastructural projects it has been endorsing and its other investment plans in Europe. Another important question is whether the currently observed changes in how Gazprom operates will take on a more permanent character, and what consequences this will have for the European Union. The first part of this report discusses Gazprom’s production and export potential. The second comprehensively presents the scope and nature of Gazprom’s economic presence in the EU member states. Finally, the third part presents the Russian company’s methods of operation on foreign markets. The data presented in the report come mainly from the statistics of the International Energy Agency, the European Commission and Gazprom, as well as the Central Bank of Russia and the Russian Statistical Office. The figures presented here also include proprietary calculations by the OSW based on figures disclosed by energy companies and reports by professional press and news agencies.


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Esta tese resgata a história das agências de notícias que atuam em escala internacional (Reuters Television e Associated Press Television News), delimitando suas características operacionais dentro do fluxo informacional do telejornalismo mundial. Por meio dos estudos de caso da Reuters TV e da APTN, a tese mostra o funcionamento do ecossistema noticioso global, voltado para as emissoras de televisão, explorando o entendimento de como ele se comporta a partir da irrupção das novas mídias advindas com a internet. Aponta como o desenvolvimento das tecnologias digitais em rede provocou mudanças editoriais e logísticas na rotina produtiva das agências, vistas neste trabalho como importantes atores sociais da globalização. Ao mapear a dinâmica comercial e estrutural das agências, é sustentada a hipótese de que as reportagens transmitidas por essas empresas são, em sua maioria, determinadas pelos interesses políticos e econômicos de seus maiores clientes. Isso nos leva a ratificar que, ainda hoje, após 30 anos da publicação do Relatório McBride, da UNESCO, há uma assimetria no noticiário internacional, no qual alguns países, regiões e assuntos são negligenciados e excluídos. A tese revela, entre outros pontos, que as agências agora difundem um número expressivo de vídeos relacionados à Ásia e que a maior parte de suas reportagens tem imbricações com os Estados Unidos e/ou a Europa. Durante a cobertura midiática de eventos de grande impacto, as agências renovam seu capital simbólico vendendo a ideia de isenção, credibilidade e multiplicidade de vozes. Reforçam também papéis específicos: a organização do noticiário, a viabilização das imagens e a alimentação contínua, segura e veloz do fluxo informativo.


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Newsletter for Iowa Department of Economic Development.