928 resultados para New parameters


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Neste trabalho é apresentada uma nova abordagem para obter as respostas impulsivas biauriculares (BIRs) para um sistema de aurilização utilizando um conjunto de redes neurais artificiais (RNAs). O método proposto é capaz de reconstruir as respostas impulsivas associadas à cabeça humana (HRIRs) por meio de modificação espectral e de interpolação espacial. A fim de cobrir todo o espaço auditivo de recepção, sem aumentar a complexidade da arquitetura da rede, uma estrutura com múltiplas RNAs (conjunto) foi adotada, onde cada rede opera uma região específica do espaço (gomo). Os três principais fatores que influenciam na precisão do modelo arquitetura da rede, ângulos de abertura da área de recepção e atrasos das HRIRs são investigados e uma configuração ideal é apresentada. O erro de modelagem no domínio da frequência é investigado considerando a natureza logarítmica da audição humana. Mais ainda, são propostos novos parâmetros para avaliação do erro, definidos em analogia com alguns dos bem conhecidos parâmetros de qualidade acústica de salas. Através da metodologia proposta obteve-se um ganho computacional, em redução do tempo de processamento, de aproximadamente 62% em relação ao método tradicional de processamento de sinais utilizado para aurilização. A aplicabilidade do novo método em sistemas de aurilização é reforçada mediante uma análise comparativa dos resultados, que incluem a geração das BIRs e o cálculo dos parâmetros acústicos biauriculares (IACF e IACC), os quais mostram erros de magnitudes reduzidas.


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This paper presents a comparison between theoretical predictions and experimental results from a pin-on-disc test rig exploring friction-induced vibration. The model is based on a linear stability analysis of two systems coupled by sliding contact at a single point. Predictions are compared with a large volume of measured squeal initiations that have been post-processed to extract growth rates and frequencies at the onset of squeal. Initial tests reveal the importance of including both finite contact stiffness and a velocity-dependent dynamic model for friction, giving predictions that accounted for nearly all major clusters of squeal initiations from 0 to 5 kHz. However, a large number of initiations occurred at disc mode frequencies that were not predicted with the same parameters. These frequencies proved remarkably difficult to destabilise, requiring an implausibly high coefficient of friction. An attempt has been made to estimate the dynamic friction behaviour directly from the squeal initiation data, revealing complex-valued frequency-dependent parameters for a new model of linearised dynamic friction. These new parameters readily destabilised the disc modes and provided a consistent model that could account for virtually all initiations from 0 to 15 kHz. The results suggest that instability thresholds for a wide range of squeal-type behaviour can be predicted, but they highlight the central importance of a correct understanding and accurate description of dynamic friction at the sliding interface. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A large number of mantle-derived fluid activities occurred in the Dongying Sag. On the basis of the studies on the geochemical characteristics of these fluids in this sag, the spatial distribution of biomarkers in petroleum and their relationships with the parameters of mantle-derived fluids were studied, to reveal the influence of mantle-derived fluids on the biomarkers and to evaluate the reliability of these biomarkers when applied to oil-source correlation and maturity analysis. Most biomarkers used in oil correlation kept the characteristics of their sources during burial thermal evolution. Even some of them were not influenced by mantle derived fluids, such as the relative content of C27-C29 steroid(ααα20R)and C21/C23 tricyclic terpane. However, Pr/Ph and C35/C34 hopanes were sensitive to both heat energy and materiel input by the mantle-derived fluids. γ-waxnae/C30hopanes and C24 tetracyclic terpanes /C26 tricyclic terpanes responded only to thermal influence by mantle-derived fluids. They did not chemically reacted with the mantle-derived fluids. Fluorene series compounds reacted with hydrogen and / or carbon dioxide from the mantle. Mantle-derived fluids affected most maturity index. The huge thermal energy with mantle-devied fluids weakened the relationship between the maturity parameters and depth. Among them, pregnane/C27-29 steroid and Ts/(Ts+Tm) were more sensitive to the heat of the fluids. ααα20S/(20S+20R) took the second place. αββ/(ααα+αββ) and 22S/(22S+22R) were not thermally influenced by the mantle-derived fluid. Besides, the substance of mantle-derived fluids reacted with fragrants, hopanes or moretanoids and thus altered the values of MPI1, MPI2, MPR, C30 hopanes/(C30 hopanes + moretanoids) and alkyl-diben zothiophene/diben zothiophene. The thermal alernation of phenanthrene series and their spatial distribution show that the heat energy carried by mantle-derived fluids was not fierce but spread widely in Dongying Sag, which is favorable to hydrocarbon generation with little destroy. In sum, mantle-derived fluids affected biomarkers through thermal energy and chemical reactions and changed the values of oil-source correlation and maturity parameters in the deep-seated fault belts. Therefore, in the deep-seated fault belts, oil-source correlation should be restudied and the new parameters need to be explored.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Serviço Social.


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This paper presents an approach which enables new parameters to be added to a CAD model for optimization purposes. It aims to remove a common roadblock to CAD based optimization, where the parameterization of the model does not offer the shape sufficient flexibility for a truly optimized shape to be created. A technique has been developed which uses adjoint based sensitivity maps to predict
the sensitivity of performance to the addition to a model of four different feature types, allowing the feature providing the greatest benefit to be selected. The optimum position to add the feature is also discussed. It is anticipated that the approach could be used to iteratively add features to a model, providing greater flexibility to the shape of the model, and allowing the newly-added parameters to be used as design variables in a subsequent shape optimization.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2011


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L’observance, qui décrit à quel degré le patient suit la prescription, est un facteur essentiel pour que le traitement réussisse. Les observances des patients varient beaucoup et l’efficacité du médicament varie parallèlement. Par conséquent, il faut avoir des paramètres sensibles et fiables pour mesurer l’observance. Dans la littérature, on trouve beaucoup de paramètres pour évaluer l’observance mais leurs avantages, limites et inconvénients, en ce qui concerne l’évaluation de l’impact de l’observance sur les effets des médicaments n’ont pas encore été étudiés en profondeur. L’évaluation de ces paramètres nécessite de les tester dans différentes situations. Comme les données disponibles sur l’observance ne concernent pas un ensemble exhaustif de situations, le recours à la simulation, en s’inspirant des cas réels ou plausibles, est très pertinent. On a ainsi réussi à développer un modèle dont les paramètres sont simples et compréhensibles et qui est pratique et flexible pour simuler les différents cas et même les cas extrêmes de l’observance. On a proposé de nouveaux paramètres pour mesurer l’impact biopharmaceutique de l’observance. Ensuite, on a comparé la performance, en termes de sensibilité et la fiabilité, des paramètres proposés et celles de paramètres déjà utilisés. En conclusion, on peut souligner qu’il n’y a pas de paramètre parfait étant donné que chacun a ses propres limites. Par exemple, pour les médicaments dont les effets sont directement liés aux leurs concentrations plasmatiques, le pourcentage des doses prises, qui est le paramètre le plus utilisé, offre la pire performance; par contre, le pourcentage des doses correctes nettes qui est un nouveau paramètre possède une bonne performance et des avantages prometteurs.


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Cette recherche qualitative porte sur les innovations pédagogiques utilisées à l’Université de Montréal en contexte de cultures disciplinaires. La recherche visait à étudier les innovations pédagogiques, entendues comme tout enseignement dispensé de manières différentes de la pratique traditionnelle du cours magistral, proposées par les professeurs dans une université fortement engagée en recherche. ll nous a paru utile de contribuer à compléter les savoirs existants dans ce domaine peu exploré, particulièrement lorsque nous savons que les innovations pédagogiques en contexte de cultures disciplinaires n’ont encore pas été étudiées à l’Université de Montréal. D’un point de vue social, la pertinence de cette recherche réside dans le cadre de la valorisation de l’enseignement universitaire souhaitée tant par les politiques, les institutions et la société que les professeurs et, au-delà, elle invite au rééquilibrage des deux piliers indispensables à l’université centrée sur la recherche qui laisse paraître une relation dichotomique marquée entre enseignement et recherche. Deux modes de cueillettes de données ont été privilégiés : les entrevues individuelles semi-structurées et un entretien de groupe auprès de trente-deux professeurs lauréats du Prix d’excellence en enseignement de l’Université de Montréal. Pour cette recherche, nous avons employé la théorisation ancrée comme méthode d’analyse de données recueillies selon d’autres approches. En d’autres mots, nous avons souhaité utiliser la théorisation ancrée comme un « processus » (Paillé, 1994, p. 149) d’analyse des données avec pour objectif d’approfondir l’objet de notre recherche par-delà la simple analyse descriptive sans pour autant prétendre à une théorisation avancée. En premier lieu, nos résultats nous ont permis de connaître les innovations pédagogiques utilisées dans l’enceinte de notre terrain de recherche, l’Université de Montréal et de dresser un portrait actualisé de leurs innovateurs. Nous avons aussi exploré les raisons qui amènent les professeurs à innover, décrit le processus nécessaire à l’innovation pédagogique et expliqué les freins s’opposant à cette dernière. En second lieu, nos résultats énumèrent les différences liées à la matière d’enseignement, au champ de recherche et soulignent le rapport de la discipline à l’innovation comme critère déterminant à son implication. En dernier lieu, nos résultats révèlent l’existence d’une expertise pédagogique partagée au sein de l’Université de Montréal qui permet de rompre la solitude des professeurs par un soutien entre pairs et favorise la transférabilité des innovations pédagogiques d’une culture disciplinaire à une autre. Finalement, nous présentons une théorisation actualisée des paramètres constituant une innovation pédagogique et détaillons les nouveaux paramètres qui influent sur la construction d’une innovation pédagogique. Nous concluons cette thèse par des recommandations et des pistes de recherches.


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En 1973 se establece una asociación internacional entre Liberia y Sierra Leona llamada Mano River Union (MRU) con el objetivo de establecer una integración económica subregional, a la cual Guinea se integró en 1980. Tras el final de los conflictos civiles en la región, en el 2004 se lleva a cabo la Inauguración del Foro de Paz de Mano River Union, en el cual se establecieron nuevos parámetros para el funcionamiento del grupo subregional el cual está basado en identificar las amenazas comunes y actuar en conjunto frente a ellas. Dentro de las amenazas que tienen el potencial de debilitar la seguridad de la región y así mismo, debilitar las estructuras estatales, se establecen a los problemas de gobernanza, las amenazas fronterizas y los temas de refugiados como los más importantes a tratar.


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en esta investigación diagnóstica se desarrolla un análisis en torno a las asignaciones presupuestales referentes al gasto público social durante el gobierno del presidente Uribe Vélez y como dichas asignaciones incidieron en las condiciones y la calidad de vida de la población colombiana. Finalmente, el autor de esta investigación propone una alternativa de solución al problema planteado presentando algunos nuevos parámetros para que la asignación del GPS cumpla con los objetivos propuestos de eficacia y eficiencia.


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Apesar do indiscutível avanço que os sistemas previdenciários representaram no campo social verifica-se, em todo o mundo, um crescente consenso quanto à necessidade de se repensar sua estrutura. As recentes transformações da estrutura demográfica, do mercado de trabalho e do processo de globalização da economia, nos remetem a uma nova realidade e ao imperativo de buscar novas soluções para assegurar a proteção social. Por outro lado, o Estado, enquanto promotor do desenvolvimento e de redução das desigualdades, se encontra sob severo questionamento, ao passo que a moral individualista e os méritos do mercado gozam de crescente prestígio. Como resultado destas múltiplas pressões, o Brasil, a exemplo de vários outros países, vem experimentando um processo de ajustes e reforma de seu sistema previdenciário, no qual o fortalecimento do elo entre contribuições e beneficios tem-se constituído o principal elemento. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento do regime complementar privado ocupa um espaço cada vez maior na formulação e execução de políticas públicas. Com a aprovação da Emenda Constitucional no. 20 (em dezembro de 1998) foram lançadas as novas diretrizes para o sistema previdenciário brasileiro. O trabalho analisa as iniciativas estatais até o momento realizadas, e sua contribuição para a construção de um arcabouço regulatório para a área, mais adequado às novas demandas sociais, econômicas e políticas


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Qual o efeito de eleições em ativos reais? É possível mensurar diretamente a diferença de preços mesmo que só possamos enxergar um dos resultados potenciais? Essa dissertação estima esses efeitos utilizando metodologia baseada em opções sobre ações. O modelo aqui desenvolvido adaptção tradicional Black-Scholes para incorporar dois novos parâmetros: um salto no preço do ativo perfeitamente antecipado e uma série de probabilidades diárias refletindo as crenças sobre quem venceria a corrida eleitoral. Aplicamos esse método para o caso brasileiro das Eleições Presidenciais de 2014 e a Petrobras - uma importante companhia do setor petrolífero do país -utilizando dados de bolsa do segundo turno das eleições. Os resultados encontrados mostram uma diferença de 65-77% para o valor da companhia, dependendo de quem vencesse nas urnas. Isso é equivalente a aproximadamente 2.5% do PIB de 2014 do país.


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The apparent virtuosity that if could wait of the globalization and the neoliberalism has given signals of deterioration in the contractual relations, especially in contracts of mass consumption, generating innumerable offensive situations to the basic rights and the goods constitutionally protected of the contractors. In the world of today, still that it does not reveal any desire, the individual practically is compelled to contract, for force of necessities and customs completely imposed, mainly in face of the essentiality of the services or agreed to goods. Ahead of as much and unexpected changes in the civil liames and of consumption, dictated for the globalization, it comes to surface the reflection if the private law e, more specifically, the civil law, meet prepared adequately to deal with these new parameters of the economy. The present dissertation has the intention to investigate if the globalization and the consequent neoliberalism, in this beginning of third millennium, will imply to revive of the principles and the basics paradigms of the contracts that consolidated and had kept, for more than two centuries, the liberal State. One notices that the study of this phenomenon it gains importance to the measure where if it aggravates the decline of the social State (Welfare State), with the embrittlement and the loss of the autonomy of the state authority, over all in countries of delayed modernity, as it is the case of Brazil, that presents deep deficiencies to give or to promote, with a minimum of quality and efficiency, essential considered public services to the collective and that if they find consecrated in the Federal Constitution, as basic rights or as goods constitutionally protecting, the example of the health, the education, the housing, the security, the providence, the insurance, the protection the maternity, the infancy and of aged and deficient. To the end, the incidence of constant basic rights of the man in the Constitution is concluded that, in the process of interpretation of the right contractual conflicts that have as object rights or goods constitutionally proteges, in the universe of the globalized perhaps economy and of the neoliberalismo, it consists in one of the few ways - unless the only one - that still they remain to over all deal with more adequately the contractual relations, exactly that if considers the presence of clauses generalities in the scope of the legislation infraconstitutional civil and of consumption, front the private detainers of social-economic power. To be able that it matters necessarily in disequilibrium between the parts, whose realignment depends on the effect and the graduation that if it intends to confer to the basic right in game in the private relation. The Constitution, when allowing the entailing of the basic rights in the privates relations, would be assuming contours of a statute basic of all the collective, giving protection to the man against the power, if public or independently private


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to analyze the morphological and histological characteristics of eggs from six triatomine species in order to obtain a generic and specific characterization of this group of Trypanosoma cruzi vectors and better understand their phylogenetic and taxonomic aspects. The eggs of the respective species came from the collection of the Laboratório de Triatomíneos e Culicídeos da Faculdade de Saúde Pública/USP, from the Insetário do Serviço Especial de Saúde de Araraquara - SESA and from the Triatomine insectary of the Laboratório Nacional e Internacional de Referência em Taxonomia de Triatomíneos (FIOCRUZ), in Rio de Janeiro. Morphological studies were done with optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Histological analyses used only optical microscopy. All of the species analyzed showed a predominance of hexagonal cells. The exchorion of Triatoma breyeri Del Ponte, T. costalimai Verano & Galvão, and T. tibiamaculata (Pinto) consists of unornamented cells, overlapping or slightly separated, with a smooth, padded appearance. Meanwhile, in T. matogrossensis Leite & Barbosa, T. sherlocki Papa, Juberg, Carcavallo, Cerqueira & Barata, and T. williami Galvão, Souza & Lima, the exchorion cells are ornamented on their entire surface with perforations and fissures. Egg histology showed undulations, pores, and orifices. The study helps to expand the generic and specific knowledge of the Triatominae subfamily. The characteristics identified in the exchorion of the eggshells can help separate close species. These new parameters will back the elaboration of future dichotomous keys, help to determine each vector species' role and expand knowledge of the various species.