385 resultados para Neuromyelitis optica


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PURPOSE To investigate retrograde axonal degeneration for its potential to cause microcystic macular edema (MME), a maculopathy that has been previously described in patients with demyelinating disease. To identify risk factors for MME and to expand the anatomic knowledge on MME. DESIGN Retrospective case series. PARTICIPANTS We included 117 consecutive patients and 180 eyes with confirmed optic neuropathy of variable etiology. Patients with glaucoma were excluded. METHODS We determined age, sex, visual acuity, etiology of optic neuropathy, and the temporal and spatial characteristics of MME. Eyes with MME were compared with eyes with optic neuropathy alone and to healthy fellow eyes. With retinal layer segmentation we quantitatively measured the intraretinal anatomy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Demographic data, distribution of MME in the retina, and thickness of retinal layers were analyzed. RESULTS We found MME in 16 eyes (8.8%) from 9 patients, none of whom had multiple sclerosis or neuromyelitis optica. The MME was restricted to the inner nuclear layer (INL) and had a characteristic perifoveal circular distribution. Compared with healthy controls, MME was associated with significant thinning of the ganglion cell layer and nerve fiber layer, as well as a thickening of the INL and the deeper retinal layers. Youth is a significant risk factor for MME. CONCLUSIONS Microcystic macular edema is not specific for demyelinating disease. It is a sign of optic neuropathy irrespective of its etiology. The distinctive intraretinal anatomy suggests that MME is caused by retrograde degeneration of the inner retinal layers, resulting in impaired fluid resorption in the macula.


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Disruption of the blood-brain and blood-spinal cord barriers (BBB and BSCB, respectively) and immune cell infiltration are early pathophysiological hallmarks of multiple sclerosis (MS), its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), and neuromyelitis optica (NMO). However, their contribution to disease initiation and development remains unclear. In this study, we induced EAE in lys-eGFP-ki mice and performed single, nonterminal intravital imaging to investigate BSCB permeability simultaneously with the kinetics of GFP(+) myeloid cell infiltration. We observed a loss in BSCB integrity within a day of disease onset, which paralleled the infiltration of GFP(+) cells into the CNS and lasted for ∼4 d. Neutrophils accounted for a significant proportion of the circulating and CNS-infiltrating myeloid cells during the preclinical phase of EAE, and their depletion delayed the onset and reduced the severity of EAE while maintaining BSCB integrity. We also show that neutrophils collected from the blood or bone marrow of EAE mice transmigrate more efficiently than do neutrophils of naive animals in a BBB cell culture model. Moreover, using intravital videomicroscopy, we demonstrate that the IL-1R type 1 governs the firm adhesion of neutrophils to the inflamed spinal cord vasculature. Finally, immunostaining of postmortem CNS material obtained from an acutely ill multiple sclerosis patient and two neuromyelitis optica patients revealed instances of infiltrated neutrophils associated with regions of BBB or BSCB leakage. Taken together, our data provide evidence that neutrophils are involved in the initial events that take place during EAE and that they are intimately linked with the status of the BBB/BSCB.


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El proyecto se ha realizado en el IOBA (Edificio Ciencias de la Salud, Ramón y Cajal, 5, 47005 Valladolid) por el equipo dirigido por la Dra. Saornil (Profesor asociado) y compuesto por Raúl Martín (profesor Asociado), Begoña Coco, Rosa Coco y Rubén Cuadrado (colaboradores docentes) todos miembros del IOBA. El principal objetivo del proyecto era elaborar un cuaderno de ejercicios de simulación de rehabilitación visual definiendo un programa de objetivos de aprendizaje específico, elaborando el material necesario para la simulación de pérdidas de visión, redactando un cuaderno de prácticas con el consenso de todo el equipo docente implicado y poniendo en marcha y evaluando la eficacia del sistemade prácticas de rehabilitación visual. Se ha utilizado el trabajo en equipo con reuniones del equipo investigador con los profesores implicados como principal herramienta o sistema de trabajo, recurriendo a las fuentes bibliográficas cuando fue preciso. Como resultado del proyecto se han conseguido alcanzar todos los objetivos planteados realizando y editando el Cuaderno de ejercicios de simulación que fue utilizado durante el curso académico 2000-2001 evaluando el aprendizaje de los alumnos. Se ha comprobado que el uso de estos materiales favorece el aprendizaje de las habilidades prácticas y las actitudes de los alumnos, potenciando la eficacia de las prácticas permitiendo la adquisición de las competencias diseñadas por los alumnos. También ha permitido fomentar el trabajo en equipo y multidisciplinar necesario al abordar la exploración y diseño de un programa de rehabilitación visual en un sujeto con baja visión. El proyecto ha dado lugar a la edición del 'Cuaderno de Ejercicios de Simulación de Rehabilitación Visual' (pendiente de su publicación).


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La teoría matricial de la óptica puede aplicarse para obtener y analizar las imágenes producidas por sistemas ópticos centrados (SOC) desde un punto de vista geométrico, asociado. Una matriz al sistema óptico, que llamamos matriz característica, de 2X2 y cuyos elementos dependen de las características geométricas como de las ópticas de los medios separados por superficies-frontera o superficies de discontinuidad que se consideran ideales delgadas. Así, la matriz caracteriza todo elemento perteneciente al espacio-objeto en un elemento del espacio-imagen, siendo dicha transformación biunívoca al tener en cuenta el principio de retorno de luz. Para obtener la matriz característica tendremos que representar en forma matricial ciertas leyes de la luz (propagación rectilínea y la refracción de la luz) Dichas matrices se llamarán matriz de traslación y matriz de refracción.


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El arquitecto, don Miguel Fisac, autor del proyecto y director de la obras del Instituto Daza Valdés, facilita detalles acerca de ellas. El edificio tiene forma de U, y consta de cinco plantas y semisótano. Tiene secciones de óptica geométrica, física y teórica, espectros atómicos y moleculares, fotometría, óptica electrónica, oftalmológica, historia de la óptica, fotoquímica, rayos cósmicos, aula de conferencias, biblioteca, dirección y servicios generales. Destaca el sistema de módulos autónomos y la tabiquería transversal movible, que permitirá la transformación de cada laboratorio según las necesidades de las experiencias sucesivas, los departamentos técnicos especiales entre los que sobresalen los dedicados a estudio de visión nocturna. La superficie total del edificio es de 4845 metros cuadrados.


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Se explica cómo diseñar conmutadores electroópticos integrados de acoplo direccional siguiendo el método de índice efectivo.


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First published Lisbon, 1807.


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We describe what is to our knowledge the first use of fiber Bragg gratings written into three separate cores of a multicore fiber for two-axis curvature measurement. The gratings act as independent, but isothermal, fiber strain gauges for which local curvature determines the difference in strain between cores, permitting temperature-independent bend measurement.


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Planet X is video work which is presented using an original optical projection system which involves a large spherical lens, water and rear projection and various other materials including glass, timber, fabricated steel, etc and which I have called "Aqua Optica". The Planet X is 10 min looping video explores both the historical origins of the discovery of Pluto in 1930 (by astronomer Clyde Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory) and the recent explorations of Pluto by NASA with the New Horizons space craft which was transmitting new images of Pluto at the time of this exhibition.


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The Telescopic Eye: Aqua Optica was an installation work which explores concepts and philosophies related to instrumental, lens based observations of heavens as experienced when seeing through a telescope. In particular it considers how the eye of the observer and the lens of the telescope must act in unison to extend both the perception and conception of that which is remote and beyond direct naked eye sensing - an act of transcendence. A series of projected images (the video) of celestial objects are observed by the viewer through a large spherical aquatic lens which is mounted on a large wooden tripod. These images slowly dissolve and morph into each other. The sequence in which these images are presented is based on approximate chronological order in which these celestial objects were historically observed through the telescope – such as the local bodies of our the solar system starting with the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn (as first observed by Galileo in 1610) and eventually extending out to distant nebula, star clusters and galaxies. For the Transduction exhibition the Telescopic Eye: Aqua Optica was installed outside in a small quadrangle next to the Tech Bar and as the night drew darker it was able to also embody the lighting and other visual elements from the surrounding buildings and streets. The Aqua Optica system often encompasses such local lighting and images as a added layer to the video projection work. In this case (at night and outside at Federation Square) the extent of the layering was very successful and increased dramatically as the night became darker. This multi layering of images invokes (for the viewer) a connection between the immediate environment of the Federation square and cityscape with the vastly distant images of the cosmos. For me such a multilayered imaging represents how scientific instruments of observation can generate a complex and augmented visualisation of reality, one which has historically come to re-define our conception of the cosmos and our place in it both spatially and temporally.


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A method of making full use of the durable strain which fiber Bragg grating (FBG) can undertake is presented, which hugely improves the sensitivities of FBG temperature sensors at high temperature. When a sensor is manufactured at room temperature, its FBG should be given a pre-relaxing length according to the temperature it is asked to measure; once the temperature rise to the asked one, its FBG starts to be stretched and it starts to work with high sensitivity. The relationship between the pre-relaxing length and the working temperature is analyzed. In experiments, when the pre-relaxing lengths are 0.2mm、0.5mm、0.6mm, the working temperatures rise 25℃、50℃、61℃, respectively, and the sensitivities are almost the same (675pm/℃). The facts that the experimental results agree well with the theoretical analyses verify this method’s validity.