53 resultados para Neuralgia


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La neuralgia del trigémino (NT) es un síndrome doloroso facial caracterizado por un dolor neuropático paroxístico irradiado al territorio sensitivo del nervio trigémino. A lo largo de las últimas décadas la creciente evidencia experimental y clínica ha contribuido a establecer la teoría de una compresión neurovascular (CNV) del nervio trigémino como causa fundamental de este trastorno. Esta teoría apoya el tratamiento quirúrgico de la NT mediante una descompresión microvascular (DMV). Actualmente la DMV es aceptada como la primera opción de tratamiento quirúrgico de la NT refractaria a tratamiento médico. Pese a la cantidad de trabajos que analizan la utilidad de la RM preoperatoria con secuencias de alta resolución volumétricas potenciadas en T2 (RM 3DT2), no hay unanimidad respecto a la precisión de estas secuencias de RM para el diagnóstico y la caracterización de una posible CNV en pacientes con NT refractaria candidatos a tratamiento mediante DMV...


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La neuralgia del pudendo se define como un síndrome doloroso neuropático, que involucra al dermatomo y a la inervación motora del nervio pudendo. Cualquier punto de su trayecto, desde su origen hasta sus ramificaciones terminales, es susceptible de sufrir diferentes grados de afectación o lesión. La localización del dolor puede ser perineal, rectal o en el área del clítoris/pene, presentándose de forma unilateral o bilateral; se agrava al sentarse y disminuye o desaparece al estar de pie; habitualmente respeta el descanso nocturno y puede asociarse a disfunción urinaria, anal e incluso sexual. Son múltiples las causas que pueden provocar la afectación del nervio pudendo, como partos, caídas, golpes directos y cirugías pélvicas. Esta patología constituye una entidad relativamente frecuente en las unidades de dolor crónico. Son varias las terapias utilizadas, incluyendo fármacos, bloqueos nerviosos del pudendo, cirugía descompresiva y neuromodulación de cordones posteriores medulares. Presentamos el caso de un paciente que, tras ser sometido a prostatectomía radical, consultó por dolor crónico continuo de tipo quemante junto a crisis lancinantes en parte distal derecha del pene (territorio del pudendo) y en el que aplicamos radiofrecuencia pulsada sobre el nervio dorsal derecho del pene obteniendo un buen resultado. Son varios los autores que han publicado tratamientos exitosos con radiofrecuencia pulsada del pudendo para el tratamiento de la neuralgia de dicho nervio, pero hasta ahora no se ha publicado ningún artículo de radiofrecuencia pulsada sobre los nervios dorsales del pene.


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Background Tarsal tunnel syndrome is classified as a focal compressive neuropathy of the posterior tibial nerve or one of its associated branches individually or collectively. The tunnel courses deep to fascia, the flexor retinaculum and within the abductor hallucis muscle of the foot/ankle. The condition is rare and regularly under-diagnosed leading to a range of symptoms affecting the plantar margins of the foot. There are many intervention strategies for treating tarsal tunnel syndrome with limited robust evidence to guide the clinical management of this condition. The role of conservative versus surgical interventions at various stages of the disease process remains unclear, and there is a need for a structured, step-wise approach in treating patients with this syndrome based on derived empirical evidence. This narrative review attempts to scrutinize the literature to date by clarifying initial presentation, investigations and definitive treatment for the purpose of assisting future informed clinical decision and prospective research endeavours. Process The literature searches that have been incorporated in compiling a rigorous review of this condition have included: the Cochrane Neuromuscular Group's Specialized Register (Cochrane Library 2013), the databases of EMBASE, AMED, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Physiotherapy evidence database (PEDRO), Biomed Central, Science Direct and Trip Database (1972 to the present). Reference listings of located articles were also searched and scrutinized. Authors and experts within the field of lower-limb orthopaedics were contacted to discuss applicable data. Subject-specific criteria searches utilizing the following key terms were performed across all databases: tarsal tunnel syndrome, tibial neuralgia, compression neuropathy syndromes, tibial nerve impingement, tarsal tunnel neuropathy, entrapment tibial nerve, posterior tibial neuropathy. These search strategies were modified with differing databases, adopting specific sensitivity-searching tools and functions unique to each. This search strategy identified 88 journal articles of relevance for this narrative literature review. Findings This literature review has appraised the clinical significance of tarsal tunnel syndrome, whilst assessing varied management interventions (non-surgical and surgical) for the treatment of this condition in both adults and children. According to our review, there is limited high-level robust evidence to guide and refine the clinical management of tarsal tunnel syndrome. Requirements for small-scaled randomized controlled trials in groups with homogenous aetiology are needed to analyse the effectiveness of specific treatment modalities. Conclusions It is necessary that further research endeavours be pursued for the clinical understanding, assessment and treatment of tarsal tunnel syndrome. Accordingly, a structured approach to managing patients who have been correctly diagnosed with this condition should be formulated on the basis of empirical evidence where possible.


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Release of endogenous dynorphin opioids within the spinal cord after partial sciatic nerve ligation (pSNL) is known to contribute to the neuropathic pain processes. Using a phosphoselective antibody [kappa opioid receptor (KOR-P)] able to detect the serine 369 phosphorylated form of the KOR, we determined possible sites of dynorphin action within the spinal cord after pSNL. KOR-P immunoreactivity (IR) was markedly increased in the L4-L5 spinal dorsal horn of wild-type C57BL/6 mice (7-21 d) after lesion, but not in mice pretreated with the KOR antagonist nor-binaltorphimine (norBNI). In addition, knock-out mice lacking prodynorphin, KOR, or G-protein receptor kinase 3 (GRK3) did not show significant increases in KOR-P IR after pSNL. KOR-P IR was colocalized in both GABAergic neurons and GFAP-positive astrocytes in both ipsilateral and contralateral spinal dorsal horn. Consistent with sustained opioid release, KOR knock-out mice developed significantly increased tactile allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia in both the early (first week) and late (third week) interval after lesion. Similarly, mice pretreated with norBNI showed enhanced hyperalgesia and allodynia during the 3 weeks after pSNL. Because sustained activation of opioid receptors might induce tolerance, we measured the antinociceptive effect of the kappa agonist U50,488 using radiant heat applied to the ipsilateral hindpaw, and we found that agonist potency was significantly decreased 7 d after pSNL. In contrast, neither prodynorphin nor GRK3 knock-out mice showed U50,488 tolerance after pSNL. These findings suggest that pSNL induced a sustained release of endogenous prodynorphin-derived opioid peptides that activated an anti-nociceptive KOR system in mouse spinal cord. Thus, endogenous dynorphin had both pronociceptive and antinociceptive actions after nerve injury and induced GRK3-mediated opioid tolerance.


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BACKGROUND: Mechanical and in particular tactile allodynia is a hallmark of chronic pain in which innocuous touch becomes painful. Previous cholera toxin B (CTB)-based neural tracing experiments and electrophysiology studies had suggested that aberrant axon sprouting from touch sensory afferents into pain-processing laminae after injury is a possible anatomical substrate underlying mechanical allodynia. This hypothesis was later challenged by experiments using intra-axonal labeling of A-fiber neurons, as well as single-neuron labeling of electrophysiologically identified sensory neurons. However, no studies have used genetically labeled neurons to examine this issue, and most studies were performed on spinal but not trigeminal sensory neurons which are the relevant neurons for orofacial pain, where allodynia oftentimes plays a dominant clinical role. FINDINGS: We recently discovered that parvalbumin::Cre (Pv::Cre) labels two types of Aβ touch neurons in trigeminal ganglion. Using a Pv::CreER driver and a Cre-dependent reporter mouse, we specifically labeled these Aβ trigeminal touch afferents by timed taxomifen injection prior to inflammation or infraorbital nerve injury (ION transection). We then examined the peripheral and central projections of labeled axons into the brainstem caudalis nucleus after injuries vs controls. We found no evidence for ectopic sprouting of Pv::CreER labeled trigeminal Aβ axons into the superficial trigeminal noci-receptive laminae. Furthermore, there was also no evidence for peripheral sprouting. CONCLUSIONS: CreER-based labeling prior to injury precluded the issue of phenotypic changes of neurons after injury. Our results suggest that touch allodynia in chronic orofacial pain is unlikely caused by ectopic sprouting of Aβ trigeminal afferents.


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Abstract Object The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) when used for patients with intractable cluster headache (CH). Methods Four participating centers of the North American Gamma Knife Consortium identified 17 patients who underwent GKS for intractable CH between 1996 and 2008. The median patient age was 47 years (range 26-83 years). The median duration of pain before GKS was 10 years (range 1.3-40 years). Seven patients underwent unsuccessful prior surgical procedures, including microvascular decompression (2 patients), microvascular decompression with glycerol rhizotomy (2 patients), deep brain stimulation (1 patient), trigeminal ganglion stimulation (1 patient), and prior GKS (1 patient). Fourteen patients had associated autonomic symptoms. The radiosurgical target was the trigeminal nerve (TN) root and the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) in 8 patients, only the TN in 8 patients, and only the SPG in 1 patient. The median maximum TN and SPG dose was 80 Gy. Results Favorable pain relief (Barrow Neurological Institute Grades I-IIIb) was achieved and maintained in 10 (59%) of 17 patients at a median follow-up of 34 months. Three patients required additional procedures (repeat GKS in 2 patients, hypothalamic deep brain stimulation in 1 patient). Eight (50%) of 16 patients who had their TN irradiated developed facial sensory dysfunction after GKS. Conclusions Gamma Knife surgery for intractable, medically refractory CH provided lasting pain reduction in approximately 60% of patients, but was associated with a significantly greater chance of facial sensory disturbances than GKS used for trigeminal neuralgia.


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Pelvic floor anatomy is complex and its three-dimensional organization is often difficult to understand for both undergrad- uate and postgraduate students. Here, we focused on several critical points that need to be considered when teaching the perineum. We have to deal with a mixed population of students and with a variety of interest. Yet, a perfect knowledge of the pelvic floor is the basis for any gynecologist and for any surgical intervention. Our objectives are several-fold; i) to estab- lish the objectives and the best way of teaching, ii) to identify and localize areas in the female pelvic floor that are suscepti- ble to generate problems in understanding the three-dimensional organization, iii) to create novel approaches by respecting the anatomical surroundings, and iv) prospectively, to identify elements that may create problems during surgery i.e. to have a closer look at nerve trajectories and on compression sites that may cause neuralgia or postoperative pain. A feedback from students concludes that they have difficulties to assimilate this much information, especially the different imaging tech- niques. Eventually, this will lead to a severe selection of what has to be taught and included in lectures or practicals. Another consequence is that more time to study prosected pelves needs to be given.


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Perineural and intraneural fibrosis is thought to be the main cause of failure of the many surgical treatments of neuropathic pain. We have used Adcon-T/N carbohydrate polymer gel for prevention of perineural fibrosis in several parts of the body. In this retrospective study, 54 patients who presented with postoperative neuropathic pain had microsurgical epineural neurolysis and relocation of a terminal neuroma. In 19 of them, the carbohydrate gel was applied at the same time. The mean follow-up was four years and the nerve distribution varied. Postoperative improvement in pain scores (visual analogue scale (VAS) and neuropathic pain scale inventory (NPSI)), sensitivity, overall improvement and satisfaction were equivalent in the two groups, with pain relief in about 80% of the patients. There was no significant beneficial effect in the carbohydrate gel group. Patients treated with this device had a higher infection rate (21 compared with 0, p = 0.01) and delayed wound healing (31.6 compared with 11.8, p = 0.2). We conclude that good long-term pain relief is obtained postoperatively independently of the addition of carbohydrate gel. There was a slight but not significant trend towards profound pain relief with the gel.


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Le seul vrai livre, pour Proust, est la traduction des impressions perdues dont la trace subsiste dans notre mémoire sensible. Les personnages entrent dans le texte de la Recherche en frappant la sensibilité du héros. Or, « toujours déjà là, » la grand-mère, comme la mère, relève d'une réalité qui ne s'est jamais imprimée, une réalité antérieure à la conscience du narrateur et de ce fait, antérieure au texte. Néanmoins, la grand-mère est une mère qui vieillit et qui meurt. Alors, elle apparaît au narrateur, suivant ainsi le chemin inverse de l'altérité. De présence immédiate pour le héros, il lui faudra devenir autre, une vieille femme étrangère, indéfinie dans son geste vers la mort, afin que le texte lui restitue une première impression. C'est précisément dans cette distance à parcourir, cet itinéraire entre l'immédiateté du départ et la première impression, que la spécificité du personnage de la grand-mère touche à ce que Proust qualifierait lui-même de « névralgie » de son texte. La réalité maternelle, pour devenir objet du style littéraire, doit se plier au trait de l'écrivain. Or, le personnage de mère, telle qu'il est élaboré dans la Recherche, résiste à ce « fléchissement ». Le personnage de grand-mère permet à Proust d'exprimer la réalité de la mère qui se dégrade et qui meurt, une mère que la main du fils devenant écrivain rend malléable.


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El dolor neuropático es un tipo de dolor crónico, patológico, que ha perdido el carácter adaptativo del dolor agudo para convertirse en una enfermedad incurable, en un gran porcentaje de los casos, que afecta al paciente, a su familia y a la sociedad. Durante muchos años el Centro Interdisciplinario para Estudio y Alivio del Dolor de la Universidad del Rosario, ha analizado enfermos con neuropatía diabética dolorosa, neuralgia post-herpética, dolor fantasma, neuralgia del trigémino, síndrome doloroso regional complejo, y dolores centrales de diversas etiologías: y las incógnitas más recurrentes han sido: ¿Se estarán haciendo las cosas bien? Y ¿por qué unos pacientes mejoran y otros no? La búsqueda de las respuestas a estos cuestionamientos ha sido la motivación para la presentación de esta obra colectiva en donde se analizan diferentes aspectos del dolor neuropático, como son: la neurobiología del dolor neuropático, los medicamentos para el manejo del dolor, las neuropatías por tratamiento y los distintos síndromes relacionados con el dolor , entre otros.


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Introducción: el dolor neuropático es una patología de considerable prevalencia e impacto socio-económico en la población latinoamericana, la evidencia clínica sugiere que los ligandos de canales de calcio y el parche de Lidocaína pueden tratar exitosamente el dolor neuropático periférico y localizado. Metodología: se realizo una evaluación económica tipo costo-efectividad, observacional y retrospectiva con datos extraídos de las historias clínicas de pacientes atendidos en la clínica de dolor de la IPS. La variable primaria de efectividad fue la mejoría del dolor medida mediante escala visual análoga. Resultados: se estudiaron 94 pacientes tratados con: Gabapentina (G) 21, Pregabalina (P) 24, Gabapentina+ lidocaína (G/P) 24, Pregabalina + Lidocaína (P/L) 25, los costos asociados al tratamiento son los siguientes COP$114.070.835, COP$105.855.920, COP$88.717.481 COP$89.854.712 respectivamente, el número de pacientes con mejoría significativa de dolor fue: 8,10,9 y 21 pacientes respectivamente. El ICER de G/L con respecto a G fue: COP$ -25.353.354. El ICER de P/L con respecto a P fue: COP$ -1.454.655. Conclusiones: la adición del parche de lidocaína a la terapia regular con P/L represento una disminución de consumo de recursos en salud como uso de medicamentos co-analgésicos, analgésicos de rescate y fármacos para controlar reacciones adversas, de la misma forma que consultas a profesionales de la salud. Cada paciente manejado con P/L representa un ahorro de COP $1.454.655 al contrario si se manejase con el anticonvulsivante de manera exclusiva, en el caso de G/L este ahorro es de COP $ 25.353.354 frente a G sola.


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Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a member of the Herpesviridae family, primary infection with which causes varicella, more commonly known as chicken pox. Characteristic of members of the alphaherpesvirus subfamily, VZV is neurotropic and establishes latency in sensory neurons. Reactivation of VZV causes herpes zoster, also known as shingles. The most frequent complication following zoster is chronic and often debilitating pain called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), which can last for months after the disappearance of a rash. During episodes of acute zoster, VZV viremia occurs in some, but not all, patients; however, the effect of the viral load on the disease outcome is not known. Here we describe the development of a highly specific, sensitive, and reproducible real-time PCR assay to investigate the factors that may contribute to the presence and levels of baseline viremia in patients with zoster and to determine the relationship between viremia and the development and persistence of PHN. VZV DNA was detected in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 78% of patients with acute zoster and in 9% of healthy asymptomatic blood donors. The presence of VZV in the PBMCs of patients with acute zoster was independently associated with age and being on antivirals but not with gender, immune status, extent of rash, the age of the rash at the time of blood sampling, having a history of prodromal pain, or the extent of acute pain. Prodromal pain was significantly associated with higher baseline viral loads. Viral load levels were not associated with the development or persistence of PHN at 6, 12, or 26 weeks.