59 resultados para Neosporosis


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Neospora caninum is an aplicomplexan parasite that has brought several concerns to cattle raisers worldwide due to its relationship to fetal loss. However, the mechanism of the parasite's transplacental infection and induced abortions are not completely understood. Bovine trophoblastic binucleated cells (BNC) play a major role in the maternal-fetal interactions, migrating during the entire pregnancy from chorionic connections to uterine epithelium. This study aimed to investigate the possible role of BNC as phagocytic cells and its participation in the bovine transplacental infection of N. caninum. BNC was isolated by discontinuous Percoll gradient, and characterized by Hoeschst 33342 nucleus-specific staining. Isolated BNC were cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% bovine fetal serum, and infected with 10(4) tachyzoites of N. caninum NC-1 strain. Parasite invasion was visualized by indirect immunofluorescence and Giemsa technique. Multiplication of parasites took place in 2-3 day cycles. Healthy cows' placenta and normal and infected cultured BNC was immunostained with monoclonal antibodies against CD-163, MAC-387 and NOS, demonstrating their phagocyte capacity. Thus, BNC was characterized as cells with macrophagic activity, which may host N. caninum in vitro. Therefore, we may conclude that BNC could potentially participate in the transplacental infection of bovine neosporosis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A neosporose e a toxoplasmose são doenças parasitárias que podem causar problemas reprodutivos em caprinos e ovinos. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ocorrência de anticorpos IgG anti-Neospora caninum e anti-Toxoplasma gondii em caprinos e ovinos dos municípios de Amarante do Maranhão e Buritirana, microrregião de Imperatriz, Oeste maranhense, Nordeste do Brasil, bem como avaliar fatores associados à infecção por esses agentes etiológicos. Amostras de sangue de 110 animais (46 caprinos e 64 ovinos), provenientes de cinco propriedades, foram coletadas, e a reação de imunofluorescência indireta utilizada para o diagnóstico sorológico. Das 46 amostras de caprinos, 17,39% (n = 8) apresentaram anticorpos anti-N. caninum e 4,35% (n = 2) anti-T. gondii, enquanto das 64 amostras de ovinos, 4,69% (n = 3) e 18,75% (n = 12) apresentaram anticorpos anti-N. caninum e anti-T. gondii, respectivamente. Não houve diferença significativa, considerando-se a presença de gato e/ou cão na propriedade e assistência veterinária para ambos os agentes estudados. Entretanto, suplementação alimentar e presença de animais com problemas reprodutivos diferiram significativamente (p < 0,05) em ovinos e caprinos, respectivamente. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram que caprinos e ovinos, da região Oeste do Maranhão são expostos aos coccídios N. caninum e T. gondii. Essa é a primeira evidência desses agentes em pequenos ruminantes nessa região.


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Neosporose é uma enfermidade parasitária causada pelo protozoário Neospora caninum reconhecido como importante causa de abortamento bovino e neuropatia canina. Considerando o isolamento de N. caninum e a sorologia freqüente em bovinos em nossa região, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-N. caninum em cães da Microrregião da Serra de Botucatu, Estado de SãoPaulo, e sua associação ao sexo, idade e procedência quanto à zona urbana (exclusivamente cidade), rural (somente chácaras e sítios) e peri-urbana (acesso à zona urbana e rural) dos cães estudados. Foram analisados 963 cães, com ou sem raça definida, de ambos os sexos e diferentes idades, sem apresentação de qualquer sintomatologia clínica. Os animais foram selecionados aleatoriamente durante a campanha de vacinação anti-rábica da microrregião da Serra de Botucatu, no período de maio a setembro de 1998. O soro obtido dos animais foi avaliado por meio da Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) utilizando como antígeno a cepa padrão NC-1 deN. caninum. Observaram-se 245 animais reagentes (25,4% de positividade), sendo 161 (27,5%) machos e, 84 (22,3%) fêmeas. Dos animais de zona urbana, rural e mista 223 (25,8%),11(16,9%) e 11(33,3%), respectivamente, foram reagentes à prova de RIFI. Todos os 11 municípios apresentaram cães soropositivos com valores de ocorrência que variaram de 8,9% a 53,5%. Observou-se percentual de positividade menor em cães até um ano (16,2%) quando comparados àqueles entre 1 a 4 anos e superior a 4 anos (28,4 % e 28,0%, respectivamente) que não apresentaram diferença entre si. Os resultados obtidos caracterizaram soropositividade para N. caninum em cães pertencentes a todos os municípios da Microrregião da Serra de Botucatu evidenciando a ampla distribuição do agente na região.


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To produce an epidemiological map of neosporosis in Brazil and identify the types of transmission of this disease, the present study evaluated the occurrence of Neospora caninum in Nelore cattle (Bos indicus) in Presidente Prudent, west region of São Paulo state; its vertical transmission; and the early stage in which fetuses are infected. To achieve this, serum samples from 518 slaughtered pregnant heifers and their fetuses were tested by ELISA technique and fetal brain tissues subjected to PCR. One hundred and three heifers (19.88%) had antibodies to N. caninum, as well as 38 (36.8%) of fetuses from 4 months of gestation. The conventional PCR failed to detect N. caninum DNA. These findings show that neosporosis occurs in the area studied and that it may be transmitted the transplacental route, althought N. caninum had not detected in brain tissue from non-aborted fetuses. The use of nested PCR it would be applied to increase the sensitivy of test.


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Neosporosis and toxoplasmosis are two important infections in young and adult sheep, leading to low production and abortion. This study aimed to determine the frequency of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in sheep from the eastern region of São Paulo State, Brazil. Serum samples (382) were collected from the sheep and assayed for T. gondii through modified agglutination test (MAT) and indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), and for N. caninum antibodies, through IFAT, with cut-off titers equal to 16 (T. gondii) and 25 (N. caninum). All frozen samples were sent to the Center for Zoonoses Research (NUPEZO), Department of Veterinary Hygiene and Public Health (DHSVP), FMVZ, UNESP, for serological tests. A total of 71/382(18.6%) samples reacted to T. gondii, especially at titers 16 (28; 39.4%), 64(15; 21.1%), 256 (21; 29.6%) and 1024 (6; 8.5%) by MAT, and 16(34: 47.9%), 64 (18; 25.4%), 256 (14; 19.7%) and 1024 (5; 7%) by IFAT. As regards N. caninum, 49/382 (12.8%) samples reacted at titers 25 (17; 34.7%), 50 (11; 22.5%), 100 (11; 22.5%), and >= 200 (10; 20.4%). These animals presented infection but no clinical signs. Six and ten animals had high titers for toxoplasmosis and neosporosis. No significant association was observed between antibodies for both parasites (P = 0.535) according to Fisher's exact test, and no correlation was found between T. gondii (MAT) and N. caninum antibody titers (r = -0.0068; P=0.895), T. gondii (IFAT) and N. caninum antibody titers (r = -0.0025; P = 0.961). Thus, T. gondii and N. caninum infections were observed in farms located in São Paulo State, where sheep play an important economical role for the national and regional business. (C) 2010 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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Diagnosis of Neospora caninum infection in dogs is based on serological assays such as the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). This study evaluated two serological tests (IFAT and ELISA) for the detection of IgG antibodies to N. caninum in 300 serum samples of dogs through the optimization of cut off titers by using the two-graph receiveroperating characteristic (TG-ROC) curve. In addition, the identification of major cross-reactive antigens with Toxoplasma gondii was investigated by inhibition ELISA and immunoblotting (IB) assays. IFAT and ELISA results showed 74% agreement, with a good negative concordance (P-neg=0.83), but a poor positive concordance (P-pos=0.42). The great majority (86%) of sera with positive concordant results (IFAT+/ELISA+) recognized at least two out of three N. caninum immunodominant antigens, particularly the 29-32 and 35-37 kDa bands. Optimization of cut off titers in IFAT and ELISA was performed considering the reactivity to at least two out of three N. caninum immunodominant antigens as infection markers, obtaining a titer of 50 for IFAT and 200 for ELISA. Seropositivity to N. caninuin was significantly associated with T gondii-seropositive samples, particularly in ELISA (55.4%). Inhibition ELISA curves for N. caninum showed a partial heterologous inhibition, indicating some degree of cross-reactivity between N. caninum and T gondii antigens. Inhibition IB assays showed a moderate heterologous inhibition for N. caninum antigens above 45-50 kDa. These results indicate that ELISA should be used critically when crude tachyzoite antigen preparations are employed, due to possible cross-reactivity with other related parasites as T gondii. Also, the cut off dilution of 1:50 in IFAT showed to be the most appropriated for N. caninum serology in dogs. Therefore, we suggest that N. caninum immunodominant antigens, specially the 17 and 29-32 kDa proteins, should be selected markers in serological assays for canine neosporosis. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The serological profile of 300 mongrel dogs of various ages and gender were investigated. Animals were captured in the streets and afterwards directed to a private kennel in Avare city (SP) to search for leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, and neosporosis. Blood samples were obtained from jugular or cephalic vein for the obtention of sera. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was used to leptospirosis. MAT detect the prevalence of 9.3%. The most frequent reactant serovars were Bratislava (35.7%), Cynopteri (17.9%), Autumnalis (14.3%), and Copenhageni (10.7%), besides 7.1% to others serovars: Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola, and Hardjo. The modified agglutination test used for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis showed 26% of positive animals, with titers varying from 16 to 256, with 16 in 3.3%, 64 in 13.7%, and 256 in 9% of the samples. To canine neosporosis, it was used the indirect fluorescent antibody test, and two animals (0.7%) demonstrated antibodies with titers 25 and 100. The results show the participation of the animals in the epidemiological chain of the researched diseases.


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To produce an epidemiological map of neosporosis in Brazil and identify the types of transmission of this disease, the present study evaluated the occurrence of Neospora caninum in Nelore cattle (Bos indicus) in Presidente Prudent, west region of Sao Paulo state; its vertical transmission; and the early stage in which fetuses are infected. To achieve this, serum samples from 518 slaughtered pregnant heifers and their fetuses were tested by ELISA technique and fetal brain tissues subjected to PCR. One hundred and three heifers (19.88%) had antibodies to N. caninum, as well as 38 (36.8%) of fetuses from 4 months of gestation. The conventional PCR failed to detect N. caninum DNA. These findings show that neosporosis occurs in the area studied and that it may be transmitted the transplacental route, althought N. caninum had not detected in brain tissue from non-aborted fetuses. The use of nested PCR it would be applied to increase the sensitivy of test.


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The objective of this study was to report the presence of Neospora caninum-associated abortion in bovines at a farm in the northeast region of São Paulo State. In January 2010, it was sent to the Department of Pathology, UNESP-Jaboticabal, a bovine fetus with an estimated age of seven months, which was natural of a dairy farm with 300 animals and an average daily production of 3,000 liters of milk, nearly 20 liters per cow. The animals were vaccinated against rabies, foot and mouth disease, carbuncle, brucellosis, leptospirosis, bovine herpes virus type I and bovine viral diarrhea virus. The herd consisted of purebred Holstein animals, Jersey, and mostly by crossbred animals 7-8 (gir x holstein). During necropsy, samples of the serosanguineous liquid present at the thoracic cavity and the heart of the fetus were collected for the detection of anti-Neospora caninum antibodies through Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA). Fragments of brain, cerebellum, tongue, liver, heart and kidneys were collected for the execution of histopathology (HP), immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Polymerase Chain Reaction. In order that IFA could be performed, the owner was requested blood samples without anticoagulants of the mother and other cows in the farm, with or without a history of abortion. At necropsy, it was verified a severe autolysis of the fetus. The serology of the fetus was 1:25, while the serology of the mother was 1:3,200. At HP, it was observed discrete multifocal non-suppurative encephalomyelitis characterized by gliosis and mononuclear inflammatory infiltration associated with cellular debris. DNA amplification of N. caninum was positive in fragments of brain, tongue, cerebellum, heart and kidneys. At IHC, it has been observed immunoreactivity to a cyst located in the tongue. The owner reported that his herd showed endemic episodes of abortion, while 27.69% (18/65) of the 65 animals sampled were seropositive. Although it has not been a significant difference (p>0.05), a higher seropositivity was observed in animals with a history of abortion (10/26) 38.46%, in comparison with animals without previous abortion (8/39) 20.51%. These findings show that the abortion under study was provoked by the protozoan N. caninum, while this is the first report concerning cattle in the northeast region of São Paulo State.


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The aim of this study was to detect the presence of IgG antibodies anti-Leishmania spp., Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in dogs from a Veterinary Hospital from Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Blood samples from 112 animals were obtained by jugular venipuncture to obtain sera. The samples were tested by indirect immunofluorescence to detect antibodies anti-Leishmania spp., anti-N. caninum and anti-T. gondii. Thirteen (11.61%), 25 (22.32%), and 57 (50.89%) samples were positive for Leishmania spp., N. caninum, and T. gondii, respectively. The co-presence of anti-Leishmania spp. and N. caninum was observed in 6 (5.36%), anti-Leishmania spp. and anti-T. gondii in 8 (14.7%), and anti-N. caninum and anti-T. gondii in 18 (16.07%) samples. The co-presence of anti-Leishmania spp., anti-N. caninum and anti-T. gondii was observed in 5 (4.46%) dogs. There was a higher prevalence of Leishmania in Toxoplasma and Neospora positive animals, however, these results were not statistically significant (range p = 0.052 p = 0.06). The dogs have an important role in the epidemiological cycle of these diseases, which are important in animal and public health. The northern state of Paraná is an endemic area for human cutaneous leishmaniasis, therefore, studies should be conducted to uncover the real role of dogs as reservoirs of Leishmania to humans in the state.


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This study aimed at assessing the occurrence of antibodies against the caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV), Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum, as well as the associations between the presence of antibodies and the occurrence of reproductive failures in goats. Serum samples were collected from 923 goats of both sexes, over 3 months of age, from 17 dairy farms located in different municipalities of São Paulo State, Brazil. Infections by T. gondii, N. caninum and CAEV were evaluated by indirect methods of diagnosis based on indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT), Neospora agglutination test (NAT), and agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID), respectively. A survey was conducted on the farms to obtain information about reproduction dates (abortions, stillbirths and births of weak and premature kids) and zoosanitary management. Antibodies against CAEV, T. gondii and N. caninum was found in 37.81%, 23.62% and 17.23% respectively. There was no significant association between the presence of anti-CAEV antibodies and CAEV/T. gondii or CAEV/N. caninum co-infection, suggesting that CAEV does not predispose goats to infection by these agents. However, when CAEV/T. gondii (p<0.01) or CAEV/N. caninum (p<0.001) co-infection was present, the occurrence of reproductive failures was significantly higher what could indicate that CAEV-induced immunosuppression may predispose goats to develop the clinical symptoms of toxoplasmosis and neosporosis increasing the risks of the reproductive failures.


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Background: Visceral leishmaniasis is a disease with great variability regarding the clinical manifestations in humans and dogs. Chronically infected dogs may develop neurological disorders, however, there are few reports that characterize the lesions and make clear the pathogenesis of the canine cerebral leishmaniasis. Concomitant with Leishmania chagasi, dogs may be infected by opportunistic pathogens, such as Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum, which may contribute to the occurrence of lesions in the central nervous system. Hence, we aimed to compare the T and B lymphocytes population in the brains of infected dogs with seropositivity to L. chagasi, T. gondii and N. caninum concurrently (n = 24), seropositivity only to L. chagasi (n = 31), and seropositivity to T. gondii and N. caninum (n = 16). Uninfected dogs were used as control (n = 10). Results: Inflammatory lesions, characterised by mononuclear cell accumulation, composed mainly of CD3+ T lymphocytes predominated in several encephalic regions of the dogs from all the three infected groups, with no difference among them (P = 0.0004), whereas CD79α+ B lymphocytes were detected in very small intensity and presented no difference among groups (P = 0.5313). Furthermore, no association among diseases was detected at the serological enquire. Conclusions: We demonstrate that the peripheral infection by L. chagasi per se can promote the influx of lymphocytes within the nervous milieu as occurs during Toxoplasma and Neospora infections, and the concomitant seropositivity against these pathogens does not exacerbate the inflammatory brain lesions. Therefore, these findings give additional support that the brain should be included in the list of organs affected by visceral leishmaniasis and that even asymptomatic infected dogs may develop brain lesions. © 2013 Sakamoto et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.