971 resultados para Natural user interfaces


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Facilitating general access to data from sensor networks (including traffic, hydrology and other domains) increases their utility. In this paper we argue that the journalistic metaphor can be effectively used to automatically generate multimedia presentations that help non-expert users analyze and understand sensor data. The journalistic layout and style are familiar to most users. Furthermore, the journalistic approach of ordering information from most general to most specific helps users obtain a high-level understanding while providing them the freedom to choose the depth of analysis to which they want to go. We describe the general characteristics and architectural requirements for an interactive intelligent user interface for exploring sensor data that uses the journalistic metaphor. We also describe our experience in developing this interface in real-world domains (e.g., hydrology).


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This paper describes a novel architecture to introduce automatic annotation and processing of semantic sensor data within context-aware applications. Based on the well-known state-charts technologies, and represented using W3C SCXML language combined with Semantic Web technologies, our architecture is able to provide enriched higher-level semantic representations of user’s context. This capability to detect and model relevant user situations allows a seamless modeling of the actual interaction situation, which can be integrated during the design of multimodal user interfaces (also based on SCXML) for them to be adequately adapted. Therefore, the final result of this contribution can be described as a flexible context-aware SCXML-based architecture, suitable for both designing a wide range of multimodal context-aware user interfaces, and implementing the automatic enrichment of sensor data, making it available to the entire Semantic Sensor Web


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A la hora de afrontar un proyecto de investigación, no basta con una vigilancia tradicional del entorno. Ya que debido a lo cambiante del mundo, a la globalización, a lo rápido que se desarrollan nuevas tecnologías y productos es preciso realizar un proceso sistemático que permita a las organizaciones o empresas anticiparse a los cambios tecnológicos. En este contexto, el diseño de metodologías basadas en la Vigilancia Tecnológica (VT) permite gestionar la actividad innovadora de organizaciones o empresas facilitando el proceso de generación de ideas para el desarrollo de productos o servicios. Es por ello que en este Proyecto de Fin de Grado se ha diseñado una estrategia para aplicar metodologías de Vigilancia Tecnológica aplicadas a un proyecto de I+D que estudia las Interfaces Naturales de Usuario (NUI). Para ello se ha partido de la metodología de trabajo basada en el proceso de Vigilancia Tecnológica e Inteligencia Competitiva del proyecto CETISME, identificando claramente cada una de las fases que lo componen: identificación de objetivos, selección de las fuentes de información, búsqueda y almacenamiento de la información, análisis de la información y por último validación de la información que concluye con la creación de informes de Vigilancia Tecnológica. Por lo tanto, para cada una de las fases que componen lo que comúnmente se llama el ciclo de la vigilancia, se ha explicado en primer lugar en qué consisten, que estrategias a seguir son las más adecuadas así como la manera de llevarlas a cabo, y por último, si fuera necesario, qué herramientas (desde bases de datos a software) son necesarias o son de utilidad para llevar a cabo el proceso y optimizarlo. De esta manera, como se verá a lo largo de este documento, la aplicación de dicha metodología permitirá a las organizaciones o empresas obtener situaciones ventajosas a la hora de innovar, captar oportunidades o detectar amenazas, identificar competidores o alianzas potenciales, entre otros. ABSTRACT. When taking over a research project, a traditional surveillance of the environment is not enough. Mainly due to the changing the world, to the globalization, to how fast new technologies and products are developed, is necessary to make a systematic process that enables organizations or companies anticipate to technological changes. In this context, the design of methodologies based on the Technology Watch (TW) allows managing the innovative activity of organizations or companies facilitating the process of generating ideas for products or services development. For this reason, in this Thesis a strategy for applying Technological Watch methodologies applied to a R&D project studying Natural User Interfaces (NUI) has been designed. To achieve this goal, the starting point was the CETISME project methodologies, which are based on the Technology Watch and the Competitive Intelligence process, clearly identifying each of the phases that compose it: identification of objectives, selection of the information sources, storage, search and analysis of the information, and finally validating the information that concludes with the creation of Technological Watch reports. Therefore, for each of the phases composing what is commonly known as the monitoring cycle, it has been explained in first place what they consist of, what strategies are more adequate as well as how they should be implemented, and finally, if necessary, what tools (from databases to software) are needed or are useful for managing the process and optimize it. Thus, as discussed throughout this document, the application of said methodology will allow organizations or companies to obtain advantageous situations when it comes to innovate, catch opportunities or detect threats, to identify competitors or potential alliances, among others.


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This paper discusses some of the aspects of task requirements, user expectations, and technological capabilities that influence the design of a voice interface and then identifies several components of user interfaces that are particularly critical in successful voice applications. Examples from several applications are provided to demonstrate how these components are used to produce effective voice interfaces.


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The goal of this work was to provide professional and amateur writers with a new way of enhancing their productivity and mental well-being, by helping them overcoming writers block and being able to achieve a state of optimal experience while writing. Our approach is based on bringing together different components to create what we call a creative moment. A creative moment is composed by an image, a text, a mood, a location and a color. The color presented in the creative moment varied according to the mood that was associated to the creative moment. With the creative moments we hoped that our users could have a way to easily trigger their creativity and have a kick start in their work. The prototyping of a web crowdsourcing platform, named CreativeWall, and a Microsoft Word Add-In, that was used on the user study performed, is described and their implementations are discussed. The user study reveals that our approach does have a positive influence in the productivity of the participants when compared with another existing approach. The study also revealed that our approach can ease the process of achieving a state of optimal experience by enhancing one of the dimensions presented on the Flow Theory. At the end we present what we consider would be some possible future developments for the concept created during the development of this work.


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The goal of this work was to provide professional and amateur writers with a new way of enhancing their productivity and mental well-being, by helping them overcoming writers block and being able to achieve a state of optimal experience while writing. Our approach is based on bringing together different components to create what we call a creative moment. A creative moment is composed by an image, a text, a mood, a location and a color. The color presented in the creative moment varied according to the mood that was associated to the creative moment. With the creative moments we hoped that our users could have a way to easily trigger their creativity and have a kick start in their work. The prototyping of a web crowdsourcing platform, named CreativeWall, and a Microsoft Word Add-In, that was used on the user study performed, is described and their implementations are discussed. The user study reveals that our approach does have a positive influence in the productivity of the participants when compared with another existing approach. The study also revealed that our approach can ease the process of achieving a state of optimal experience by enhancing one of the dimensions presented on the Flow Theory. At the end we present what we consider would be some possible future developments for the concept created during the development of this work.


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The development of increasingly powerful computers, which has enabled the use of windowing software, has also opened the way for the computer study, via simulation, of very complex physical systems. In this study, the main issues related to the implementation of interactive simulations of complex systems are identified and discussed. Most existing simulators are closed in the sense that there is no access to the source code and, even if it were available, adaptation to interaction with other systems would require extensive code re-writing. This work aims to increase the flexibility of such software by developing a set of object-oriented simulation classes, which can be extended, by subclassing, at any level, i.e., at the problem domain, presentation or interaction levels. A strategy, which involves the use of an object-oriented framework, concurrent execution of several simulation modules, use of a networked windowing system and the re-use of existing software written in procedural languages, is proposed. A prototype tool which combines these techniques has been implemented and is presented. It allows the on-line definition of the configuration of the physical system and generates the appropriate graphical user interface. Simulation routines have been developed for the chemical recovery cycle of a paper pulp mill. The application, by creation of new classes, of the prototype to the interactive simulation of this physical system is described. Besides providing visual feedback, the resulting graphical user interface greatly simplifies the interaction with this set of simulation modules. This study shows that considerable benefits can be obtained by application of computer science concepts to the engineering domain, by helping domain experts to tailor interactive tools to suit their needs.


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The number of overweight people has increased in the last few years. Factors such as attention to diet and changes in lifestyle are crucial in the prevention and control of obesity and diseases related to it. Experts believe that such actions are most effective when initiated during childhood, and that children raised in an environment that encourages physical activity ultimately become healthier adults. However, to arouse and maintain interest in such activities represent a major challenge, which are initially perceived as repetitive and boring, and, thus, soon abandoned. Computer games, traditionally seen as stimulants to a sedentary lifestyle are changing this perception using non-conventional controls that require constant movement of the player. Applications that combine the playfulness of such games to physical activity through devices, like Microsoft Kinect, might become interesting tools in this scenario, by using the familiarity of Natural User Interfaces along with the challenge and the fun of video games, in order to make attractive exercise routines for schoolchildren. The project carried out consists of an exergame composed of several activities designed and implemented with the participation of a Physical Educator, aimed at children between eight and ten years old, whose performance and progress can be remotely monitored by a professional via web interface. The application arising from this work was accompanied by tests with a group of graduating Physical Education students from the University of Rio Verde GO, and subsequently validated through questionnaires whose results are shown on this work.


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[EN]We investigate mechanisms which can endow the computer with the ability of describing a human face by means of computer vision techniques. This is a necessary requirement in order to develop HCI approaches which make the user feel himself/herself perceived. This paper describes our experiences considering gender, race and the presence of moustache and glasses. This is accomplished comparing, on a set of 6000 facial images, two di erent face representation approaches: Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Gabor lters. The results achieved using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) based classi er are promising and particularly better for the second representation approach.


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[EN]This paper describes in detail a real-time multiple face detection system for video streams. The system adds to the good performance provided by a window shift approach, the combination of different cues available in video streams due to temporal coherence. The results achieved by this combined solution outperform the basic face detector obtaining a 98% success rate for around 27000 images, providing additionally eye detection and a relation between the successive detections in time by means of detection threads.


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Surgical interventions are usually performed in an operation room; however, access to the information by the medical team members during the intervention is limited. While in conversations with the medical staff, we observed that they attach significant importance to the improvement of the information and communication direct access by queries during the process in real time. It is due to the fact that the procedure is rather slow and there is lack of interaction with the systems in the operation room. These systems can be integrated on the Cloud adding new functionalities to the existing systems the medical expedients are processed. Therefore, such a communication system needs to be built upon the information and interaction access specifically designed and developed to aid the medical specialists. Copyright 2014 ACM.


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A interação humano-computador passou a desempenhar um papel fundamental no mundo atual. Esta forma de comunicar continua a evoluir, introduzindo novas formas de interação, como por exemplo, a interação natural. Este estilo de interação começou por estar presente na área de jogos. No entanto, atualmente está a ser explorada noutras áreas. Esta dissertação tem como propósito investigar a utilidade das interfaces naturais encontradas em consolas de jogos e conjugar com a área educativa, nomeadamente, o ensino e a aprendizagem dos fundamentos de Matemática. O desenvolvimento deste projeto baseou-se no estudo dos conteúdos programáticos de Matemática referentes ao 1º ciclo do ensino básico, de várias aplicações já existentes que estão relacionadas com o tema abordado e de alguns dispositivos de interação natural. De forma a avaliar a ideia proposta, foi desenvolvido um protótipo, designado Matemática Interativa, no sentido de permitir ao utilizador enriquecer a aprendizagem e também o interesse pela disciplina. São descritas, de uma forma mais aprofundada, as funcionalidades do dispositivo escolhido, o Kinect, de modo a tirar proveito das suas potencialidades e desenvolver um motor de reconhecimento de gestos e respetiva avaliação. Por fim, é feita uma discussão dos resultados de uma avaliação de usabilidade com o objetivo de validar a aplicação Matemática Interativa. Os resultados desta avaliação sugerem que a aplicação foi bem-sucedida e revelam ainda capacidades de melhoria.


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Human-Computer Interaction have been one of the main focus of the technological community, specially the Natural User Interfaces (NUI) field of research as, since the launch of the Kinect Sensor, the goal to achieve fully natural interfaces just got a lot closer to reality. Taking advantage of this conditions the following research work proposes to compute the hand skeleton in order to recognize Sign Language Shapes. The proposed solution uses the Kinect Sensor to achieve a good segmentation and image analysis algorithms to extend the skeleton from the extraction of high-level features. In order to recognize complex hand shapes the current research work proposes the redefinition of the hand contour making it immutable to translation, rotation and scaling operations, and a set of tools to achieve a good recognition. The validation of the proposed solution extended the Kinects Software Development Kit to allow the developer to access the new set of inferred points and created a template-matching based platform that uses the contour to define the hand shape, this prototype was tested in a set of predefined conditions and showed to have a good success ration and has proven to be eligible for real-time scenarios.


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A nova era da informação que se está a assistir tem possibilitado a criação de novas e vastas coleções de intelecto virtual, como por exemplo o Wikipedia, Corsera, entre outros. Estas ferramentas vieram possibilitar a procura por cultura, resoluções de problemas do quotidiano, novos métodos de aprendizagem, por parte da sociedade em geral. Porém, como é habitual, tem-se vindo a verificar uma certa dificuldade inerente por parte de certas minorias sociais, que não possuem as mesmas capacidades de um indivíduo “normal“. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo a criação de uma ferramenta, em formato de jogo sério, para apoiar o ensino de Língua Gestual Portuguesa a um público ouvinte o -“Kinect Sign”. Com este estudo pretende-se explorar as mais recentes ferramentas de desenvolvimento de jogos, mais conhecidas como Authoring Tools e a sua integração com Natural User interfaces, concretamente o sensor Kinect. A solução apresentada neste documento propõe a utilização desta ferramenta a todos os indivíduos iniciantes que necessitem de uma introdução a esta forma de comunicação, para tornar um pouco menos agressiva a entrada no complexo mundo da linguagem gestual. A validação deste trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento de um jogo protótipo que incentive os jogadores a aprenderem enquanto jogam. Analisaram-se problemas e tecnologias atuais para se chegar a uma estruturação semelhante a um jogo comum disponível em qualquer superfície comercial e websites dedicados ao género. Posterior apresentação a uma população selecionada a fim de analisar a sua opinião e utilidade do modelo desenvolvido, seguindo-se a resposta a um pequeno questionário.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG