991 resultados para Natural contamination


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Environmental contamination and climate changes constitute two of the most serious problems affecting soil ecosystems in agricultural fields. Agriculture is nowadays a highly optimized process that strongly relies on the application of multiple pesticides to reduce losses and increase yield production. Although constituting, per se, a serious problem to soil biota, pesticide mixtures can assume an even higher relevance in a context of unfavourable environmental conditions. Surprisingly, frameworks currently established for environmental risk assessments keep not considering environmental stressors, such as temperature, soil moisture or UV radiation, as factors liable to influence the susceptibility of organisms to pesticides, or pesticide mixtures, which is raising increasing apprehension regarding their adequacy to actually estimate the risks posed by these compounds to the environment. Albeit the higher attention received on the last few years, the influence of environmental stressors on the behaviour and toxicity of chemical mixtures remains still poorly understood. Aiming to contribute for this discussion, the main goal of the present thesis was to evaluate the single and joint effects of natural stressors and pesticides to the terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruinosus. The first approach consisted on evaluating the effects of several abiotic factors (temperature, soil moisture and UV radiation) on the performance of P. pruinosus using several endpoints: survival, feeding parameters, locomotor activity and avoidance behaviour. Results showed that these stressors might indeed affect P. pruinosus at relevant environmental conditions, thus suggesting the relevance of their consideration in ecotoxicological assays. At next, a multiple biomarker approach was used to have a closer insight into the pathways of damage of UV radiation and a broad spectrum of processes showed to be involved (i.e. oxidative stress, neurotoxicity, energy). Furthermore, UV effects showed to vary with the environment medium and growth-stage. A similar biomarker approach was employed to assess the single and joint effects of the pesticides chlorpyrifos and mancozeb to P. pruinosus. Energy-related biomarkers showed to be the most differentiating parameters since age-classes seemed to respond differently to contamination stress and to have different metabolic costs associated. Finally, the influence of temperature and soil moisture on the toxicity of pesticide mixtures was evaluated using survival and feeding parameters as endpoints. Pesticide-induced mortality was found to be oppositely affected by temperature, either in single or mixture treatments. Whereas chlorpyrifos acute toxicity was raised under higher temperatures the toxicity of mancozeb was more prominent at lower temperatures. By the opposite, soil moisture showed no effects on the pesticide-induced mortality of isopods. Contrary to survival, both temperature and soil moisture showed to interact with pesticides to influence isopods’ feeding parameters. Nonetheless, was however the most common pattern. In brief, findings reported on this thesis demonstrated why the negligence of natural stressors, or multiple stressors in general, is not a good solution for risk assessment frameworks.


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The research work which was carried out to characterization of wastes from natural rubber and rubber wood processing industries and their utilization for biomethanation. Environmental contamination is an inevitable consequence of human activity. The liquid and solid wastes from natural rubber based industries were: characterized and their use for the production of biogas investigated with a view to conserve conventional energy, and to mitigate environmental degradation.Rubber tree (flevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.), is the most important commercial source of natural rubber and in india. Recently, pollution from the rubber processing factories has become very serious due to the introduction of modern methods and centralized group processing practices.The possibility of the use of spent slurry as organic manure is discussed.l0 percent level of PSD, the activity of cellulolytic, acid producing,proteolytic, lipolytic and methanogenic bacteria were more in the middle stage of methanogenesis.the liquid wastes from rubber processing used as diluents in combination with PSD, SPE promoted more biogas production with high methane content in the gas.The factors that favour methane production like TS, VS, cellulose and hemicellulose degradation were favoured in this treatment which led to higher methane biogenesis.The results further highlight ways and means to use agricultural wastes as alternative sources of energy.


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Heavy metals in the surface sediments of the two coastal ecosystems of Cochin, southwest India were assessed. The study intends to evaluate the degree of anthropogenic influence on heavy metal concentration in the sediments of the mangrove and adjacent estuarine stations using enrichment factor and geoaccumulation index. The inverse relationship of Cd and Zn with texture in the mangrove sediments suggested the anthropogenic enrichment of these metals in the mangrove systems. In the estuarine sediments, the absence of any significant correlation of the heavy metals with other sedimentary parameters and their strong interdependence revealed the possibility that the input is not through the natural weathering processes. The analysis of enrichment factor indicated a minor enrichment for Pb and Zn in mangrove sediments. While, extremely severe enrichment for Cd, moderate enrichment for Zn and minor enrichment of Pb were observed in estuarine system. The geo accumulation index exhibited very low values for all metals except Zn, indicating the sediments of the mangrove ecosystem are unpolluted to moderately polluted by anthropogenic activities. However, very strongly polluted condition for Cd and a moderately polluted condition for Zn were evident in estuarine sediments


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Coral growth rate can be affected by environmental parameters such as seawater temperature, depth, and light intensity. The natural reef environment is also disturbed by human influences such as anthropogenic pollutants, which in Barbados are released close to the reefs. Here we describe a relatively new method of assessing the history of pollution and explain how these effects have influenced the coral communities off the west coast of Barbados. We evaluate the relative impact of both anthropogenic pollutants and natural stresses. Sclerochronology documents framework and skeletal growth rate and records pollution history (recorded as reduced growth) for a suite of sampled Montastraea annularis coral cores. X-radiography shows annual growth band patterns of the corals extending back over several decades and indicates significantly lower growth rate in polluted sites. Results using laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) on the whole sample (aragonite, organic matter, trapped particulate matter, etc.), have shown contrasting concentrations of the trace elements (Cu, Sn, Zn, and Pb) between corals at different locations and within a single coral. Deepwater corals 7 km apart, record different levels of Pb and Sn, suggesting that a current transported the metal pollution in the water. In addition, the 1995 hurricanes are associated with anomalous values for Sn and Cu from most sites. These are believed to result from dispersion of nearshore polluted water. We compared the concentrations of trace elements in the coral growth of particular years to those in the relevant contemporaneous seawater. Mean values for the concentration factor in the coral, relative to the water, ranged from 10 for Cu and Ni to 2.4 and 0.7 for Cd and Zn, respectively. Although the uncertainties are large (60-80%), the coral record enabled us to demonstrate the possibility of calculating a history of seawater pollution for these elements from the 1940s to 1997. Our values were much higher than those obtained from analysis of carefully cleaned coral aragonite; they demonstrate the incorporation of more contamination including that from particulate material as well as dissolved metals.


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Considered as one of the most available radionuclide in soileplant system, 36Cl is of potential concern for long-term management of radioactive wastes, due to its high mobility and its long half-life. To evaluate the risk of dispersion and accumulation of 36Cl in the biosphere as a consequence of a potential contamination, there is a need for an appropriate understanding of the chlorine cycling dynamics in the ecosystems. To date, a small number of studies have investigated the chlorine transfer in the ecosystem including the transformation of chloride to organic chlorine but, to our knowledge, none have modelled this cycle. In this study, a model involving inorganic as well as organic pools in soils has been developed and parameterised to describe the biogeochemical fate of chlorine in a pine forest. The model has been evaluated for stable chlorine by performing a range of sensitivity analyses and by comparing the simulated to the observed values. Finally a range of contamination scenarios, which differ in terms of external supply, exposure time and source, has been simulated to estimate the possible accumulation of 36Cl within the different compartments of the coniferous stand. The sensitivity study supports the relevancy of the model and its compartments, and has highlighted the chlorine transfers affecting the most the residence time of chlorine in the stand. Compared to observations, the model simulates realistic values for the chlorine content within the different forest compartments. For both atmospheric and underground contamination scenarios most of the chlorine can be found in its organic form in the soil. However, in case of an underground source, about two times less chlorine accumulates in the system and proportionally more chlorine leaves the system through drainage than through volatilisation.


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This work describes the electroanalytical determination of pendimethalin herbicide levels in natural waters, river sediment and baby food samples, based on the electro-reduction of herbicide on the hanging mercury drop electrode using square wave voltammetry (SWV). A number of experimental and voltammetric conditions were evaluated and the best responses were achieved in Britton-Robinson buffer solutions at pH 8.0, using a frequency of 500 s(-1). a scan increment of 10 mV and a square wave amplitude of 50 mV. Under these conditions, the pendimethalin is reduced in an irreversible process, with two reduction peaks at -0.60 V and -0.71 V. using a Ag/AgCl reference system. Analytical curves were constructed and the detection limit values were calculated to be 7.79 mu g L(-1) and 4.88 mu g L(-1), for peak 1 and peak 2, respectively. The precision and accuracy were determinate as a function of experimental repeatability and reproducibility, which showed standard relative deviation values that were lower than 2% for both voltammetric peaks. The applicability of the proposed methodology was evaluated in natural water, river sediments and baby food samples. The calculated recovery efficiencies demonstrate that the proposed methodology is suitable for determining any contamination by pendimethalin in these samples. Additionally, adsorption isotherms were used to evaluate information about the behavior of pendimethalin in river sediment samples. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Environmental context Soils contaminated with metals can pose both environmental and human health risks. This study showed that a common crop vegetable grown in the presence of cadmium and zinc readily accumulated these metals, and thus could be a source of toxicity when eaten. The work highlights potential health risks from consuming crops grown on contaminated soils. Abstract Ingestion of plants grown in heavy metal contaminated soils can cause toxicity because of metal accumulation. We compared Cd and Zn levels in Brassica rapa, a widely grown crop vegetable, with that of the hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. Solanum nigrum contained 4 times more Zn and 12 times more Cd than B. rapa, relative to dry mass. In S. nigrum Cd and Zn preferentially accumulated in the roots whereas in B. rapa Cd and Zn were concentrated more in the shoots than in the roots. The different distribution of Cd and Zn in B. rapa and S. nigrum suggests the presence of distinct metal uptake mechanisms. We correlated plant metal content with the expression of a conserved putative natural resistance-associated macrophage protein (NRAMP) metal transporter in both plants. Treatment of both plants with either Cd or Zn increased expression of the NRAMP, with expression levels being higher in the roots than in the shoots. These findings provide insights into the molecular mechanisms of heavy metal processing by S. nigrum L. and the crop vegetable B. rapa that could assist in application of these plants for phytoremediation. These investigations also highlight potential health risks associated with the consumption of crops grown on contaminated soils.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The contamination by metal ions has been occurring for decades through the introduction of liquid effluent not treated, mainly from industrial activities, rivers and lakes, affecting water quality. For that the effluent can be disposed in water bodies, environmental standards require that they be adequately addressed, so that the concentration of metals does not exceed the limits of standard conditions of release in the receptor. Several methods for wastewater treatment have been reported in the literature, but many of them are high cost and low efficiency. The adsorption process has been used as effective for removal of metal ions. This paper presents studies to evaluate the potential of perlite as an adsorbent for removing metals in model solution. Perlite, in its natural form (NP) and expanded (EP), was characterized by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, surface area analysis using nitrogen adsorption (BET method), scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The physical characteristic and chemical composition of the material presented were appropriate for the study of adsorption. Adsorption experiments by the method of finite bath for model solutions of metal ions Cr3+, Cu2+, Mn2+ and Ni2+ were carried out in order to study the effect of pH, mass of the adsorbent and the contact time on removal of ions in solution. The results showed that perlite has good adsorption capacity. The NP has higher adsorption capacity (mg g-1) than the EP. According to the values of the constant of Langmuir qm (mg g-1), the maximum capacity of the monolayer was obtained and in terms of proportion of mass, we found the following order experimental adsorption: Cr3+ (2.194 mg g- 1) > Ni2+ (0.585 mg g-1) > Mn2+ (0.515 mg g-1) > Cu2+ (0.513 mg g-1) and Cr3+ (1.934 mg g-1)> Ni2+ (0.514 mg g-1) > Cu2+ (0.421 mg g-1) > Mn2+ (0.364 mg g-1) on the NP and EP, respectively. The experimental data were best fitted the Langmuir model compared to Freundlich for Cu2+, Mn2+ and Ni2+. However, for the Cr3+, both models fit the experimental data


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O monitoramento da atenuação natural em áreas contaminadas tem se mostrado uma técnica alternativa e de baixo custo para a remediação de áreas contaminadas. A degradação por microorganismos é um dos processos mais importantes na atenuação natural de contaminantes, especialmente compostos de fase líquida não aquosa (NAPL). em muitos casos, a ação efetiva deste processo resulta na geração de ácidos orgânicos, que sob elevadas concentrações ocasionam a dissolução de minerais presentes em subsuperfície onde se encontra a contaminação, com conseqüente liberação de íons. O aumento na quantidade de íons colabora para o aumento da condutividade elétrica do meio. O princípio físico da técnica de Radar de Penetração no Solo (GPR) é a emissão de ondas eletromagnéticas de alta freqüência. A propagação da onda eletromagnética é condicionada à freqüência de sinal emitido e as propriedades elétricas do meio. O aumento da condutividade elétrica do meio resulta na atenuação do sinal e, por conseqüência, na diminuição da profundidade de penetração da onda eletromagnética. Este fator permite o monitoramento de áreas contaminadas sob atenuação natural a partir de análises temporais com o GPR. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo entre perfis de GPR adquiridos em 1998 e 2003 em uma área contaminada por compostos de fase líquida leve não aquosa (LNAPL), sob atenuação natural. Os resultados indicam um aumento da condutividade elétrica do meio, a partir da atenuação acentuada do sinal GPR observada nas seções de 2003. Este aumento pode estar associado à liberação de íons por dissolução de minerais, pelo ataque de ácidos orgânicos resultantes do processo de biodegradação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper proposes a simple methodology for mercury quantification in natural water by stripping chronopotentiometry at constant current, using gold (film) electrodes constructed from recordable CDs in stationary cell. The proposed method allows the direct measurement of labile mercury in natural waters. To quantify total mercury, a robust and low cost UV irradiation system was developed for the degradation of organic constituents of water. The proposed system presents such advantages as excellent sensitivity, low cost, versatility, and smaller dimensions (portability for on-field applications) when compared with other techniques (ICP, GFAAS, fluorimetry) traditionally utilized for mercury quantification. A large linear region of responses was observed, situated over the range 0.02 - 200 μ g L-1. Various experimental parameters were optimized and the system allowed quantifications in natural samples, with detection limit of 8 ng L-1 and excellent reproducibility (RSD of 1.4% for 48 repetitive measurements using a 10 μ g L-1 mercury solution). Different metal ions were evaluated, including copper, as possible interferences on stripping mercury signals. Applications of the new method were demonstrated for the analysis of certified and groundwater samples spiked with a known amount of mercury and for the quantification of methylmercury in synthetic oceanic water, originally utilized for fishes contamination experiment.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of auxiliary chemical substances and natural extracts on Candida albicans and Enterococcus faecali's inoculated in root canals. Material and Methods: Seventy-two human tooth roots were contaminated with C. albicans and E. faecalis for 21 days. The groups were divided according to the auxiliary chemical substance into: G1) 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), G2) 2% chlorhexidine gel (CHX), G3) castor oil, G4) glycolic Aloe vera extract, g5) glycolic ginger extract, and G6) sterile saline (control). The samples of the root canal were collected at different intervals: confirmation collection, at 21 days after contamination; 1st collection, after instrumentation; and 2nd collection, seven days after instrumentation. Microbiological samples were grown in culture medium and incubated at 37°C for 48 hours. Results: The results were submitted to the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn (5%) statistical tests. NaOCl and CHX completely eliminated the microorganisms of the root canals. Castor oil and ginger significantly reduced the number of CFU of the tested bacteria. Reduction of CFU/mL at the 1st and 2nd collections for groups G1, G2, G3 and G4 was greater in comparison to groups G5 and G6. Conclusion: It was concluded that 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 2% chlorhexidine gel were more effective in eliminating C. albicans and E. faecalis, followed by the castor oil and glycolic ginger extract. The Aloe vera extract showed no antimicrobial activity.