979 resultados para National State


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Increasingly, almost everything we do in our daily lives is being influenced by information and communications technologies (ICTs) including the Internet. The task of governance is no exception with an increasing number of national, state, and local governments utilizing ICTs to support government operations, engage citizens, and provide government services. As with other things, the process of governance is now being prefixed with an “e”. E-governance can range from simple Web sites that convey basic information to complex sites that transform the customary ways of delivering all sorts of government services. In this respect local e-government is the form of e-governance that specifically focuses on the online delivery of suitable local services by local authorities. In practice local e-government reflects four dimensions, each one dealing with the functions of government itself. The four are: (a) e-services, the electronic delivery of government information, programs, and services often over the Internet; (b) e-management, the use of information technology to improve the management of government. This might range from streamlining business processes to improving the flow of information within government departments; (c) e-democracy the use of electronic communication vehicles, such as e-mail and the Internet, to increase citizen participation in the public decision-making process; (d) e-commerce, the exchange of money for goods and services over the Internet which might include citizens paying taxes and utility bills, renewing vehicle registrations, and paying for recreation programs, or government buying office supplies and auctioning surplus equipment (Cook, LaVigne, Pagano, Dawes, & Pardo, 2002). Commensurate with the rapid increase in the process of developing e-governance tools, there has been an increased interest in benchmarking the process of local e-governance. This benchmarking, which includes the processes involved in e-governance as well as the extent of e-governance adoption or take-up is important as it allows for improved processes and enables government agencies to move towards world best practice. It is within this context that this article discusses benchmarking local e-government. It brings together a number of discussions regarding the significance of benchmarking, best practices and actions for local e-government, and key elements of a successful local e-government project.


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This unique book reveals the procedural aspects of knowledge-based urban planning, development and assessment. Concentrating on major knowledge city building processes, and providing state-of-the-art experiences and perspectives, this important compendium explores innovative models, approaches and lessons learnt from a number of key case studies across the world. Many cities worldwide, in order to brand themselves as knowledge cities, have undergone major transformations in the 21st century. This book provides a thorough understanding of these transformations and the key issues in building prosperous knowledge cities by focusing particularly on the policy-making, planning process and performance assessment aspects. The contributors reveal theoretical and conceptual foundations of knowledge cities and their development approach of knowledge-based urban development. They present best-practice examples from a number of key case studies across the globe. This important book provides readers with a thorough understanding of the key issues in planning and developing prosperous knowledge cities of the knowledge economy era, which will prove invaluable to national, state/regional and city governments’ planning and development departments. Academics, postgraduate and undergraduate students of regional and urban studies will also find this path-breaking book an intriguing read.


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Chapter 1: Introduction Overview and background Chapter 2: Conducting clinical audit of nurse practitioner practice The nature and purpose of clinical audit-- Data collection tools for clinical audit-- References and readings Chapter 3: Researching nurse practitioner practice The nature and purpose of clinical practice research-- Data collection tools for researching practice-- References and readings Chapter 4: Researching nurse practitioner service Principles and purpose of health services research-- Data collection tools for researching health services-- References and readings Chapter 5: Researching nurse practitioner patient outcomes Principles and purpose of researching patient outcomes-- Data collection tools for researching patient outcomes-- References and readings Chapter 6: Conducting a nurse practitioner census National workforce census-- Data collection tools for National/State census of nurse practitioners--References and readings


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Conceptually, the management of safety at roadworks can be seen in a three level framework. At the regulatory level, roadworks operate at the interface between the work environment, governed by workplace health and safety regulations, and the road environment, which is subject to road traffic regulations and practices. At the organizational level, national, state and local governments plan and purchase road construction and maintenance which are then delivered in-house or tendered out to large construction companies who often subcontract multiple smaller companies to supply services and labor. At the operational level, roadworks are difficult to isolate from the general public, hindering effective occupational health and safety controls. This study, from the State of Queensland, Australia, examines how well this tripartite framework functions. It includes reviews of organizational policy and procedures documents; interviews with 24 subject matter experts from various road construction and maintenance organizations, and on-site interviews with 66 road construction personnel. The study identified several factors influencing the translation of safety policies into practice including the cost of safety measures in the context of competitive tendering, lack of firm evidence of the effectiveness of safety measures, and pressures to minimize disruption to the travelling public.


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Biophilic urbanism, or urban design that reflects humanity’s innate need for nature, stands to make significant contributions to a range of national, state and local government policies related to climate change mitigation and adaptation, by investigating ways in which nature can be integrated into, around and on top of buildings. Potential benefits of such design include reducing the heat island effect, reducing energy consumption for thermal control, enhancing urban biodiversity, improving well being and productivity, improving water cycle management, and assisting in the response to growing needs for densification and revitalisation of cities. This report will give an overview of the concept of biophilia and consider enablers and disablers to its application to urban planning and design. The paper will present findings from stakeholder engagement and a series of detailed case studies, related to a consideration of the economics of the use of biophilic elements (direct and indirect).


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Objective Poor dietary intake is the most important behavioural risk factor affecting health globally. Despite this, there has been little investment in public health nutrition policy actions. Policy process theories from the field of political science can aid understanding why policy decisions have occurred and identify how to influence ongoing or future initiatives. This review aims to examine public health nutrition policy literature and identify whether a policy process theory has been used to analyse the process. Design Electronic databases were searched systematically for studies examining policymaking in public health nutrition in high-income, democratic countries. Setting International, national, state and local government jurisdictions within high-income, democratic countries. Subjects Individuals and organisations involved in the nutrition policymaking process. Results Sixty-three studies met the eligibility criteria, most were conducted in the USA and a majority focused on obesity. The analysis demonstrates an accelerating trend in the number of nutrition policy papers published annually and an increase in the diversity of nutrition topics examined. The use of policy process theory was observed from 2003, however, it was utilised by only 14% of the reviewed papers. Conclusions There is limited research into the nutrition policy process in high-income countries. While there has been a small increase in the use of policy process theory from 2003, an opportunity to expand their use is evident. We suggest that nutrition policymaking would benefit from a pragmatic approach that ensures those trying to influence or understand the policymaking process are equipped with basic knowledge around these theories.


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[Excerpt] The aim of this paper is to raise awareness of the fact that changes in the approach towards the “clients” or “consumers” of services for people with intellectual disability do have an important impact on the way the quality evaluation systems of these services should be designed and organised.


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Many countries over the last decade, have used performance-based contracting (PBC) to manage and maintain roads. The implementation of PBC provides additional benefits for the government/public such as cost savings and improved conditions of contracted road assets. In Australia, PBC is already being implemented on all categories of roads: national, state, urban and rural. Australian PBC arrangement is designed to turn over control and responsibility for roadway system maintenance, rehabilitation, and capital improvement projects to private contractors. Contractors’ responsibilities include determination of treatment types, the design, programming and the undertaking of works needed to maintain road networks at predetermined performance levels. Indonesia initiated two PBC pilot projects in 2011, the Pantura Section Demak-Trengguli (7.68 kilometers) in Central Java Province and Section Ciasem-Pamanukan (18.5 kilometers) in West Java Province. Both sections are categorized as national roads. The contract duration for both of these projects is four years. To facilitate a possible way forward, it is proposed to conduct a study to understand Australia's experiences of advancing from pilot projects to nation-wide programs using PBC. The study focuses on the scope of contracts, bidding processes, risk allocation, and key drivers, using relevant PBC case studies from Australia. Recommendations for future PBC deployment nation-wide should be based on more research associated with risk allocation. This will include investigation of standard conditions of contract. Implications of the contract clauses for the risk management strategy to be adopted by contractors. Based on the nature of risks, some are best managed by the project owner. It is very important that all parties involved to be open to the new rules of contract and to convince themselves about the potential increased benefits of the use of PBC. The most recent states of challenging issues were explored and described.


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- Objective To progress nutrition policy change and develop more effective advocates, it is useful to consider real-world factors and practical experiences of past advocacy efforts to determine the key barriers and enablers to nutrition policy change. This review aimed to identify and synthesize the enablers and barriers to public policy change within the field of nutrition. - Design Electronic databases were searched systematically for studies examining policymaking in public health nutrition. An interpretive synthesis was undertaken. Setting: International, national, state and local government jurisdictions within high-income, democratic countries. - Results Sixty-three studies were selected for inclusion. Numerous themes were identified explaining the barriers and enablers to policy change, all of which fell under the overarching category, ‘political will’, underpinned by a second major category, ‘public will’. Sub-themes, including pressure from industry; neoliberal ideology; use of emotions and values, and being visible were prevalent in describing links between public will, political will and policy change. - Conclusions The frustration around lack of public policy change in nutrition frequently stems from a belief that policymaking is a rational process in which evidence is used to assess the relative costs and benefits of options. The findings from this review confirm that evidence is only one component of influencing policy change. For policy change to occur there needs to be the political will, and often the public will, for the proposed policy problem and solution. This review presents a suite of enablers which can assist health professionals to influence political and public will in future advocacy efforts.


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Esta dissertação analisou a atenção à saúde bucal nos trinta municípios que compõem a 15 Regional de Saúde do Estado do Paraná, a partir do processo de descentralização, das políticas públicas de saúde e das diretrizes da Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal (PNSB). Neste trabalho buscou-se contextualizar a implantação das Estratégias de Agentes Comunitários de Saúde, Saúde da Família e Saúde Bucal. Para que tal objetivo fosse alcançado foram feitas pesquisas junto às bases de nacionais, estaduais e municipais, além de entrevistas com os Coordenadores Municipais de Saúde Bucal (CMSB) para conhecer a realidade de cada um dos municípios. Foram entregues questionários contendo questões a respeito dos modelos de prática, de organização, de gestão e de formação dos profissionais envolvidos na atenção à saúde bucal. A metodologia utilizada inicialmente por Mendes-Silva (2007), na Regional de Saúde de Bauru SP, serviu de base para compararmos os resultados obtidos nas duas Regionais com relação aos principais indicadores sociais, a organização da atenção à saúde e o perfil profissional dos CMSB. Sem perder de vista as diferenças regionais e também o panorama nacional, conclui-se que os indicadores sociais, o percentual de gastos com a saúde e o perfil dos CMSB são muito parecidos. Com relação à PNSB, a 15 RS-PR apresenta números maiores de cobertura populacional nas três estratégias (ACS, SF e SB) e, ainda que com limitações, a análise dos dados provenientes do DATASUS mostra melhores indicadores de saúde bucal no Pacto de Atenção Básica.


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O objetivo da tese é expor o movimento de coordenação coletiva que subjaz a um conjunto selecionado de obras de autores brasileiros da primeira metade do século XX reunidas sob o título Coleção Brasiliana. Sustenta-se a hipótese de que esse grupo de intelectuais interveio regularmente no debate público durante três ou quatro décadas do século passado de forma racional e concertada com vistas a construir no futuro próximo um Estado nacional no Brasil. Se o diagnóstico procede, esteve-se às voltas com um problema de ação coletiva, posto que um Estado de tipo nacional é um bem público. A estratégia de solução intraelite consistiu na criação de uma cultura política de massas baseada na idéia de ?imperativo nacional? que, mobilizando ideologicamente a opinião pública e os governantes, logrou êxito quanto aos objetivos inscritos de antemão em sua retórica: por fim à desordem, restituir a organização da nação e criar instituições políticas congruentes com a realidade do país. Para efeito do trabalho ora apresentado, os processos de state building envolvem, entre os itens de maior importância, a territorialização eficaz, a legitimação da autoridade pública e a organização da solidariedade social. No caso do Brasil, uma vez resolvido o dilema de ação coletiva relativamente aos intelectuais, emergiria mais tarde, em 1937, a estrutura institucional destinada a fixar regras, reduzir incertezas e/ou custos de informação, dotar os atores de expectativas recíprocas, enfim, trazer regularidade e curso estável às trocas entre os indivíduos: o Estado Novo. O trabalho se divide em quatro capítulos, seguidos de considerações finais ligeiras. No Capítulo I, realizo um balanço pessoal sobre a recepção da rationalchoice no meio acadêmico brasileiro, além de chamar a atenção para certas estigmatizações comuns. No Capítulo II, o conceito de racionalidade individual é submetido a exame epistêmico e ontológico não exaustivo. Busco ainda aproximá-lo de aspectos externos que tendem a alterar sua substância na origem. No Capítulo III, ofereço o referencial geral sobre a formação dos estados nacionais, afora indicações rápidas quanto aos desafios que os esperam no século XXI. No Capítulo IV, última parte do texto, observo de maneira panorâmica as etapas de formação do Estado nacional no Brasil para depois discutir o modelo de país que os intelectuais brasilianos tinham em mente para o século XX. Também procuro especificar o método de trabalho (escolha dos autores, organização por tópicos e aplicação da perspectiva neo-institucionalista). As páginas restantes se destinam à exposição das idéias brasilianas. Fecho a tese com uma síntese geral acrescida de análise sobre a coordenação dos intelectuais em torno do projeto de Estado-nação no Brasil


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Nesta dissertação apresentamos uma análise da trajetória de Eusébio de Queirós no período em que ele ocupava o cargo de chefe de polícia da Corte (1833-1844), momento de grande turbulência social no Império, e consolidação das posições do Regresso Conservador. Mostramos como Eusébio de Queirós se precipitou sobre o "vazio" de atribuições que caracterizava a função de chefe de polícia, tornando-se um articulador da administração da justiça na Corte, após assumir a direção de uma Secretaria de Polícia da Corte com uma estrutura precária, em meio às discussões acerca do regime policial estabelecido com a adoção do Código de Processo Criminal de 1832. A ideia de que no compartilhamento da informação entre as autoridades estava a pedra angular da segurança pública foi uma constante na trajetória de Queirós, exemplificados na abordagem dada à Revolta dos Malês (1835) e às Revoltas Liberais de 1842. Esta pesquisa trabalha uma entre as possíveis caracterizações de Eusébio de Queirós, considerando as implicações de ordens biográfica e historiográfica, procurando problematizar por meio de uma trajetória específica aspectos que circundam o processo de construção do Estado nacional no Brasil.


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Esta tese versa sobre a análise de um dos grandes projetos tecnológicos do Estado nacional, o PEB, com o intuito de verificar em que medida o Brasil, enquanto País em desenvolvimento e inserido no processo de globalização econômica, tem a possibilidade de autodeterminar um projeto nacional de desenvolvimento relativamente soberano e sustentável, mediante sua capacitação tecnológica em áreas de ponta, como as tecnologias espaciais. Neste ínterim, é discutido o processo de institucionalização da ciência no País e a implantação de um moderno sistema de C&T no Brasil através de uma aliança entre cientistas e militares, culminando com a criação do CNPq em 1951. Apresentamos uma releitura da nossa recente história política e os projetos nacionais de desenvolvimento de que foi alvo o País, formulados pelos grupos sociais mais representativos da sociedade na época estudada, recuperando uma discussão que, estendendo-se por décadas, reservou à questão científica um lugar privilegiado no planejamento do Estado. O período da ditadura militar é especialmente contemplado, considerando-se ter sido esta a fase em que realmente o Programa Espacial Brasileiro sofreu maiores investimentos, conferindo aos militares um papel de destaque no quadro de atores sociais coletivos empenhados no projeto de desenvolvimento do País, destacando as diversas correntes ideológicas em ação dentro das Forças Armadas. Foi analisado o processo de globalização devido ao seu nexo interno e externo com as políticas científicas implantadas ou preconizadas no País. Esse processo, alavancado pela nova dinâmica tecnológica internacional iniciada nos anos 1980, estabeleceu profundos impactos e mudanças na constituição atual da esfera do político. Este é o cenário onde, de nosso ponto de vista, inscreve-se a questão da capacitação científico-tecnológica como variável estratégica em todos os níveis das relações internacionais. A compreensão desta problemática deve ser entendida como parte do cenário mundial que se configurou nas últimas décadas do século XX, tendo no entrelaçamento das dinâmicas científico-tecnológica e a soberania nacional dos Estados uma sinergia diferenciada na reordenação geopolítica contemporânea.


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Tede de Doutoramento, na especialidade de Ciências Políticas apresentada à FDUNL


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La présente thèse offre une analyse critique du phénomène du suicide en milieu autochtone en s’appuyant notamment sur les croyances sur la mort et sur les rituels funéraires actuels dans la communauté atikamekw de Manawan, dans la région de la Mauricie, au Québec. L’objectif de la recherche est de comprendre la représentation de la mort volontaire chez les Atikamekw à partir des conceptions locales et de tracer un portrait anthropologique de la situation du suicide de cette communauté. La question du suicide en milieu autochtone étant un sujet sensible et difficile à aborder, nous avons choisi d’associer à notre recherche anthropologique, des discussions interdisciplinaires sur les approches sur le suicide, sur la mort et sur le deuil, tout en portant un regard sur les aspects historiques de la relation entre les Atikamekw et l’État-nation canadien. Le principe théorique retenu pour cette thèse est celui selon lequel chaque Atikamekw est perçu comme un agent de sa culture, qualifié à reconnaître sa propre situation politique et historique et habilité à proposer des changements sur le plan social et politique. L’ethnographie réalisée dans le cadre de cette recherche vise également à donner une intelligibilité empirique au phénomène du suicide et aux nouvelles pratiques funéraires à Manawan, tout en étant préoccupé par les liens établis entre les événements du suicide, le contexte historique et la situation actuelle de la communauté de Manawan. Une attention particulière est portée aux aspects sociaux qui y sont liés, comme la question de l’âge, du genre, des relations familiales et sociales, de la consommation d’alcool et de drogues, de l’accessibilité à l’éducation, des relations intergénérationnelles et de la relation entre les membres de la communauté et les professionnels qui travaillent.