963 resultados para Nasir ud Din Haidar
Este trabalho questiona a construção da memória e da história da capoeira no Rio de Janeiro na segunda metade do século XX. A capoeira como manifestação cultural é tema de um crescente número de trabalhos artísticos, desde peças de teatro, filmes para o cinema, bem como de ações do governo, com destaque para seu tombamento como "patrimônio imaterial da cultura brasileira". É praticada em mais de 150 países, onde se apresenta como mais uma das identidades dos brasileiros no exterior. No Rio de Janeiro, deixou marcas profundas na memória do século XIX, representada em documentos variados do Estado e nas letras dos intelectuais da época. História que tem sido pesquisada por autores que já assistem suas obras sendo consagradas pelo crescente número de interessados no tema. Em contrapartida, a história recente desta prática ainda é assunto raro na historiografia, bem como nas demais disciplinas das ciências humanas. Assim, através da pesquisa etnográfica com o Grupo Folclórico de Capoeira São Bento Pequeno, escola de capoeira de Mestre Paraná, questionamos esta lacuna no conhecimento acadêmico, bem como seu reflexo na formação das "tradições" da capoeira no Rio de Janeiro. O Grupo São Bento Pequeno esteve em atividade nas décadas de 1950 e 1960, período de retomada do crescimento da capoeira no Rio de Janeiro.
Lan honen helburu nagusia, futbolari jubenilen (17-19 urte) gaitasun fisiko kondizionalak aztertzea eta baloratzea da, gainera postu espezifikoen arteko ezberdintasunak detektatuz (atezainak, defentsak, erdilariak eta aurrelariak). Horretarako, 26 jokalari ( adina 17,50 ± 0,95 urte, pisua 70,58 ± 7,48 Kg , altuera 1,77 ± 0,07 metro, 22,55 ± 1,70 IMC-arekin eta 7,85 ± 0,97 esperientziarekin futbolean). Gaitasun hauek neurtzeko erabili izan ziren testak, pisu eta altuera neurketa(Seca 704s, Alemania), Yo-Yo test (egindako distantzia eta V02max), abiadura testa (S20m eta S30m), agilitate testa (Zig-Zagrun test), salto horizontala (HCMJAS) eta enborraren malgutasunaren testa (Test Sit and Reach).Gauzatutako testen emaitzen arabera, ez ditugu alde signifikatiborik aurkitu postu espezifikoen artean, baina beste aldetik, aldagaien arteko erlazioa aztertzerakoan, abiadura eta zig-zag testen artean korrelazio esanguratsua dagoela aurkitu da. Hau da, agilitate eta abiadura testen artean korrelazioa dago, baina korrelazioa handiagoa lortu da S20m-rekin S30m-ekin baino.
The residual strength of glass fibre reinforced vinyl-ester laminates with multiple holes was investigated through an experimental programme. Different types of structured hole patterns and hole densities were investigated and analysed using digital image correlation strain measuring technique. Three different failure modes could be observed when the hole patterns and the hole densities were a altered. These three failure modes were used as the foundation for a simple yet effective analytical model in order to predict the residual strength of damaged composite specimens. Finally, a number of laminates with randomly distributed holes were tested experimentally. The analytical model can predict the failure mode and failure strength of the experiments with sufficiently good fidelity. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
This dissertation investigates the concept of motion as a fundamental aesthetic element in the devotional music, dance, and rituals performed in honor of the celebrated thirteenth-century Persian mystic poet and saint, the Mevlana Celal ed-Din Muhammad Rumi. The main focus of the study is threefold. First, it investigates the prevalence of the notion of movement in Islamic music and culture, specifically within the Sufi communities of Turkey, in order to arrive at a broader understanding of the relationship between music, aesthetics, and worldview. Secondly, it explores how musical performance functions as a form of devotion or religious worship by focusing on the musical repertories performed in honor of a single holy figure, the Mevlana Rumi. Finally, it provides an ethnographic account of contemporary developments in Sufi musical culture in Turkey and across the world by describing the recent activities of the Mevlana's devotees, which includes members of the Mevlevi Order of Islamic mystics as well as adherents of other Sufi brotherhoods and followers of so-called New Religions or New Age. The primary research for this study involved two short one-month field trips to Turkey and India in 2002 and 2003, respectively, and a longer one year expedition to Turkey in 2004 and 2005, which also included shorter stays in Cyprus, Syria, and Egypt. Additionally, the dissertation draws directly from critical theories advanced in the fields of ethnomusicology, cultural anthropology, and ethnochoreology and focuses on the kinesthetic parameters of music, dance, trance, and ritual as well as on broader forms of socio-cultural movement including pilgrimage, cultural tourism, and globalization. These forms of movement are analyzed in four broad categories of music used in worship, including classical Mevlevi music, music of the zikr ceremony, popular musics, and non-Turkish musics.
Features of chip formation can inform the mechanism of a machining process. In this paper, a series of orthogonal cutting experiments were carried out on unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer (UD-CFRP) under cutting speed of 0.5 m/min. The specially designed orthogonal cutting tools and high-speed camera were used in this paper. Two main factors are found to influence the chip morphology, namely the depth of cut (DOC) and the fiber orientation (angle 휃), and the latter of which plays a more dominant role. Based on the investigation of chip formation, a new approach is proposed for predicting fracture toughness of the newly machined surface and the total energy consumption during CFRP orthogonal cutting is introduced as a function of the surface energy of machined surface, the energy consumed to overcome friction, and the energy for chip fracture. The results show that the proportion of energy spent on tool-chip friction is the greatest, and the proportions of energy spent on creating new surface decrease with the increasing of fiber angle.
Daté de Tabriz, 22ème jour du mois de Zilka'da 773 (26 mai 1372). Emreinte à l'encre rouge du sceau carré des djéla£irides, en caractères coufiques, portant à ses quatre coins les noms des califes orthodoxes.
Se presenta experiencia educativa que propone utilizar diferentes t??cnicas de din??micas de grupos como estrategia para contribuir a la educaci??n integral del alumnado. Se realiza en el EEI La Ermita en la Gabia la Grande, Granada. Los objetivos son: ayudar a la integraci??n del individuo a trav??s de la participaci??n; fomentar el trabajo individual y el grupal; ayudar al desarrollo de la personalidad, reforzando la autoestima y aceptando a los-las otros-as; organizar el entorno escolar; ense??ar a pensar, a escuchar, trabajar cooperativamente, adquirir autonom??a y responsabilidad.
Contiene tablas y gr??ficos de resultados de ejercicios y de entrenamientos. Resumen tomado del autor
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Dise??o de un modelo global de Educaci??n Infantil, a trav??s de los centros de inter??s, cuyo objetivo es el establecimiento de unos objetivos, estructuras y formas de actuaci??n que respondan de manera coherente y global a las necesidades educativas de los ni??os hasta los seis a??os. Dirigido a 97 alumnos de Preescolar (4 y 5 a??os). El equipo de trabajo ha utilizado la observaci??n directa de los alumnos a lo largo del curso escolar. La experiencia se valora positivamente. La din??mica de rincones y talleres llevada a cabo resulta id??nea para la muestra utilizada. El m??todo global parece ser la forma natural de aprendizaje y dem??s experiencias. Dificultades a??adidas merman los resultados deseados sin que la experiencia deje de ser un ??xito y pueda llevarse a cabo. Se solicita pr??rroga.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Ilustraciones de Leticia Sanju??n. Publicaci??n financiada por la Consejer??a de Educaci??n de la Junta de Extremadura