978 resultados para Nasal Potential Difference


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The membrane-bound serine protease CAP2/Tmprss4 has been previously identified in vitro as a positive regulator of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). To study its in vivo implication in ENaC-mediated sodium absorption, we generated a knockout mouse model for CAP2/Tmprss4. Mice deficient in CAP2/Tmprss4 were viable, fertile, and did not show any obvious histological abnormalities. Unexpectedly, when challenged with sodium-deficient diet, these mice did not develop any impairment in renal sodium handling as evidenced by normal plasma and urinary sodium and potassium electrolytes, as well as normal aldosterone levels. Despite minor alterations in ENaC mRNA expression, we found no evidence for altered proteolytic cleavage of ENaC subunits. In consequence, ENaC activity, as monitored by the amiloride-sensitive rectal potential difference (ΔPD), was not altered even under dietary sodium restriction. In summary, ENaC-mediated sodium balance is not affected by lack of CAP2/Tmprss4 expression and thus, does not seem to directly control ENaC expression and activity in vivo.


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Different parameters of carbon ceramic electrodes (CCE) preparation, such as type of precursor, carbon material, catalyst amount, among others, significantly influence the morphological properties and consequently their electrochemical responses. This paper describes a 2³ factorial design (2 factors and 3 levels with central point replicates), which the factors analyzed were catalyst amount (HCl 12 mol L-1), graphite/precursor ratio, and precursor type (TEOS - tetraethoxysilane and MTMOS - methyltrimetoxysilane). The design resulted in a significant third order interaction for peak current values (Ipa) and a second order interaction for potential difference (ΔE), between thefactors studied, which could not be observed when using an univariated study.


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Lanthanum lutetium oxide (LaLuO3) thin films were investigated considering their perspective application for industrial microelectronics. Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques permitted to visualize the surface topography and study the electric properties. This work compared both the material properties (charge behavior for samples of 6 nm and 25 nm width) and the applied SPM modes. Particularly, Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) was applied to characterize local potential difference with high lateral resolution. Measurements showed the difference in morphology, chargeability and charge dissipation time for both samples. The polarity effect was detected for this material for the first time. Lateral spreading of the charged spots indicate the diffusive mechanism to be predominant in charge dissipation. This allowed to estimate the diffusion coefficient and mobility. Using simple electrostatic model it was found that charge is partly leaking into the interface oxide layer.


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In view of the importance of the intestine in the osmoregulation of freshwater fishes, we determined the effects of oxytocin, urotensin II (UII), and aldosterone added to the serosal side of the isolated posterior intestine of the freshwater-adapted teleost Anguilla anguilla on electrophysiological parameters. Oxytocin decreased the short-circuit current (SCC) and transepithelial potential difference (TPD) at concentrations of 1 and 10 mU/ml (to 50% and 42% of control values, respectively), but did not alter these parameters at a concentration of 0.1 mU/ml. UII reduced SCC and TPD at concentrations of 10 nM, 50 nM and 100 nM (to 85% of control values), but increased these parameters at the concentration of 500 nM (to 115% of control values). Aldosterone did not alter SCC or TPD at the concentrations tested (10 nM and 100 nM). Oxytocin may open Na+ channels in the apical membrane, allowing the flow of Na+ to the serosa, reducing SCC and TPD. Should this hypothesis be correct, oxytocin would be important for freshwater adaptation, since it would increase Na+ absorption. The reduction of SCC and TPD in the posterior intestine of A. anguilla induced by UII is evidence that this neurohormone is also important for freshwater adaptation in teleosts. Aldosterone did not show this effect probably due to the lack of receptors in this organ


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The present paper reviews work from our laboratories evaluating the importance of adrenal cortical hormones in acidification by proximal and cortical distal tubules. Proximal acidification was determined by stationary microperfusion, and measurement of bicarbonate reabsorption using luminal pH determination was performed with H+-ion-sensitive microelectrodes. Rats were adrenalectomized (ADX) 48 h before the experiments, and corticosteroids (aldosterone (A), corticosterone (B), and 18-OH corticosterone (18-OH-B)) were injected intramuscularly 100 and 40 min before the experiments. In ADX rats stationary pH increased significantly to 7.03 as compared to sham-operated rats (6.78). Bicarbonate reabsorption decreased from 2.65 ± 0.18 in sham-operated rats to 0.50 ± 0.07 nmol cm-2 s-1 after ADX. The administration of the three hormones stimulated proximal tubule acidification, reaching, however, only 47.2% of the sham values in aldosterone-treated rats. Distal nephron acidification was studied by measuring urine minus blood pCO2 differences (U-B pCO2) in bicarbonate-loaded rats treated as above. This pCO2 difference is used as a measure of the distal nephron ability to secrete H+ ions into an alkaline urine. U-B pCO2 decreased significantly from 39.9 ± 1.26 to 11.9 ± 1.99 mmHg in ADX rats. When corticosteroids were given to ADX rats before the experiment, U-B pCO2 increased significantly, but reached control levels only when aldosterone (two 3-µg doses per rat) plus corticosterone (220 µg) were given together. In order to control for the effect of aldosterone on distal transepithelial potential difference one group of rats was treated with amiloride, which blocks distal sodium channels. Amiloride-treated rats still showed a significant reduction in U-B pCO2 after ADX. Only corticosterone and 18-OH-B but not aldosterone increased U-B pCO2 back to the levels of sham-operated rats. These results show that corticosteroids stimulate renal tubule acidification both in proximal and distal nephrons and provide some clues about the mechanism of action of these steroids


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Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) colonizes the large intestine causing a spectrum of disorders, including watery diarrhea, bloody diarrhea (hemorrhagic colitis), and hemolytic-uremic syndrome. It is estimated that hemolytic-uremic syndrome is the most common cause of acute renal failure in infants in Argentina. Stx is a multimeric toxin composed of one A subunit and five B subunits. In this study we demonstrate that the Stx2 B subunit inhibits the water absorption (Jw) across the human and rat colonic mucosa without altering the electrical parameters measured as transepithelial potential difference and short circuit current. The time-course Jw inhibition by 400 ng/ml purified Stx2 B subunit was similar to that obtained using 12 ng/ml Stx2 holotoxin suggesting that both, A and B subunits of Stx2 contributed to inhibit the Jw. Moreover, non-hemorrhagic fluid accumulation was observed in rat colon loops after 16 h of treatment with 3 and 30 ng/ml Stx2 B subunit. These changes indicate that Stx2 B subunit induces fluid accumulation independently of A subunit activity by altering the usual balance of intestinal absorption and secretion toward net secretion. In conclusion, our results suggest that the Stx2 B subunit, which is non-toxic for Vero cells, may contribute to the watery diarrhea observed in STEC infection. Further studies will be necessary to determine whether the toxicity of Stx2 B subunit may have pathogenic consequences when it is used as a component in an acellular STEC vaccine or as a vector in cancer vaccines.


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T84 is an established cell line expressing an enterocyte phenotype whose permeability properties have been widely explored. Osmotic permeability (P OSM), hydraulic permeability (P HYDR) and transport-associated net water fluxes (J W-transp), as well as short-circuit current (I SC), transepithelial resistance (R T), and potential difference (deltaV T) were measured in T84 monolayers with the following results: P OSM 1.3 ± 0.1 cm.s-1 x 10-3; P HYDR 0.27 ± 0.02 cm.s-1; R T 2426 ± 109 omega.cm², and deltaV T 1.31 ± 0.38 mV. The effect of 50 µM 5,6-dichloro-1-ethyl-1,3-dihydro-2H-benzimidazol-2-one (DCEBIO), a "net Cl- secretory agent", on T84 cells was also studied. We confirm the reported important increase in I SC induced by DCEBIO which was associated here with a modest secretory deltaJ W-transp. The present results were compared with those reported using the same experimental approach applied to established cell lines originating from intestinal and renal epithelial cells (Caco-2, LLC-PK1 and RCCD-1). No clear association between P HYDR and R T could be demonstrated and high P HYDR values were observed in an electrically tight epithelium, supporting the view that a "water leaky" barrier is not necessarily an "electrically leaky" one. Furthermore, the modest secretory deltaJ W-transp was not consistent with previous results obtained with RCCD-1 cells stimulated with vasopressin (absorptive fluxes) or with T84 cells secreting water under the action of Escherichia coli heat stable enterotoxin. We conclude that, while the presence of aquaporins is necessary to dissipate an external osmotic gradient, coupling between water and ion transport cannot be explained by a simple and common underlying mechanism.


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Potentiometric sensors are very attractive tools for chemical analysis because of their simplicity, low power consumption and low cost. They are extensively used in clinical diagnostics and in environmental monitoring. Modern applications of both fields require improvements in the conventional construction and in the performance of the potentiometric sensors, as the trends are towards portable, on-site diagnostics and autonomous sensing in remote locations. The aim of this PhD work was to improve some of the sensor properties that currently hamper the implementation of the potentiometric sensors in modern applications. The first part of the work was concentrated on the development of a solid-state reference electrode (RE) compatible with already existing solid-contact ion-selective electrodes (ISE), both of which are needed for all-solid-state potentiometric sensing systems. A poly(vinyl chloride) membrane doped with a moderately lipophilic salt, tetrabutylammonium-tetrabutylborate (TBA-TBB), was found to show a satisfactory stability of potential in sample solutions with different concentrations. Its response time was nevertheless slow, as it required several minutes to reach the equilibrium. The TBA-TBB membrane RE worked well together with solid-state ISEs in several different situations and on different substrates enabling a miniature design. Solid contacts (SC) that mediate the ion-to-electron transduction are crucial components of well-functioning potentiometric sensors. This transduction process converting the ionic conduction of an ion-selective membrane to the electronic conduction in the circuit was studied with the help of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The solid contacts studied were (i) the conducting polymer (CP) poly(3,4-ethylienedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and (ii) a carbon cloth having a high surface area. The PEDOT films were doped with a large immobile anion poly(styrene sulfonate) (PSS-) or with a small mobile anion Cl-. As could be expected, the studied PEDOT solid-contact mediated the ion-toelectron transduction more efficiently than the bare glassy carbon substrate, onto which they were electropolymerized, while the impedance of the PEDOT films depended on the mobility of the doping ion and on the ions in the electrolyte. The carbon cloth was found to be an even more effective ion-to-electron transducer than the PEDOT films and it also proved to work as a combined electrical conductor and solid contact when covered with an ion-selective membrane or with a TBA-TBB-based reference membrane. The last part of the work was focused on improving the reproducibility and the potential stability of the SC-ISEs, a problem that culminates to the stability of the standard potential E°. It was proven that the E° of a SC-ISE with a conducting polymer as a solid contact could be adjusted by reducing or oxidizing the CP solid contact by applying current pulses or a potential to it, as the redox state of the CP solid-contact influences the overall potential of the ISE. The slope and thus the analytical performance of the SC-ISEs were retained despite the adjustment of the E°. The shortcircuiting of the SC-ISE with a conventional large-capacitance RE was found to be a feasible instrument-free method to control the E°. With this method, the driving force for the oxidation/reduction of the CP was the potential difference between the RE and the SC-ISE, and the position of the adjusted potential could be controlled by choosing a suitable concentration for the short-circuiting electrolyte. The piece-to-piece reproducibility of the adjusted potential was promising, and the day-today reproducibility for a specific sensor was excellent. The instrumentfree approach to control the E° is very attractive considering practical applications.


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The interaction between H+ extrusion via H+-ATPase and Cl- conductance was studied in the C11 clone of MDCK cells, akin to the intercalated cells of the collecting duct. Cell pH (pHi) was measured by fluorescence microscopy using the fluorescein-derived probe BCECF-AM. Control recovery rate measured after a 20 mM NH4Cl acid pulse was 0.136 ± 0.008 pH units/min (dpHi/dt) in Na+ Ringer and 0.032 ± 0.003 in the absence of Na+ (0 Na+). With 0 Na+ plus the Cl- channel inhibitor NPPB (10 µM), recovery was reduced to 0.014 ± 0.001 dpHi/dt. 8-Br-cAMP, known to activate CFTR Cl- channels, increased dpHi/dt in 0 Na+ to 0.061 ± 0.009 and also in the presence of 46 nM concanamycin and 50 µM Schering 28080. Since it is thought that the Cl- dependence of H+-ATPase might be due to its electrogenic nature and the establishment of a +PD (potential difference) across the cell membrane, the effect of 10 µM valinomycin at high (100 mM) K+ was tested in our cells. In Na+ Ringer, dpHi/dt was increased, but no effect was detected in 0 Na+ Ringer in the presence of NPPB, indicating that in intact C11 cells the effect of blocking Cl- channels on dpHi/dt was not due to an adverse electrical gradient. The effect of 100 µM ATP was studied in 0 Na+ Ringer solution; this treatment caused a significant inhibition of dpHi/dt, reversed by 50 µM Bapta. We have shown that H+-ATPase present in MDCK C11 cells depends on Cl- ions and their channels, being regulated by cAMP and ATP, but not by the electrical gradient established by electrogenic H+ transport.


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Vacuolar H+-ATPase is a large multi-subunit protein that mediates ATP-driven vectorial H+ transport across the membranes. It is widely distributed and present in virtually all eukaryotic cells in intracellular membranes or in the plasma membrane of specialized cells. In subcellular organelles, ATPase is responsible for the acidification of the vesicular interior, which requires an intraorganellar acidic pH to maintain optimal enzyme activity. Control of vacuolar H+-ATPase depends on the potential difference across the membrane in which the proton ATPase is inserted. Since the transport performed by H+-ATPase is electrogenic, translocation of H+-ions across the membranes by the pump creates a lumen-positive voltage in the absence of a neutralizing current, generating an electrochemical potential gradient that limits the activity of H+-ATPase. In many intracellular organelles and cell plasma membranes, this potential difference established by the ATPase gradient is normally dissipated by a parallel and passive Cl- movement, which provides an electric shunt compensating for the positive charge transferred by the pump. The underlying mechanisms for the differences in the requirement for chloride by different tissues have not yet been adequately identified, and there is still some controversy as to the molecular identity of the associated Cl--conducting proteins. Several candidates have been identified: the ClC family members, which may or may not mediate nCl-/H+ exchange, and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. In this review, we discuss some tissues where the association between H+-ATPase and chloride channels has been demonstrated and plays a relevant physiologic role.


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In most in vitro studies of oral drug permeability, little attempt is made to reproduce the gastrointestinal lumenal environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the compatibility of simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) solutions with Caco-2 cell monolayers and Ussing chamber-mounted rat ileum under standard permeability experiment protocols. In preliminary experiments, fasted-state simulated intestinal fluid (FaSSIF) and fed-state simulated intestinal fluid (FeSSIF) solutions based on the dissolution medium formulae of Dressman and co-workers (1998) were modified for compatibility with Caco-2 cells to produce FaS-SIF and FeSSIF "transport" solutions for use with in vitro permeability models. For Caco-2 cells exposed to FaSSIF and FESSIF transport solutions, the transepithelial electrical resistance was maintained for over 4 h and mannitol permeability was equivalent to that in control (Hank's Balanced Salt Solution-treated) cell layers. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that microvilli generally maintained a normal distribution, although some shortening of microvilli and occasional small areas of denudation were observed. For rat ileum in the Ussing chambers, the potential difference (PD) collapsed to zero over 120 min when exposed to the FaSSIF transport solution and an even faster collapse of the PD was observed when the FeSSIF transport solution was used. Electron micrographs revealed erosion of the villi tips and substantial denudation of the microvilli after exposure of ileal tissue to FaSSIF and FeSSIF solutions, and permeability to mannitol was increased by almost two-fold. This study indicated that FaSSIF and FeSSIF transport solutions can be used with Caco-2 monolayers to evaluate drug permeability, but rat ileum in Ussing chambers is adversely affected by these solutions. Metoprolol permeability in Caco-2 experiments was reduced by 33% using the FaSSIF and 75% using the FeSSIF compared to permeability measured using HBSS. This illustrates that using physiological solutions can influence permeability measurements.


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The permeability parameter (C) for the movement of cephalosporin C across the outer membrane of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was measured using the widely accepted method of Zimmermann & Rosselet. In one experiment, the value of C varied continuously from 4·2 to 10·8 cm3 min-1 (mg dry wt cells)-1 over a range of concentrations of the test substrate, cephalosporin C, from 50 to 5 μm. Dependence of C on the concentration of test substrate was still observed when the effect of a possible electric potential difference across the outer membrane was corrected for. In quantitative studies of β-lactam permeation the dependence of C on the concentration of β-lactam should be taken into account.


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This paper complements that in this issue by Clauer et al. concerning the international GISMOS campaign of 3–5 June 1987. From a detailed study of the EISCAT data, the polar-cap boundary, as defined by an almost shear east-west convection reversal, is found to contract across the EISCAT field of view between 04 and 07 MLT. An annulus of enhanced ion temperature and non-thermal plasma is observed immediately equatorward of the contracting boundary due to the lag in the response of the neutral-wind pattern to the change in ion flows. The ion flow inside the polar cap and at the boundary is shown to be relatively smooth, compared with that in the auroral oval, at 15-second resolution. The flow at the boundary is directed poleward, with velocities which exceed that of the boundary itself. The effect of velocity shears on the beamswinging technique used to derive the ion flows has been analysed in detail and it is found that spurious flows across a moving boundary can be generated. However, these are much smaller than the observed flows into the polar cap and cannot explain the 7 kV potential difference across the observed segment of the cap boundary between 04:30–06:30 UT. The ion temperature enhancements at the two observing azimuths is used to define the boundary orientation. The results are consistent with recent observations of slow anti-sunward flow of closed field lines on the flanks of the geomagnetic tail, which appears to be generated by some form of “viscous” coupling to the magnetosheath plasma.


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Data recorded by the POLAR experiment run on the EISCAT radar during the international GISMOS campaign of 3–5 June 1987 are studied in detail. The polar-cap boundary, as denned by an almost shear East-West convection reversal, was observed to jump southward across the EISCAT field of view in two steps at 02:00 and 03:00 Magnetic Local Time and subsequently to contract back between 04:00 and 07:00 M.L.T. An annulus of enhanced ion temperature and non-thermal plasma was observed immediately equatorward of the contracting boundary due to the lag in the response of the neutral-wind pattern to the change in ion flows. The ion flow at the boundary is shown to be relatively smooth at 15 s resolution and directed northward, with velocities which exceed that of the boundary itself. The effect of velocity shears on the beamswinging technique used to derive the ion flows is analyzed in detail and it is shown that, for certain orientations of the cap boundary, spurious flows into the cap can be generated. However, these are much smaller than the observed flows into the polar cap and cannot explain the potential difference across the observed segment of the cap boundary (extending over 2 h of M.L.T.) which is roughly 7 kV. Similarly, an observed slowing of the zonal flow near the boundary cannot be explained as an error introduced by the use of the beamswinging technique. The results could be interpreted as being due to reconnection occurring on the dawn flank of the magnetopause (mapping to the polar cap at 04:30 06:30 M.L.T.). However, they are more consistent with recent observations of slow anti-sunward flow of closed field lines on the flanks of the geomagnetic tail, which appears to be generated by some form of “viscous” coupling to the magnetosheath plasma.


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The effect of a prolonged period of strongly northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) on the high-latitude F-region is studied using data from the EISCAT Common Programme Zero mode of operation on 11–12 August 1982. The analysis of the raw autocorrelation functions is kept to the directly derived parameters Ne, Te, Ti and velocity, and limits are defined for the errors introduced by assumptions about ion composition and by changes in the transmitted power and system constant. Simple data-cleaning criteria are employed to eliminate problems due to coherent signals and large background noise levels. The observed variations in plasma densities, temperatures and velocities are interpreted in terms of supporting data from ISEE-3 and local riometers and magnetometers. Both field-aligned and field-perpendicular plasma flows at Tromsø showed effects of the northward IMF: convection was slow and irregular and field-aligned flow profiles were characteristic of steady-state polar wind outflow with flux of order 1012 m−2 s−1. This period followed a strongly southward IMF which had triggered a substorm. The substorm gave enhanced convection, with a swing to equatorward flow and large (5 × 1012 m−2 s−1), steady-state field-aligned fluxes, leading to the possibility of O+ escape into the magnetosphere. The apparent influence of the IMF over both field-perpendicular and field-aligned flows is explained in terms of the cross-cap potential difference and the location of the auroral oval.