258 resultados para Nanobiossensor enzimático


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Aiming to evaluate the enzymatic complex supplementation in diets for goldfish fingerlings (Carassius auratus), 240 fish weighing initially 1,36 ± 0,02g, randomly distributed in 20 tanks with 150L, in four treatments and five replications, with twelve fish in each experimental unit were used. The fish were fed at 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. with diets containing different inclusion levels (0; 0,033; 0,066 e 0,099%) of enzymatic complex (amilase, protease, celulase, lipase, â-glucanase and phytase), and formulated with 32,36% of digestible protein and 3.023kcal of digestible energy kg-1. There were no differences observed (P>0,05) in the mean final weight, weight gain, total length, standard length, survival and carcass composition. However, the fish apparent feed conversion was impaired by the supplementation of enzymatic complex with 0,099% in diet. The use of enzymatic complex does not provides benefits in the productive performance for goldfish fingerlings.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o comportamento reológico do suco de abacaxi- pérola natural e tratado com enzimas pectinolíticas. As condições de tratamento enzimático foram otimizadas através de um planejamento experimental do tipo fatorial completo 2k, com três repetições do ponto central. Na avaliação do comportamento reológico foram utilizadas duas amostras submetidas a peneiramento (N e D), analisadas em quatro diferentes temperaturas (10; 25; 50 e 65 °C). As análises reológicas foram realizadas utilizando um viscosímetro de cilindros concêntricos Brookfield e os dados experimentais foram ajustados ao modelo de Mizrahi-Berk. A relação entre temperatura e viscosidade aparente foi descrita por uma equação tipo Arrhenius. A otimização da atividade enzimática indicou, através da análise de variância e da metodologia de superfície de resposta, que as variáveis temperatura e tempo de tratamento exerceram efeito estatisticamente significativo (p<0,05) sobre a concentração de pectina presente na amostra. O modelo utilizado mostrou-se adequado para descrever o comportamento reológico dos sucos de acordo com os parâmetros R2, χ2 e Bf. Os baixos valores obtidos para o índice de comportamento indicaram um comportamento pseudoplástico (n<1). A temperatura exerceu influência sobre a tensão de cisalhamento e a viscosidade aparente dos sucos analisados, sendo os menores valores observados nas amostras analisadas a 65 °C. A equação tipo Arrhenius descreveu de modo satisfatório o efeito da temperatura sobre a viscosidade aparente. Os valores da energia de ativação (Eat) foram de 4,54 Kcal.g.mol-1 e 4,89 Kcal.g.mol-1, respectivamente, para as amostras do suco de abacaxi natural e despectinizado, aumentando com o tratamento enzimático. A atividade enzimática proporcionou uma redução nos valores dos parâmetros de comportamento reológico das amostras, bem como na viscosidade aparente, em todas as temperaturas utilizadas, sendo o maior percentual de redução observado a 65 °C (41,66%).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A presente invenção revela um método para obtenção de extrato enzimático de Potomorphe umbellata. Tal extrato é então usado para a produção in vitro de derivados de catecol, principalmente o 4-nerolidilcatecol, o qual é um derivado de catecol já largamente conhecido e empregado na indústria de cosméticos por possuir ação antioxidante e de proteção contra os raios UV. A produção de 4-nerolidilcatecol via extrato enzimático se faz em condições brandas, minimizando os efeitos de oxidação e decomposição do composto.


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Recently there is a great quest of producing alcohol from starchy resources, replacing the sugar cane. The most common starchy sources are cassava, maize and sweet potatoes and a lot of research are been realized with excellent results. In this work it was evaluated the influence of the concentration of dry matter on the enzymatic hydrolysis process of starch from sweet potato for ethanol production. Through the sweet potato was produced a flour using a low-cost method and easy operation equipments. The sweet potato flour was characterized physical and chemically and from these results was prepared the treatments for enzymatic hydrolysis. The experimental design considered as independent variable the dry matter concentration of the sweet potato flour in 3 levels; 10, 15 and 20% in the formulation of suspensions. The other variables were keeping constant being: temperature in the 1° hydrolysis step of 90°C and time of 2 hours; temperature in the 2° saccharification step of 60°C and time of 17 hours. The hydrolysates obtained at the three assays were transferred to six liter enlerynmeyer and inoculated with a biologic catalyst, Saccharomyces, dehydrated yeasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CAT 1, at a rate of 5% in weight. The flasks were placed in a shaker type orbital with controlled temperature of 30°C during a time of 15 hours. The initial reducer sugars concentration and respective ethanol concentrations in wine were: 11.2% glucose and 2.16% ethanol in the suspension with 10% of dry matter; 13.5% glucose and 4.39% ethanol with 15% and 17.5% glucose and 6.03% ethanol in suspension with 20% of dry matter. ix The results showed that the higher percentage of dry matter carried out to higher sugar yield in hydrolyzed. It was possible observed that products quality improved with a higher concentration of dry matter


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Brazil has one of the largest cattle herds in the world, so the cattle slaughter is one of the most important economic activities in the Brazilian market. But this activity requires a high demand of water, resulting in serious problems about the correct disposal of wastewater generated in the process. This effluent has a high pollution load, becoming its receiving bodies (streams and rivers) unfit for various activities such as public water supply, recreation, fisheries. To minimize the environmental impacts of its industrial wastewater and fallow the local environmental legislation, refrigerators must make the treatment of these effluents. This study aimed to verify the efficiency of a enzymatic reactor, when occur hydrolysis of lipids present in the effluent industrial of an cattle slaughter industry. The treatment system used was composed of two separate reactors: one being the anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR), inoculated with immobilized enzymes on the matrix support, and the other by sequential batch reactor (SBR) inoculated with activated sludge. Whereas, the reactors have been developed and installed at the Wastewater Treatment Laboratory, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNESP, campus Presidente Prudente. The procedure operating occurred differently for each reactor: preparation and inoculation of enzyme granules, filling the reactor, hydrolysis, and AFBR emptying, filling, aerobic reaction, sedimentation, and emptying the SBR. We performed three experimental stages, with the first and second stage of the work were done reactor analyzes separately, and the third step of the analysis were made with the interconnected reactors... (Complete abstract electronic access below)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)