113 resultados para NVIVO
Pesquisa documental com abordagem qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso, que analisou os diálogos produzidos por alunos de Enfermagem em um contexto mediado por chat educacional em Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA). Os dados constituíram-se de oito discussões promovidas por alunos, professores e monitores da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul no chat do AVA TelEduc® sobre a atividade denominada Cliente Virtual. Para a categorização dos dados, utilizou-se o software NVivo®; e para a análise das informações, a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados revelaram sentimentos como ansiedade, medo e motivação perante a prática hospitalar, bem como o posicionamento dicotômico dos alunos frente à atividade proposta: alguns gostaram das discussões virtuais, enquanto outros preferiram as presenciais. O artigo apresenta recomendações para o uso de chat educacional no ensino de Enfermagem.
Este estudo objetivou compreender o significado do ser e do fazer o cuidado para os enfermeiros em uma Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo Neonatal (UTIN) de um hospital geral do sul do Brasil, construindo um modelo teórico explicativo. Utilizou-se a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados e o Paradigma da Complexidade na construção do Modelo Teórico: Cuidando do recém-nascido em UTIN: Convivendo com a fragilidade do viver/sobreviver à luz da complexidade. Participaram 11 sujeitos. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevista aberta e organizados no software NVIVO. Identificou-se a categoria central: Convivendo com a fragilidade do viver/sobreviver: cuidado altamente complexo, sensível, singular e compartilhado. O cuidado em UTIN, valorizando as inter-relações cotidianas, busca atuar em todas as esferas do cuidado complexo em saúde, integrando e aplicando conhecimentos científicos. É necessário exercitar as potencialidades já inatas dos profissionais de enfermagem e caminhar rumo ao encontro de novas, um convite a novos modos de cuidar do neonato, sua família e os membros deste sistema complexo.
Este estudo teve por objetivo compreender o cuidado as pessoas com HIV/aids, na perspectiva de profissionais de saúde, em Portugal. Foi desenvolvido através do método da história oral, de Thompson, com a participação de 22 profissionais de saúde. Os dados foram obtidos através de entrevista semiestruturada e analisados com base na perspectiva de coletânea de narrativas, propostas pelo autor com o apoio do programa QSR NVivo. Os aspectos éticos foram obedecidos ao longo do estudo. O cuidado foi agrupado em três dimensões: cognitiva, afetiva-relacional e técnico-instrumental. A dimensão cognitiva destacou-se no período da revelação do diagnóstico de HIV/aids e ao longo da evolução da doença. A dimensão afetivo-relacional foi transversal e valorizada em todo o processo, desde o diagnóstico até à morte das pessoas com HIV/aids. A dimensão técnico-instrumental foi mais expressiva na fase mais avançada da doença, em situação de dependência e de terminalidade. Diante do exposto, podemos concluir que estas três dimensões são fundamentais para o cuidado à pessoa com HIV/aids.
Pregnancy is a period influenced by the interaction of several factors, therefore this study aimed to identify changes in lifestyles due to pregnancy and childbirth in Portuguese and immigrant women in Portugal. This is a qualitative study, using the semi-structured interview, with eighty-two Portuguese and immigrant women. Content analysis was used, with verbatim classification supported by Nvivo 10. It was authorized by an Ethics Commission. Results revealed that the primary changes in lifestyles due to pregnancy were in eating habits (nutrition), daily activity, exposure to danger, sleep and rest patterns, social and family relationships, going out, self-care, work, clothing and footwear, travel, health monitoring and sexual activity and substances consumption. The main change after the birth, manifested by these women, was that their lives began to revolve around their baby.
BACKGROUND: There is growing evidence that informal payments for health care are fairly common in many low- and middle-income countries. Informal payments are reported to have a negative consequence on equity and quality of care; it has been suggested, however, that they may contribute to health worker motivation and retention. Given the significance of motivation and retention issues in human resources for health, a better understanding of the relationships between the two phenomena is needed. This study attempts to assess whether and in what ways informal payments occur in Kibaha, Tanzania. Moreover, it aims to assess how informal earnings might help boost health worker motivation and retention. METHODS: Nine focus groups were conducted in three health facilities of different levels in the health system. In total, 64 health workers participated in the focus group discussions (81% female, 19% male) and where possible, focus groups were divided by cadre. All data were processed and analysed by means of the NVivo software package. RESULTS: The use of informal payments in the study area was confirmed by this study. Furthermore, a negative relationship between informal payments and job satisfaction and better motivation is suggested. Participants mentioned that they felt enslaved by patients as a result of being bribed and this resulted in loss of self-esteem. Furthermore, fear of detection was a main demotivating factor. These factors seem to counterbalance the positive effect of financial incentives. Moreover, informal payments were not found to be related to retention of health workers in the public health system. Other factors such as job security seemed to be more relevant for retention. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that the practice of informal payments contributes to the general demotivation of health workers and negatively affects access to health care services and quality of the health system. Policy action is needed that not only provides better financial incentives for individuals but also tackles an environment in which corruption is endemic.
O comportamento de busca e uso de informação dos pesquisadores da área de biologia molecular e biotecnologia foi analisado com base no modelo de David Ellis, verificando como a informação científica em meio digital altera este comportamento. Constituiu-se de pesquisa qualitativa, que, para a coleta de dados, utilizou questões abertas, com entrevista aos pesquisadores do Departamento de Biologia Molecular e Biotecnologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados foram trabalhados em uma base de dados desenvolvida no software de análise qualitativa Nvivo versão 2.0, em conformidade com técnicas de codificação o método comparativo constante. Os resultados mostraram um perfil de comportamento de busca e uso de informação do grupo de pesquisadores, com suas principais características, em vários aspectos, geradas pelo uso das tecnologias, destacando a não-linearidade da busca e obtenção da informação. Constatou-se que os periódicos científicos eletrônicos são a principal fonte de informação destes pesquisadores, e que são amplamente utilizados e aceitos, mas o mesmo não acontece com aqueles de acesso livre, ainda usados de modo restrito. Conclui, também, que o modelo de Ellis é válido, com ampliações e modificações. Sugere novos temas de estudo relacionados ao enfoque pesquisado.
In my thesis I present the findings of a multiple-case study on the CSR approach of three multinational companies, applying Basu and Palazzo's (2008) CSR-character as a process model of sensemaking, Suchman's (1995) framework on legitimation strategies, and Habermas (1996) concept of deliberative democracy. The theoretical framework is based on the assumption of a postnational constellation (Habermas, 2001) which sends multinational companies onto a process of sensemaking (Weick, 1995) with regards to their responsibilities in a globalizing world. The major reason is that mainstream CSR-concepts are based on the assumption of a liberal market economy embedded in a nation state that do not fit the changing conditions for legitimation of corporate behavior in a globalizing world. For the purpose of this study, I primarily looked at two research questions: (i) How can the CSR approach of a multinational corporation be systematized empirically? (ii) What is the impact of the changing conditions in the postnational constellation on the CSR approach of the studied multinational corporations? For the analysis, I adopted a holistic approach (Patton, 1980), combining elements of a deductive and inductive theory building methodology (Eisenhardt, 1989b; Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007; Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Van de Ven, 1992) and rigorous qualitative data analysis. Primary data was collected through 90 semi-structured interviews in two rounds with executives and managers in three multinational companies and their respective stakeholders. Raw data originating from interview tapes, field notes, and contact sheets was processed, stored, and managed using the software program QSR NVIVO 7. In the analysis, I applied qualitative methods to strengthen the interpretative part as well as quantitative methods to identify dominating dimensions and patterns. I found three different coping behaviors that provide insights into the corporate mindset. The results suggest that multinational corporations increasingly turn towards relational approaches of CSR to achieve moral legitimacy in formalized dialogical exchanges with their stakeholders since legitimacy can no longer be derived only from a national framework. I also looked at the degree to which they have reacted to the postnational constellation by the assumption of former state duties and the underlying reasoning. The findings indicate that CSR approaches become increasingly comprehensive through integrating political strategies that reflect the growing (self-) perception of multinational companies as political actors. Based on the results, I developed a model which relates the different dimensions of corporate responsibility to the discussion on deliberative democracy, global governance and social innovation to provide guidance for multinational companies in a postnational world. With my thesis, I contribute to management research by (i) delivering a comprehensive critique of the mainstream CSR-literature and (ii) filling the gap of thorough qualitative research on CSR in a globalizing world using the CSR-character as an empirical device, and (iii) to organizational studies by further advancing a deliberative view of the firm proposed by Scherer and Palazzo (2008).
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper was to examine sexual knowledge, concerns and needs of youth with spina bifida (SB) to inform the medical community on ways to better support their sexual health. METHODS: As part of the Video Intervention/Prevention Assessment (VIA) - transitions, a prospective cohort study, 309 h of video data were collected from 14 participants (13-28 years old) with SB. Participants were loaned a video camcorder for 8-12 weeks to shoot visual narratives about any aspects of their lives. V/A visual narratives were analysed with grounded theory using NVivo. RESULTS: Out of 14 participants, 11 (six women) addressed issues surrounding romantic relationships and sexuality in their video clips. Analysis revealed shared concerns, questions and challenges regarding sexuality gathered under four main themes: romantic relationships, sexuality, fertility and parenthood, and need for more talk on sexuality. CONCLUSIONS: Youth with SB reported difficulties in finding answers to questions regarding their sexuality, romantic relationships and fertility. This study revealed a need for help from the medical community to inform and empower youth with SB in the area of sexual health. Through sexual and reproductive health education with patients and parents starting at an early age, medical providers can further encourage healthy emotional and physical development in adolescents transitioning into adulthood.
A major challenge faced by companies today is the engagement gap at the workplace and how to motivate employees to engage in less intrinsically motivating work activities that are valuable for the organization. The objective of this study is to investigate gamification as a means for employee motivation and personal engagement that result in behavioral outcomes from the gamification developers’ perspective. Theories of work motivation and engagement are viewed in relation to gamification. The empirical part conducts a qualitative multiple-case study. The data is analyzed with the CAQDAS NVivo. The empirical findings suggest that gamification can enhance employee motivation, but careful consideration of extrinsic motivators is necessary to avoid their detrimental effect on intrinsic motivation. Employee self-determination is built through internalization of gamified system’s goals reaching autonomous motivation to engage in the target behavior. Employee engagement is built by fulfilling the psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety and availability. The results suggest that gamification can build employee motivation and engagement leading to behavior change if designed with the business objectives in mind. Moreover, the gamified system needs to be renewed to address the changes in the business environment and reflect them in the employee behavior.
This qualitative investigation examined the nature of 7 highly artistic visual arts students at 2 secondary schools in southcentral Ontario. Through interviews, questionnaires, observations, and artwork documents, this study attempted to understand these highly artistic students in terms of creativity, motivation, social and emotional perspectives, and cognitive processes. Data collection occuned over a 3-monlh period. and the data analysis program NVivo 7 was used for coding to develop themes and categories for organizing data. The findings of this study illustrate the significant place that \ isual arts can lake in the growth and development for the youth of today. Participants idcniificd dcxclopnig critical thinking and problem-solving skills, taking risks, and meeting challenges ilirouuh their engagement in the creative process. The transferability of these skills \\ as referenced to numerous aspects of their lives. By enhancing individual perspectives through the study of visual arts, their local and world connections were extended, and environmental and societal concerns evolved. In addition, the communicative opportunities that visual arts provided for these students in terms of personal expression provided emotional health and paths of personal discovery. Through the participants' production of artwork with the many stages this involves, combined with insight into their needs, the participants relayed miportant suggestions for programming enhancements and educational settmgs lor \ isiial arts classrooms. These suggestions are meaningful for educators and curriculum developers of the future.
Educators continually look for strategies to enhance and improve the reading practices of their students. This is an especially challenging task for secondary level teachers as high school students often lack intrinsic motivation to read for pleasure (Bucher & Manning, 2004; Horton, 2005; Wooicott, Research Pty. Ltd. 2001). The purpose of this study was to detennine the effects of the Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.) program on writing, on reading, and on grades, from the perspective of eight Grade 9 students. Of particular interest were the students' perceptions of the effect that participation in the program had on their grades, their writing, their motivation to reading, and their concept of themselves as readers. The eight participants were tracked over the course of a semester. Using qualitative research techniques, data were collected from four sources: two student surveys, researcher's daily field observations, students' weekly reading logs, and three open-ended one-on-one interviews. In order to gain an understanding of the impact of the D.E.A.R program, the data were corroborated, and analyzed with NVivo: N7 (2006). From the data analysis, five themes emerged as a function of the Grade 9 students' experiences in the D.E.A.R. program: Reading Preferences, Time Spent Reading, Making Associations with Reading for Pleasure, Perceptions of Self-as-Reader, and Evaluations of the D.E.A.R Program. In the interest of supporting students' positive reading habits and for the future implementation, these five themes are presented as a series of findings together with recommendations for practice.
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to understand the inclusion process at a Project Rainbow affiliated camp. Project Rainbow is a non-profit organization which promotes inclusion into children's camps in Ontario. This study was completed in order to provide stakeholders of the camping industry insight on how inclusive techniques can be implemented in residential camps. The researcher observed one camp's inclusion techniques for six days. The researcher observed three campers with disabilities and the camp staff and campers that interacted with them on a daily basis. While the researcher was at the camp, she interviewed nine staff members. The staff members consisted of the camp director, the inclusion coordinator, four camp counsellors, and three inclusion counsellors. An additional interview was conducted after arriving home from camp with the manager from Project Rainbow. The qualitative analysis program NVivo was used to help organize the analyzed data. The researcher found that in attempting to build a culture of inclusion, two important concepts are necessary. First, mutual leadership involved the camp director and Project Rainbow working together as a team to facilitate the inclusion process. Second, power of supportive relationships focused on inclusion being the responsibility of everyone, teamwork, and creating a welcoming environment. Hints at some potentially serious problems related to staff training, teamwork, and attitudes of non-disabled campers pointed to future research and policies which focus on the Ontario and Canadian Camping Associations' role in inclusion, in addition to camp in this study and Project Rainbow.
Abstract The main focus of this qualitative research was to explore how parents from different national backgrounds see their role in their children’s education inside and outside of school. Although greater recruitment was described and sought after, this qualitative research gathered data from two immigrant female parents from a community parents’ group located in Ontario, Canada. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews with each participant using open-ended questions asking about the different ways these mothers, along with their spouses, were involved in their children’s education. Moreover, questions were designed to find out what alternatives parents use to support their children’s learning. The main question driving this research was “How are immigrant families currently involved with their children’s education inside and outside of school?” NVivo, 10 was used to code the transcripts giving rise to themes which could then be utilized to explain and explore the research question. The findings of this research are congruent with past research and demonstrate that immigrant mothers are more involved than the fathers are in their children’s education (Grolnick & Slowiaczek 1994; Peters, Seeds, Goldstein, & Coleman, 2008). A specifically important finding in this research is that schools are perceived by the immigrant mothers in this study as not doing enough to actively engage immigrant parents in their children’s education. On the other hand, findings also show that parents are eager to find different avenues to get involved and help their children succeed.
The BRAD group is composed of/ Le groupe BRAD est composé de : Sylvie Belleville, Gina Bravo, Louise Demers, Philippe Landreville, Louisette Mercier, Nicole Paquet, Hélène Payette, Constant Rainville, Bernadette Ska and René Verreault.
Introduction : Les personnes âgées vivant à domicile font des chutes qui peuvent entraîner des conséquences graves. La possibilité de les détecter et d’intervenir rapidement grâce à la vidéosurveillance intelligente constitue une avenue prometteuse. Objectif : L’étude vise à explorer la perception et la récep-tivité des acteurs du système de santé face à l’utilisation de cette technologie sous trois aspects : la transmission des images, l’accessibilité de leur clientèle à cette technologie et son introduction dans leur pratique. Méthodologie : Sept groupes de discussion focalisée ont permis de recueillir le point de vue de 31 participants. Une analyse de contenu avec le logiciel N’Vivo a été réalisée. Résultats : Les participants estiment que les images de chute pourraient parve-nir au CLSC, au proche aidant, au 911 ou à une centrale de surveillance. Ils considèrent que des critères d’admissibilité seraient nécessaires pour favoriser l’accessibilité à la vidéosurveillance intelligente qui, croient-ils, pourrait améliorer les interventions en termes de gestion des urgences lors de chutes et de déter-mination de leurs causes. Conclusion : Les participants sont favorables à la technologie proposée, mais ils requerraient une période d’adaptation afin d’ajuster leur pratique. Ils suggèrent la réalisation d’un projet pilote qui validerait cette technologie.