997 resultados para NK T cells


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Le virus de l’hépatite murine de type 3 (MHV3) est un excellent modèle animal pour l’étude des différents désordres immunologiques lors d’infections virales. L’hépatite aiguë fulminante induite par ce virus chez la souris susceptible C57BL/6 se caractérise par la présence de plusieurs foyers nécrotiques et inflammatoires dans le foie associée à une immunodéficience en lymphocytes B et T, tuant les souris entre 3 et 5 jours post-infection. L’évolution rapide de cette maladie virale suggère un débalancement dans les mécanismes de l’immunité naturelle sous le contrôle des cellules NK et NK-T et un bris de l’équilibre entre la tolérance hépatique et la réponse inflammatoire. Afin d’élucider les rôles respectifs des différents mécanismes de la défense innée impliqués dans le développement de l’hépatite aiguë, des infections in vivo ont été réalisées chez des souris C57BL/6 avec la souche pathogène L2-MHV3 ou avec des variants du virus MHV3. Ces derniers possèdent des tropismes différents pour les cellules endothéliales sinusoïdales hépatiques et les cellules de Kupffer, tels que les virus faiblement atténué 51.6-MHV3, fortement atténué CL12-MHV3 et non pathogène YAC-MHV3. Ces études in vivo ont montré une diminution des cellules NK spléniques et myéloïdes suite à une infection avec le virus MHV3. Cette chute en cellules NK spléniques reflète un recrutement de ces cellules au niveau du foie. Par contre, les cellules NK se sont avérées permissives à la réplication virale entraînant un processus d’apoptose suite à la formation de syncétia induits par le virus. Les niveaux de recrutement et d’apoptose des cellules NK et NK-T dans le foie reflètent la pathogénicité des variants MHV3 durant les trois premiers jours de l’infection virale bien que les cellules NK recrutées au niveau du foie maintiennent leur activité cytotoxique. L’ajout des IL-12 et IL-18, qui sont normalement diminués lors de l’hépatite aiguë, provoque une production synergique d’IFN-g par les cellules NK, résultant d’une interaction entre l’activation de la voie p38 MAPK et la réplication virale. Par ailleurs, le récepteur viral CEACAM1a (carcinoembryonic antigen cell adhesion molecule 1a) serait essentiel à cette synergie, mais exercerait aussi une action inhibitrice dans la production de l’IFN-g. D’autre part, les niveaux de production des cytokines immunosuppressives IL-10, TGF-b et PGE2, impliquées dans la tolérance hépatique et particulièrement produites par les cellules de Kupffer et les cellules endothéliales sinusoïdales, sont en relation inverse avec le degré de pathogénicité des variants du virus MHV3. Finalement, le virus pathogène L2-MHV3 déclenche la production de cytokines inflammatoires par les macrophages, tels que l’IL-6 et le TNF-a. L’induction de ces cytokines par les macrophages serait indépendante de la présence de la molécule CEACAM1a. Cette stimulation est plutôt reliée à la fixation des particules virales sur des récepteurs TLR2, en association avec les régions riches en héparanes sulfates. Tous ces résultats mettent en évidence de nouveaux mécanismes par lesquels le virus MHV3 peut diminuer l’efficacité des mécanismes de l’immunité naturelle sous le contrôle des cellules NK et NK-T intrahépatiques, suite à une stimulation de l’inflammation résultant du bris de la tolérance hépatique.


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In this study we investigated the effect of beta-glucan derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae on fungicidal activity, cytokine production and natural killer activity. Spleen and peritoneal cells from female C57BL/6 mice, previously injected (24 or 48 h) with 20 or 100 mu g of glucan by i.p. route, were assayed. In vivo mu-glucan administration primed spleen cells for a higher production of IL-12 and TNF-alpha when S. aureus was used as a stimulus. In addition, beta-glucan increased NK spleen cells activity against YAC target cells. Some immunomodulatory activities not yet described for beta-glucan were observed in this work.


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Kala-azar is the visceral form of leishmaniasis and it is caused by intracellular parasites from the complex Leishmania donovani. Golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) infected with Leishmania donovani develop a disease very similar to human Kala-azar. There is conspicuous hipergammaglobulinaemia and their T cells do not respond to stimulation with parasite antigens. We used this experimental model to evaluate the natural killer (NK) activity during the initial phase of the disease. Outbred hamsters infected by intravenous route with 5.106 amastigotes of L. donovani 1S showed a concurrent increase in the spleen weight and in the spleen cell number. Using the single cell assay we detected a significant increase in the percentage of NK effector cells on the 4th day of infection. Imprints from spleen and liver showed at days 14 and 28 a significant increase in the parasite burden. These results show that the increased NK activity in the beginning of the infection was not able to restrain the progression of the disease in this experimental model.


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In this study we investigated the effect of β-glucan derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae on fungicidal activity, cytokine production and natural killer activity. Spleen and peritoneal cells from female C57BL/6 mice, previously injected (24 or 48 h) with 20 or 100 μg of glucan by i.p. route, were assayed. In vivo β-glucan administration primed spleen cells for a higher production of IL-12 and TNF-α when S. aureus was used as a stimulus. In addition, β-glucan increased NK spleen cells activity against YAC target cells. Some immunomodulatory activities not yet described for β-glucan were observed in this work. © 2005 Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.


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Da nicht-synonyme tumorspezifische Punktmutationen nur in malignen Geweben vorkommen und das veränderte Proteinprodukt vom Immunsystem als „fremd“ erkannt werden kann, stellen diese einen bisher ungenutzten Pool von Zielstrukturen für die Immuntherapie dar. Menschliche Tumore können individuell bis zu tausenden nicht-synonymer Punktmutationen in ihrem Genom tragen, welche nicht der zentralen Immuntoleranz unterliegen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Hypothese zu untersuchen, dass das Immunsystem in der Lage sein sollte, mutierte Epitope auf Tumorzellen zu erkennen und zu klären, ob auf dieser Basis eine wirksame mRNA (RNA) basierte anti-tumorale Vakzinierung etabliert werden kann. Hierzu wurde von Ugur Sahin und Kollegen, das gesamte Genom des murinen B16-F10 Melanoms sequenziert und bioinformatisch analysiert. Im Rahmen der NGS Sequenzierung wurden mehr als 500 nicht-synonyme Punktmutationen identifiziert, von welchen 50 Mutationen selektiert und durch Sanger Sequenzierung validiert wurden. rnNach der Etablierung des immunologischen Testsysteme war eine Hauptfragestellung dieser Arbeit, die selektierten nicht-synonyme Punktmutationen in einem in vivo Ansatz systematisch auf Antigenität zu testen. Für diese Studien wurden mutierte Sequenzen in einer Länge von 27 Aminosäuren genutzt, in denen die mutierte Aminosäure zentral positioniert war. Durch die Länge der Peptide können prinzipiell alle möglichen MHC Klasse-I und -II Epitope abgedeckt werden, welche die Mutation enthalten. Eine Grundidee des Projektes Ansatzes ist es, einen auf in vitro transkribierter RNA basierten oligotopen Impfstoff zu entwickeln. Daher wurden die Impfungen naiver Mäuse sowohl mit langen Peptiden, als auch in einem unabhängigen Ansatz mit peptidkodierender RNA durchgeführt. Die Immunphänotypisierung der Impfstoff induzierten T-Zellen zeigte, dass insgesamt 16 der 50 (32%) mutierten Sequenzen eine T-Zellreaktivität induzierten. rnDie Verwendung der vorhergesagten Epitope in therapeutischen Vakzinierungsstudien bestätigten die Hypothese das mutierte Neo-Epitope potente Zielstrukturen einer anti-tumoralen Impftherapie darstellen können. So wurde in therapeutischen Tumorstudien gezeigt, dass auf Basis von RNA 9 von 12 bestätigten Epitopen einen anti-tumoralen Effekt zeigte.rnÜberaschenderweise wurde bei einem MHC Klasse-II restringierten mutiertem Epitop (Mut-30) sowohl in einem subkutanen, als auch in einem unabhängigen therapeutischen Lungenmetastasen Modell ein starker anti-tumoraler Effekt auf B16-F10 beobachtet, der dieses Epitop als neues immundominantes Epitop für das B16-F10 Melanom etabliert. Um den immunologischen Mechanismus hinter diesem Effekt näher zu untersuchen wurde in verschieden Experimenten die Rolle von CD4+, CD8+ sowie NK-Zellen zu verschieden Zeitpunkten der Tumorentwicklung untersucht. Die Analyse des Tumorgewebes ergab, eine signifikante erhöhte Frequenz von NK-Zellen in den mit Mut-30 RNA vakzinierten Tieren. Das NK Zellen in der frühen Phase der Therapie eine entscheidende Rolle spielen wurde anhand von Depletionsstudien bestätigt. Daran anschließend wurde gezeigt, dass im fortgeschrittenen Tumorstadium die NK Zellen keinen weiteren relevanten Beitrag zum anti-tumoralen Effekt der RNA Vakzinierung leisten, sondern die Vakzine induzierte adaptive Immunantwort. Durch die Isolierung von Lymphozyten aus dem Tumorgewebe und deren Einsatz als Effektorzellen im IFN-γ ELISPOT wurde nachgewiesen, dass Mut-30 spezifische T-Zellen das Tumorgewebe infiltrieren und dort u.a. IFN-γ sekretieren. Dass diese spezifische IFN-γ Ausschüttung für den beobachteten antitumoralen Effekt eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt wurde unter der Verwendung von IFN-γ -/- K.O. Mäusen bestätigt.rnDas Konzept der individuellen RNA basierten mutationsspezifischen Vakzine sieht vor, nicht nur mit einem mutations-spezifischen Epitop, sondern mit mehreren RNA-kodierten Mutationen Patienten zu impfen um der Entstehung von „escape“-Mutanten entgegenzuwirken. Da es nur Erfahrung mit der Herstellung und Verabreichung von Monotop-RNA gab, also RNA die für ein Epitop kodiert, war eine wichtige Fragestellungen, inwieweit Oligotope, welche die mutierten Sequenzen sequentiell durch Linker verbunden als Fusionsprotein kodieren, Immunantworten induzieren können. Hierzu wurden Pentatope mit variierender Position des einzelnen Epitopes hinsichtlich ihrer in vivo induzierten T-Zellreaktivitäten charakterisiert. Die Experimente zeigten, dass es möglich ist, unabhängig von der Position im Pentatop eine Immunantwort gegen ein Epitop zu induzieren. Des weiteren wurde beobachtet, dass die induzierten T-Zellfrequenzen nach Pentatop Vakzinierung im Vergleich zur Nutzung von Monotopen signifikant gesteigert werden kann.rnZusammenfassend wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit präklinisch erstmalig nachgewiesen, dass nicht-synonyme Mutationen eine numerisch relevante Quelle von Zielstrukturen für die anti-tumorale Immuntherapie darstellen. Überraschenderweise zeigte sich eine dominante Induktion MHC-II restringierter Immunantworten, welche partiell in der Lage waren massive Tumorabstoßungsreaktionen zu induzieren. Im Sinne einer Translation der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurde ein RNA basiertes Oligotop-Format etabliert, welches Eingang in die klinische Testung des Konzeptes fand.rn


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The endometrium contains a distinct population of immune cells that undergo cyclic changes during the menstrual cycle and implantation. The majority of these leucocytes are uterine NK (uNK) cells, however how these cells interact with uterine stromal fibroblasts remains unclear. We therefore investigated the paracrine effect of medium conditioned by uterine decidual leucocytes (which are enriched for uNK cells) on the gene expression profile of endometrial stromal fibroblasts in vitro using a cDNA microarray. Our results, verified by real-time PCR, ELISA and FACS analysis, reveal that soluble factors from uterine leucocytes substantially alter endometrial stromal fibroblast gene expression. The largest group of up-regulated genes found was chemokines and cytokines. These include IL-8, CCL8 and CXCL1, which have also been shown to be stimulated by contact of stromal fibroblasts with trophoblast, suggesting that uNK cells work synergistically to support trophoblast migration during implantation. The decidual leucocytes also up-regulated IL-15 and IL-15Ralpha in stromal fibroblasts which could produce a niche for uNK cells allowing proliferation within and recruitment into the uterus, as seen in bone marrow. Overall this study demonstrates, for the first time, the paracrine communication between uterine leucocytes and uterine stromal fibroblasts, and adds to the understanding of how the uterine immune system contributes to the changes seen within the cycling endometrium.


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IL-4 receptor α chain (IL-4Rα)-deficient mice were generated by gene-targeting in BALB/c embryonic stem cells. Mutant mice showed a loss of IL-4 signal transduction and functional activity. The lack of IL-4Rα resulted in markedly diminished, but not absent, TH2 responses after infection with the helminthic parasite Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. CD4+, CD62L-high, and CD62L-low T cell populations from uninfected IL-4Rα−/− mice were isolated by cell sorting. Upon primary stimulation by T cell receptor cross-linkage, the CD62L-low, but not the CD62L-high, cells secreted considerable amounts of IL-4, which was strikingly enhanced upon 4-day culture with anti-CD3 in the presence or absence of IL-4. CD62L-low cells isolated from IL-4Rα−/−, β2-microglobulin−/− double homozygous mice produced less IL-4 than did either IL-4Rα−/− or wild-type mice. These results indicate that an IL-4-independent, β2-microglobulin-dependent pathway exists through which the CD62L-low CD4+ population has acquired IL-4-producing capacity in vivo, strongly suggesting that these cells are NK T cells.


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Development of natural killer (NK) cells is thought to depend on interactions between NK progenitors and the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment; however, little is known about the molecular signals involved. Here we show that lymphotoxin (LT) provides an important signal for the development of both NK cells and NK/T cells. LTα−/− mice show marked reduction in splenic and BM NK and NK/T cell numbers and dramatically impaired NK and NK/T cell function. Mice deficient in either tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR)-I or TNFR-II have normal numbers of NK and NK/T cells, implying that neither of the TNFRs nor soluble LTα3 is required for development of these cell types. Reciprocal BM transfers between LTα−/− and wild-type mice suggest that close interactions between membrane LT-expressing NK cell precursors and LT-responsive radioresistant stromal cells are necessary for NK cell development. When LT-deficient BM cells are incubated with IL-15, NK cells are formed. In addition, LT-deficient BM cells produce IL-15 after activation. Thus, membrane LT appears to deliver a signal for NK cell development that is either independent of IL-15 or upstream in the IL-15 pathway. These results reveal a novel function for membrane LT in NK and NK/T cell development. They also support a cellular and molecular mechanism by which NK cell precursors themselves deliver essential signals, through the membrane ligand, that induce the microenvironment to promote further NK cell and NK/T cell development.


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A small percentage of human T lymphocytes, predominantly CD8+ T cells, express receptors for HLA class 1 molecules of natural killer type (NK-R) that are inhibitory for T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)-mediated functions. In the present study, it is demonstrated that the various NK-R molecules typically expressed by NK cells are also expressed on periheral blood T lymphocytes. These CD3+ NK-R+ cells have a cell surface phenotype typical of memory cells as indicated by the expression of CD45RO and CD29 and by the lack of CD28 and CD45RA. Furthermore, by the combined use of anti-TCR V beta-specific antibodies and a semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction assay, the TCR repertoire in this CD3+ NK-R+ cell subset was found to be skewed; in fact, one or two V beta families were largely represented, and most of the other V beta s were barely detected. In addition, analysis of recombinant clones of the largely represented V beta families demonstrated that these V beta s were oligoclonally or monoclonally expanded.


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This study aimed at evaluating the functional activation and activating receptors expression on resting, short- and long-term NK and NK-like T cells from blood of ovarian neoplasia patients. Blood from patients with adnexal benign alterations (n = 10) and ovarian cancer (grade I-IV n = 14) were collected after signed consent. Effector cells activation was evaluated by the expression of the CD107a molecule. Short-term culture was conducted overnight with IL-2 and long-term culture for 21 days, by a method designed to expand CD56(+) lymphocytes. Short-term culture significantly increased NK cells activation compared to resting NK cells (p<0.05), however, the long-term procedure supported an even higher increase (p<0.001). Resting NK-like T cells showed poor activation, which was not altered by the culture procedures. The long-term culture effectively increased the expression of the activating receptors on NK and NK-like T cells, either by increasing the number of cells expressing a given receptor and/or by up-regulating their expression intensity. As a conclusion, the long-term culture system employed, resulted in a high number of functional NK cells. The culture system was particularly efficient on the up-regulation of NKp30 and DNAM-1 receptors on NK cells.


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Murine cytomegalovirus (CMV)-encoded protein m144 is homologous to class I MHC heavy-chain and is thought to regulate NK-cell-mediated immune responses in vivo. To examine the effects of m144 on Nh cytotoxicity in vitro, various cell lines were transfected with wild-type m144 or a chimeric construct in which the cytoplasmic domain of m144 was replaced with green fluorescence protein. Burkitt lymphoma line Raji expressed a significant level of m144 as determined by anti-m144 mAb binding or the green fluorescence of the fusion protein. The level of m144 expression was relatively low compared with that of transfected murine class I MHC Dd. However, m144 on Raji cells partially inhibited antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity of IL-2-activated NK cells. NK cells from the CMV-susceptible BALB/c as well as those from the resistant C57BL/6 mice were inhibited by m144. Antibodies against the known murine NK inhibitory receptors Ly-49A, C, G, and I did not affect the inhibitory effect of m144. These results suggest that the murine CMV class I MHC homologue m144 partially inhibits MZ cells by interacting with a novel inhibitory receptor. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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Natural tumor surveillance capabilities of the host were investigated in six different mouse tumor models where endogenous interleukin (IL)-12. does or does not dictate the efficiency of the innate immune response. Gene-targeted and lymphocyte subset-depleted mice were used to establish the relative importance of natural killer (NK) and NK1.1(+) T (NKT) cells in protection from tumor initiation and metastasis. In the models examined, CD3(-) NK cells were responsible for tumor rejection and protection from metastasis in models where control of major histocompatibility complex class I-deficient tumors was independent of IL-12, A protective role for NKT cells was only observed when tumor rejection required endogenous IL-12 activity. In particular, T cell receptor J alpha 281 gene-targeted mice confirmed a critical function for NKT cells in protection from spontaneous tumors initiated by the chemical carcinogen, methylcholanthrene. This is the first description of an antitumor function for NKT cells in the absence of exogenously administered potent stimulators such as IL-12 or alpha-galactosylceramide.


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Among the population of antigen presenting cells, dendritic cells (DCs) are considered the sentinels of the immune system. Besides activating naı¨ ve T cells, DC can directly activate naı¨ ve and memory B cells and are also able to regulate effectors of innate immunity such as NK cells and NKT cells. Increasing evidence indicates that DCs are not only decisive for T cell priming, but are also key players to maintain self-tolerance in vivo. Previous results in our lab have shown that DCs treated with a pharmacological NFkB inhibitor (BAY11–7082) confer suppression to a previously immune response. This suppression was IL-10 dependent and results from the induction of Ag specific CD4+ regulatory T cells. To elucidate the mechanism of suppression induced by administration of Bay treated DC, we used a model of infectious tolerance transfer from DC treated mice to primed recipient mice. Our results show that both CD4 + splenic cells and non T cells from animals injected with Bay treated DC, but not from untreated DC, were capable of transferring the suppression. Moreover, sorted B cells and NK cells could transfer antigenspecific infectious tolerance after administration of Bay treated DC. In addition, this suppressive effect could not be seen either in mice depleted of NK cells nor in NKT deficient mice. These observations highlight the role of several immune cells in the maintenance of tolerance, and impact on the design of immunotherapeutic suppression of autoimmune diseases in which NKT cells are deficient or defective, such as diabetes and lupus.


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NKG2D is an activation receptor that allows natural killer (NK) cells to detect diseased host cells. The engagement of NKG2D with corresponding ligand results in surface modulation of the receptor and reduced function upon subsequent receptor engagement. However, it is not clear whether in addition to modulation the NKG2D receptor complex and/or its signaling capacity is preserved. We show here that the prolonged encounter with tumor cell-bound, but not soluble, ligand can completely uncouple the NKG2D receptor from the intracellular mobilization of calcium and the exertion of cell-mediated cytolysis. However, cytolytic effector function is intact since NKG2D ligand-exposed NK cells can be activated via the Ly49D receptor. While NKG2D-dependent cytotoxicity is impaired, prolonged ligand exposure results in constitutive interferon gamma (IFNgamma) production, suggesting sustained signaling. The functional changes are associated with a reduced presence of the relevant signal transducing adaptors DNAX-activating protein of 10 kDa (DAP-10) and killer cell activating receptor-associated protein/DNAX-activating protein of 12 kDa (KARAP/DAP-12). That is likely the consequence of constitutive NKG2D engagement and signaling, since NKG2D function and adaptor expression is restored to normal when the stimulating tumor cells are removed. Thus, the chronic exposure to tumor cells expressing NKG2D ligand alters NKG2D signaling and may facilitate the evasion of tumor cells from NK cell reactions.


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Ag-experienced or memory T cells have increased reactivity to recall Ag, and can be distinguished from naive T cells by altered expression of surface markers such as CD44. Memory T cells have a high turnover rate, and CD8(+) memory T cells proliferate upon viral infection, in the presence of IFN-alphabeta and/or IL-15. In this study, we extend these findings by showing that activated NKT cells and superantigen-activated T cells induce extensive bystander proliferation of both CD8(+) and CD4(+) memory T cells. Moreover, proliferation of memory T cells can be induced by an IFN-alphabeta-independent, but IFN-gamma- or IL-12-dependent pathway. In these conditions of bystander activation, proliferating memory (CD44(high)) T cells do not derive from activation of naive (CD44(low)) T cells, but rather from bona fide memory CD44(high) T cells. Together, these data demonstrate that distinct pathways can induce bystander proliferation of memory T cells.