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Six-port network is an interesting radiofrequency architecture with multiple possibilities. Since it was firstly introduced in the seventies as an alternative network analyzer, the six-port network has been used for many applications, such as homodyne receivers, radar systems, direction of arrival estimation, UWB (Ultra-Wide-Band), or MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) systems. Currently, it is considered as a one of the best candidates to implement a Software Defined Radio (SDR). This thesis comprises an exhaustive study of this promising architecture, where its fundamentals and the state-of-the-art are also included. In addition, the design and development of a SDR 0.3-6 GHz six-port receiver prototype is presented in this thesis, which is implemented in conventional technology. The system is experimentally characterized and validated for RF signal demodulation with good performance. The analysis of the six-port architecture is complemented by a theoretical and experimental comparison with other radiofrequency architectures suitable for SDR. Some novel contributions are introduced in the present thesis. Such novelties are in the direction of the highly topical issues on six-port technique: development and optimization of real-time I-Q regeneration techniques for multiport networks; and search of new techniques and technologies to contribute to the miniaturization of the six-port architecture. In particular, the novel contributions of this thesis can be summarized as: - Introduction of a new real-time auto-calibration method for multiport receivers, particularly suitable for broadband designs and high data rate applications. - Introduction of a new direct baseband I-Q regeneration technique for five-port receivers. - Contribution to the miniaturization of six-port receivers by the use of the multilayer LTCC (Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic) technology. Implementation of a compact (30x30x1.25 mm) broadband (0.3-6 GHz) six-port receiver in LTTC technology. The results and conclusions derived from this thesis have been satisfactory, and quite fruitful in terms of publications. A total of fourteen works have been published, considering international journals and conferences, and national conferences. Aditionally, a paper has been submitted to an internationally recognized journal, which is currently under review.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera está destinado a la ilustración y aprendizaje del uso de varios dispositivos de los laboratorios del Departamento de Ingeniería Audiovisual y Comunicaciones, de la Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación, de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, en forma de vídeos tutoriales basados en mediciones y prácticas habituales de las asignaturas del departamento para que puedan ser utilizados por los alumnos de la escuela como apoyo a las explicaciones del profesor en ocasiones puntuales. En concreto se han realizado hasta seis vídeos tutoriales en los que se explica: el diseño de un circuito impreso y la creación y fabricación de éste. Por otro lado, también se ha explicado el fenómeno del ruido de fase y cómo es el proceso de su medida, como una de las muchas características de un analizador de espectros. A modo de análisis, se ha realizado otro tutorial acerca de la modulación en FM, sus características y sus aplicaciones. Por último se ha hecho un estudio del comportamiento de un analizador de redes, exponiendo su funcionamiento y explicando su proceso de calibración. Para la realización de estos tutoriales se han utilizado diferentes aplicaciones sobre creación de vídeos multimedia, animación, producción de audio y narración. En especial se han usado: Sprint-Layout 5.0, Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5, Camtasia studio 7, Corel VideoStudio Pro X4, Loquendo TTS7 y WinPlot. Para el apartado de las grabaciones de las diferentes escenas se ha necesitado el uso de distintos instrumentos de medida del laboratorio tales como: analizador de espectros, analizador de redes, generador de señal, generador de funciones, osciloscopio y otros equipos adicionales como: cámara de vídeo y trípode del departamento. Para la composición de los diferentes tutoriales se ha comenzado creando un guion, para cada uno de ellos, estableciendo la aparición de las imágenes, vídeos, y locución. A continuación se exponen los diferentes temas en los que se han basado estos tutoriales de laboratorio, uno a uno. ABSTRACT. This Project is destined to learn the use of several devices at the laboratory of “Ingeniería Audiovisual y Comunicaciones” Department at “Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería técnica de Telecomunicaciones” of “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid”, on the way as tutorial videos base on the subjects from this department to be used by the college students as help of the teacher’s explanations. In this project you will find up to six tutorial videos, showing: printed circuit design, printed circuit board manufacture. You can also find an explanation about the phenomenon of phase noise and how it’s its measurement process, as one of the many features of a spectrum analyzer. Another tutorial video is based on FM modulation, its features and applications. The last tutorial explains the networks analyzer functionalities and its calibration process. To carry out these tutorials different applications have been used to create multimedia videos, animation, audio production and storytelling. Such as Sprint Layout 5.0, Camtasia 7.0, Corel VideoStudio Pro X4, Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5, Loquendo TTS7 y WinPlot. About the recording side of the different scenes, several equipment have been required at the laboratory, such as spectrums analyzer, signal generator, oscilloscope, function generator, network analyzer and other additional devices, such as: a video camera with its tripod. The composition of the different tutorials has begun creating a script, for each of them, setting the times of appearance of images, video, speech and music. After this abstract, the different topics of the tutorials are showed, one by one.


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Thermally induced demixing in an LCST mixture, polystyrene (PS)/polyvinyl methyl ether] (PVME), was used as a template to design materials with high electrical conductivity. This was facilitated by gelation of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) in a given phase of the blends. The MWNTs were mixed in the miscible blends and the thermodynamic driven demixing further resulted in selective localization in the PVME phase of the blends. This was further confirmed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The time dependent gelation of MWNTs at shallow quench depth, evaluated using isochronal temperature sweep by rheology, was studied by monitoring the melt electrical conductivity of the samples in situ by an LCR meter coupled to a rheometer. By varying the composition in the mixture, several intricate shapes like gaskets and also coatings capable of attenuating the EM radiation in the microwave frequency can be derived. For instance, the PVME rich mixtures can be molded in the form of a gasket, O-ring and other intricate shapes while the PS rich mixtures can be coated onto an insulating polymer to enhance the shielding effectiveness (SE) for EM radiation. The SE of the various materials was analyzed using a vector network analyzer in both the X-band (8.2 to 12 GHz) and the K-u-band (12 to 18 GHz) frequency. The improved SE upon gelation of MWNTs in the demixed blends is well evident by comparing the SE before and after demixing. A reflection loss of -35 dB was observed in the blends with 2 wt% MWNTs. Further, by coating a layer of ca. 0.15 mm of PS/PVME/MWNT, a SE of -15 dB at 18 GHz could be obtained.


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In this study, two different types of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) namely pristine (p-MWNTs) and amine functionalized (a-MWNTs) were melt-mixed with polycaprolactone (PCL) to develop biodegradable electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding materials. The bulk electrical conductivity of the nanocomposites was assessed using broadband dielectric spectroscopy and the structural properties were evaluated using dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA). Both the electrical conductivity and the structural properties improved after the addition of MWNTs and were observed to be proportional to the increasing fractions in the nanocomposites. The shielding effectiveness of the nanocomposites was studied using a vector network analyzer (VNA) in a broad range of frequencies, X-band (8 to 12 GHz) and K-u-band (12 to 18 GHz) on toroidal samples. The shielding effectiveness significantly improved on addition of MWNTs, more in the case of p-MWNTs than in a-MWNTs. For instance, at a given fraction of MWNTs (3 wt%), PCL with p-MWNTs and a-MWNTs showed a shielding effectiveness of -32 dB and -29 dB, respectively. Moreover, it was observed that reflection was the primary mechanism of shielding at lower fractions of MWNTs, while absorption dominated at higher fractions in the composites. As one of the rationales of this work was to develop biodegradable EMI shielding materials to address the challenges concerning electronic waste, the effect of different MWNTs on the biodegradability of PCL composites was assessed through enzymatic degradation. The enzymatic degradation of the samples cut from the hot pressed films by bacterial lipase was investigated. It was noted that a-MWNTs exhibited almost similar degradation rate as the control PCL sample; however, p-MWNTs showed a slower degradation rate. This study demonstrates the potential use of PCL-MWNT composites as flexible, light weight and eco-friendly EMI shielding materials.


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This work attempts to bring critical insights into the electromagnetic shielding efficiency in polymeric nanocomposites with respect to the particle size of magnetic nanoparticles added along with or without a conductive inclusion. To gain insight, various Ni-Fe (NixFe1-x; x = 10, 20, 40; Ni: nickel, Fe: iron) alloys were prepared by a vacuum arc melting process and different particle sizes were then achieved by a controlled grinding process for different time scales. Poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF based composites involving different particle sizes of the Ni-Fe alloy were prepared with or without multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) by a wet grinding approach. The Ni-Fe particles were thoroughly characterized with respect to their microstructure and magnetization; and the electromagnetic (EM) shielding efficiency (SE) of the resulting composites was obtained from the scattering parameters using a vector network analyzer in a broad range of frequencies. The saturation magnetization of Ni-Fe nanoparticles and the bulk electrical conductivity of PVDF/Ni-Fe composites scaled with increasing particle size of NiFe. Interestingly, the PVDF/Ni-Fe/MWNT composites showed a different trend where the bulk electrical conductivity and SE scaled with decreasing particle size of the Ni-Fe alloy. A total SE of similar to 35 dB was achieved with 50 wt% of Ni60Fe40 and 3 wt% MWNTs. More interestingly, the PVDF/Ni-Fe composites shielded the EM waves mostly by reflection whereas, the PVDF/Ni-Fe/MWNT shielded mostly by absorption. A minimum reflection loss of similar to 58 dB was achieved in the PVDF/Ni-Fe/MWNT composites in the X-band (8-12 GHz) for a particular size of Ni-Fe alloy nanoparticles. This study brings new insights into the EM shielding efficiency in PVDF/magnetic nanoparticle based composites in the presence and absence of conducting inclusion.


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A mutually miscible homopolymer (here polymethyl methacrylate; PMMA) was employed to tailor the interfacial properties of immiscible polycarbonate/styrene acrylonitrile (PC/SAN) blends. In order to design materials that can shield microwave radiation, one of the key properties i.e. electrical conductivity was targeted here using a conducting inclusion; multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs). Owing to higher polarity, MWNTs prefer PC over SAN which though enhance the electrical conductivity of the blends, they don't improve the interfacial properties and results in poor mechanical properties. Hence, an efficient strategy has been adopted here to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, electrical and microwave attenuation properties. Herein, the MWNTs were wrapped by PMMA via in situ polymerization of MMA (methyl methacrylate). This strategy resulted in the migration of PMMA modified MWNTs towards the blend's interface and resulted in an effective stress transfer across the interface leading to improved mechanical and dynamic mechanical properties. Interestingly, the bulk electrical conductivity of the blends was also enhanced, manifesting the improved dispersion of the MWNTs. The state of dispersion of the MWNTs and the phase morphology were assessed using scanning electron microscopy. The microwave attenuation properties were evaluated using a vector network analyzer (VNA) in the X and K-u-band frequencies. The blends with PMMA wrapped MWNTs manifested a -21 dB of shielding effectiveness which suggests attenuation of more than 99% of the incoming microwave radiation. More interestingly, the attenuation constant could be tuned here employing this unique strategy. This study clearly opens a new tool box in designing materials that show improved mechanical, dynamic mechanical, electrical conductivity and microwave shielding properties.


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In this study, a micro-pump unit based on surface acoustic wave (SAW) on piezoelectric ZnO film is designed and fabricated as a micro-fluidic device. It employs a mechanical wave, which is generated electrically using an aluminum interdigital transducer (IDT), and propagates on the surface of the ZnO film. The ZnO film was used in this study because it has a high electromechanical coefficient and an excellent bonding with various substrate materials, in particular silicon. The sputtering parameters for ZnO film deposition have been optimized, and the ZnO films with different thickness from 1 micron to 5.5 microns were prepared. The film properties have been characterized using different methods, such as scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. Aluminum IDT with a finger width and spacing of 8 microns was patterned on the ZnO film using a lift-off process. The frequency generated was measured using a network analyzer, and it varies from 130 MHz to 180 MHz as a function of film thickness. A signal generator was used to generate the frequency with a power amplifier to amplify the signal, which was then applied to aluminum IDT to generate the surface acoustic wave. If a liquid droplet exists on the surface carrying the acoustic wave, the energy and the momentum of the SAW will be coupled into the fluid, causing the liquid to vibrate and move on film surface. The strength of this movement is determined by the applied voltage and frequency. The volume of the liquid drop loaded on the SAW device in this study is of several hundreds of nanoliters. The movement of the liquid inside the droplet and also on the ZnO film surface can be demonstrated. The performance of ZnO SAW device was characterized as a function of film thickness. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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In many micro- and nano-scale technological applications high sensitivity displacement sensors are needed, especially in ultraprecision metrology and manufacturing. In this work a new way of sensing displacement based on radio frequency resonant cavities is presented and experimentally demonstrated using a first laboratory prototype. The principle of operation of the new transducer is summarized and tested. Furthermore, an electronic interface that can be used together with the displacement transducer is designed and proved. It has been experimentally demonstrated that very high and linear sensitivity characteristic curves, in the range of some kHz/nm; are easily obtainable using this kind of transducer when it is combined with a laboratory network analyzer. In order to replace a network analyzer and provide a more affordable, self-contained, compact solution, an electronic interface has been designed, preserving as much as possible the excellent performance of the transducer, and turning it into a true standalone positioning sensor. The results obtained using the transducer together with a first prototype of the electronic interface built with cheap discrete elements show that positioning accuracies in the micrometer range are obtainable using this cost-effective solution. Better accuracies would also be attainable but using more involved and costly electronics interfaces.


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A vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube (VACNT) film has been characterized by rectangular waveguide measurements. The complex scattering parameters (S-parameters) are measured by a vector network analyzer at X-band frequencies. The effective complex permittivity and permeability of the VACNT film have been extracted using the Nicolson-Ross-Weir (NWR) approach. The extracted parameters are verified by full wave simulations (CST Microwave Studio) and very good agreement has been obtained. A systematic error analysis is presented and the errors are within the acceptable range. The performance of VACNT films as an absorber is examined, and comparison with the conventional carbon loaded materials shows that a 90% size reduction is possible whilst maintaining the same absorption level. © 2011 EUROPEAN MICROWAVE ASSOC.


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In this paper, we propose the dynamic P-V curve for modulator and P-I curve for laser diode, and present a simple approach to deriving the curves from the small-signal frequency responses measured using a microwave network analyzer. The linear response range, modulation efficiency, optimal driving conditions at different frequency can, therefore, be determined. It is demonstrated that the large-signal performance of electro-absorption (EA) modulator and the directly modulated semiconductor lasers can be predicted from the dynamic curved surface. Experiments show a good agreement between the evaluated characteristics and the measured large-signal performance.


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We describe a new method for extracting the intrinsic response of a laser diode from S-parameters measured using a calibrated vector network analyzer. The experimental results obtained using the new method are compared with those obtained using the optical modulation method and the frequency response subtraction method. Good agreement has been obtained, confirming the new method validity and accuracy. The new method has the advantages of obtaining the intrinsic characteristics of a laser diode with conventional measurements using a network analyzer.


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We propose and demonstrate measurement of the frequency response of an electroabsorption (EA) modulator using an extended small-signal power measuring technique. In this technique, the modulator is driven by a microwave carrier amplitude modulated by a low-frequency signal, and the modulator frequency response is obtained without the need of a high-speed photodetector. Based upon the nonlinear characteristics of the EA modulator and the underlying principle of the present method, equations have been derived. A measurement scheme using a network analyzer and a low-speed photodetector has been proposed and constructed, and the experimental results confirm that our proposed method is as accurate as the swept-frequency measurement using a network analyzer directly.


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A simple method for estimating the frequency responses of directly modulated lasers from optical spectra is presented. The frequency-modulation index and intensity-modulation index of a distributed feedback laser can be obtained through the optical spectrum analyses. The main advantage is that the measurement setup is very simple. Only a microwave source and an optical spectrum analyser are needed and there is no need to use a calibrated broadband photodetector. Experiment shows that the proposed method is as accurate as the swept frequency method using a network analyzer and is applicable to a wide range of modulation powers.


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In this paper, we presents the characterization technique of high-speed optoelectronics devices based electrical and optical spectra, which is as important access to the devices performance as the prevalent vector network analyzer (VNA) sweeping method. The measurement of additional modulation of laser and frequency response of photodetector from electrical spectra, and the estimation of the modulation indexes and the chirp parameters of directly modulated lasers based on optical spectra analysis, are given as examples.


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The measurement and analysis of the microwave frequency response of semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) are proposed in this paper. The response is measured using a vector network analyzer. Then with the direct-subtracting method, which is based on the definition of scattering parameters of optoelectronic devices, the responses of both the optical signal source and the photodetector are eliminated, and the response of only the SOA is extracted. Some characteristics of the responses can be observed: the responses are quasi-highpass; the gain increases with the bias current; and the response becomes more gradient while the bias current is increasing. The multisectional model of an SOA is then used to analyze the response theoretically. By deducing from the carrier rate equation of one section under the steady state and the small-signal state, the expression of the frequency response is obtained. Then by iterating the expression, the response of the whole SOA is simulated. The simulated results are in good agreement with the measured on the three main characteristics, which are also explained by the deduced results. This proves the validity of the theoretical analysis.