997 resultados para NEONATAL MOUSE OVARY


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Fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) signalling is important in the initiation and regulation of osteogenesis. Although mutations in FGFR1, 2 and 3 genes are known to cause skeletal deformities, the expression of FGFR4 in bony tissue remains unclear. We have investigated the expression pattern of FGFR4 in the neonatal mouse calvaria and compared it to the expression pattern in cultures of primary osteoblasts. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that FGFR4 was highly expressed in rudimentary membranous bone and strictly localised to the cellular components (osteoblasts) between the periosteal and endosteal layers. Cells in close proximity to the newly formed osteoid (preosteoblasts) also expressed FGFR4 on both the endosteal and periosteal surfaces. Immunocytochemical analysis of primary osteoblast cultures taken from the same cranial region also revealed high levels of FGFR4 expression, suggesting a similar pattern of cellular expression in vivo and in vitro. RT-PCR and Western blotting for FGFR4 confirmed its presence in primary osteoblast cultures. These results suggest that FGFR4 may be an important regulator of osteogenesis with involvement in preosteoblast proliferation and differentiation as well as osteoblast functioning during intramembranous ossification. The consistent expression of FGFR4 in vivo and in vitro supports the use of primary osteoblast cultures for elucidating the role of FGFR4 during osteogenesis.


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Within the last few years, several reports have revealed that cell transplantation can be an effective way to replace lost neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) of patients affected with neurodegenerative diseases. Concerning the retina, the concept that newborn photoreceptors can integrate the retina and restore some visual functions was univocally demonstrated recently in the mouse eye (MacLaren et al. 2006) and remains to be achieved in human. These results pave the way to a standard approach in regenerative medicine aiming to replace lost photoreceptors. With the discovery of stem cells a great hope has appeared towards elaborating protocols to generate adequate cells to restore visual function in different retinal degeneration processes. Retinal stem cells (RSCs) are good candidates to repair the retina and are present throughout the retina development, including adulthood. However, neonatal mouse RSCs derived from the radial glia population have a different potential to proliferate and differentiate in comparison to adult RSCs. Moreover, we observed that adult mouse RSCs, depending on the culture conditions, have a marked tendency to transform, whereas neonatal RSCs show subtle chromosome abnormalities only after extensive expansion. These characteristics should help to identify the optimal cell source and culture conditions for cell transplantation studies. These results will be discussed in light of other studies using RSCs as well as embryonic stem cells. Another important factor to consider is the host environment, which plays a crucial role for cell integration and which was poorly studied in the normal and the diseased retina. Nonetheless, important results were recently generated to reconsider cell transplantation strategy. Perspectives to enhance cell integration by manipulating the environment will also be presented.


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Corticosteroids (aldosterone, cortisol/corticosterone) exert direct functional effects on cardiomyocytes. However, gene networks activated by corticosteroids in cardiomyocytes, as well as the involvement of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) vs the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in these effects, remain largely unknown. Here we characterized the corticosteroid-dependent transcriptome in primary culture of neonatal mouse cardiomyocytes treated with 10(-6) M aldosterone, a concentration predicted to occupy both MR and GR. Serial analysis of gene expression revealed 101 aldosterone-regulated genes. The MR/GR specificity was characterized for one regulated transcript, namely ecto-ADP-ribosyltransferase-3 (Art3). Using cardiomyocytes from GR(null/null) or MR(null/null) mice we demonstrate that in GR(null/null) cardiomyocytes the response is abrogated, but it is fully maintained in MR(null/null) cardiomyocytes. We conclude that Art3 expression is regulated exclusively via the GR. Our study identifies a new set of corticosteroid-regulated genes in cardiomyocytes and demonstrates a new approach to studying the selectivity of MR- vs GR-dependent effects.


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Progenitor cells can be obtained by outgrowth from tissue explants during primary ex vivo tissue culture. We have isolated and characterized cells outgrown from neonatal mouse pancreatic explants. A relatively uniform population of cells showing a distinctive morphology emerged over time in culture. This population expressed monocyte/macrophage and hematopoietic markers (CD11b(+) and CD45(+)), and some stromal-related markers (CD44(+) and CD29(+)), but not mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-defining markers (CD90(-) and CD105(-)) nor endothelial (CD31(-)) or stem cell-associated markers (CD133(-) and stem cell antigen-1; Sca-1(-)). Cells could be maintained in culture as a plastic-adherent monolayer in culture medium (MesenCult MSC) for more than 1 year. Cells spontaneously formed sphere clusters "pancreatospheres" which, however, were nonclonal. When cultured in appropriate media, cells differentiated into multiple mesenchymal lineages (fat, cartilage, and bone). Positive dithizone staining suggested that a subset of cells differentiated into insulin-producing cells. However, further studies are needed to characterize the endocrine potential of these cells. These findings indicate that a myelomonocytoid population from pancreatic explant outgrowths has mesenchymal differentiation potential. These results are in line with recent data onmonocyte-derivedmesenchymal progenitors (MOMPs).


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Hearing loss can be caused by a variety of insults, including acoustic trauma and exposure to ototoxins, that principally effect the viability of sensory hair cells via the MAP kinase (MAPK) cell death signaling pathway that incorporates c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). We evaluated the otoprotective efficacy of D-JNKI-1, a cell permeable peptide that blocks the MAPK-JNK signal pathway. The experimental studies included organ cultures of neonatal mouse cochlea exposed to an ototoxic drug and cochleae of adult guinea pigs that were exposed to either an ototoxic drug or acoustic trauma. Results obtained from the organ of Corti explants demonstrated that the MAPK-JNK signal pathway is associated with injury and that blocking of this signal pathway prevented apoptosis in areas of aminoglycoside damage. Treatment of the neomycin-exposed organ of Corti explants with D-JNKI-1 completely prevented hair cell death initiated by this ototoxin. Results from in vivo studies showed that direct application of D-JNKI-1 into the scala tympani of the guinea pig cochlea prevented nearly all hair cell death and permanent hearing loss induced by neomycin ototoxicity. Local delivery of D-JNKI-1 also prevented acoustic trauma-induced permanent hearing loss in a dose-dependent manner. These results indicate that the MAPK-JNK signal pathway is involved in both ototoxicity and acoustic trauma-induced hair cell loss and permanent hearing loss. Blocking this signal pathway with D-JNKI-1 is of potential therapeutic value for long-term protection of both the morphological integrity and physiological function of the organ of Corti during times of oxidative stress.


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Studies were funded by Colegio de Postgraduados, México. CONACyT, México. SRE, México. Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec, University of Montreal and an Operating Grant to B.D. Murphy from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.


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Le récepteur nucléaire Nr5a2, également connu sous le nom de liver receptor homolog-1 (Lrh-1), est exprimé au niveau de l’ovaire chez la souris, exclusivement dans les cellules lutéales et de la granulosa. La perturbation de Nr5a2, spécifique aux cellules de la granulosa chez la souris à partir des follicules primaires dans la trajectoire du développement folliculaire a démontré que Nr5a2 est un régulateur clé de l’ovulation et de la fertilité chez la femelle. Notre hypothèse veut que Nr5a2 régule les évènements péri- et post-ovulatoires dans une séquence temporelle lors de la folliculogénèse. Afin d'étudier l’implication de Nr5a2 lors de l’ovulation et de la lutéinisation à différents stades du développement folliculaire, nous avons généré deux modèles de souris knockout spécifiques aux cellules de la granulosa pour Nr5a2: 1) Nr5a2Amhr2-/-, avec une réduction de Nr5a2 à partir des follicules primaires et subséquents; 2) Nr5a2Cyp19-/-, avec une réduction de Nr5a2 débutant au stade antral de développement en progressant. L’absence de Nr5a2 à partir des follicules antraux a résulté en une infertilité chez les femelles Nr5a2Cyp19-/-, de même qu’en des structures non-fonctionnelles similaires aux structures lutéales au niveau des ovaires, en une réduction des niveaux de progestérone synthétisée ainsi qu’en un échec dans le support d’une pseudo-gestation. La synthèse de progestérone a été entravée suite à l’absence de Nr5a2 par l’entremise d’une régulation à la baisse des gènes reliés au transport du cholestérol, Scarb1, StAR et Ldlr, démontré par qPCR. Les complexes cumulus-oocytes des femelles Nr5a2Cyp19-/- immatures super-stimulées ont subi une expansion in vivo, mais l’ovulation a été perturbée, possiblement par une régulation à la baisse du gène du récepteur de la progestérone (Pgr). Un essai d’expansion du cumulus in vitro a démontré une expansion défectueuse du cumulus chez les Nr5a2Amhr2-/-, associée à un dérèglement de la protéine des jonctions communicantes (Gja1; Cx43). Cependant, l’expansion du cumulus chez les Nr5a2Cyp19-/- n’a pas été autant affectée. Des résultats obtenus par qPCR ont démontré une régulation à la baisse dans l’expression des gènes Areg, Ereg, Btc et Tnfaip6 chez les deux modèles de cellules ovariennes knockout à 2h et 4h post hCG. Nous avons observé que 85% des oocytes, chez les deux génotypes mutants, peuvent subir une rupture de la vésicule germinative, confirmant leur capacité de maturation in vivo. La technique d’injection intra-cytoplasmique de spermatozoïdes a prouvé que les oocytes des deux génotypes mutants sont fertilisables et que 70% des embryons résultants ont poursuivi leur développement vers le stade de blastocyste, et ce, indépendamment du génotype. En conclusion, Nr5a2 régule la fertilité chez les femelles tout au long du processus du développement folliculaire. Il a été démontré que Nr5a2 est essentiel à la lutéinisation et que sa perturbation dans les cellules somatiques ovariennes ne compromet pas la capacité des oocytes à être fertilisés. En vue d’ensemble, nous avons fourni une investigation inédite et complète, utilisant de multiples modèles et techniques afin de déterminer les mécanismes par lesquels Nr5a2 régule les importants processus que sont l’expansion du cumulus, l’ovulation ainsi que la formation du corps jaune.


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La santé folliculaire est déterminée par un nombre de facteurs endocriniens, paracrines et autocrines. Les gonadotrophines hypophysaires sont les principaux moteurs du développement du follicule, mais leurs actions sont modulées localement par les hormones et des facteurs de croissance. Les glycoprotéines de la famille des WNTs représentent une grande famille de molécules impliquées dans différentes voies de signalisation. Ils sont sécrétés dans le but de moduler et coordonner la réponse des follicules aux gonadotrophines, et leurs activités sont indispensables à la fonction ovarienne et à la fertilité féminine. Les WNTs sont généralement classés en fonction de la (des) voie(s) qu’ils activent. Le rôle des membres de la voie canonique WNT et de ses composants tels que CTNNB1, WNT4, WNT2, FZD1 et FZD4 est bien établi au cours du développement du follicule chez les rongeurs. Un rôle similaire des WNTs dans les espèces mono-ovulatoires demeure essentiellement inconnu. De plus, le rôle des WNT non canoniques dans l'ovaire de rongeurs est méconnu. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont (1) d'élucider la régulation hormonale de l'expression de WNT5A et le rôle physiologique de WNT5A dans les cellules de la granulosa bovine in vitro et (2) d'identifier les rôles physiologiques de WNT5A dans l'ovaire de souris par inactivation génique conditionnelle. Chacun de ces objectifs a mené à la publication d’un article à partir des résultats obtenus au cours de cette thèse. Dans le premier article, le rôle de WNT5A dans les cellules de la granulosa bovine a été étudié in vitro. Nous avons constaté que WNT5A est un régulateur négatif de la stéroïdogenèse stimulée par la FSH issue des cellules de la granulosa, et qu'il agit en supprimant l'activité de signalisation des WNTs canoniques tout en induisant la voie de signalisation MAPK8/JUN. le deuxième article, afin d’examiner le rôle de deux WNTs non-canoniques, WNT5A et WNT11, à différents stades de développement folliculaire, nous avons généré des modèles de souris knock-out conditionnels ciblant les cellules de la granulosa pour chacun de ces WNTs. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de mettre en évidence que WNT5A est nécessaire pour assurer la fertilité normale chez la femelle, le développement folliculaire et la stéroïdogenèse ovarienne. Il est aussi un antagoniste de la réponse aux gonadotrophines, agissant par l’intermédiaire de la suppression de la signalisation canonique des WNTs. Chez les souris knock-out pour WNT11, nous ne constatons aucun défaut important dans la fertilité des femelles. L’ensemble de notre travail met en évidence que WNT5A est essentiel pour le développement normal du follicule et qu’il agit pour inhiber la différenciation des cellules de la granulosa. En résumé, nous avons fourni une étude novatrice et approfondie, utilisant plusieurs modèles et techniques pour déterminer les mécanismes par lesquels WNT5A régule le développement des follicules.


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Oxidative stress promotes cardiac myocyte apoptosis through the mitochondrial death pathway. Since Bcl-2 family proteins are key regulators of apoptosis, we examined the effects of H2O2 on the expression of principal Bcl-2 family proteins (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bax, Bad) in neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. Protein expression was assessed by immunoblotting. Bcl-2, Bax, and Bad were all down-regulated in myocytes exposed to 0.2 mm H2O2, a concentration that induces apoptosis. In contrast, although Bcl-xL levels initially declined, the protein was re-expressed from 4-6 h. Bcl-xL mRNA was up-regulated from 2 to 4 h in neonatal rat or mouse cardiac myocytes exposed to H2O2, consistent with the re-expression of protein. Four different untranslated first exons have been identified for the Bcl-x gene (exons 1, 1B, 1C, and 1D, where exon 1 is the most proximal and exon 1D the most distal to the coding region). All were detected in mouse or rat neonatal cardiac myocytes, but exon 1D was not expressed in adult mouse hearts. In neonatal mouse or rat cardiac myocytes, H2O2 induced the expression of exons 1B, 1C, and 1D, but not exon 1. These data demonstrate that the Bcl-x gene is selectively responsive to oxidative stress, and the response is mediated through distal promoter regions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Context. Invasive species are a growing global problem. Biological invasions can result in numerous harmful impacts on local ecologies, and non-native herpetofauna are frequently ignored. Nile monitor lizards (Varanus niloticus) and Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus, recently reassessed as Python bivittatus bivittatus), have become established in southern Florida. Both are large, semi-aquatic predators that pose serious threats to a variety of threatened and endangered species, as well as to the unique ecology of the area. Aims. Acetaminophen (CAS#103-90-2), a lethal oral toxicant for the invasive brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis) on Guam, was investigated as a possible toxicant in juvenile Burmese pythons and Nile monitors. Methods. Dead neonatal mouse (DNM) baits containing 0, 10, 20, or 40 mg acetaminophen were force-fed to Nile monitors, whereas DNM containing doses of 0, 20, 40, or 80 mg were freely consumed by Burmese pythons. Subjects were frequently observed post-treatment for general condition and position, with special attention paid to activity (if any), behaviour, respiration, bleeding, emesis, ataxia, and mortality. Key results. In Nile monitors, acetaminophen doses of 10, 20, or 40 mg resulted in 0, 50 and 100% mortality, respectively. In Burmese pythons, doses of 20, 40, or 80 mg resulted in 14.3, 85.7 and 100% mortality, respectively. No mortality was observed in control individuals of either species. A negative correlation between dosage (mg kg–1) and time-to-death was observed in both species. Dosages ranging from 522 to 2438 mg kg–1 and 263 to 703 mg kg–1 were uniformly lethal to monitors and pythons, respectively. Neither species exhibited signs of pain or discomfort following acetaminophen treatment. Conclusions. Acetaminophen is an effective toxicant in juvenile Nile monitors and Burmese pythons. Further investigation into acetaminophen toxicity in adults of these species is merited. Implications. Although further investigation into adult lethal dosages and strategies to optimize bait deployment while minimizing secondary hazards is required, acetaminophen may have a role to play in the control of these invasive species in Florida.


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High-grade Brainstem Glioma (BSG), also known as Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), is an incurable pediatric brain cancer. Increasing evidence supports the existence of regional differences in gliomagenesis such that BSG is considered a distinct disease from glioma of the cerebral cortex (CG). In an effort to elucidate unique characteristics of BSG, we conducted expression analysis of mouse PDGF-B-driven BSG and CG initiated in Nestin progenitor cells and identified a short list of expression changes specific to the brainstem gliomagenesis process, including abnormal upregulation of paired box 3 (Pax3). In the neonatal mouse brain, Pax3 expression marks a subset of brainstem progenitor cells, while it is absent from the cerebral cortex, mirroring its regional expression in glioma. Ectopic expression of Pax3 in normal brainstem progenitors in vitro shows that Pax3 inhibits apoptosis. Pax3-induced inhibition of apoptosis is p53-dependent, however, and in the absence of p53, Pax3 promotes proliferation of brainstem progenitors. In vivo, Pax3 enhances PDGF-B-driven gliomagenesis by shortening tumor latency and increasing tumor penetrance and grade, in a region-specific manner, while loss of Pax3 function extends survival of PDGF-B-driven;p53-deficient BSG-bearing mice by 33%. Importantly, Pax3 is regionally expressed in human glioma as well, with high PAX3 mRNA characterizing 40% of human BSG, revealing a subset of tumors that significantly associates with PDGFRA alterations, amplifications of cell cycle regulatory genes, and is exclusive of ACVR1 mutations. Collectively, these data suggest that regional Pax3 expression not only marks a novel subset of BSG but also contributes to PDGF-B-induced brainstem gliomagenesis.


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The mouth, throat, and face contain numerous muscles that participate in a large variety of orofacial behaviors. The jaw and tongue can move independently, and thus require a high degree of coordination among the muscles that move them to prevent self-injury. However, different orofacial behaviors require distinct patterns of coordination between these muscles. The method through which motor control circuitry might coordinate this activity has yet to be determined. Electrophysiological, immunohistochemical, and retrograde tracing studies have attempted to identify populations of premotor neurons which directly send information to orofacial motoneurons in an effort to identify sources of coordination. Yet these studies have not provided a complete picture of the population of neurons which monosynaptically connect to jaw and tongue motoneurons. Additionally, while many of these studies have suggested that premotor neurons projecting to multiple motor pools may play a role in coordination of orofacial muscles, no clear functional roles for these neurons in the coordination of natural orofacial movements has been identified.

In this dissertation, I took advantage of the recently developed monosynaptic rabies virus to trace the premotor circuits for the jaw-closing masseter muscle and tongue-protruding genioglossus muscle in the neonatal mouse, uncovering novel premotor inputs in the brainstem. Furthermore, these studies identified a set of neurons which form boutons onto motor neurons in multiple motor pools, providing a premotor substrate for orofacial coordination. I then combined a retrogradely traveling lentivirus with a split-intein mediated split-Cre recombinase system to isolate and manipulate a population of neurons which project to both left and right jaw-closing motor nuclei. I found that these bilaterally projecting neurons also innervate multiple other orofacial motor nuclei, premotor regions, and midbrain regions implicated in motor control. I anatomically and physiologically characterized these neurons and used optogenetic and chemicogenetic approaches to assess their role in natural jaw-closing behavior, specifically with reference to bilateral masseter muscle electromyogram (EMG) activity. These studies identified a population of bilaterally projecting neurons in the supratrigeminal nucleus as essential for maintenance of an appropriate level of masseter activation during natural chewing behavior in the freely moving mouse. Moreover, these studies uncovered two distinct roles of supratrigeminal bilaterally projecting neurons in bilaterally synchronized activation of masseter muscles, and active balancing of bilateral masseter muscle tone against an excitatory input. Together, these studies identify neurons which project to multiple motor nuclei as a mechanism by which the brain coordinates orofacial muscles during natural behavior.


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Neonatal diabetes is a rare monogenic form of diabetes that usually presents within the first six months of life. It is commonly caused by gain-of-function mutations in the genes encoding the Kir6.2 and SUR1 subunits of the plasmalemmal ATP-sensitive K(+) (K(ATP)) channel. To better understand this disease, we generated a mouse expressing a Kir6.2 mutation (V59M) that causes neonatal diabetes in humans and we used Cre-lox technology to express the mutation specifically in pancreatic beta cells. These beta-V59M mice developed severe diabetes soon after birth, and by 5 weeks of age, blood glucose levels were markedly increased and insulin was undetectable. Islets isolated from beta-V59M mice secreted substantially less insulin and showed a smaller increase in intracellular calcium in response to glucose. This was due to a reduced sensitivity of K(ATP) channels in pancreatic beta cells to inhibition by ATP or glucose. In contrast, the sulfonylurea tolbutamide, a specific blocker of K(ATP) channels, closed K(ATP) channels, elevated intracellular calcium levels, and stimulated insulin release in beta-V59M beta cells, indicating that events downstream of K(ATP) channel closure remained intact. Expression of the V59M Kir6.2 mutation in pancreatic beta cells alone is thus sufficient to recapitulate the neonatal diabetes observed in humans. beta-V59M islets also displayed a reduced percentage of beta cells, abnormal morphology, lower insulin content, and decreased expression of Kir6.2, SUR1, and insulin mRNA. All these changes are expected to contribute to the diabetes of beta-V59M mice. Their cause requires further investigation.


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Keratins are the major structural proteins of keratinocytes, which are the most abundant cell type in the mammalian epidermis. Mutations in epidermal keratin genes have been shown to cause severe blistering skin abnormalities. One such disease, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (EHK), also known as bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma, occurs as a result of mutations in highly conserved regions of keratins K1 and K10. Patients with EHK first exhibit erythroderma with severe blistering, which later is replaced by thick patches of scaly skin. To assess the effect of a mutated K1 gene on skin biology and to produce an animal model for EHK, we removed 60 residues from the 2B segment of HK1 and observed the effects of its expression in the epidermis of transgenic mice. Phenotypes of the resultant mice closely resembled those observed in the human disease, first with epidermal blisters, then later with hyperkeratotic lesions. In neonatal mice homozygous for the transgene, the skin was thicker, with an increased labeling index, and the spinous cells showed a collapse of the keratin filament network around the nuclei, suggesting that a critical concentration of the mutant HK1, over the endogenous MK1, was required to disrupt the structural integrity of the spinous cells. Additionally, footpad epithelium, which is devoid of hair follicles, showed blistering in the spinous layer, suggesting that hair follicles can stabilize or protect the epidermis from trauma. Blisters were not evident in adult mice, but instead they showed a thick, scaly hyperkeratotic skin with increased mitosis, resulting in an increased number of corneocytes and granular cells. Irregularly shaped keratohyalin granules were also observed. To date, this is the only transgenic model to show the typical morphology found in the adult form of EHK.