1000 resultados para NEOINTIMA FORMATION


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is an abundant neurotransmitter in the brain and sympathetic nervous system (SNS). Hypothalamic NPY is known to be a key player in food intake and energy expenditure. NPY’s role in cardiovascular regulation has also been shown. In humans, a Leucine 7 to Proline 7 single nucleotide polymorphism (p.L7P) in the signal peptide of the NPY gene has been associated with traits of metabolic syndrome. The p.L7P subjects also show increased stress-related release of NPY, which suggests that more NPY is produced and released from SNS. The main objective of this study was to create a novel mouse model with noradrenergic cell-targeted overexpression of NPY, and to characterize the metabolic and vascular phenotype of this model. The mouse model was named OE-NPYDBH mouse. Overexpression of NPY in SNS and brain noradrenergic neurons led to increased adiposity without significant weight gain or increased food intake. The mice showed lipid accumulation in the liver at young age, which together with adiposity led to impaired glucose tolerance and hyperinsulinemia with age. The mice displayed stress-related increased mean arterial blood pressure, increased plasma levels of catecholamines and enhanced SNS activity measured by GDP binding activity to brown adipose tissue mitochondria. Sexual dimorphism in NPY secretion pattern in response to stress was also seen. In an experimental model of vascular injury, the OE-NPYDBH mice developed more pronounced neointima formation compared with wildtype controls. These results together with the clinical data indicate that NPY in noradrenergic cells plays an important role in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome and related diseases. Furthermore, new insights on the role of the extrahypothalamic NPY in the process have been obtained. The OE-NPYDBH model provides an important tool for further stress and metabolic syndrome-related studies.


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Hypertension is one of the major precursors of atherosclerotic vascular disease, and vascular smooth muscle abnormal cell replication is a key feature of plaque formation. The present study was conducted to examine the relationship between hypertension and smooth muscle cell proliferation after balloon injury and to correlate neointima formation with resting membrane potential of uninjured smooth muscle cells, since it has been suggested that altered vascular function in hypertension may be related to the resetting of the resting membrane potential in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Neointima formation was induced by balloon injury to the carotid arteries of SHR and renovascular hypertensive rats (1K-1C), as well as in their normotensive controls, i.e., Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and normal Wistar (NWR) rats. After 14 days the animals were killed and the carotid arteries were submitted to histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analyses. Resting membrane potential measurements showed that uninjured carotid arteries from SHR smooth muscle cells were significantly depolarized (-46.5 ± 1.9 mV) compared to NWR (-69 ± 1.4 mV), NWR 1K-1C (-60.8 ± 1.6 mV), WKY (-67.1 ± 3.2 mV) and WKY 1K-1C (-56.9 ± 1.2 mV). The SHR arteries responded to balloon injury with an enhanced neointima formation (neo/media = 3.97 ± 0.86) when compared to arteries of all the other groups (NWR 0.93 ± 0.65, NWR 1K-1C 1.24 ± 0.45, WKY 1.22 ± 0.32, WKY 1K-1C 1.15 ± 0.74). Our results indicate that the increased fibroproliferative response observed in SHR is not related to the hypertensive state but could be associated with the resetting of the carotid smooth muscle cell resting membrane potential to a more depolarized state.


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L’apoptose endothéliale initie le processus menant au remodelage vasculaire et au développement de la néointima dans la vasculopathie du greffon. La formation de néointima résulte de l’accumulation de leucocytes, de matrice extracellulaire et de cellules positives pour l’actine musculaire lisse alpha (αSMA+) dans l’intima des artères, artérioles et capillaires du greffon. Les cellules αSMA+ dans la néointima sont des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLV) dérivées du donneur ainsi que des cellules souches dérivées du receveur, dont des cellules souches mésenchymateuses (CSM). L’acquisition d’un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez ces cellules est déterminante pour le développement de la néointima. Le laboratoire de Dre Hébert a démontré que les cellules endothéliales (CE) apoptotiques libèrent des médiateurs induisant une résistance à l’apoptose chez les CMLV et les fibroblastes. Notamment, les CE apoptotiques relâchent la cathepsine L qui clive le perlécan et ainsi libère un fragment C-terminal correspondant au troisième motif laminine G du domaine V du perlécan (LG3). Le LG3 est anti-apoptotique pour les fibroblastes. Nous avons donc émis l’hypothèse que le LG3 est un des médiateurs clés libéré par les CE apoptotiques favorisant le développement de la néointima via l’induction d’un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez les cellules néointimales αSMA+. Nous avons démontré que les médiateurs libérés par les CE apoptotiques induisent un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez les CSM dépendant de l’activation de la voie ERK1/2. De plus, le LG3 active la voie ERK1/2 via son interaction avec les intégrines beta 1 et induit une réponse anti-apoptotique chez ces cellules. Cependant l’activation de ERK1/2 par le LG3 est plus faible en comparaison de son activation par le milieu conditionné par des CE apoptotiques. Nos résultats suggèrent que les CE apoptotiques libèrent aussi de l’EGF qui agit de façon paracrine sur les CSM en coopération avec le LG3 pour induire un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez les CSM. Nous avons poursuivi l’étude de l’effet du LG3 in vivo sur le remodelage vasculaire en transplantation. Nous avons pour cela développé un modèle murin de rejet vasculaire qui consiste en une transplantation aortique entre des souris alloincompatibles. Nous avons ensuite injecté du LG3 chez les souris receveuses en post-transplantation. Nous avons observé dans ce modèle que des niveaux augmentés de LG3 sérique augmentent la formation de néointima, favorisent l’accumulation de cellules néointimales αSMA+ et diminuent le nombre de cellules CD31+ au niveau du greffon aortique. Parallèlement nous avons vérifié que le LG3 induit aussi un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez les CMLV et nous avons démontré un nouvel effet du LG3, soit une activité pro-migratoire, qui dépend de l’activation de la voie ERK1/2 chez les CMLV. Nous avons complété cette étude par l’analyse des niveaux de LG3 sérique dans une cohorte de patients receveurs d’allogreffe rénale. Nous avons observé chez ces patients, une association entre des niveaux élevés de LG3 sérique et un rejet vasculaire. Le LG3 contribue à la formation de néointima par son activité pro-migratoire et pro-survie chez les cellules néointimales et aussi de par son activité angiostatique. Nos résultats suggèrent que le LG3 est un nouveau médiateur important dans le remodelage vasculaire en transplantation


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La vasculopathie du greffon est une pathologie caractérisée par un rétrécissement progressif et oblitérant des vaisseaux sanguins menant à une ischémie et une perte de fonction du greffon. Le rétrécissement vasculaire est dû à une accumulation de matrice extracellulaire (MEC) et de cellules mononuclées positives pour l’actine musculaire lisse alpha (alphaSMA) dont les cellules souches mésenchymateuses, le tout formant une néointima oblitérante. Cette pathologie est la cause principale de la perte des greffons rénaux et cardiaques à long terme. Le rejet vasculaire aigu est un prédicteur de la vasculopathie du greffon. L’équipe du Dr Hébert a démontré que l’apoptose endothéliale, qui joue un rôle important dans le développement du rejet vasculaire, initie la libération de LG3, un fragment du protéoglycan perlécan. Les taux sanguins et urinaires de LG3 sont augmentés chez les receveurs d’allogreffe rénale avec rejet vasculaire et vasculopathie du greffon. Les résultats obtenus en laboratoire durant ma maîtrise ont permis de mieux caractériser l’impact du LG3 sur un type cellulaire important participant à la formation de néointima : les cellules souches mésenchymateuses. Mes travaux ont démontré que le LG3 induit à la fois la migration horizontale des MSC et la transmigration des MSC. Cette migration est dépendante de la voie de signalisation d’ERK1/2, précédemment identifiée comme voie centrale dans la formation de néointima. De plus, nos résultats démontrent que la kinase Src est activée en amont de l’activation de la voie MAPK. La migration horizontale et la transmigration induites par le LG3 sont aussi dépendantes des intégrines alpha2beta1, ainsi que l’activation de la voie MAPK. Dans un modèle de transplantation murin, nous avons également démontré que l’injection sérique de LG3 recombinant favorise l’accumulation de cellules positives pour alphaSMA dans la néointima. En outre, lorsque le receveur est déficient pour l’intégrine alpha2, mais que le greffon est sauvage, la formation de néointima induite par l’injection de LG3 est diminuée dans le greffon suggérant que les cellules du receveur jouent un rôle important dans la formation de la néointima. Enfin, nous avons démontré que l’injection de LG3 augmente aussi le nombre de cellules positives pour la forme phosphorylée d’ERK1/2 (p-ERK1/2) dans la néointima du greffon et que cette accumulation est dépendante de la présence des intégrines 2 1 chez les cellules du receveur.Lorsque le receveur est sauvage, il y a une augmentation du nombre de cellules positives pour p-ERK1/2. L’investigation de ces mécanismes dans le remodelage vasculaire expose de nouvelles opportunités pour inhiber la réponse cellulaire qui mène au remodelage inadapté lors d’un dommage vasculaire chronique et ainsi prolonger la survie du greffon.


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This study was designed in an attempt to identify the risk factors that could be significantly associated with angio graphic recurrences after selective endovascular treatment of aneurysms with inert platinum coils. A retrospective analysis of all patients with selective endovascular coil occlusion of intracranial aneurysms was prospectively collected from 1999 to 2003. There were 455 aneurysms treated with inert platinum coils and followed by digital subtraction angiography. Angio graphic results were classified according Roy and Raymond's classification. Recurrences were subjectively divided into minor and major. The most significant predictors for angio graphic recurrences were determined by ANOVAs logistic regression, Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test, Fisher exact probability. Short-term (4.3 +/- 1.4 months) follow-up angiograms were available in 377 aneurysms, middle-term (14.1 +/- 4.0 months) in 327 and long-term (37.4 +/- 11.5 months) in 180. Recurrences were found in 26.8% of treated aneurysms with a mean of 21 +/- 15.7 months of follow-up. Major recurrences needing retreatment were present in 8.8% during a mean period follow-up of 17.9 +/- 12.29 months after the initial endovascular treatment. One patient (0.2%) experienced a bleed during the follow-up period. Recurrences after endovascular treatment of aneurysms with inert platinum coils are frequent, but hemorrhages are unusual. Single aneurysm, ruptured aneurysm, neck greater than 4 mm and time of follow-up were risk factors for recurrence after endovascular treatment. The retreatment of recurrent aneurysm decreases the risk of major recurrences 9.8 times. Long-term angiogram monitoring is necessary for the population with significant recurrence predictors.


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Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic disorder with pleiotropic manifestations caused by heterozygous mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2. One of the less investigated complications of TSC is the formation of aneurysms of the descending aorta, which are characterized on pathologic examination by smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation in the aortic media. SMCs were explanted from Tsc2(+/-) mice to investigate the pathogenesis of aortic aneurysms caused by TSC2 mutations. Tsc2(+/-) SMCs demonstrated increased phosphorylation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), S6 and p70S6K and increased proliferation rates compared with wild-type (WT) SMCs. Tsc2(+/-) SMCs also had reduced expression of SMC contractile proteins compared with WT SMCs. An inhibitor of mTOR signaling, rapamycin, decreased SMC proliferation and increased contractile protein expression in the Tsc2(+/-) SMCs to levels similar to WT SMCs. Exposure to alpha-elastin fragments also decreased proliferation of Tsc2(+/-) SMCs and increased levels of p27(kip1), but failed to increase expression of contractile proteins. In response to artery injury using a carotid artery ligation model, Tsc2(+/-) mice significantly increased neointima formation compared with the control mice, and the neointima formation was inhibited by treatment with rapamycin. These results demonstrate that Tsc2 haploinsufficiency in SMCs increases proliferation and decreases contractile protein expression and suggest that the increased proliferative potential of the mutant cells may be suppressed in vivo by interaction with elastin. These findings provide insights into the molecular pathogenesis of aortic disease in TSC patients and identify a potential therapeutic target for treatment of this complication of the disease.


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Coronary and peripheral artery bypass grafting is commonly used to relieve the symptoms of vascular deficiencies, but the Supply Of autologous artery or vein may not be sufficient or suitable for multiple bypass or repeat procedures, necessitating the use of other materials. Synthetic materials are suitable for large bore arteries but often thrombose when used in smaller arteries. Suitable replacement grafts must have appropriate characteristics, including resistance to infection, low immunogenicity and good biocompatability and thromboresistance, with appropriate mechanical and physiological properties and cheap and fast manufacture. Current avenues of graft development include coating synthetic grafts with either biological chemicals or cells with anticoagulatory properties. Matrix templates or acellular tubes of extracellular matrix (such as collagen) may be coated or infiltrated with cultured cells. Once placed into the artery, these grafts may become colonised by host cells and gain many of the properties of normal artery. Tissue-engineered blood vessels may also be formed from layers of human vascular cells grown in culture. These engineered vessels have many of the characteristics of arteries formed in vivo. Artificial arteries may be also be derived from peritoneal granulation tissue in body bioreactors by adapting the body's natural wound healing response to produce a hollow tube. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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To examine the source of smooth muscle-like cells during vascular healing, C57BL/6 (Ly 5.2) female mice underwent whole body irradiation followed by transfusion with 10(6) nucleated bone marrow cells from congenic (Ly 5.1) male donors. Successful repopulation (88.4 +/- 4.9%) by donor marrow was demonstrated in the female mice by flow cytometry with FITC-conjugated A20.1/Ly 5.1 monoclonal antibody after 4 weeks. The arteries of the female mice were then subjected to two types of insult: (1) The iliac artery was scratch-injured by 5 passes of a probe causing severe medial damage. After 4 weeks, the arterial lumen was obliterated by a cell-rich neointima, with cells containing a smooth muscle actin present around the residual lumen. Approximately half of these cells were of male donor origin, as evidenced by in situ hybridization with a Y-chromosome-specific probe. (2) In an organized arterial thrombus formed by inserting an 8-0 silk suture into the left common carotid artery, donor cells staining with alpha smooth muscle actin were found in those arteries sustaining serious damage but not in arteries with minimal damage, Our results suggest that bone marrow-derived cells are recruited in vascular healing as a complementary source of smooth muscle-like cells when the media is severely damaged and few resident smooth muscle cells are available to effect repair. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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The origin of smooth muscle cells involved in vascular healing was examined. Eighteen C57BL/6 (Ly 5.2) female mice underwent whole body irradiation followed by transfusion with 10(6) bone nucleated marrow cells from congenic (Ly 5.1) male donors. Successful repopulation by donor marrow was demonstrated after 4 weeks by flow cytometry with FITC-conjugated A20.1/Ly 5.1 monoclonal antibody. The iliac artery of six of the chimeric mice was scratch-injured by five passes of a probe, causing severe medial damage. After 4 weeks the arterial lumen was obliterated by a cell-rich neointima, with alpha-smooth muscle actin-containing cells present around the residual lumen. Approximately half of these cells were of male donor origin, as evidenced by in situ hybridization with a Y chromosome-specific probe. An organized arterial thrombus was formed in the remaining 12 chimeric mice by inserting an 8.0 silk suture into the left common carotid artery. Donor cells staining with alpha-smooth muscle actin were found in those arteries sustaining serious damage but not in arteries with minimal damage. Our results suggest that bone marrow-derived cells are recruited in vascular healing as a complementary source of smooth muscle-like cells when the media is severely damaged and few resident smooth muscle cells are available to effect repair.


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Aims: To evaluate the implications of an Absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold (Absorb BVS) on the morphology of the superficial plaques. Methods and results: Forty-six patients who underwent Absorb BVS implantation and 20 patients implanted with bare metal stents (BMS) who had serial optical coherence tomographic examination at baseline and follow-up were included in this analysis. The thin-capped fibroatheromas (TCFA) were identified in the device implantation regions and in the adjacent native coronary segments. Within all regions, circumferential locations of TCFA and calcific tissues were identified, and the neointimal thickness was measured at follow-up. At six to 12-month follow-up, only 8% of the TCFA detected at baseline were still present in the Absorb BVS and 27% in the BMS implantation segment (p=0.231). Sixty percent of the TCFA in native segments did not change their phenotype at follow-up. At short-term follow-up, significant reduction in the lumen area of the BMS was noted, which was higher compared to that reported in the Absorb BVS group (-2.11±1.97 mm2 vs. -1.34±0.99 mm2, p=0.026). In Absorb BVS, neointima tissue continued to develop at midterm follow-up (2.17±0.48 mm2 vs. 1.38±0.52 mm2, p<0.0001) and covered the underlying tissues without compromising the luminal dimensions (5.93±1.49 mm2 vs. 6.14±1.49 mm2, p=0.571) as it was accommodated by the expanded scaffold (8.28±1.74 mm2 vs. 7.67±1.28 mm2, p<0.0001). Conclusions: Neointimal tissue develops following either Absorb BVS or BMS implantation and shields lipid tissues. The neointimal response in the BMS causes a higher reduction of luminal dimensions compared to the Absorb BVS. Thus, Absorb BVS may have a value in the invasive re-capping of high-risk plaques.


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Biofilm formation on reverse osmosis (RO) systems represents a drawback in the application of this technology by different industries, including oil refineries. In RO systems the feed water maybe a source of microbial contamination and thus contributes for the formation of biofilm and consequent biofouling. In this study the planktonic culturable bacterial community was characterized from a feed water of a RO system and their capacities were evaluated to form biofilm in vitro. Bacterial motility and biofilm control were also analysed using phages. As results, diverse Protobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes were identified. Alphaproteobacteria was the predominant group and Brevundimonas, Pseudomonas and Mycobacterium the most abundant genera. Among the 30 isolates, 11 showed at least one type of motility and 11 were classified as good biofilm formers. Additionally, the influence of non-specific bacteriophage in the bacterial biofilms formed in vitro was investigated by action of phages enzymes or phage infection. The vB_AspP-UFV1 (Podoviridae) interfered in biofilm formation of most tested bacteria and may represent a good alternative in biofilm control. These findings provide important information about the bacterial community from the feed water of a RO system that may be used for the development of strategies for biofilm prevention and control in such systems.


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A 46-year-old woman complained of blurred and distorted vision in both eyes. Ophthalmic examination showed that visual acuity was 20/200 for the right eye and counting fingers left eye. Fundoscopy revealed perimacular hemorrhages, aneurismal dilatation of the vessels in the posterior pole, and a white and elevated lesion adjacent to vascular changes. We report a case of idiopathic macular telangiectasia and epiretinal membrane that occurs concomitantly. To our knowledge, this is the first report that describes an association between idiopathic macular telangiectasia and epiretinal membrane formation.


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G-quadruplexes are secondary structures present in DNA and RNA molecules, which are formed by stacking of G-quartets (i.e., interaction of four guanines (G-tracts) bounded by Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding). Human PAX9 intron 1 has a putative G-quadruplex-forming region located near exon 1, which is present in all known sequenced placental mammals. Using circular dichroism (CD) analysis and CD melting, we showed that these sequences are able to form highly stable quadruplex structures. Due to the proximity of the quadruplex structure to exon-intron boundary, we used a validated double-reporter splicing assay and qPCR to analyze its role on splicing efficiency. The human quadruplex was shown to have a key role on splicing efficiency of PAX9 intron 1, as a mutation that abolished quadruplex formation decreased dramatically the splicing efficiency of human PAX9 intron 1. The less stable, rat quadruplex had a less efficient splicing when compared to human sequences. Additionally, the treatment with 360A, a strong ligand that stabilizes quadruplex structures, further increased splicing efficiency of human PAX9 intron 1. Altogether, these results provide evidences that G-quadruplex structures are involved in splicing efficiency of PAX9 intron 1.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a flavor-containing dentifrice on the formation of volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) in morning bad breath. A two-step, blinded, crossover, randomized study was carried out in 50 dental students with a healthy periodontium divided into two experimental groups: flavor-containing dentifrice (test) and non-flavor-containing dentifrice (control). The volunteers received the designated dentifrice and a new toothbrush for a 3 X/day brushing regimen for 2 periods of 30 days. A seven-day washout interval was used between the periods. The assessed parameters were: plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), organoleptic breath scores (ORG), VSC levels (as measured by a portable sulphide monitor) before (H1) and after (H2) cleaning of the tongue, tongue coating (TC) wet weight and BANA test from TC samples. The intra-group analysis showed a decrease in ORG, from 3 to 2, after 30 days for the test group (p < 0.05). The inter-group analysis showed lower values in ORG, H1 and H2 for the test group (p < 0.05). There was no difference between the amount of TC between groups and the presence of flavor also did not interfere in the BANA results between groups (p > 0.05). These findings suggest that a flavor-containing dentifrice seems to prevent VSCs formation in morning bad breath regardless of the amount of TC in periodontally healthy subjects.