369 resultados para NCX-1000


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[EN] This article consists of a study (provenance, date of the manuscript, sources of the glossary, etc.) and an edition of the fragment of an epitome of the «Liber Glossarum» which is contained in a ms. about the year 1000 A.D. From the "Spanish symptoms" which one can track in the present copy, the ms. El Escorial L.I.15, from the 16th-17th century, the author infers that his model, now perished, was written in Spain and in wisigothic script about the year 1000. On the other side, on the basis of the copy the author reconstructs the primitive glossary text of the 10th-11th century model in a critical edition accompanied by a critical apparat and sources.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Each summer between 1976 and 1984 research was conducted on the Quelccaya Ice Cap with one central objective, to recover an ice core to bedrock from which an approximate 1000 year climatic history for tropical South America could be reconstructed. In 1983 that central objective was accomplished by recovering one core 155 meters in length containing 1350 years and a second core of 163.6 meters containing more than 1500 years of climatic history. ... The most significant climatic event in tropical South America over the last 1500 years was the "Little Ice Age" which is recorded between 1490 to 1880 A.D. in these ice core records. Records from the summit of the Quelccaya Ice Cap show that during the "Little Ice Age" period there was (1) a general increase in particulates (both insoluble and soluble, starting around 1490 A.D. and ending abruptly in 1880 A.D.; (2) an initial increase in net accumulation (1500-1720 A.D.) followed by a period of decreased net accumulation (1720-1860 A.D.); (3) more negative delta-O-18 values beginning in the 1520's and ending around 1880 A.D. The "Little Ice Age" event is evident as a perturbation in all five ice core parameters.


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A method for VVER-1000 fuel rearrangement optimization that takes into account both cladding durability and fuel burnup and which is suitable for any regime of normal reactor operation has been established. The main stages involved in solving the problem of fuel rearrangement optimization are discussed in detail. Using the proposed fuel rearrangement efficiency criterion, a simple example VVER-1000 fuel rearrangement optimization problem is solved under deterministic and uncertain conditions. It is shown that the deterministic and robust (in the face of uncertainty) solutions of the rearrangement optimization problem are similar in principle, but the robust solution is, as might be anticipated, more conservative. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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A series of NIR organic chromophores with donor-pi-acceptor-pi-donor structure are synthesized. Good thermal stability and strong photoluminescence in solid state render them suitable for application in light-emitting diodes. Exclusive near-infrared emission at 1080 nm with external quantum efficiency of 0.28% is obtained from the nondoped OLEDs. The longest electroluminescence wave-length is 1220 nm.


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本文阐述了在小型计算机上建立的 GPSS-F/1000通用仿真软件包。该软件包不仅具有原 GPSS-F仿真软件的全部功能,并且使公用数组、系统参数的适配全部活化,通过子程序的形式参量传送赋给,从而,仿真时不必修改子程序的源程序。此外,增加了统计参数估计子程序集和图形绘制子程序集。


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大兴安岭摩天岭泥炭藓泥炭纤维素的δ13C 时间序列揭示了近1000 a 来该区气候的演变过程。区内1000 a 的气候经历了950700 a BP、700300 a BP 及300 a BP 以来三个阶段百年尺度的干湿波动,这些波动上又叠加了一系列数十年尺度的气候变化。该序列指示了大兴安岭地区近代气候向着偏干方向发展。


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Sims-Williams, Patrick, Studies on Celtic Languages before the Year 1000 (Aberystwyth, CMCS Publications, 2007) RAE2008


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The aim of this research was to make the first depth profiles of the microbial assimilation of methanol carbon and its oxidation to carbon dioxide and use as an energy source from the microlayer to 1000 m. Some of the highest reported methanol oxidation rate constants of 0.5–0.6 d−1 were occasionally found in the microlayer and immediately underlying waters (10 cm depth), albeit these samples also showed the greatest heterogeneity compared to other depths down to 1000 m. Methanol uptake into the particulate phase was exceptionally low in microlayer samples, suggesting that any methanol utilised by microbes in this environment is for energy generation. The sea surface microlayer and 10 cm depth also showed a higher proportion of bacteria with a low DNA content, and bacterial leucine uptake rates in surface microlayer samples were either less than or the same as those in the underlying 10 cm layer. The average methanol oxidation and particulate rates were however statistically the same throughout the depths sampled, although the latter were highly variable in the near-surface 0.25–2 m compared to deeper depths. The statistically significant relationship demonstrated between uptake of methanol into particles and bacterial leucine incorporation suggests that many heterotrophic bacteria could be using methanol carbon for cellular growth. On average, methanol bacterial growth efficiency (BGEm) in the top 25 m of the water column is 6% and decreases with depth. Although, for microlayer and 10 cm-depth samples, BGEm is less than the near-surface 25–217 cm, possibly reflecting increased environmental UV stress resulting in increased maintenance costs, i.e. energy required for survival. We conclude that microbial methanol uptake rates, i.e. loss from seawater, are highly variable, particularly close to the seawater surface, which could significantly impact upon seawater concentrations and hence the air–sea flux.