28 resultados para NCX


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FUNDAMENTO: A Contração Pós-Repouso (CPR) do músculo cardíaco fornece informações indiretas sobre a manipulação de cálcio intracelular. OBJETIVO: Nosso objetivo foi estudar o comportamento da CPR e seus mecanismos subjacentes em camundongos com infarto do miocárdio. MÉTODOS: Seis semanas após a oclusão coronariana, a contratilidade dos Músculos Papilares (MP) obtidos a partir de camundongos submetidos à cirurgia sham (C, n = 17), com infarto moderado (MMI, n = 10) e grande infarto (LMI, n = 14), foi avaliada após intervalos de repouso de 10 a 60 segundos antes e depois da incubação com cloreto de lítio (Li+) em substituição ao cloreto de sódio ou rianodina (Ry). A expressão proteica de SR Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA2), trocador Na+/Ca2+ (NCX), fosfolambam (PLB) e fosfo-Ser (16)-PLB foi analisada por Western blotting. RESULTADOS: Os camundongos MMI apresentaram potenciação de CPR reduzida em comparação aos camundongos C. Em oposição à potenciação normal para camundongos C, foram observadas degradações de força pós-repouso nos músculos de camundongos LMI. Além disso, a Ry bloqueou a degradação ou potenciação de PRC observada em camundongos LMI e C; o Li+ inibiu o NCX e converteu a degradação em potenciação de CPR em camundongos LMI. Embora os camundongos MMI e LMI tenham apresentado diminuição no SERCA2 (72 ± 7% e 47 ± 9% de camundongos controle, respectivamente) e expressão protéica de fosfo-Ser16-PLB (75 ± 5% e 46 ± 11%, respectivamente), a superexpressão do NCX (175 ± 20%) só foi observada nos músculos de camundongos LMI. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados mostraram, pela primeira vez, que a remodelação miocárdica pós-IAM em camundongos pode mudar a potenciação regular para degradação pós-repouso, afetando as proteínas de manipulação de Ca(2+) em miócitos.


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Calcium (Ca2+) ist ein ubiquitär vorkommendes Signalmolekül, das an der Regulation zahlreicher zellulärer Prozesse, von der Proliferation bis zum programmierten Zelltod, beteiligt ist. Daher müssen die intrazellulären Ca2+-Spiegel streng kontrolliert werden. Veränderungen der Ca2+-Homöostase während der altersassoziierten Neurodegeneration können dazu beitragen, dass Neuronen vulnerabler sind. So wurden erhöhte Ca2+-Konzentrationen in gealterten Neuronen, begleitet von einer erhöhten Vulnerabilität, beobachtet (Hajieva et al., 2009a). Weiterhin wird angenommen, dass der selektive Untergang von dopaminergen Neuronen bei der Parkinson Erkrankung auf eine erhöhte Ca2+-Last zurückzuführen sein könnte, da diese Neuronen einem ständigen Ca2+-Influx,rnaufgrund einer besonderen Isoform (CaV 1.3) spannungsgesteuerter Ca2+-Kanäle des L-Typs, ausgesetzt sind (Chan et al., 2007). Bislang wurden die molekularen Mechanismen, die einem Ca2+-Anstieg zu Grunde liegen und dessen Auswirkung jedoch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt und daher in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht. Um Veränderungen der Ca2+-Homöostase während der altersassoziiertenrnNeurodegeneration zu analysieren wurden primäre Mittelhirnzellen aus Rattenembryonen und SH-SY5Y-Neuroblastomazellen mit dem Neurotoxin 1-Methyl-4-Phenyl-Pyridin (MPP+), das bei der Etablierung von Modellen der Parkinson-Erkrankung breite Anwendung findet, behandelt. Veränderungen der intrazellulären Ca2+-Konzentration wurden mit einem auf dem grün fluoreszierenden Protein (GFP)-basierten Ca2+-Indikator,rn„Cameleon cpYC 3.6“ (Nagai et al., 2004), ermittelt. Dabei wurde in dieser Arbeit gezeigt, dass MPP+ die Abregulation der neuronenspezifischen ATP-abhängigen Ca2+-Pumpe der Plasmamembran (PMCA2) induziert, die mit der Ca2+-ATPase des endoplasmatischen Retikulums (SERCA) und dem Na+/Ca2+-Austauscher (NCX) das zelluläre Ca2+-Effluxsystem bildet, was zu einer erhöhten zytosolischen Ca2+-Konzentration führt. Die PMCA2-Abnahme wurde sowohl auf Transkriptionsebene als auch auf Proteinebene demonstriert, während keine signifikanten Veränderungen der SERCA- und NCX-Proteinmengen festgestellt wurden. Als Ursache der Reduktion der PMCA2-Expression wurde eine Abnahme des Transkriptionsfaktors Phospho-CREB ermittelt, dessen Phosphorylierungsstatus abhängig von der Proteinkinase A (PKA) war. Dieser Mechanismus wurde einerseits unter MPP+-Einfluss und andererseits vermittelt durch endogene molekulare Modulatoren gezeigt. Interessanterweise konnten die durch MPP+ induzierte PMCA2-Abregulation und der zytosolische Ca2+-Anstieg durch die Aktivierung der PKA verhindert werden. Parallel dazu wurde eine MPP+-abhängige verringerte mitochondriale Ca2+-Konzentration nachgewiesen, welche mit einer Abnahme des mitochondrialen Membranpotentials korrelierte. Darüber hinaus kam es als Folge der PMCA2-Abnahme zu einem verminderten neuronalen Überleben.rnVeränderungen der Ca2+-Homöostase wurden auch während der normalen Alterung inrnprimären Fibroblasten und bei Mäusen nachgewiesen. Dabei wurden verringerte PMCA und SERCA-Proteinmengen in gealterten Fibroblasten, einhergehend mit einem Anstieg der zytosolischen Ca2+-Konzentration demonstriert. Weiterhin wurden verringerte PMCA2-Proteinmengen im Mittelhirn von gealterten Mäusen (C57B/6) detektiert.rnDer zelluläre Ca2+-Efflux ist somit sowohl im Zuge der physiologischen Alterung als auch in einem altersbezogenen Krankheitsmodell beeinträchtigt, was das neuronale Überleben beeinflussen kann. In zukünftige Studien soll aufgeklärt werden, welche Auswirkungen einer PMCA2-Reduktion genau zu dem Verlust von Neuronen führen bzw. ob durch eine PMCA2-Überexpression neurodegenerative Prozesse verhindert werden können.


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Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchangers (NCX) constitute a major Ca(2+) export system that facilitates the re-establishment of cytosolic Ca(2+) levels in many tissues. Ca(2+) interactions at its Ca(2+) binding domains (CBD1 and CBD2) are essential for the allosteric regulation of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange activity. The structure of the Ca(2+)-bound form of CBD1, the primary Ca(2+) sensor from canine NCX1, but not the Ca(2+)-free form, has been reported, although the molecular mechanism of Ca(2+) regulation remains unclear. Here, we report crystal structures for three distinct Ca(2+) binding states of CBD1 from CALX, a Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger found in Drosophila sensory neurons. The fully Ca(2+)-bound CALX-CBD1 structure shows that four Ca(2+) atoms bind at identical Ca(2+) binding sites as those found in NCX1 and that the partial Ca(2+) occupancy and apoform structures exhibit progressive conformational transitions, indicating incremental regulation of CALX exchange by successive Ca(2+) binding at CBD1. The structures also predict that the primary Ca(2+) pair plays the main role in triggering functional conformational changes. Confirming this prediction, mutagenesis of Glu(455), which coordinates the primary Ca(2+) pair, produces dramatic reductions of the regulatory Ca(2+) affinity for exchange current, whereas mutagenesis of Glu(520), which coordinates the secondary Ca(2+) pair, has much smaller effects. Furthermore, our structures indicate that Ca(2+) binding only enhances the stability of the Ca(2+) binding site of CBD1 near the hinge region while the overall structure of CBD1 remains largely unaffected, implying that the Ca(2+) regulatory function of CBD1, and possibly that for the entire NCX family, is mediated through domain interactions between CBD1 and the adjacent CBD2 at this hinge.


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OSW-1 is a natural compound found in the bulbs of Orninithogalum saudersiae, a member of the lily family. This compound exhibits potent antitumor activity in vitro with the IC50 values in the low nanomolar concentration range and demonstrating its ability to kill drug resistant cancer cells. In an effort to discover the unknown mechanism of action of this novel compound as a potential anticancer agent, the main objective of this research project was to test the cytotoxicity of OSW-1 against various cancer lines, and to elucidate the biochemical and molecular mechanism(s) responsible for the anticancer activity of OSW-1. My initial investigation revealed that OSW-1 is effective in killing various cancer cells including pancreatic cancer cells and primary leukemia cells resistant to standard chemotherapeutic agents, and that non-malignant cells were less sensitive to this compound. Further studies revealed that in leukemia cells, OSW-1 causes a significant increase in cytosolic calcium and activates rapid calcium-dependent apoptosis by the intrinsic pathway. Additionally, OSW-1 treatment leads to the degradation of the ER chaperone GRP78/BiP implicated in the survival of cancer cells. Meanwhile, it shows a reduced sensitivity in respiration-deficient sub-clones of leukemia cells which had higher basal levels of Ca2+. Mechanistically, it was further demonstrated that cytosolic Ca2+ elevations were observed together with Na+ decreases in the cytosol, suggesting OSW-1 caused the calcium overload through inhibition of the Na+/Ca 2+exchanger (NCX). Although similar calcium disturbances were observed in pancreatic cancer cells, mechanistic studies revealed that autophagy served as an initial pro-survival mechanism subsequent to OSW-1 treatment but extended autophagy caused inevitable cell death. Furthermore, combination of OSW-1 with autophagy inhibitors significantly enhances the cytotoxicity against pancreatic cancer cells. Taken together, this study revealed the novel mechanism of OSW-1 which is through inhibition of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and provides a basis for using this compound in combination with other agents for the treatment of pancreatic cancer which is resistant to available anticancer drugs. ^


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Caspases are key mediators in liver inflammation and apoptosis. In the present study we provide evidence that a nitric oxide (NO) derivative of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), NCX-1000 ([2-(acetyloxy)benzoic acid 3-(nitrooxymethyl)phenyl ester]), protects against liver damage in murine models of autoimmune hepatitis induced by i.v. injection of Con A or a Fas agonistic antibody, Jo2. Con A administration causes CD4+ T lymphocytes to accumulate in the liver and up-regulates FasL expression, resulting in FasL-mediated cytotoxicity. Cotreating mice with NCX-1000, but not with UDCA, protected against liver damage induced by Con A and Jo2, inhibited IL-1β, IL-18, and IFN-γ release and caspase 3, 8, and 9 activation. Studies on HepG2 cells demonstrated that NCX-1000, but not UDCA, directly prevented multiple caspase activation induced by Jo2. Incubating HepG2 cells with NCX-1000 resulted in intracellular NO formation and a DTT-reversible inhibition of proapoptotic caspases, suggesting that cysteine S-nitrosylation was the main mechanism responsible for caspase inhibition. Collectively, these data suggest that NCX-1000 protects against T helper 1-mediated liver injury by inhibiting both the proapoptotic and the proinflammatory branches of the caspase superfamily.


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Restenosis is due to neointimal hyperplasia, which occurs in the coronary artery after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). During restenosis, an impairment of nitric oxide (NO)-dependent pathways may occur. Concomitant hypercholesterolemia may exacerbate restenosis in patients undergoing PTCA. Here, we show that a NO-releasing aspirin derivative (NCX-4016) reduces the degree of restenosis after balloon angioplasty in low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice and this effect is associated with reduced vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and macrophage deposition at the site of injury. Drugs were administered following both therapeutic or preventive protocols. We demonstrate that NCX-4016 is effective both in prevention and treatment of restenosis in the presence of hypercholesterolemia. These data indicate that impairment of NO-dependent mechanisms may be involved in the development of restenosis in hypercholesterolemic mice. Although experimental models of restenosis may not reflect restenosis in humans in all details, we suggest that a NO-releasing aspirin derivative could be an effective drug in reducing restenosis following PTCA, especially in the presence of hypercholesterolemia and/or gastrointestinal damage.


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The objective of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms by which nitric oxide (NO) inhibits rat aortic smooth muscle cell (RASMC) proliferation. Two products of the arginine-NO pathway interfere with cell growth by distinct mechanisms. NG-hydroxyarginine and NO appear to interfere with cell proliferation by inhibiting arginase and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), respectively. S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine, (Z)-1-[N-(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-aminoethyl)-amino]-diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate, and a nitroaspirin derivative (NCX 4016), each of which is a NO donor agent, inhibited RASMC growth at concentrations of 1–3 μM by cGMP-independent mechanisms. The cytostatic action of the NO donor agents as well as α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), a known ODC inhibitor, was prevented by addition of putrescine but not ornithine. These observations suggested that NO, like DFMO, may directly inhibit ODC. Experiments with purified, recombinant mammalian ODC revealed that NO inhibits ODC possibly by S-nitrosylation of the active site cysteine in ODC. DFMO, as well as the NO donor agents, interfered with cellular polyamine (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) production. Conversely, increasing the expression and catalytic activity of arginase I in RASMC either by transfection of cells with the arginase I gene or by induction of arginase I mRNA with IL-4 resulted in increased urea and polyamine production as well as cell proliferation. Finally, coculture of rat aortic endothelial cells, which had been pretreated with lipopolysaccharide plus a cytokine mixture to induce NO synthase and promote NO production, caused NO-dependent inhibition of target RASMC proliferation. This study confirms the inhibitory role of the arginine-NO pathway in vascular smooth muscle proliferation and indicates that one mechanism of action of NO is cGMP-independent and attributed to its capacity to inhibit ODC.


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Federal Highway Administration, Structures and Applied Mechanics Division, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Structures and Applied Mechanics Division, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Structures and Applied Mechanics Division, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Transit Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.


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HOCl-modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) has proinflammatory effects, including induction of inflammatory cytokine production, leukocyte adhesion, and ROS generation, but the components responsible for these effects are not completely understood. HOCl and the myeloperoxidase-H2O2-halide system can modify both protein and lipid moieties of LDL and react with unsaturated phospholipids to form chlorohydrins. We investigated the proinflammatory effects of 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-3-glycerophosphocholine (SOPC) chlorohydrin on artery segments and spleen-derived leukocytes from ApoE-/- and C57 Bl/6 mice. Treatment of ApoE-/- artery segments with SOPC chlorohydrin, but not unmodified SOPC, caused increased leukocyte-arterial adhesion in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. This could be prevented by pretreatment of the artery with P-selectin or ICAM-1-blocking antibodies, but not anti-VCAM-1 antibody, and immunohistochemistry showed that P-selectin expression was upregulated. However, chlorohydrin treatment of leukocytes did not increase expression of adhesion molecules LFA-1 or PSGL-1, but caused increased release of ROS from PMA-stimulated leukocytes by a CD36-dependent mechanism. The SOPC chlorohydrin-induced adhesion and ROS generation could be abrogated by pretreatment of the ApoE-/- mice with pravastatin or a nitrated derivative, NCX 6550. These findings suggest that phospholipid chlorohydrins formed in HOCl-treated LDL could contribute to the proinflammatory effects observed for this modified lipoprotein in vitro.