966 resultados para NAME
FUNDAMENTO: A hipertensão arterial é uma síndrome multifatorial, crônica, causada tanto por fatores congênitos ou adquiridos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do treinamento físico resistido (TR) sobre pressão arterial, reatividade e morfologia vascular de ratos hipertensos induzidos por L-NAME. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar machos (200-250 g) foram divididos em 3 grupos: normotenso sedentário (NS), hipertenso sedentário (HS) e hipertenso treinado (HT). A hipertensão foi induzida pela administração de L-NAME (40 mg/kg) na água de beber por 4 semanas. A pressão arterial foi avaliada antes e após o TR. O TR foi realizado utilizando 50% de 1RM, em 3 séries de 10 repetições, 3 vezes por semana, durante quatro semanas. A reatividade vascular foi mensurada em artéria mesentérica superior por curvas concentração resposta ao nitroprussiato de sódio (NPS) e fenilefrina (FEN). Além disso, foram realizadas análises histológicas e estereológicas. RESULTADOS: O TR inibiu o aumento das pressões arteriais média e diastólica. Foi observada uma redução significativa na resposta máxima e na potência da FEN entre os grupos HS e HT. A análise histológica evidenciou aspecto normal para as túnicas íntima, média e adventícia em todos os grupos. Não houve diferença significativa nas áreas do lúmen, da túnica média e total das artérias dos grupos HS e HT em relação ao NS. A razão parede/lúmen arterial do grupo HS apresentou diferença significativa em relação ao NS (p < 0,05), mas esta não foi diferente do HT. CONCLUSÕES: O TR foi capaz de prevenir a elevação da pressão arterial sob as condições deste estudo. Este controle parece envolver a regulação de mecanismo vasoconstritor e a manutenção do diâmetro luminal de ratos hipertensos induzidos por L-NAME.
Recently, some scholars have highlighted a paradoxical phenomenon existing in democratic systems:Those people who show the greatest support for democracy are also those most willing to protestagainst the authority and to question it. However, if we consider the tasks of contemporary democraticcitizenship in a social-psychological perspective, this apparent paradox becomes understandable.Obedience to authority may ensure the continuity of social and group life, but disobedience may becrucial in stopping the authority relationship from degenerating into an authoritarian one. FollowingKelman and Hamilton's analysis of legitimacy dynamics, we consider how actions of disobediencemay serve the defence of democracy. In particular, by considering the different ways in which peoplerelate to the political system, the relevance of so-called value-oriented citizens in supportingdemocracy will be considered.
Recent years have seen so-called natural killer T (NKT) cells emerge as important regulators of the immune response. The existence of NKT-cell subsets, and other types of T cell that resemble NKT cells, is an ongoing source of confusion in the literature. This perspective article seeks to clarify which cells fall under the NKT-cell umbrella, and which might be best considered as separate.
Himatanthus articulatus (Vahl) Woodson is a tree found in the northern Amazon savannahs (common name: sucuba) that is used in local Amerindian medicine. Leaf, bark and branch wood methanol extracts, sequentially obtained hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts and latex were evaluated for antifungal and antibacterial activities against American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and local clinical strains using the disc diffusion method. Methanol extracts and latex inhibited Candida albicans, leaf methanol extracts inhibited Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis and bark methanol extracts inhibited B. subtilis. Active extracts inhibited the ATCC and clinical strains. Polar antifungal and antibacterial principles in latex and extracts are thought to be responsible for the inhibition.
The name "Cométites" Blanchard, 1845 (= Cometinae) is considered nomen oblitum, and "Distenitae" Thomson, 1861 (=Disteniinae), nomen protectum, under the provisions of the Article 23.9 of the ICZN. Disteniinae is hereafter used as a valid family-group name.
A new replacement name for Brethesia Maia (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae). Brethesiamyia nom. nov. is proposed for Brethesia Maia, 2009 (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) preocc. Brethesia Schrottky, 1909 (Hymenoptera).
A new name for the Neotropical genus Aniarella Enderlein (Diptera, Sciaridae). A junior homonym was detected among neotropical sciarid flies genera and the following replacement name is proposed: Novaniarella nom. nov. for Aniarella Enderlein, 1911 (nec Bolivar, 1906). Accordingly, new combinations are herein proposed for the species currently included in this genus: Novaniarella azteca (Lane, 1959) comb. nov., Novaniarella brevis (Rubsaamen, 1894) comb. nov. and Novaniarella pelluscens (Enderlein, 1911) comb. nov.
A replacement name for Hualpenia Mundaca, Parra & Vargas (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae). Vihualpenia nom. nov. is proposed as a replacement name for Hualpenia Mundaca, Parra & Vargas, 2013 (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae), in order to remove homonymy with Hualpenia Franz, 1996 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae).
PURPOSE: To investigate the involvement of the cornea during endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU) in the rat and the effect of Ngamma-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) as nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor, administered by iontophoresis. METHODS: EIU was induced in Lewis rats that were killed at 8 and 16 hours after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection. The severity of uveitis was evaluated clinically at 16 hours, and nitrite levels were evaluated in the aqueous humor at 8 hours. Corneal thickness was measured, 16 hours after LPS injection, on histologic sections using an image analyzer. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used for fine analysis of the cornea. Transcorneoscleral iontophoresis of L-NAME (100 mM) was performed either at LPS injection or at 1 and 2 hours after LPS injection. RESULTS: At 16 hours after LPS injection, mean corneal thickness was 153.7+/-5.58 microm in the group of rats injected with LPS (n=8) compared with 126.89+/-11.11 microm in the saline-injected rats (n=8) (P < 0.01). TEM showed stromal edema and signs of damage in the endothelial and epithelial layers. In the group of rats treated by three successive iontophoreses of L-NAME (n=8), corneal thickness was 125.24+/-10.36 microm compared with 146.76+/-7.52 microm in the group of rats treated with iontophoresis of saline (n=8), (P=0.015). TEM observation showed a reduction of stromal edema and a normal endothelium. Nitrite levels in the aqueous humor were significantly reduced at 8 hours by L-NAME treatment (P=0.03). No effect on corneal edema was observed after a single iontophoresis of L-NAME at LPS injection (P=0.19). Iontophoresis of saline by itself induced no change in corneal thickness nor in TEM structure analysis compared with normal rats. CONCLUSIONS: Corneal edema is observed during EIU. This edema is significantly reduced by three successive iontophoreses of L-NAME, which partially inhibited the inflammation. A role of nitric oxide in the corneal endothelium functions may explain the antiedematous effect of L-NAME.