881 resultados para N-based linear spacers
To describe the collective behavior of large ensembles of neurons in neuronal network, a kinetic theory description was developed in [13, 12], where a macroscopic representation of the network dynamics was directly derived from the microscopic dynamics of individual neurons, which are modeled by conductance-based, linear, integrate-and-fire point neurons. A diffusion approximation then led to a nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation for the probability density function of neuronal membrane potentials and synaptic conductances. In this work, we propose a deterministic numerical scheme for a Fokker-Planck model of an excitatory-only network. Our numerical solver allows us to obtain the time evolution of probability distribution functions, and thus, the evolution of all possible macroscopic quantities that are given by suitable moments of the probability density function. We show that this deterministic scheme is capable of capturing the bistability of stationary states observed in Monte Carlo simulations. Moreover, the transient behavior of the firing rates computed from the Fokker-Planck equation is analyzed in this bistable situation, where a bifurcation scenario, of asynchronous convergence towards stationary states, periodic synchronous solutions or damped oscillatory convergence towards stationary states, can be uncovered by increasing the strength of the excitatory coupling. Finally, the computation of moments of the probability distribution allows us to validate the applicability of a moment closure assumption used in [13] to further simplify the kinetic theory.
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden kreuzkonjugierte organische Verbindungen basierend auf Diazafluorenmethyliden- sowie Dipyridylmethyliden-Bausteinen synthetisiert, die zum einen photoredoxaktive Metallfragmente komplexieren können und zum anderen erweiterte π-konjugierte Pfade auf der Grundlage von Alkineinheiten ermöglichen. Das kreuzkonjugierte Motiv wurde über die Kupplung von Alkineinheiten an halogenierte Methyliden-Einheiten, den so genannten Dibromolefinen, zugänglich gemacht. Zur Synthese von Dibromolefinen wurden verschiedene Methoden untersucht. Literaturbekannte Methoden wie die Wittig-Reaktion und ihre Modifikationen sowie die Corey-Fuchs-Reaktion konnten für die Diazafluoreneinheit nicht erfolgreich angewendet werden. Bei einer mikrowellenunterstützten Reaktion konnte sowohl ausgehend von Diazafluoren-9-on als auch von Di-2-pyridylketon eine Dibromolefinierung (55 % und 65 %) erreicht werden. Die Eignung der Mikrowellenstrahlung für Dibromolefinierungsreaktionen nach Corey und Fuchs wurde weiterhin an verschiedenen Aldehyden und Ketonen untersucht. In den meisten Fällen konnten gute bis sehr gute Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Durch die erfolgreiche Synthese von Dibromolefinen über Mikrowellensynthese wurde die Realisierung von diversen π-konjugierten Systemen möglich. Dies erfolgte exemplarisch durch die Kupplung der Alkine 5-Ethinyl-2,2’-bipyridin, 1-(Ferrocenylethinyl)-4-(ethinyl)benzol, Tri(tolyl)propin sowie der TIPS- und TMS-Acetylene. Neben der Vielfalt an Möglichkeiten zur Funktionalisierung von Dipyridyl- und Diazafluorenbausteinen zeigte sich zudem, dass sogar räumlich anspruchsvolle Verbindungen wie die geminale angeordneten voluminösen Tri(tolyl)propinyl-Substituenten an der Doppelbindung erfolgreich synthetisiert werden können. Die Koordinationseigenschaften der neu synthetisierten Verbindungen konnten durch Umsetzungen der Diazafluoren- und Dipyridylverbindungen mit PdCl2 und [RuCl2(bpy)2] erfolgreich gezeigt werden. Im Hinblick auf die Herstellung von Funktionsmaterialien eignen sich die Endiin-Strukturmotive aufgrund von diversen Variationsmöglichkeiten wie Koordination von Übergangsmetallen sowie Funktionalisierung der Peripherie gut. Dadurch können die elektronischen Eigenschaften wie die Absorption oder elektrochemische Potentiale der Verbindungen modifiziert werden. Die UV/Vis-Spektren der neu synthetisierten Verbindungen zeigen, dass Absorptionen in längerwelligen Bereichen durch Verlängerung des Konjugationspfades gesteuert werden können. Zudem lassen sich weitere photophysikalische Eigenschaften wie MC-, LC-, LMCT- oder MLCT-Übergänge durch Koordination von Metallen generieren. Die elektrochemischen Potentiale der Dipyridyl- und Diazafluorenbausteine konnten durch Anbindung von verschiedenen Substituenten beeinflusst werden. Es zeigte sich, dass sich die Reduktionswellen im Vergleich zu denen der Ketone zu niedrigeren Potentialen verschieben, wenn Alkine an die Dipyridylmethyliden- und Diazafluorenmethyliden-Bausteine geknüpft wurden. Zudem konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Signale nicht immer reversibel sind. Insbesondere die Dipyridylverbindungen zeichneten sich durch irreversible Reduktionswellen aus. Die Realisierung von π-konjugierten Systemen gelang auch mit cyclischen kohlenstoffbasierten Verbindungen. Über das separat synthetisierte 2,2’-Diethinyltolan konnte eine cyclische Verbindung, ein dehydroannulen-radialenisches System, erfolgreich hergestellt werden. Die Koordination von redoxaktiven Metallzentren wie [Ru(bpy)2] konnte für diese Verbindung ebenfalls erfolgreich gezeigt werden. Die elektronische Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Metallzentrum und dem dehydroannulenischen System könnte sowohl über theoretische Methoden (zeitabhängige Dichtefunktionaltheorie) als auch experimentell wie z. B. über transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie untersucht werden. Diese zukünftig durchzuführenden Untersuchungen können Aufschluss über die Ladungstransferraten und -dauer geben. Im Hinblick auf die Realisierung von Modellverbindungen für molekulare Drähte wurden lineare Systeme basierend auf der Diazafluoreneinheit synthetisiert. Zur Synthese von derartigen Systemen war es zunächst notwendig, die Dibromolefine unsymmetrisch zu alkinylieren. Die unsymmetrische Substitution gestaltete sich als Herausforderung, da eine Einfachkupplung mit einem Acetylen nicht möglich war. In den meisten Fällen wurden zweifach substituierte Spezies mit den identischen Alkinen erhalten. Die besten Ausbeuten konnten durch die konsekutive Zugabe von TIPS-Acetylen und darauffolgend TMS-Acetylen in die Reaktionsmischung erhalten werden. Offenbar spielt der räumliche Anspruch des Erstsubstituenten in diesem Zusammenhang eine Rolle. Die selektive Entschützung der unterschiedlich silylierten Verbindungen erfolgte mit K2CO3 in MeOH/THF (1:1). Die oxidative Homokupplungsreaktion erfolgte ohne Isolierung der entschützten Spezies, da diese instabil ist und zur Polymerisation neigt. Aufgrund der Instabilität der entschützten Spezies sowie möglichen Nebenreaktionen waren die Ausbeuten sowohl bei der TIPS-geschützten Verbindung als auch bei der TTP-geschützten Verbindung gering. Versuche, lineare Systeme von dipyridylbasierten Verbindungen zu erhalten, schlugen fehl. Die π-konjugierten Systeme lassen aufgrund der effektiven Überlappung der beteiligten π-Orbitale hohe Ladungsträgermobilitäten vermuten. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit synthetisierten Verbindungen könnten mit Schwefelverbindungen die Anbindung an Elektroden zulassen, worüber die Leitfähigkeiten der Verbindungen gemessen werden könnten.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The impact of tannery sludge application on soil microbial community and diversity is poorly understood. We studied the microbial community in an agricultural soil following two applications (2006 and 2007) of tannery sludge with annual application rates of 0.0,2.3 and 22.6 Mg ha(-1). The soil was sampled 12 and 271 days after the second (2007) application. Community structure was assessed via a phospholipid fatty acid analysis, and the physiological profile of the soil microbial community via the Biolog method. Tannery sludge application changed soil chemical properties, increasing the soil pH and electrical conductivity as well as available P and mineral N concentrations. The higher sludge application rate changed the community structure and the physiological profile of the microbial community at both sampling dates. However, there is no clear link between community structure and carbon substrate utilization. According to the Distance Based Linear Models Analysis, the fatty acids 16:0 and 117:0 together contributed 84% to the observed PLFA patterns, whereas the chemical properties available P, mineral N, and Ca, and pH together contributed 54%. At 12 days, tannery sludge application increased the average well color development from 0.46 to 0.87 after 48 h, and reduced the time elapsed before reaching the midpoint carbon substrate utilization (s) from 71 to 44 h, an effect still apparent nine months after application of the higher sludge application rate. The dominant signature fatty acids and kinetic parameters (r and s) were correlated to the concentrations of available P. Ca, mineral N, pH and EC. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Le variabili ambientali e lo sfruttamento della pesca sono dei possibili fattori nel determinare la struttura della comunità demersale. L’area di studio è il Golfo di Antalya, con un area aperta ed una chiusa ad ogni attività di pesca, il periodo di studio ha coperto tre stagioni (primavera, estate, autunno). Lo scopo è quello di delineare un quadro generale sulla distribuzione spaziale e temporale delle risorse alieutiche demersali in quest’area. In questo lavoro di tesi la PCA è stata usata al fine di determinare le variabili ambientali (ossigeno, salinità, temperatura, pH, materia sospesa) che determinano maggiormente la differenza tra le stazioni, tecniche di analisi multivariata hanno invece indagato una possibile variazione su scala spaziale e temporale dei parametri abiotici. La Cluster Analysis effettuata sui dati di abbondanza ha delineato quattro raggruppamenti principali, due ad una profondità minore di 100 m e due ad una profondità maggiore (40% di similarità). Questi risultati sono confermati dall’analisi MDS. L’analisi SIMPER ha messo in evidenza le specie che maggiormente incidono sulla differenza tra strati di profondità. Gli indici di biodiversità sono stati calcolati per indagare la diversità e la variabilità temporale e spaziale della comunità demersale. Due procedure la BIO-ENV e la DistLM (Distance-based linear models) sono state effettuate per individuare le variabili abiotiche che potrebbero essere responsabili dei diversi raggruppamenti nella struttura del popolamento demersale. Le specie commerciali: Mullus barbatus, Upeneus moluccensis, Upeneus pori sono state prese come oggetto per la ricerca di possibili effetti della pesca a livello di popolazione. Per i dati di abbondanza e di biomassa di queste specie è stata eseguita l’analisi multivariata MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance) al fine di trovare eventuali variazioni dovute ai fattori profondità, stagione e transetto. Per ogni specie è stata valutata la sex ratio. Il metodo Bhattacharya ha permesso di determinare le classi di età e la loro abbondanza. In ultimo la relazione peso-lunghezza è stata ricavata separatamente per gli individui maschi e femmine al fine di determinare il tipo di crescita per ogni sesso.
An efficient approach is presented to improve the local and global approximation and modelling capability of Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model. The main aim is obtaining high function approximation accuracy. The main problem is that T-S identification method cannot be applied when the membership functions are overlapped by pairs. This restricts the use of the T-S method because this type of membership function has been widely used during the last two decades in the stability, controller design and are popular in industrial control applications. The approach developed here can be considered as a generalized version of T-S method with optimized performance in approximating nonlinear functions. A simple approach with few computational effort, based on the well known parameters' weighting method is suggested for tuning T-S parameters to improve the choice of the performance index and minimize it. A global fuzzy controller (FC) based Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) is proposed in order to show the effectiveness of the estimation method developed here in control applications. Illustrative examples of an inverted pendulum and Van der Pol system are chosen to evaluate the robustness and remarkable performance of the proposed method and the high accuracy obtained in approximating nonlinear and unstable systems locally and globally in comparison with the original T-S model. Simulation results indicate the potential, simplicity and generality of the algorithm.
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists improve islet function and delay gastric emptying in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). This meta-analysis aimed to investigate the effects of the once-daily prandial GLP-1 receptor agonist lixisenatide on postprandial plasma glucose (PPG), glucagon and insulin levels. Methods: Six randomized, placebo-controlled studies of lixisenatide 20μg once daily were included in this analysis: lixisenatide as monotherapy (GetGoal-Mono), as add-on to oral antidiabetic drugs (OADs; GetGoal-M, GetGoal-S) or in combination with basal insulin (GetGoal-L, GetGoal-Duo-1 and GetGoal-L-Asia). Change in 2-h PPG and glucose excursion were evaluated across six studies. Change in 2-h glucagon and postprandial insulin were evaluated across two studies. A meta-analysis was performed on least square (LS) mean estimates obtained from analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)-based linear regression. Results: Lixisenatide significantly reduced 2-h PPG from baseline (LS mean difference vs. placebo: -4.9mmol/l, p<0.001) and glucose excursion (LS mean difference vs. placebo: -4.5mmol/l, p<0.001). As measured in two studies, lixisenatide also reduced postprandial glucagon (LS mean difference vs. placebo: -19.0ng/l, p<0.001) and insulin (LS mean difference vs. placebo: -64.8 pmol/l, p<0.001). There was a stronger correlation between 2-h postprandial glucagon and 2-h PPG with lixisenatide than with placebo. Conclusions: Lixisenatide significantly reduced 2-h PPG and glucose excursion together with a marked reduction in postprandial glucagon and insulin; thus, lixisenatide appears to have biological effects on blood glucose that are independent of increased insulin secretion. These effects may be, in part, attributed to reduced glucagon secretion. © 2014 John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Analysis of risk measures associated with price series data movements and its predictions are of strategic importance in the financial markets as well as to policy makers in particular for short- and longterm planning for setting up economic growth targets. For example, oilprice risk-management focuses primarily on when and how an organization can best prevent the costly exposure to price risk. Value-at-Risk (VaR) is the commonly practised instrument to measure risk and is evaluated by analysing the negative/positive tail of the probability distributions of the returns (profit or loss). In modelling applications, least-squares estimation (LSE)-based linear regression models are often employed for modeling and analyzing correlated data. These linear models are optimal and perform relatively well under conditions such as errors following normal or approximately normal distributions, being free of large size outliers and satisfying the Gauss-Markov assumptions. However, often in practical situations, the LSE-based linear regression models fail to provide optimal results, for instance, in non-Gaussian situations especially when the errors follow distributions with fat tails and error terms possess a finite variance. This is the situation in case of risk analysis which involves analyzing tail distributions. Thus, applications of the LSE-based regression models may be questioned for appropriateness and may have limited applicability. We have carried out the risk analysis of Iranian crude oil price data based on the Lp-norm regression models and have noted that the LSE-based models do not always perform the best. We discuss results from the L1, L2 and L∞-norm based linear regression models. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): B.1.2, F.1.3, F.2.3, G.3, J.2.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26E25, 41A35, 41A36, 47H04, 54C65.
Thiosalt species are unstable, partially oxidized sulfur oxyanions formed in sulfur-rich environments but also during the flotation and milling of sulfidic minerals especially those containing pyrite (FeS₂) and pyrrhotite (Fe₍₁₋ₓ₎S, x = 0 to 0.2). Detecting and quantifying the major thiosalt species such as sulfate (SO₄²⁻), thiosulfate (S₂O₃²⁻), trithionate (S₃O₆²⁻), tetrathionate (S₄O₆²⁻) and higher polythionates (SₓO₆²⁻, where 3 ≤ x ≤ 10) in the milling process and in the treated tailings is important to understand how thiosalts are generated and provides insight into potential treatment. As these species are unstable, a fast and reliable analytical technique is required for their analysis. Three capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) methods using indirect UV-vis detection were developed for the simultaneous separation and determination of five thiosalt anions: SO₄²⁻, S₂O₃²⁻, S₃O₆²⁻, S₄O₆²⁻ and S₅O₆²⁻. Both univariate and multivariate experimental design approaches were used to optimize the most critical factors (background electrolyte (BGE) and instrumental conditions) to achieve fast separation and quantitative analysis of the thiosalt species. The mathematically predicted responses for the multivariate experiments were in good agreement with the experimental results. Limits of detection (LODs) (S/N = 3) for the methods were between 0.09 and 0.34 μg/mL without a sample stacking technique and nearly four-fold increase in LODs with the application of field-amplified sample stacking. As direct analysis of thiosalts by mass spectrometry (MS) is limited by their low m/z values and detection in negative mode electrospray ionization (ESI), which is typically less sensitive than positive ESI, imidazolium-based (IP-L-Imid and IP-T-Imid) and phosphonium-based (IP-T-Phos) tricationic ion-pairing reagents were used to form stable high mass ions non-covalent +1 ion-pairs with these species for ESI-MS analysis and the association constants (Kassoc) determined for these ion-pairs. Kassoc values were between 6.85 × 10² M⁻¹ and 3.56 × 10⁵ M⁻¹ with the linear IP-L-Imid; 1.89 ×10³ M⁻¹ and 1.05 × 10⁵ M⁻¹ with the trigonal IP-T-Imid ion-pairs; and 7.51×10² M⁻¹ and 4.91× 10⁴ M⁻¹ with the trigonal IP-T-Phos ion-pairs. The highest formation constants were obtained for S₃O₆²⁻ and the imidazolium-based linear ion-pairing reagent (IP-L-Imid), whereas the lowest were for IP-L-Imid: SO₄²⁻ ion-pair.
This study presents an alternative three-dimensional geometric non-linear frame formulation based on generalized unconstrained vector and positions to solve structures and mechanisms subjected to dynamic loading. The formulation is classified as total Lagrangian with exact kinematics description. The resulting element presents warping and non-constant transverse strain modes, which guarantees locking-free behavior for the adopted three-dimensional constitutive relation, Saint-Venant-Kirchhoff, for instance. The application of generalized vectors is an alternative to the use of finite rotations and rigid triad`s formulae. Spherical and revolute joints are considered and selected dynamic and static examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and generality of the proposed technique. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: This study of a chronic porcine postinfarction model examined whether linear epicardial cryoablation was capable of creating large, homogenous lesions in regions of the myocardium including scarred ventricle. Endocardial and epicardial focal cryolesions were also compared to determine if there were significant differences in lesion characteristics. Methods: Eighty focal endocardial and 28 focal epicardial cryoapplications were delivered to eight normal caprine and four normal porcine ventricular myocardium, and 21 linear cryolesions were applied along the border of infarcted epicardial tissue in a chronic porcine infarct model in six swines. Results: Focal endocardial cryolesions in normal animals measured 9.7 +/- 0.4 mm (length) by 7.3 +/- 1.4 mm (width) by 4.8 +/- 0.2 mm (depth), while epicardial lesions measured 10.2 +/- 1.4 mm (length) by 7.7 +/- 2 mm (width) by 4.6 +/- 0.9 mm (depth); P > 0.05. Linear epicardial cryolesions in the chronic porcine infarct model measured 36.5 +/- 7.8 mm (length) by 8.2 +/- 1.3 mm (width) by 6.0 +/- 1.2 mm (depth). The mean depth of linear cryolesions applied to the border of the infarct scar was 7 +/- 0.7 mm, as measured by magnetic resonance imaging. Conclusions:Cryoablation can create deep lesions when delivered to the ventricular epicardium. Endocardial and epicardial cryolesions created by a focal cryoablation catheter are similar in size and depth. The ability to rapidly create deep linear cryolesions may prove to be beneficial in substrate-based catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias.
The anisotropic norm of a linear discrete-time-invariant system measures system output sensitivity to stationary Gaussian input disturbances of bounded mean anisotropy. Mean anisotropy characterizes the degree of predictability (or colouredness) and spatial non-roundness of the noise. The anisotropic norm falls between the H-2 and H-infinity norms and accommodates their loss of performance when the probability structure of input disturbances is not exactly known. This paper develops a method for numerical computation of the anisotropic norm which involves linked Riccati and Lyapunov equations and an associated special type equation.
Ancillary services represent a good business opportunity that must be considered by market players. This paper presents a new methodology for ancillary services market dispatch. The method considers the bids submitted to the market and includes a market clearing mechanism based on deterministic optimization. An Artificial Neural Network is used for day-ahead prediction of Regulation Down, regulation-up, Spin Reserve and Non-Spin Reserve requirements. Two test cases based on California Independent System Operator data concerning dispatch of Regulation Down, Regulation Up, Spin Reserve and Non-Spin Reserve services are included in this paper to illustrate the application of the proposed method: (1) dispatch considering simple bids; (2) dispatch considering complex bids.
This paper presents the design and compares the performance of linear, decoupled and direct power controllers (DPC) for three-phase matrix converters operating as unified power flow controllers (UPFC). A simplified steady-state model of the matrix converter-based UPFC fitted with a modified Venturini high-frequency pulse width modulator is first used to design the linear controllers for the transmission line active (P) and reactive (Q) powers. In order to minimize the resulting cross coupling between P and Q power controllers, decoupled linear controllers (DLC) are synthesized using inverse dynamics linearization. DPC are then developed using sliding-mode control techniques, in order to guarantee both robustness and decoupled control. The designed P and Q power controllers are compared using simulations and experimental results. Linear controllers show acceptable steady-state behaviour but still exhibit coupling between P and Q powers in transient operation. DLC are free from cross coupling but are parameter sensitive. Results obtained by DPC show decoupled power control with zero error tracking and faster responses with no overshoot and no steady-state error. All the designed controllers were implemented using the same digital signal processing hardware.