1000 resultados para N-Acétyl-L-cystéine
Lactobacillus reuteri BR11 possesses an abundant cystine uptake (Cyu) ABC-transporter that was previously found to be involved in a novel mechanism of oxidative defence mediated by cystine. The current study aimed to elucidate this mechanism with a focus on the role of the co-transcribed cystathionine ã-lyase (Cgl). Growth studies of wild-type L. reuteri BR11 and mutants inactivated in cgl and the cystine-binding protein encoding gene cyuC showed that in contrast to the Cyu transporter, whose inactivation led to growth arrest in aerated cultures, Cgl is not crucial for oxidative defence. However, the role of Cgl in oxidative defence became apparent in the presence of severe oxidative damage and cysteine deprivation. Cysteine was found to be protective against oxidative stress, and the action of Cgl in both cysteine biosynthesis and degradation poses a seemingly futile pathway that deprives the intracellular cysteine pool. To further characterise the relationship between Cgl activity and cysteine and their roles in oxidative defence, enzymatic assays were performed on purified Cgl, and intracellular concentrations of cysteine, cystathionine and methionine were determined. Cgl was highly active towards cystine and cystathionine and less active towards cysteine in vitro, suggesting the main function of Cgl to be cysteine biosynthesis. Cysteine was found at high concentrations in the cell, but the levels were not significantly affected by inactivation of cgl or growth under aerobic conditions. It was concluded that both anabolic and catabolic activities of Cgl towards cysteine contribute to oxidative defence, the former by maintaining an intracellular reservoir of thiol analogous to glutathione, and the latter by producing H2S which is readily secreted, thus creating a reducing extracellular environment. The significance of the Cyu transporter to the physiology of L. reuteri BR11 prompted a phylogenetic study to determine its presence in bacteria. Orthologs of the Cyu transporter that are closest matches to the Cyu transporter are only limited to several species of Lactobacillus and Leuconostoc. Outside the Lactobacillales order, the closest matching orthologs belong to Proteobacteria, and there are more orthologs in Proteobacteria than non-Lactobacillales Firmicutes, suggesting that the Cyu transporter locus was present in the ancestor of the Proteobacteria and Firmicutes, and over evolutionary time has been lost or diverged in many Firmicutes. The clustering of the Cyu transporter locus with a gene encoding a Cgl family protein is even rarer. It was only found in L. reuteri, Lactobacillus vaginalis, Weissella paramesenteroides, the Lactobacillus casei group, and several Campylobacter sp. An accompanying phylogenetic study of L. reuteri BR11 using multi-locus sequence analysis showed that L. reuteri BR11 had diverged from more than 100 strains of L. reuteri isolated from various hosts and geographical locations. However, comparison with other Lactobacillus species supported the current classification of BR11 as L. reuteri. The most closely related species to L. reuteri is L. vaginalis or Lactobacillus antri, depending on the housekeeping gene used for analysis. The close evolutionary relationship of L. vaginalis to L. reuteri and the high degree of sequence identity between the cgl-cyuABC loci in both species suggest that the Cyu system is highly likely to perform similar functions in L. vaginalis. In search of other genes that function in oxidative defence, a number of mutants which were inactivated in genes that confer increased resistance to oxidative stress in other bacteria were constructed. The genes targeted were ahpC (peroxidase component of the alkyl hydroperoxide reductase system), tpx (thiol peroxidase), osmC (osmotically induced protein C), mntH (Mn2+/Fe2+ transporter), gshA (ã-glutamylcysteine synthetase) and msrA (methionine sulfoxide reductase). The ahpC and mntH mutants had slightly lower minimum inhibitory concentrations of organic peroxides, suggesting these genes might be involved in resistance to organic peroxides in L. reuteri. However, none of the mutants exhibited growth defects in aerated cultures, in stark contrast to the cyuC mutant. This may be due to compensatory functions of other genes, a hypothesis which cannot be tested until a robust protocol for constructing markerless multiple gene deletion mutants in L. reuteri is developed. These results highlight the importance of the Cyu transporter in oxidative defence and provide a foundation for extending the research of this system in other bacteria.
The crystal structure analysis of the cyclic biscystine peptide [Boc-Cys1-Ala2-Cys3-NHCH3]2 with two disulfide bridges confirms the antiparallel ?-sheet conformation for the molecule as proposed for the conformation in solution. The molecule has exact twofold rotation symmetry. The 22-membered ring contains two transannular NH ? OC hydrogen bonds and two additional NH ? OC bonds are formed at both ends of the molecule between the terminal (CH3)3COCO and NHCH3 groups. The antiparallel peptide strands are distorted from a regularly pleated sheet, caused mainly by the L-Ala residue in which ?=� 155° and ?= 162°. In the disulfide bridge C? (1)-C? (1)-S(1)-(3')-C?(3')-C?(3'), S�S = 2.030 Å, angles C? SS = 107° and 105°, and the torsional angles are �49, �104, +99, �81, �61°, respectively. The biscystine peptide crystallizes in space group C2 with a = 14.555(2) Ã…, b = 10.854(2) Ã…, c = 16.512(2)Ã…, and ?= 101.34(1) with one-half formula unit of C30H52N8O10S4· 2(CH3)2SO per asymmetric unit. Least-squares refinement of 1375 reflections observed with |F| > 3?(F) yielded an R factor of 7.2%.
Le stress oxydatif est impliqué dans l’expression du récepteur B1 des kinines (RB1) dans différents modèles de diabète et d'hypertension. Puisque l'angiotensine II (Ang II) et l'endothéline-1 (ET-1) sont des peptides prooxydants impliqués dans les maladies cardiovasculaires, leur contribution dans l'augmentation de l'expression du RB1 a été étudiée dans des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLV). Le QRT-PCR et l’immunobuvardage de type Western ont été utilisés pour mesurer l’expression du RB1 dans des CMLV dérivées de la lignée A10 et de l’aorte de rats Sprague-Dawley. Cette étude montre que l’Ang II augmente l’expression du RB1 (ARNm et protéine) en fonction de la concentration et du temps (maximum 1 μM entre 3-6 h). Cette augmentation implique le récepteur AT1, la PI3K et le NF-κB, mais non le récepteur AT2 et ERK1/2. Aussi, le récepteur ETA de l’ET-1 est impliqué dans la réponse à l’Ang II à 6-8 h et non à 1-4 h. Par contre, l’ET-1 augmente l’expression du RB1 (maximum 2-4 h) via la stimulation des récepteurs ETA et ETB. L’augmentation du RB1 causée par l’Ang II et l’ET-1 est bloquée par les antioxydants (N-acétyl-cystéine et diphénylèneiodonium). Ces résultats suggèrent que l’Ang II induit le RB1 dans les CMLV par le récepteur AT1 dans la première phase, et par la libération d’ET-1 (majoritairement par ETA) dans la phase tardive, via le stress oxydatif et l’activation de la PI3K et du NF-κB. Ces résultats précisent le mécanisme impliqué dans la surexpression du RB1 ayant des effets néfastes dans le diabète et l'hypertension.
Le VIH-1 a développé plusieurs mécanismes menant à la dégradation de son récepteur cellulaire, la molécule CD4, dans le but d’augmenter la relâche de particules virales infectieuses et d’éviter que la cellule soit surinfectée. L’un de ces mécanismes est la dégradation, induite par la protéine virale Vpu, du CD4 nouvellement synthétisé au niveau du réticulum endoplasmique (RE). Vpu doit lier CD4 et recruter l’ubiquitine ligase cellulaire SCFβ-TrCP, via sa liaison à β-TrCP, afin de dégrader CD4. Puisque CD4 doit être retenu au RE pour permettre à Vpu d’induire sa dégradation via le système ubiquitine-protéasome, il a été suggéré que ce processus implique un mécanisme semblable à une voie cellulaire de dégradation des protéines mal-repliées appelée ERAD (« endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation »). La dégradation par ERAD implique généralement la dislocation des protéines du RE vers le cytoplasme afin de permettre leur poly-ubiquitination et leur dégradation par le protéasome. Nous avons démontré que Vpu induit la poly-ubiquitination de CD4 dans des cellules humaines. Nos résultats suggèrent aussi que CD4 doit subir une dislocation afin d’être dégradé par le protéasome en présence de Vpu. De plus, un mutant transdominant négatif de l’ATPase p97, qui est impliquée dans la dislocation des substrats ERAD, inhibe complètement la dégradation de CD4 par Vpu. Enfin, nos résultats ont montré que l’ubiquitination sur des résidus accepteurs de l’ubiquitine (lysines) de la queue cytoplasmique de CD4 n’était pas essentielle, mais que la mutation des lysines ralentit le processus de dégradation de CD4. Ce résultat suggère que l’ubiquitination de la queue cytosolique de CD4 pourrait représenter un événement important dans le processus de dégradation induit par Vpu. L’attachement de l’ubiquitine a généralement lieu sur les lysines de la protéine ciblée. Toutefois, l’ubiquitination sur des résidus non-lysine (sérine, thréonine et cystéine) a aussi été démontrée. Nous avons démontré que la mutation de tous les sites potentiels d’ubiquitination cytoplasmiques de CD4 (K, C, S et T) inhibe la dégradation par Vpu. De plus, la présence de cystéines dans la queue cytoplasmique apparaît suffisante pour rendre CD4 sensible à Vpu en absence de lysine, sérine et thréonine. Afin d’expliquer ces résultats, nous proposons un modèle dans lequel l’ubiquitination de la queue cytosolique de CD4 serait nécessaire à sa dégradation et où les sites d’ubiquitination de CD4 seraient sélectionnés de façon non spécifique par l’ubiquitine ligase recrutée par Vpu. Enfin, nous avons observé que la co-expression d’une protéine Vpu incapable de recruter β-TrCP (Vpu S52,56/D) semble stabiliser le CD4 qui est retenu au RE. De plus, d’autres mutants de Vpu qui semblent capables de recruter β-TrCP et CD4 sont toutefois incapables d’induire sa dégradation. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’association de Vpu à CD4 et β-TrCP est essentielle mais pas suffisante pour induire la dégradation de CD4. Par conséquent, ces résultats soulèvent la possibilité que Vpu puisse recruter d’autres facteurs cellulaires pour induire la dégradation de CD4. Les résultats présentés ont permis de mieux définir le mécanisme de dégradation de CD4 par Vpu dans des cellules humaines. De plus, ces résultats nous ont permis d’élaborer un modèle dans lequel l’ubiquitine ligase cellulaire SCFβ-TrCP démontre de la flexibilité dans le choix des résidus à ubiquitiner afin d’induire la dégradation de CD4. Enfin, ces études jettent un oeil nouveau sur le rôle de Vpu dans ce processus puisque nos résultats suggèrent que Vpu doive recruter d’autres partenaires cellulaires, mis à part β-TrCP, pour induire la dégradation de CD4.
L’immunité innée est notre premier mécanisme de défense contre l’invasion des pathogènes. Cette défense est basée sur la reconnaissance d’éléments invariables des pathogènes par des récepteurs encodés dans les lignées germinales. Dans la réponse anti-virale, le facteur de transcription Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 (IRF3) joue un rôle clé dans la réponse interféron de type I, combattant ainsi la réplication virale et conférant un état anti-viral aux cellules infectées ainsi qu’aux cellules avoisinantes. IRF3 est une protéine dont l’activation et la phosphorylation sont régulées par les kinases TBK1 et IKKi. Nous proposons ici que l’acétylation est une modification post-traductionnelle importante dans la régulation de l’activité d’IRF3. Nous avons observé par immunobuvardage qu’IRF3 est acétylé de façon basale et que cette acétylation est induite par la présence du co-facteur CBP et est inhibée par la présence de la kinase TBK1. Par spectrométrie de masse, nous avons ensuite identifié huit lysines sujettes à l’acétylation sur IRF3. Aussi, par mutagénèse dirigée, nous avons muté de façon ponctuelle chacun de ces sites et avons déterminé que la mutation de la lysine 87 inhibe la capacité d’IRF3 à s’attacher à l’ADN en EMSA et à transactiver son élément de réponse en essai luciférase. Aussi, nous proposons que l’acétylation masque la charge positive de la lysine 87 et contrôle de façon négative l’activité du facteur de transcription IRF3. Notre groupe démontre ainsi pour la première fois l’acétylation du facteur de transcription dans un modèle cellulaire et propose que ce processus joue un rôle inhibiteur dans la régulation de la protéine.
The inhibitor cystine-knot motif identified in the structure of CSTX-1 from Cupiennius salei venom suggests that this toxin may act as a blocker of ion channels. Whole-cell patch-clamp experiments performed on cockroach neurons revealed that CSTX-1 produced a slow voltage-independent block of both mid/low- (M-LVA) and high-voltage-activated (HVA) insect Ca(v) channels. Since C. salei venom affects both insect as well as rodent species, we investigated whether Ca(v) channel currents of rat neurons are also inhibited by CSTX-1. CSTX-1 blocked rat neuronal L-type, but no other types of HVA Ca(v) channels, and failed to modulate LVA Ca(v) channel currents. Using neuroendocrine GH3 and GH4 cells, CSTX-1 produced a rapid voltage-independent block of L-type Ca(v) channel currents. The concentration-response curve was biphasic in GH4 neurons and the subnanomolar IC(50) values were at least 1000-fold lower than in GH3 cells. L-type Ca(v) channel currents of skeletal muscle myoballs and other voltage-gated ion currents of rat neurons, such as I(Na(v)) or I(K(v)) were not affected by CSTX-1. The high potency and selectivity of CSTX-1 for a subset of L-type channels in mammalian neurons may enable the toxin to be used as a molecular tool for the investigation of this family of Ca(v) channels.
The plant cyclotides are a fascinating family of circular proteins that contain a cyclic cystine knot motif. The knotted topology and cyclic nature of the cyclotides pose interesting questions about folding mechanisms and how the knotted arrangement of disulfide bonds is formed. In the current study we have examined the oxidative refolding and reductive unfolding of the prototypic cyclotide, kalata B1. A stable two-disulfide intermediate accumulated during oxidative refolding but not in reductive unfolding. Mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy were used to show that the intermediate contained a native-like structure with two native disulfide bonds topologically similar to the intermediate isolated for the related cystine knot protein EETI-II (LeNguyen, D., Heitz, A., Chiche, L., El Hajji, M., and Castro B. (1993) Protein Sci. 2, 165-174). However, the folding intermediate observed for kalata B1 is not the immediate precursor of the three-disulfide native peptide and does not accumulate in the reductive unfolding process, in contrast to the intermediate observed for EETI-II. These alternative pathways of linear and cyclic cystine knot proteins appear to be related to the constraints imposed by the cyclic backbone of kalata B1 and the different ring size of the cystine knot. The three-dimensional structure of a synthetic version of the two-disulfide intermediate of kalata B1 in which Ala residues replace the reduced Cys residues provides a structural insight into why the two-disulfide intermediate is a kinetic trap on the folding pathway.
The cyclotides constitute a recently discovered family of plant-derived peptides that have the unusual features of a head-to-tail cyclized backbone and a cystine knot core. These features are thought to contribute to their exceptional stability, as qualitatively observed during experiments aimed at sequencing and characterizing early members of the family. However, to date there has been no quantitative study of the thermal, chemical, or enzymatic stability of the cyclotides. In this study, we demonstrate the stability of the prototypic cyclotide kalata B1 to the chaotropic agents 6 M guanidine hydrochloride (GdHCl) and 8 M urea, to temperatures approaching boiling, to acid, and following incubation with a range of proteases, conditions under which most proteins readily unfold. NMR spectroscopy was used to demonstrate the thermal stability, while fluorescence and circular dichroism were used to monitor the chemical stability. Several variants of kalata B1 were also examined, including kalata 132, which has five amino acid substitutions from B1, two acyclic permutants in which the backbone was broken but the cystine knot was retained, and a two-disulfide bond mutant. Together, these allowed determinations of the relative roles of the cystine knot and the circular backbone on the stability of the cyclotides. Addition of a denaturant to kalata B1 or an acyclic permutant did not cause unfolding, but the two-disulfide derivative was less stable, despite having a similar three-dimensional structure. It appears that the cystine knot is more important than the circular backbone in the chemical stability of the cyclotides. Furthermore, the cystine knot of the cyclotides is more stable than those in similar-sized molecules, judging by a comparison with the conotoxin PVIIA. There was no evidence for enzymatic digestion of native kalata B1 as monitored by LC-MS, but the reduced form was susceptible to proteolysis by trypsin, endoproteinase Glu-C, and thermolysin. Fluorescence spectra of kalata B1 in the presence of dithiothreitol, a reducing agent, showed a marked increase in intensity thought to be due to removal of the quenching effect on the Trp residue by the neighboring Cys5-Cys17 disulfide bond. In general, the reduced peptides were significantly more susceptible to chemical or enzymatic breakdown than the oxidized species.
The plant cyclotides are a fascinating family of circular proteins that contain a cyclic cystine knot motif (CCK). This unique family was discovered only recently but contains over 50 known sequences to date. Various biological activities are associated with these peptides including antimicrobial and insecticidal activity. The knotted topology and cyclic nature of the cyclotides; poses interesting questions about the folding mechanisms and how the knotted arrangement of disulfide bonds is formed. Some studies have been performed on related inhibitor cystine knot (ICK) containing peptides, but little is known about the folding mechanisms of CCK molecules. We have examined the oxidative refolding and reductive unfolding of the prototypic member of the cyclotide family, kalata B1. Analysis of the rates of formation of the intermediates along the reductive unfolding pathway highlights the stability conferred by the cystine knot motif. Significant differences are observed between the folding of kalata B1 and an acyclic cystine knot protein, EETI-II, suggesting that the circular backbone has a significant influence in directing the folding pathway.
The cyclotides are a family of circular proteins with a range of biological activities and potential pharmaceutical and agricultural applications. The biosynthetic mechanism of cyclization is unknown and the discovery of novel sequences may assist in achieving this goal. In the present study, we have isolated a new cyclotide from Oldenlandia affinis, kalata B8, which appears to be a hybrid of the two major subfamilies (Mobius and bracelet) of currently known cyclotides. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of kalata B8 and observed broadening of resonances directly involved in the cystine knot motif, suggesting flexibility in this region despite it being the core structural element of the cyclotides. The cystine knot motif is widespread throughout Nature and inherently stable, making this apparent flexibility a surprising result. Further-more, there appears to be isomerization of the peptide backbone at an Asp-Gly sequence in the region involved in the cyclization process. Interestingly, such isomerization has been previously characterized in related cyclic knottins from Momordica cochinchinensis that have no sequence similarity to kalata B8 apart from the six conserved cysteine residues and may result from a common mechanism of cyclization. Kalata B8 also provides insight into the structure-activity relationships of cyclotides as it displays anti-HIV activity but lacks haemolytic activity. The 'uncoupling' of these two activities has not previously been observed for the cyclotides and may be related to the unusual hydrophilic nature of the peptide.
The cyclotide family of plant proteins is of interest because of their unique topology, which combines a head-to-tail cyclic backbone with an embedded cystine knot, and because their-remarkable chemical and biological properties make them ideal candidates as grafting templates for biologically active peptide epitopes. The present Study describes the first steps towards exploiting the cyclotide framework by synthesizing and structurally characterizing two grafted analogues of the cyclotide kalata B1. The modified peptides have polar or charged residues substituted for residues that form part of a surface-exposed hydrophobic patch that plays a significant role in the folding and biological activity of kalata B1. Both analogues retain the native cyclotide fold, but lack the undesired haemolytic activity of their parent molecule, kalata B1. This finding confirms the tolerance of the cyclotide framework to residue Substitutions and opens up possibilities for the Substitution of biologically active peptide epitopes into the framework.