416 resultados para Myocytes ventriculaires
Contexte Le développement du défibrillateur automatique interne (DAI) a considérablement amélioré la survie des patients souffrant de tachycardies ventriculaires (TV) soutenues; cependant, ce traitement n'est pas curatif mais palliatif1. En effet, il ne permet pas d'éradiquer les TV mais les interrompt par diverses thérapies (stimulation ventriculaire; chocs). Plusieurs études ont montré que l'ablation des TV par radiofréquence permet de diminuer l'incidence des chocs délivrés par le DAI et ainsi d'améliorer la qualité de vie des patients2. Objectifs Notre objectif est de déterminer les résultats de l'ablation par radiofréquence à moyen terme, dans une population de patients souffrant d'une cardiopathie ischémique avec tachycardies ventriculaires soutenues et porteurs d'un DAI. Méthode Il s'agit d'une étude clinique rétrospective monocentrique comprenant des patients avec ancien infarctus, TV soutenue et porteurs d'un DAI hospitalisés pour ablation de la TV dans le Service de cardiologie du CHUV. Les données ont été obtenues à partir des dossiers cliniques archivés (Archimède), de la banque de données DAI et ablation (programmes filemaker) du service de cardiologie ainsi que de l'interrogation des mémoires des DAI. L'analyse de ces données a été réalisée à partir de tableaux Excel. Les moyennes et médianes des données récoltées ont été calculées ; les tests de Student et de Mann-Whitney ont été utilisés pour comparer les résultats avant et après ablation. Résultats Le collectif comprend 21 patients (19 hommes), âge moyen : 65 ± 11 ans. La fraction d'éjection du ventricule gauche est de 28±10%. La moyenne des thérapies du DAI en réponse aux TV au cours des six mois précédant l'ablation est de 65.1 ± 177.9 thérapies avec une médiane de 8 thérapies. Cette moyenne baisse à 11.5 ± 26.7 au cours des six mois qui ont suivi l'ablation et la médiane a chuté à 0 intervention du DAI. L'incidence des TV, décroit clairement après l'ablation. Cette diminution est statistiquement significative (p = 0.046). Après les six mois de suivi, 12 des 21 patients (57%) n'ont eu aucune récidive ; 4 patients (19%) ont eu une diminution du nombre de chocs. Au total, trois quarts des patients bénéficient donc de l'ablation. Conclusion Nos résultats démontrent une diminution spectaculaire et significative de l'incidence des TV post-infarctus après ablation par radiofréquence chez les porteurs de DAI.
Calcium ions (Ca2+) trigger the contraction of vascular myocytes and the level of free intracellular Ca2+ within the myocyte is precisely regulated by sequestration and extrusion mechanisms. Extensive evidence indicates that a defect in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ plays a role in the augmented vascular reactivity characteristic of clinical and experimental hypertension. For example, arteries from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) have an increased contractile sensitivity to extracellular Ca2+ and intracellular Ca2+ levels are elevated in aortic smooth muscle cells of SHR. We hypothesize that these changes are due to an increase in membrane Ca2+ channel density and possibly function in vascular myocytes from hypertensive animals. Several observations using various experimental approaches support this hypothesis: 1) the contractile activity in response to depolarizing stimuli is increased in arteries from hypertensive animals demonstrating increased voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel activity in hypertension; 2) Ca2+ channel agonists such as Bay K 8644 produce contractions in isolated arterial segments from hypertensive rats and minimal contraction in those from normotensive rats; 3) intracellular Ca2+ concentration is abnormally increased in vascular myocytes from hypertensive animals following treatment with Ca2+ channel agonists and depolarizing interventions, and 4) using the voltage-clamp technique, the inward Ca2+ current in arterial myocytes from hypertensive rats is nearly twice as large as that from myocytes of normotensive rats. We suggest that an alteration in Ca2+ channel function and/or an increase in Ca2+ channel density, resulting from increased channel synthesis or reduced turnover, underlies the increased vascular reactivity characteristic of hypertension
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) plays a central role in cardiac remodeling associated with pathological conditions such as myocardial infarction. The existence of different cell types in the heart expressing components of the renin-angiotensin system makes it difficult to evaluate their relative role under physiological and pathological conditions. Since myocytes are the predominant cellular constituent of the heart by mass, in the present study we studied the effects of glucocorticoids on ACE activity using well-defined cultures of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. Under steady-state conditions, ACE activity was present at very low levels, but after dexamethasone treatment ACE activity increased significantly (100 nmol/l after 24 h) in a time-dependent fashion. These results demonstrate the influence of dexamethasone on ACE activity in rat cardiac myocytes. This is consistent with the idea that ACE activation occurs under stress conditions, such as myocardial infarction, in which glucocorticoid levels may increase approximately 50-fold.
Infarct-induced heart failure is usually associated with cardiac hypertrophy and decreased ß-adrenergic responsiveness. However, conflicting results have been reported concerning the density of L-type calcium current (I Ca(L)), and the mechanisms underlying the decreased ß-adrenergic inotropic response. We determined I Ca(L) density, cytoplasmic calcium ([Ca2+]i) transients, and the effects of ß-adrenergic stimulation (isoproterenol) in a model of postinfarction heart failure in rats. Left ventricular myocytes were obtained by enzymatic digestion 8-10 weeks after infarction. Electrophysiological recordings were obtained using the patch-clamp technique. [Ca2+]i transients were investigated via fura-2 fluorescence. ß-Adrenergic receptor density was determined by [³H]-dihydroalprenolol binding to left ventricle homogenates. Postinfarction myocytes showed a significant 25% reduction in mean I Ca(L) density (5.7 ± 0.28 vs 7.6 ± 0.32 pA/pF) and a 19% reduction in mean peak [Ca2+]i transients (0.13 ± 0.007 vs 0.16 ± 0.009) compared to sham myocytes. The isoproterenol-stimulated increase in I Ca(L) was significantly smaller in postinfarction myocytes (Emax: 63.6 ± 4.3 vs 123.3 ± 0.9% in sham myocytes), but EC50 was not altered. The isoproterenol-stimulated peak amplitude of [Ca2+]i transients was also blunted in postinfarction myocytes. Adenylate cyclase activation through forskolin produced similar I Ca(L) increases in both groups. ß-Adrenergic receptor density was significantly reduced in homogenates from infarcted hearts (Bmax: 93.89 ± 20.22 vs 271.5 ± 31.43 fmol/mg protein in sham myocytes), while Kd values were similar. We conclude that postinfarction myocytes from large infarcts display reduced I Ca(L) density and peak [Ca2+]i transients. The response to ß-adrenergic stimulation was also reduced and was probably related to ß-adrenergic receptor down-regulation and not to changes in adenylate cyclase activity.
We determined the effects of exercise training and detraining on the morphological and mechanical properties of left ventricular myocytes in 4-month-old spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) randomly divided into the following groups: sedentary for 8 weeks (SED-8), sedentary for 12 weeks (SED-12), treadmill-running trained for 8 weeks (TRA, 16 m/min, 60 min/day, 5 days/week), and treadmill-running trained for 8 weeks followed by 4 weeks of detraining (DET). At sacrifice, left ventricular myocytes were isolated enzymatically, and resting cell length, width, and cell shortening after stimulation at a frequency of 1 Hz (~25°C) were measured. Cell length was greater in TRA than in SED-8 (161.30 ± 1.01 vs 156.10 ± 1.02 μm, P < 0.05, 667 vs 618 cells, respectively) and remained larger after detraining. Cell width and volume were unaffected by either exercise training or detraining. Cell length to width ratio was higher in TRA than in SED-8 (8.50 ± 0.08 vs 8.22 ± 0.10, P < 0.05) and was maintained after detraining. Exercise training did not affect cell shortening, which was unchanged with detraining. TRA cells exhibited higher maximum velocity of shortening than SED-8 (102.01 ± 4.50 vs 82.01 ± 5.30 μm/s, P < 0.05, 70 cells per group), with almost complete regression after detraining. The maximum velocity of relengthening was higher in TRA cells than in SED-8 (88.20 ± 4.01 vs70.01 ± 4.80 μm/s, P < 0.05), returning to sedentary values with detraining. Therefore, exercise training affected left ventricle remodeling in SHR towards eccentric hypertrophy, which remained after detraining. It also improved single left ventricular myocyte contractile function, which was reversed by detraining.
Cardiovascular complications are a leading cause of mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). The present study was designed to investigate the effects of trimetazidine (TMZ), an anti-angina drug, on transient outward potassium current (Ito) remodeling in ventricular myocytes and the plasma contents of free fatty acid (FFA) and glucose in DM. Sprague-Dawley rats, 8 weeks old and weighing 200-250 g, were randomly divided into three groups of 20 animals each. The control group was injected with vehicle (1 mM citrate buffer), the DM group was injected with 65 mg/kg streptozotocin (STZ) for induction of type 1 DM, and the DM + TMZ group was injected with the same dose of STZ followed by a 4-week treatment with TMZ (60 mg·kg-1·day-1). All animals were then euthanized and their hearts excised and subjected to electrophysiological measurements or gene expression analyses. TMZ exposure significantly reversed the increased plasma FFA level in diabetic rats, but failed to change the plasma glucose level. The amplitude of Ito was significantly decreased in left ventricular myocytes from diabetic rats relative to control animals (6.25 ± 1.45 vs 20.72 ± 2.93 pA/pF at +40 mV). The DM-associated Ito reduction was attenuated by TMZ. Moreover, TMZ treatment reversed the increased expression of the channel-forming alpha subunit Kv1.4 and the decreased expression of Kv4.2 and Kv4.3 in diabetic rat hearts. These data demonstrate that TMZ can normalize, or partially normalize, the increased plasma FFA content, the reduced Ito of ventricular myocytes, and the altered expression Kv1.4, Kv4.2, and Kv4.3 in type 1 DM.
In cardiomyocytes, calcium (Ca2+) release units comprise clusters of intracellular Ca2+ release channels located on the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and hypertension is well established as a cause of defects in calcium release unit function. Our objective was to determine whether endurance exercise training could attenuate the deleterious effects of hypertension on calcium release unit components and Ca2+ sparks in left ventricular myocytes of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Male Wistar and spontaneously hypertensive rats (4 months of age) were divided into 4 groups: normotensive (NC) and hypertensive control (HC), and normotensive (NT) and hypertensive trained (HT) animals (7 rats per group). NC and HC rats were submitted to a low-intensity treadmill running protocol (5 days/week, 1 h/day, 0% grade, and 50-60% of maximal running speed) for 8 weeks. Gene expression of the ryanodine receptor type 2 (RyR2) and FK506 binding protein (FKBP12.6) increased (270%) and decreased (88%), respectively, in HC compared to NC rats. Endurance exercise training reversed these changes by reducing RyR2 (230%) and normalizing FKBP12.6 gene expression (112%). Hypertension also increased the frequency of Ca2+ sparks (HC=7.61±0.26 vs NC=4.79±0.19 per 100 µm/s) and decreased its amplitude (HC=0.260±0.08 vs NC=0.324±0.10 ΔF/F0), full width at half-maximum amplitude (HC=1.05±0.08 vs NC=1.26±0.01 µm), total duration (HC=11.51±0.12 vs NC=14.97±0.24 ms), time to peak (HC=4.84±0.06 vs NC=6.31±0.14 ms), and time constant of decay (HC=8.68±0.12 vs NC=10.21±0.22 ms). These changes were partially reversed in HT rats (frequency of Ca2+ sparks=6.26±0.19 µm/s, amplitude=0.282±0.10 ΔF/F0, full width at half-maximum amplitude=1.14±0.01 µm, total duration=13.34±0.17 ms, time to peak=5.43±0.08 ms, and time constant of decay=9.43±0.15 ms). Endurance exercise training attenuated the deleterious effects of hypertension on calcium release units of left ventricular myocytes.
La thérapie de resynchronisation cardiaque (CRT) est un traitement qui vise à rétablir le synchronisme de contraction du ventricule gauche chez les patients souffrant d’insuffisance cardiaque. Aujourd’hui encore, plus de 30% de ces patients ne répondent pas au traitement de resynchronisation. Afin de mieux comprendre les effets de la CRT sur la fonction cardiaque, un resynchronisateur biventriculaire a été implanté chez des chiens sains et des chiens atteints d’insuffisance cardiaque. Les fonctions ventriculaires gauche et droite ont été étudiées selon différents modes de resynchronisation. Les résultats de cette étude confirment premièrement que la durée du complexe QRS n’est pas un marqueur approprié dans l’optimisation de la CRT. Les résultats démontrent également qu’une optimisation individualisée de la CRT est nécessaire afin de maximiser l’effet de la thérapie sur le ventricule gauche et que la modulation du délai de resynchronisation a un impact significatif sur la fonction ventriculaire droite. Plus précisément, la fonction systolique du ventricule droit est optimale lors d’une activation précoce de l’électrode gauche.
Les malformations cardiaques congénitales (CHM) représentent 28 % de toutes les malformations congénitales majeures et touchent 8 pour 1000 naissances à terme. Elles sont la cause de mortalité et de morbidité non infectieuse la plus fréquente chez les enfants de moins d’une année de vie. Les communications interventriculaires (VSD) forment le sous-type de CHM le plus fréquent et l’aggrégation familiale est extrêmement rare. Le but de cette étude était d’identifier les facteurs génétiques et les régions chromosomiques contribuant aux VSD. Une grande famille ségréguant diverses formes de pathologies septales, incluant des VSD, des anévrysmes du septum interventriculaire (VSA) et des communications interauriculaires (ASD), a été examinées et caractérisées cliniquement et génétiquement. Dix-huit membres de la famille, sur trois générations, ont pu être étudiés. (10 affectés : 4 VSD, 3 VSA, 2 ASD et une tétralogie de Fallot). L’analyse de liaison multipoint paramétrique démontre un logarithme des probabilités maximal (LOD) de 3.29 liant significativement le chromosome 10p15.3-10p15.2 aux traits observés dans cette famille. Le pointage LOD oriente vers une région pauvre en gènes qui a déjà été associée aux malformations du septum interventriculaire, mais qui est distincte de la région du syndrome de DiGeorge de type 2 sur le chromosome 10p. De plus, plusieurs scénarios d’analyse de liaison suggèrent que la tétralogie de Fallot est une phénocopie et qu’elle est donc génétiquement différente des autres pathologies du septum observées dans cette famille. En bref, cette étude associe une forme rare de VSD/VSA au chromosome 10p15 et permet d’étendre le spectre de l’hétérogénéité des pathologies septales. Mots-clés : Malformations cardiaques congénitales, malformations du septum, tétralogie de Fallot, analyse de liaison, chromosome 10p15, génétique moléculaire
L’infarctus du myocarde est une des conséquences possibles de l’ischémie cardiaque; il se traduit par la mort des cardiomyocytes se situant en aval du blocus coronaire, puis par la formation d’une cicatrice formée essentiellement de dépôts de matrices extracellulaires sécrétées par les myofibroblastes. Nestine est une protéine filamenteuse intermédiaire de classe VI couramment associée à la prolifération et à la migration cellulaire. Chez l’homme et les rongeurs, à la suite d’un infarctus du myocarde, une sous-population de cardiomyocytes localisée à la zone infarcie/péri-infarcie exprimait la forme striée de nestine. Le but principal de cette étude était de déterminer la source cellulaire des cardiomyocytes nestine (+) observée dans le cœur infarci ainsi que le mécanisme de signalisation cellulaire sous-jacent impliqué dans l’expression de nestine. L’utilisation de souris transgénique a révélé que l’augmentation des cardiomyocytes nestine (+) dans le cœur infarci des souris n’était pas attribuable à la différenciation de cellules souches/progénitrices nestine (+) en cardiomyocytes nestine (+). Le traitement des cardiomyocytes ventriculaires de rats néonataux avec l’activateur des protéines kinases C PDBu et l’inhibition concomitante des voies p38 MAPK a mené à l’augmentation du nombre de ces cellules exprimant nestine. De plus, une population importante de cardiomyocytes ventriculaires de rats néonataux a incorporé la bromodéxoxyuridine, signe d’une capacité à réentrer dans le cycle cellulaire et à synthétiser de l’ADN. Sur la base de ces observations, l’apparition de cardiomyocytes nestine (+) dans le cœur infarci des rongeurs et des hommes pourrait possiblement refléter une sous-population de cardiomyocytes en prolifération tentant de régénérer le cœur infarci.
BACKGROUND: Mammalian cardiac myocytes withdraw from the cell cycle during post-natal development, resulting in a non-proliferating, fully differentiated adult phenotype that is unable to repair damage to the myocardium, such as occurs following a myocardial infarction. We and others previously have shown that forced expression of certain cell cycle molecules in adult cardiac myocytes can promote cell cycle progression and division in these cells. The mitotic serine/threonine kinase, Polo-like kinase-1 (Plk1), is known to phosphorylate and activate a number of mitotic targets, including Cdc2/Cyclin B1, and to promote cell division. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The mammalian Plk family are all differentially regulated during the development of rat cardiac myocytes, with Plk1 showing the most dramatic decrease in both mRNA, protein and activity in the adult. We determined the potential of Plk1 to induce cell cycle progression and division in cultured rat cardiac myocytes. A persistent and progressive loss of Plk1 expression was observed during myocyte development that correlated with the withdrawal of adult rat cardiac myocytes from the cell cycle. Interestingly, when Plk1 was over-expressed in cardiac myocytes by adenovirus infection, it was not able to promote cell cycle progression, as determined by cell number and percent binucleation. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that, in contrast to Cdc2/Cyclin B1 over-expression, the forced expression of Plk1 in adult cardiac myocytes is not sufficient to induce cell division and myocardial repair.
Previous studies have shown that "Mudanpi", a Chinese herbal medicine, has a significant cardioprotective effect against myocardial ischaemia. Based on these findings we hypothesised that paeonol, the main component of Mudanpi, might have an effect on the cellular electrophysiology of cardiac ventricular myocytes. The effects of paeonol on the action potential and ion channels of cardiac ventricular myocytes were studied using the standard whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Ventricular myocytes were isolated from the hearts of adult guinea-pig by enzymic dispersion. The myocytes were continuously perfused with various experimental solutions at room temperature and paeonol applied in the perfusate. Action potentials and membrane currents were recorded using both current and voltage clamp modes of the patch-clamp technique. Paeonol, at concentrations 160 mu M and 640 mu M, decreased the action potential upstroke phase, an action associated with the blockade of the voltage-gated, fast sodium channel. The effects of paeonol on both action potential and Na+ current were concentration dependent. Paeonol had a high affinity for inactivated sodium channels. Paeonol also shortened the action potential duration, in a manner not associated with the blockade of the calcium current, or the enhancement of potassium currents. These findings suggest that paeonol, and therefore Mudanpi, may possess antiarrhythmic activity, which may confer its cardioprotective effects. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
The molecular mechanisms responsible for the alterations in proliferative capacity of cardiac myocytes during development remain unknown; however, cell cycle dependent molecules may be involved. We have determined the expression of cyclins A, D1–3and E, and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) 2, 4, 5 and 6 and cdc2 in freshly isolated rat cardiac myocytes from fetal (18 days gestation), neonatal (2 days post-natal) and adult animals by immunoblotting. Our results show a dramatic decrease in expression of these proteins during normal cardiac development, such that levels are highest in fetal myocytes but are significantly down-regulated in adult cells (P<0.05, in each case). We also have determined thein vitrokinase activities of cdc2, CDK2, CDK4, CDK5 and CDK6 immunocomplexes in fetal, neonatal and adult myocytes. There was a consistent and significant loss of cdc2, CDK2, CDK4 and CDK6 kinase activities in adult cardiac cell lysates (5.3-, 10.6-, 1.5- and 1.9-fold decreases, respectively) when compared to neonatal samples (P<0.05); CDK5 activity showed a similar trend but failed to reach significance. In conclusion, our results show that the expression and activities of various positive regulators of the cell cycle are down-regulated significantly during development of the cardiac myocyte, concomitant with the loss of proliferative capacity in adult myocytes. Down-regulation of these proteins may be pivotal in the withdrawal of the cardiac myocyte from the cell cycle.