550 resultados para Myöhänen, Sami


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Skp1, Cul1, Rbx1, and the FBXO25 protein form a functional ubiquitin ligase complex. Here, we investigate the cellular distribution of FBXO25 and its colocalization with some nuclear proteins by using immunochemical and biochemical approaches. FBXO25 was monitored with affinity-purified antibodies raised against the recombinant fragment spanning residues 2-62 of the FBXO25 sequence. FBXO25 protein was expressed in all mouse tissues tested except striated muscle, as indicated by immunoblot analysis. Confocal analysis revealed that the endogenous FBXO25 was partially concentrated in a novel dot-like nuclear domain that is distinct from clastosomes and other well-characterized structures. These nuclear compartments contain a high concentration of ubiquitin conjugates and at least two other components of the ubiquitin-proteasome system: 20S proteasome and Skp1. We propose to name these compartments FBXO25-associated nuclear domains. Interestingly, inhibition of transcription by actinomycin D or heat-shock treatment drastically affected the nuclear organization of FBXO25-containing structures, indicating that they are dynamic compartments influenced by the transcriptional activity of the cell. Also, we present evidences that an FBXO25-dependent ubiquitin ligase activity prevents aggregation of recombinant polyglutamine-containing huntingtin protein in the nucleus of human embryonic kidney 293 cells, suggesting that this protein can be a target for the nuclear FBXO25 mediated ubiquitination.


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Aim: To evaluate percutaneous cryotherapy as a primary treatment option for prostate cancer, comparing different risk groups. Patients and Methods: Forty-seven prostate cryoablation procedures were performed on 44 patients. Patients median age was 70.9, and average pretreatment PSA of 13.8 ng/dl. Patients were divided into low-risk (13 patients), high-risk (24 patients) and radiation failure patients (7 patients). The follow-up period ranged from 18 to 60 months (median 41 months). Results: In the low-risk group, we found after 12 and 24 months of follow-up, 92 and 86% of patients free of PSA relapse (PSA < 1 ng/ml), respectively. In the high-risk group, the PSA failure was 39 and 52.9%. For the radiation failure group, 86 and 71.4% of patients had PSA below 1 ng/dl. At 48 months of follow-up, 80% of the low-risk patients, 42.8% of the high-risk group and 71.4% of the radiation failure group were free of PSA relapse. The complication rates were low, with 13% of urinary incontinence and no cases of rectal injury. Conclusion: Prostate cryoablation is a viable and promising minimally invasive alternative for localized or locally advanced prostate cancer patients. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Previous studies have shown that patients with major depression have an interhemispheric imbalance between right and left prefrontal and motor cortex. We aimed to investigate the interhemispheric interactions in patients with major depression using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Thirteen patients with major depression and 14 age-matched healthy subjects participated in this study. Corticospinal excitability before and after 1 Hz rTMS (applied to the left primary motor cortex) was assessed in the left and right motor cortex and these results were compared with those in healthy subjects. There was a significant difference in the interhemispheric effects between patients with depression and healthy subjects. In healthy subjects, 1 Hz rTMS significantly decreased corticospinal excitability in the stimulated, left hemisphere and increased it in the contralateral, right hemisphere. In depressed subjects, 1 Hz rTMS also decreased corticospinal excitability in the left hemisphere; however, it induced no significant changes in corticospinal excitability in the contralateral, right hemisphere. In addition, there was a significant correlation between the degree of interhemispheric modulation and the severity of the depression as indexed by the Beck Depression Inventory scores. Our findings showing a decreased interhemispheric modulation in patients with major depression are consistent with the notion that mood disorders are associated with slow interhemispheric switching mechanisms.


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OBJECTIVES: We present the results of treatment by laparoscopy of two patients with retroperitoneal fibrosis and review the literature since 1992, when the first case of this disease that was treated using laparoscopy was published. We also discuss the contemporary alternatives of clinical treatment with corticosteroids and tamoxifen. CASE REPORT: Two female patients, one with idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis, and other with retroperitoneal fibrosis associated with Riedel's thyroiditis, were treated using laparoscopic surgery. Both cases had bilateral pelvic ureteral obstruction and were treated using the same technique: transperitoneal laparoscopy, medial mobilization of both colons, liberation of both ureters from the fibrosis, and intraperitonealisation of the ureters. Double-J catheters were inserted before the operations and removed 3 weeks after the procedures. The first patient underwent intraperitonealisation of both ureters in a single procedure. The other had 2 different surgical procedures because of technical difficulties during the first operation. Both patients were followed for more than 1 year and recovered completely from the renal insufficiency. One of them still has occasional vague lumbar pain. There were no abnormalities in the intravenous pyelography in either case. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical correction of retroperitoneal fibrosis, when indicated, should be attempted using laparoscopy. If possible, bilateral ureterolysis and intraperitonealisation of both ureters should be performed in the same operation.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of the laparoscopic technique in the treatment of adrenal pheochromocytoma. METHOD: Ten patients, 7 men and 3 women, between 10 and 67 years of age (mean 48) with pheochromocytoma underwent transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy and were evaluated retrospectively, based on clinical, laboratory, and pathological diagnosis. In all cases there was a solid unilateral adrenal tumor, 5 on the left side and 5 on the right side, whose greater diameter varied from 7 to 80 mm (mean 32). Nine of the 10 patients were chronically hypertensive or had already had hypertensive crises. One patient was normotensive, but presented metabolic alterations suggestive of adrenergic hyperfunction. RESULTS: No deaths occurred in this series. There were two (20%) conversions to open surgery, one due to venous bleeding and one due to the difficulty of dissection behind the vena cava in a patient presenting a partially retro-caval tumor. Surgical time in the 8 non-converted cases ranged from 70 to 215 minutes (mean 136). One patient (10%) received blood transfusion, and another (10%) presented two complications - acute renal failure and a subcutaneous infection. Both had been converted to open surgery. None of the non-converted cases was transfused or presented complications. Hospital discharge occurred between the 2nd and 11th post-operative day (mean 3). The pathological exam of the surgical specimens confirmed the diagnoses of pheochromocytoma in all 10 cases, one of them associated with an aldosterone-producing cortical tumor. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for selected patients presenting pheochromocytoma is feasible and provides good results.


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Evaluation of Cyclosporin A (CyA) blood concentration is imperative in solid organ transplantation in order to achieve maximal immunosuppression with the least side effects. We compared the results of whole blood concentrations of CyA in 50 blood samples simultaneously evaluated by the fluorescent polarization immune assay (TDx) and the enzymatic competitive immune assay (EMIT 2000). There was a strong correlation between both kits for any range of CyA blood concentration (R=0.99, p<0.001). The within-run and between-days coefficient of variation were less than 4% for both assays. The cost for each CyA measurement was 50% lower for the EMIT assay when compared to the TDx assay. We concluded that the EMIT is as accurate as the TDx in measuring CyA blood concentration and has the advantage of a lower cost, as well as the possibility of widespread access to the EMIT methodology in contrast to the TDx equipment, allowing the laboratory to perform several routines within a working day.


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The overactive bladder is characterized by symptoms of frequency, urgency, and urge incontinence, substantially affecting the quality of life of millions of people throughout the world. The symptoms are associated with significant social, psychological, occupational, domestic, physical, and sexual problems. Despite the considerable impact of this condition on quality of life, sufferers are often unwilling to discuss their problem with family members or health care professionals. This situation is unfortunate, for much can be done to alleviate the symptoms of this distressing condition. It is therefore of utmost importance that medical education about symptoms of the overactive bladder and other related problems be improved to help health care professionals identify and treat patients who will benefit from therapy. This article reviews current thinking regarding definition, epidemiology, quality of life effects, evaluation, and management of the overactive bladder.


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PURPOSE: The differential diagnosis between benign and malignant adrenal cortical tumors circumscribed to the gland is controversial. One hundred and seven patients with adrenal cortex tumors (excluding those with primary hyperaldosteronism) were studied to assess the 5-year survival rate of adults, children, patients stratified by pathological stage, and patients stratified according to Weiss's score of <3 or >3. METHODS: The patients were evaluated both clinically and biochemically. One hundred and five patients underwent surgery and were classified pathologically as stages I, II, III, or IV. The tumors were weighed, measured, and classified according to Weiss's criteria and divided into 2 groups: <3 and >3. RESULTS: After 5 years, the survival rate was 77.5% for the whole group, 74.61% for the adults, 84.3% for the children, 100% for stage I, 83.9% for stage II, 33% for stage III, and 11.7% for stage IV groups. Additionally, after 5 years, 100% of the patients with tumors with Weiss's score <3 were alive compared to 61.65% of those with Weiss's score >3. The average weights of the tumors of score <3 and >3 were 23.38 g ± 41.36 g and 376.3 ± 538.76 g, respectively, which is a statistically significant difference. The average sizes of tumors of Weiss's score <3 and >3 were 3.67 ± 2.2 cm and 9.64 ± 5.8 cm, respectively, which is also a statistically significant difference. CONCLUSIONS: Weiss's score may be a good prognostic factor for tumors of the adrenal cortex. Additionally, there was a statistically significant difference between the average weight and size of tumors with benign behavior (Weiss's score <3) and those with malignant behavior (Weiss's score >3).


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OBJECTIVE: To report a case of bilateral giant renal angiomyolipoma associated with tuberous sclerosis, with successful treatment, and to review the literature concerning angiomyolipoma treatment. CASE REPORT: Patient with tuberous sclerosis and angiomyolipoma diagnosed by ultrasonography during her pregnancy. At that time, the angiomyolipoma on the right side was 9 cm in diameter. Conservative management was selected during her pregnancy. The patient returned 7 years later, with a 24.7 x 19.2 x 10.7 cm tumor on the right side and another of 13 x 11.5 x 6.5 cm on the left side, in addition to multiple small angiomyolipomas. A nephron-sparing surgery with tumoral enucleation was performed on the right side, and after 3 months, the tumor on the left side was removed. Renal function in the post-operative period was preserved, and contrast medium progression was uniform and adequate in both kidneys. CONCLUSION: We conclude that an angiomyolipoma larger than 4 cm should be removed surgically, since they have a greater growth rate and pose a risk of hemorrhage. Resection of smaller tumors is safe and has decreased morbidity. Tumoral enucleation is an effective treatment method that preserves kidney function.


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Evidence suggests that human semen quality may have been deteriorating in recent years. Most of the evidence is retrospective, based on analysis of data sets collected for other purposes. Measures of male infertility are needed if we want to monitor the biological capacity for males to reproduce over time or between different populations. We also need these measures in analytical epidemiology if we want to identify risk indicators, risk factors, or even causes of an impaired male fecundity-that is, the male component in the biological ability to reproduce. The most direct evaluation of fecundity is to measure the time it takes to conceive. Since the time of conception may be missed in the case of an early abortion, time to get pregnant is often measured as the time it takes to obtain a conception that survives until a clinically recognized pregnancy or even a pregnancy that ends with a live born child occurs. A prolonged time required to produce pregnancy may therefore be due to a failure to conceive or a failure to maintain a pregnancy until clinical recognition. Studies that focus on quantitative changes in fecundity (that does not cause sterility) should in principle be possible in a pregnancy sample. The most important limitation in fertility studies is that the design requires equal persistency in trying to become pregnant and rather similar fertility desires and family planning methods in the groups to be compared. This design is probably achievable in exposure studies that make comparisons with reasonable comparable groups concerning social conditions and use of contraceptive methods.


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Methods that are available for male contraception, namely coitus interruptus, condoms, and vasectomy, have been used since the 19th century. With the exceptions of a few improvements of these methods, no major progress has been made with respect to introducing new male contraceptives since then. It is extremely urgent to develop new, safe, effective, and reversible male contraceptive methods. Among all male contraceptive methods that are being investigated, the hormonal approach is the closest to clinical application. Hormonal contraception provides pregnancy protection by means of spermatogenic suppression. Androgen-progestin regimens currently represent the best available hormonal combination for induction of a profound suppression of spermatogenesis. Further development of new steroids is mandatory for increasing the choices of available contraceptive formulations and to optimize long-term safety of these regimens.


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The use of testosterone in older men, known as male hormonal replacement therapy or androgen replacement therapy, has become of increasing interest to both the medical and lay communities over the past decade. Even though the knowledge of the potential benefits and risks of male Androgen Replacement Therapy has increased dramatically, there is still much that needs to be determined. Although there are a number of potential benefits of male Androgen Replacement Therapy and data concerning clinical effects of such replacement have accumulated, as yet there have not been any large multicenter randomized controlled trials of this therapy. It is the purpose of this article to review what is currently known about the possible risks and benefits of male Androgen Replacement Therapy by discussing the clinical trials to date.


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Lower urinary tract dysfunction is a major cause of morbidity and decreased quality of life in elderly men and women. With the progressive aging of the population, it is important to understand common micturitional disorders that may occur in this population. Most urinary problems in the elderly are multifactorial in origin, demanding a comprehensive assessment of the lower urinary tract organs, functional impairments, and concurrent medical diseases. Urodynamics is a highly valuable tool in the investigation of elderly patients with lower urinary tract symptoms. Urodynamic tests are not always necessary, being indicated after excluding potentially reversible conditions outside the urinary tract that may be causing or contributing to the symptoms. Although urodynamic tests may reveal common diagnoses such as bladder outlet obstruction and stress urinary incontinence in the elderly population, findings such as detrusor overactivity and impaired detrusor contractility are common and have important prognostic and therapeutic implications. The purpose of this article is to describe common urologic problems in the elderly and review the indications for and clinical aspects of urodynamic studies in these conditions.


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In men with prior vasectomy, microsurgical reconstruction of the reproductive tract is more cost-effective than sperm retrieval with in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection if the obstructive interval is less than 15 years and no female fertility risk factors are present. If epididymal obstruction is detected or advanced female age is present, the decision to use either microsurgical reconstruction or sperm retrieval with in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection should be individualized. Sperm retrieval with in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection is preferred to surgical treatment when female factors requiring in vitro fertilization are present or when the chance for success with sperm retrieval and intracytoplasmic sperm injection exceeds the chance for success with surgical treatment.


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Infertility affects up to 15% of the sexually active population, and in 50% of cases, a male factor is involved, either as a primary problem or in combination with a problem in the female partner. Because many commonly encountered drugs and medications can have a detrimental effect on male fertility, the medical evaluation should include a discussion regarding the use of recreational and illicit drugs, medications, and other substances that may impair fertility. With the knowledge of which drugs and medications may be detrimental to fertility, it may be possible to modify medication regimens or convince a patient to modify habits to decrease adverse effects on fertility and improve the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy. Concern is growing that male sexual development and reproduction have changed for the worse over the past 30 to 50 years. Although some reports find no changes, others suggest that sperm counts appear to be decreasing and that the incidence of developmental abnormalities such as hypospadias and cryptorchidism appears to be increasing, as is the incidence of testicular cancer. These concerns center around the possibility that our environment is contaminated with chemicals - both natural and synthetic - that can interact with the endocrine system.