1000 resultados para Musical influence


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L’objectif était d’évaluer l’influence de la mémoire mélodique sur le chant des personnes souffrant d’amusie congénitale. Onze « amusiques » et 11 contrôles appariés ont chanté une chanson familière sur les paroles originales ainsi que sur la syllabe /la/. Les participants ont d’abord chanté la mélodie de mémoire et ensuite, ils ont imité la mélodie après et à l’unisson avec un modèle enregistré préalablement. Les résultats ont illustré que les amusiques ont amélioré leur performance en chantant par imitation (soit après, soit à l’unisson avec le modèle). Ceux qui présentaient une difficulté plus importante de la mémoire ont profité davantage du modèle, particulièrement lorsqu’ils chantaient sur la syllabe /la/. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’une mémoire faible pourrait être une cause des difficultés en chant. De plus, cette étude illustre que le chant par imitation semble être une méthode à privilégier pour améliorer la performance chantée.


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Cette étude introduit un nouvel outil d’évaluation des troubles liés à la perception et la mémoire de la musique pour les enfants âgés entre six et huit ans. La batterie d’évaluation proposée est une adaptation de la batterie de Montréal de l'évaluation de l’amusie (MBEA) afin qu’elle puisse être utilisée chez les enfants, et ce, peu importe leur langue maternelle et leur culture. Dans l'expérience 1, la batterie, qui évalue les composantes musicales suivantes : la tonalité, le contour, l’intervalle, le rythme ainsi que la mémoire incidente, a été administrée auprès de 258 enfants à Montréal et 91 à Pékin. Dans l'expérience 2, une version abrégée de la batterie a été administrée à 86 enfants à Montréal. Les deux versions ont démontré une sensibilité aux différences individuelles et à la formation musicale. Il ne semble pas y avoir une influence de l'apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture sur les performances, mais plutôt un effet de la culture. Effectivement, les enfants qui ont comme langue maternelle le Mandarin (une langue tonale) ont obtenu de meilleurs résultats aux tâches de discrimination liées à la composante mélodique en comparaison à leurs homologues canadiens. Pour les deux groupes d’enfants, ceux qui ont été identifiés comme potentiellement amusiques ont principalement, mais pas exclusivement, des difficultés à percevoir de fines variations de hauteurs. Le caractère prédominant du déficit lié au traitement mélodique est moins distinctif avec la version abrégée. Par ailleurs, les résultats suggèrent différentes trajectoires de développement pour le traitement de la mélodie, du rythme et de la mémoire. De ce fait, la version de la MBEA adaptée à l’enfant, renommée la batterie de Montréal d'évaluation du potentiel musical (MBEMP), est un nouvel outil qui permet d’identifier les troubles liés au traitement musical chez les enfants tout en permettant d'examiner le développement typique et atypique des habiletés musicales et leur relation présumée à d'autres fonctions cognitives.


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La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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Background: Becoming a parent of a preterm baby requiring neonatal care constitutes an extraordinary life situation in which parenting begins and evolves in a medical and unfamiliar setting. Although there is increasing emphasis within maternity and neonatal care on the influence of place and space upon the experiences of staff and service users, there is a lack of research on how space and place influence relationships and care in the neonatal environment. The aim of this study was to explore, in-depth, the impact of place and space on parents’ experiences and practices related to feeding their preterm babies in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) in Sweden and England. Methods: An ethnographic approach was utilised in two NICUs in Sweden and two comparable units in England, UK. Over an eleven month period, a total of 52 mothers, 19 fathers and 102 staff were observed and interviewed. A grounded theory approach was utilised throughout data collection and analysis. Results: The core category of ‘the room as a conveyance for an attuned feeding’ was underpinned by four categories: the level of ‘ownership’ of space and place; the feeling of ‘at-homeness’; the experience of ‘the door or a shield’ against people entering, for privacy, for enabling a focus within, and for regulating socialising and the; ‘window of opportunity’. Findings showed that the construction and design of space and place was strongly influential on the developing parent-infant relationship and for experiencing a sense of connectedness and a shared awareness with the baby during feeding, an attuned feeding. Conclusions: If our proposed model is valid, it is vital that these findings are considered when developing or reconfiguring NICUs so that account is taken of the influences of spatiality upon parent’s experiences. Even without redesign there are measures that may be taken to make a positive difference for parents and their preterm babies.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: The literature has shown that musical stimulation can influence the cardiovascular system, however, the neurophysiological aspects of this influence are not yet fully elucidated. Objective: This study describes the influence of music on the neurophysiological mechanisms in the human body, specifically the variable blood pressure, as well as the neural mechanisms of music processing. Methods: Searches were conducted in Medline, PEDro, Lilacs and SciELO using the intersection of the keyword “music” with the keyword descriptors “blood pressure” and “neurophysiology”. Results: There were selected 11 articles, which indicated that music interferes in some aspects of physiological variables. Conclusion: Studies have indicated that music interferes on the control of blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate, through possible involvement of limbic brain areas which modulate hypothalamic-pituitary functions. Further studies are needed in order to identify the mechanisms by which this influence occurs.


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Introduction: Previous studies have shown that relaxation music increases the heart's parasympathetic modulation as well as reducing its sympathetic activity. However, what is lacking in the literature is information on the acute effects of different intensities of music on cardiac autonomic regulation. We aimed to evaluate the acute effects of baroque and heavy-metal music on cardiac autonomic regulation at different intensities. Method The study was performed in 16 healthy men aged between 18 and 25 years. The main outcomes were the geometric indices of heart-rate variability (HRV) [i.e. triangular index (RRtri); triangular interpolation of RR intervals (TINN) and Poincaré plot: SD1, SD2 and SD1/SD2 ratio]. First, HRV was recorded at rest for 10 min. The volunteers were then exposed to baroque or heavy-metal music for 5 min through an earphone; subjects were exposed to each song at three different sound levels (60–70, 70–80 and 80–90 decibels). After the first song, subjects remained at rest for 5 min before being exposed to the next song. The sequence of songs and sound intensity were randomised for each individual. Results Musical auditory stimulation with baroque music did not influence the geometric indices of HRV. The same was observed with heavy-metal musical auditory stimulation at the three sound-level ranges. Conclusion Musical auditory stimulation at different sound intensities did not influence the geometric indices of HRV in men.


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Jazz brings to the surface discussions about globalization and its unfolding. The development of such music style allows a reflection about the processes that influence 20th century culture, thus enabling a closer look into debates that involve cultural industrialization and standardization in such context. Horkheimer‟s and Adorno‟s work deal with this theme, considering culture as something standardized, a result of the process that fits into the industrial production mold. Morin goes further in this discussion, suggesting the emergence of a mass culture as a third culture. Later, Latin-American authors Ortiz and Canclini bring up new tones and approaches to the globalization through culture theme


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)