920 resultados para Murrah buffalo - Weight growth
Growth rates, measured as shell length and body weight daily growth, were studied in the eight families of Pacific abalone, Haliotis discus hannai Ino, reared at 12, 16 and 20 degrees C for 40 d respectively. The results show that J(1)Rh family grew the best at 12 degrees C, with growth rates of (32.88 +/- 4.66) mu m/d and (5.24 +/- 1.84) mg/d. C(1)Jm family had the highest growth rates of (58.00 +/- 2.00) mu m/d and (9.71 +/- 1.21) mg/d at 16 degrees C. J(1)Jm family ranked the first at 20 degrees C, with growth rates of (66.00 +/- 1.76) mu m/d and (10.99 +/- 0.34) mg/d. RjRh family had the slowest growth rates at all three temperatures. Shell length growth rates were 18.25, 33.00 and 43.13 mu m/d respectively, while body weight growth rates were 2.47, 2.56 and 4.75 mg/d respectively. Both temperature and family had significant effect on growth rates (P<0.05). At 16 and 20 degrees C, maternal effects on growth rates were not significant (P>0.05), but paternal effects on growth rates were significant (P<0.05). Results of this study indicate genetic difference among the families and importance of selecting male breeders in the commercial hatchery.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Background: Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is an autosomal recessive hereditary pigmentation disorder affecting humans and several other animal species. Oculocutaneous albinism was studied in a herd of Murrah buffalo to determine the clinical presentation and genetic basis of albinism in this species.Results: Clinical examinations and pedigree analysis were performed in an affected herd, and wild-type and OCA tyrosinase mRNA sequences were obtained. The main clinical findings were photophobia and a lack of pigmentation of the hair, skin, horns, hooves, mucosa, and iris. The results of segregation analysis suggest that this disease is acquired through recessive inheritance. In the OCA buffalo, a single-base substitution was detected at nucleotide 1,431 (G to A), which leads to the conversion of tryptophan into a stop codon at residue 477.Conclusion: This premature stop codon produces an inactive protein, which is responsible for the OCA buffalo phenotype. These findings will be useful for future studies of albinism in buffalo and as a possible model to study diseases caused by a premature stop codon.
Weight-age and hip height-age relations of Nellore calves, from birth to 10 months old were fitted using a logistic model including sex and year of birth as fixed effects. Calves and their dams were reared on natural pasture using continuous grazing system. The crude protein content and total digestible nutrients were analyzed for pasture selected by the animals. The weights of the calves were adjusted to 205 days and 365 days. There were no significant effects of sex and birth year on the growth curve parameters, but there were significant effects of sex on hip height. The average weight (a parameter) at 10 months of age was 170 kg and the inflection point was observed at 93.5 days old. When weight-age and hip height-age curves were combined in the same graph, the intersection occurred at 142 days. The number of days to gain 160 kg from birth to 205 days of age (adjusted) and number of days to gain 240 kg from 205 days to slaughter was different between the birth years, which were probably due to the quality of the natural pastures. It is necessary to implement nutritional management strategies such as high quality pasture and/or feeding supplementation for calves once they reach three months of age.
Newborn Holstein-Friesian and Nelore cattle and Murrah buffalo blood samples were collected for hemograma and serum constituents testing. Results indicated that: 1. buffalo red blood cell (RBC) counts were lower than RBC counts for cattle during the first 30 days after birth; 2. buffalo leukocytes, neutrophil and lymphocyte counts increased in older animals; 3. The highest fibrinogen levels occurred in older calves; 4. buffalo glucose levels were lower than Nelore cattle and decreased in the older calves; 5. buffalo iron, urea, and aspartate aminotransferase levels were higher than in cattle with the highest concentration at the time of birth; 6. cattle bilirubin and alanine aminotranferase levels were higher than buffalo with the highest value at the time of birth; 7. alkaline phosphatase and gammaglutamyltransferase activities were lower in the older calves; 8. buffalo magnesium levels were higher than cattle with lower concentrations at the time of birth..
Objective: To review the literature on the role of calcium, phosphorus and trace elements in the nutrition of extremely low birth weight infants, considering their importance for metabolism, bone mineralization and as dietary components. Sources of data: MEDLINE, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and books on nutrition were searched between 1994 and 2004. Original research studies and reviews were selected. Summary of the findings: Extremely preterm infants are frequently growth-restricted at hospital discharge as a consequence of difficulties in the provision of adequate nutrition. The long-term effects of this growth restriction need to be determined. There is a paucity of studies about the role of minerals, especially micronutrients, in the nutrition of extremely preterm infants. The principal focus of this review was on calcium and phosphorus metabolism, bone mineralization and parenteral and enteral supplementation. A critical evaluation of post-discharge nutrition and its influence upon growth and bone mineralization was presented. Selenium and zinc requirements and the role of selenium as an antioxidant with possible effects on free radical diseases of the preterm infant were discussed. Conclusions: Extremely preterm infants have low mineral reserves and, as a consequence, may have deficiencies in the postnatal period if they do not receive parenteral or enteral supplementation. More studies are needed to elucidate the actual requirements and the appropriate supplementation of micronutrients. There are controversies about the outcome and the influence of post-discharge nutrition on bone disease of prematurity. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
Objetive: To provide information for pediatricians and neonatologists to create realistic outcome expectations and thus help plan their actions. Sources of data: Searches were made of the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, and Lilacs databases. Summary of the findings: The assessment of growth and development over the first 2-3 years must adjust chronological age with respect of the degree of prematurity. There is special concern regarding the prognoses of small for gestational age preterm infants, and for those with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Attention must be directed towards improving the nutrition of extremely low birth weight infants during their first years of life; these infants have high prevalence levels of failure to catch-up on growth, diseases and rehospitalizations during their first 2 years. They are frequently underweight and shorter than expected during early childhood, but delayed catch-up growth may occur between 8 and 14 years. Extremely low birth weight infants are at increased risk of neurological abnormalities and developmental delays during their first years of life. Educational, psychological, and behavioral problems are frequent during school years. Teenage and adult outcomes show that although some performance differences persist, social integration is not impaired. Conclusions: The growth and neurodevelopment of all ELBW infants must be carefully monitored after discharge, to ensure that children and their families receive adequate support and intervention to optimize prognoses. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
In order to contribute to the genetic breeding programs of buffaloes, this study aimed to determine the influence of environmental effects on the stayability (ST) of dairy female Murrah buffalo in the herd. Data from 1016 buffaloes were used. ST was defined as the ability of the female to remain in the herd for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 years after the first calving. Environmental effects were studied by survival analysis, adjusted to the fixed effects of farm, year and season of birth, class of first-lactation milk yield and age at first calving. The data were analyzed using the LIFEREG procedure of the SAS program that fits parametric models to failure time data (culling or ST = 0), and estimates parameters by maximum likelihood estimation. Breeding farm, year of birth and first-lactation milk yield significantly influenced (P < 0.0001) the ST to the specific ages (1 to 6 years after the first calving). Buffaloes that were older at first calving presented higher probabilities of being culled 1 year after the first calving, without any effect on culling at older ages. Buffaloes with a higher milk yield at first calving presented a lower culling probability and remained for a longer period of time in the herd. The effects of breeding farm, year of birth and first-lactation milk yield should be included in models used for the analysis of ST in buffaloes. Copyright © The Animal Consortium 2010.
Foram avaliadas as respostas hematológicas de 20 búfalas, criadas ao sol (grupo - SS) e à sombra (grupo - CS), em Belém, Pará. Os animais do grupo CS (n = 10) estavam em sistema silvipastoril, com Racosperma mangium e os do SS (n = 10), em piquetes sem sombra, em pastagem de Brachiaria humidicola, água para beber e sal mineral. Foram mensuradas temperatura do ar (TA), umidade relativa do ar (UR) e temperatura de globo negro, em cada tratamento. A coleta de sangue para eritrograma e número total de leucócitos foi realizada a cada 14 dias, às 13 h, durante o ano de 2009. Através da análise de variância constatou-se que em todos os períodos do ano, a TA e índice de temperatura de globo e umidade (ITGU) foram diferentes (P < 0,05), com níveis mais elevados no grupo SS. No período mais chuvoso, o grupo CS apresentou valores elevados de leucócitos, enquanto nos períodos de transição e menos chuvoso, foram maiores no grupo SS. No período menos chuvoso do ano, o grupo SS apresentou maiores valores de hemácias. O teor de hemoglobina teve maiores níveis (P < 0,05) nos períodos de transição e menos chuvoso. Somente a hemoglobina teve correlação significativa e negativa (P < 0,05) com a UR. Conclui-se que as novilhas búfalas Murrah estão sujeitas a um ambiente hostil e o período menos chuvoso é o mais propício a causar estresse térmico.
This study aimed to evaluate the potential for milk production (MP), lactation length (LL) and calving interval (CI), analyze the environmental component affecting these traits, and to estimate the heritability and repeatability for milk production in crossbreds of Murrah buffalo cows in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. Data was composed of 487 observations of MP from 136 lactations recorded between the years of 2000 and 2010. In the analysis of variance for PL, the fixed effects were season (1- October to March, 2 -April to September) and year of the beginning of lactation, calving order and the LL (covariate). For the analysis of LL only the fixed effect of year of the beginning of lactation was included, and finally for the CI analysis, year of the beginning of lactation and calving order. The estimates of covariance were obtained using unicharacteristic analysis by Bayesian inference method, applyingan animal model, through Gibbs sampling. The additive genetic, permanent environment and residual effects were included as random effects in the model. The averages (sd) of MP, LL and CI were 2,218.03 kg (408.18), 282.59 days (39.48) e 422.49 days (91.05), respectively. All the effects included in the models were important (P<0.01). The estimates of heritability and repeatability for PL were 0.29 and 0.69, respectively. The results suggest that there is a moderate genetic variability among individuals for PL, indicating the possibility to obtain gain using selection.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this research was to use non-linear models to describe the growth pattern in Santa Ines sheep and to study the influence of environmental effects on curve parameters with the best-fit model. The models included the Brody, Richards, Von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, and Logistic models. We used 773 field reports on 162 animals ranging in age from 120 to 774 days, including 46 males and 116 females. The statistics used to evaluate the quality of fit included RMS (residual mean square), C% (percentage of convergence), R-2 (adjusted determination coefficient) and MAD (mean absolute deviation). Of the fixed effects studied, the only significant relationship was the effect of sex on parameter A. The Richards model was problematic during the process of convergence. Considering all studied criteria, the Logistic model presented the best fit in describing the growth pattern in Santa Ines sheep. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.