673 resultados para MtDNA
用Apa I等7种识别6碱基的限制性内切酶研究了14只乌珠穆沁羊mtDNA的RFLP。结果表明,在所研究的个体中检测到37个酶切位点,17种限制性态型,其中BamH I和Bgl I表现出多态,Xho I无切点。17种限制性态型可归结为3种基因单倍型,mtDNA多态度π值为0.027%,表明乌珠穆沁羊mtDNA多态性比较贫乏。
采用15种限制性内切酶,研究贵州省4个山羊(capra sp.)品种共93只个体的线粒体DNA多态性。其中BamHI、HindIII和SalI3种酶的酶切类型存在多态。共检测到18种限制性态型,归结为3种mtDNA单倍型。单倍型I和II在贵州山羊4个品种中分布频率较高,分别为77.42%和21.50%,单倍型III分布频率较低(1.08%);品种间亲缘关系聚类分析表明白山羊和黑山羊亲缘关系最近,其次为黔北麻羊,而与小香羊的亲缘关系最远。
采用PCR技术和DNA测序技术,发现了我国一级珍稀保护动物中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)线粒体DNA(mtDNA)的控制区(D-loop)存在数目不等的串联重复序列,该重复序列造成了中华鲟广泛的异质性现象。从分子水平进行了不同类型重复序列变化规律的研究,同时还初探了重复序列在我国其它几种鲟鱼类的存在情况,发现在白鲟(Psephurus gladius)、达氏鲟(A. dabryanus)和史氏鲟(A. schrenckii)均存在类似的重复序列结构。
该文用 BclⅠ、AvaⅠ、BamHⅠ、PstⅠ、KpnⅠ、PvuⅡ 共6种限制性内切核酸酶, 分析了15尾青海湖裸鲤 mtDNA 的限制性片段长度多态性, 共检测出20个酶切位点, 发现 BclⅠ、BamHⅠ和 PvuⅡ 三种酶切类型具有多态性. 根据不同个体 mtDNA 的酶切类型, 青海湖裸鲤存在4种 mtDNA 单倍型, 计算 mtDNA 多态度 π 值为 0.0043, 初步认为青海湖裸鲤在线粒体 DNA 上存在较丰富的群体内变异。
The retrieval of DNA from ancient human specimens is not always successful owing to DNA deterioration and contamination although it is vital to provide new insights into the genetic structure of ancient people and to reconstruct the past history. Normally, only short DNA fragments can be retrieved from the ancient specimens. How to identify the authenticity of DNA obtained and to uncover the information it contained are difficult. We employed the ancient mtDNAs reported from Central Asia (including Xinjiang, China) as an example to discern potentially extraneous DNA contamination based on the updated mtDNA phylogeny derived from mtDNA control region, coding region, as well as complete sequence information. Our results demonstrated that many mtDNAs reported are more or less problematic. Starting from a reliable mtDNA phylogeney and combining the available modern data into analysis, one can ascertain the authenticity of the ancient DNA, distinguish the potential errors in a data set, and efficiently decipher the meager information it harbored. The reappraisal of the mtDNAs with the age of more than 2000 years from Central Asia gave support to the suggestion of extensively (pre)historical gene admixture in this region.
应用非损伤性取样DNA测序技术测定了4种来自云南白马雪山和1种来自新疆天山的5种珍稀绢蝶的线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因部分DNA序列。PAUP3.1.1(简约法)数据分析软件构建该5个种绢蝶的分子系统树显示,爱珂绢蝶(Parnassius acco)和巴裔绢蝶(Parnassius baileyi)的亲缘关系比较接近,阿波罗绢蝶(Parnassius apollo)、珍珠绢蝶(Parnassius orlears)和西猴绢蝶(Parnassius simo)3种绢蝶均为相对独立的一支,其中西猴绢蝶分化较早,与形态学研究结果相吻合。
采用PCR-测序技术对我国鲤属7个种、亚种和2个品种共62个个体(其中鲤的样品包括采自长江、黄河、松花江三个水系的共4个种群),进行了mtDNA控制区(D-环区)始自3^端共459bp碱基的序列测定,发现其D-环区3^端至中央保守区之间不似其他鱼类和哺乳类是一个单一的高变区,而是在其内部还插有一段长约110bp的保守区,这很可能是鲤属鱼类mtDNA D-环区自身的一个特点。
In total, 1218 Chinese from twelve ethnic groups and nine Han geographic groups were screened for the mtDNA 9-bp deletion motif. The frequency of the 9-bp deletion in all samples was 14.7% but ranged from 0% to 32% in the various ethnic groups. Three individuals had a triplication of the 9-bp segment. Phylogenetic and demographic analyses of the mtDNA hypervariable segment 1 (HVS1) sequences suggest that the 9-bp deletion occurred more than once in China. The majority of the Chinese deletion:haplotypes (about 90%) have a common origin as a mutational event following an initial expansion of modem humans in eastern Asia. Other deletion haplotypes and the three haplotypes with a 9-bp triplication may have arisen independently in the Chinese, presumably by replication error. HVS1 haplotype analysis suggests two possible migration routes of the 9-bp deletion in east and southeast Asia. Both migrations originated in China with one route leading to the Pacific Islands via Taiwan, the other to southeast Asia and possibly the Nicobar Islands. Along both routes of peopling, a decrease in HVS1 diversity of the mtDNA haplotypes is observed. The "Polynesian motif (16217T/C, 16247A/G, and 16261C/T)" and the 16140T/C, 16266C/A, or C/G polymorphisms appear specific to each migration route.
Acipenseriformes is an endangered primitive fish group, which occupies a special place in the history of ideas concerning fish evolution, even in vertebrate evolution. However, the classification and evolution of the fishes have been debated. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ND4L and partial ND4 genes were first sequenced in twelve species of the order Acipenseriformes, including endemic Chinese species. The following points were drawn from DNA sequences analysis: (i) the two species of Huso can be ascribed to Acipenser; (ii) A. dabryanus is the mostly closely related to A. sinensis, and most likely the landlocked form of A. sinensis; (iii) genus Acipenser in trans-Pacific region might have a common origin; (iv) mtDNA ND4L and ND4 genes are the ideal genetic markers for phylogenetic analysis of the order Acipenseriformes.