991 resultados para Mouse lymphoma assay
Les virus sont utilisés depuis longtemps dans la recherche sur le cancer et ont grandement contribué à l’avancement des connaissances de même qu’à l’établissement de préceptes importants encore valables aujourd’hui dans le domaine. L’un des défis actuels est de mieux définir les étapes menant à la transition d’une cellule normale à une cellule transformée et c’est sur cette problématique que nous nous sommes penchés. Pour ce faire, nous avons tiré profit de l’utilisation de l’antigène grand-T du virus de polyome (PyLT), un virus capable d’induire des tumeurs chez les rongeurs. Cet oncogène viral à lui seul possède des propriétés intéressantes qui suggèrent que, en plus de l’immortalisation, il peut également contribuer aux événements précoces de la carcinogénèse. Ceci repose principalement sur la capacité de PyLT à induire des tumeurs en souris transgéniques et ce, avec une certaine latence ce qui suggère que des événements supplémentaires sont nécessaires. Ainsi, l’utilisation de PyLT dans un modèle de culture cellulaire permet de disséquer les changements qui lui sont attribuables. Dans un premier temps, l’établissement du profil d'expression génique associé à l'expression de PyLT dans un modèle murin nous a permis de sélectionner un bon nombre de gènes, parmi lesquels figurait Necdin. Nous avons choisi d’étudier Necdin plus en détail puisque peu d’attention était accordée à cette protéine dans le domaine du cancer, malgré que différentes données de la littérature lui suggèrent à la fois des fonctions suppresseurs de tumeur et oncogéniques. Nous avons démontré que, malgré sa fonction proposée de suppresseur de croissance, l’expression de Necdin n’est pas incompatible avec la prolifération dans la lignée cellulaire de souris NIH 3T3 et les cellules primaires humaines (IMR90), bien que l’inhibition de son expression par shARN confère un avantage prolifératif. Nous avons confirmé que Necdin est un gène cible de p53 induit par différents agents génotoxiques, toutefois son expression peut également être régulée de façon p53-indépendante. De plus, Necdin agit négativement sur l’arrêt du cycle cellulaire en réponse à l’activation de p53. Ceci suggère que Necdin est impliqué dans une boucle de régulation négative de la voie de p53 et que l’augmentation anormale de l’expression de Necdin pourrait contribuer à la perturbation la voie du suppresseur de tumeur p53. L’activation de p53 permet l’arrêt transitoire du cycle cellulaire en condition de stress, mais est aussi impliquée dans l’établissement d’un arrêt permanent nommé sénescence. La sénescence est un mécanisme de protection contre l’accumulation de mutations qui peut contribuer à l’initiation du cancer. Vu l’intéressante implication de Necdin dans la régulation de l’activité de p53, nous avons transposé les connaissances acquises du modèle murin à un modèle humain, plus adapté pour l’étude de la sénescence. La caractérisation de l’expression de Necdin dans des fibroblastes primaires humains à différents passages montre que les jeunes cellules en prolifération active expriment Necdin et que son niveau diminue avec l’établissement de la sénescence réplicative. Le même phénomène est observé lors de la sénescence prématurée provoquée par l’expression d’un oncogène et par l’exposition aux radiations ionisantes. De plus, dans des conditions normales de prolifération, la modulation de Necdin par des essais de gain et de perte de fonction n’affecte pas la durée de vie des cellules primaires. Toutefois, en condition de stress génotoxique dû à l’exposition aux irradiations, les cellules surexprimant Necdin présentent une radiorésistance accrue de la même façon que lorsque p53 est inactivé directement. Ce résultat en cellules humaines vient appuyer l’effet observé dans les cellules de souris sur l’impact qu’aura le niveau de Necdin sur la réponse de p53 en condition de stress. Un bref survol a été fait pour aborder de quelle façon nos résultats en culture cellulaire pouvaient se traduire dans des modèles de cancer chez l’humain. Nous avons caractérisé l’expression de Necdin dans deux types différents de cancer. D’abord, dans le cancer de l’ovaire, le niveau élevé de Necdin dans les tumeurs à faible potentiel de malignité (LMP) en comparaison aux cancers agressifs de l’ovaire de type séreux suggère que l’expression de Necdin se limite aux cellules de cancer LMP, qui présente généralement un p53 de type sauvage. Son expression est aussi retrouvée dans deux lignées cellulaires du cancer de l’ovaire non-tumorigéniques en xénogreffe de souris, dont l’une possède un p53 fonctionnel. De plus, la caractérisation de Necdin dans les lignées cellulaires du cancer de la prostate suggère une relation entre son expression et la présence de p53 fonctionnel. Dans le cancer de la prostate, tout comme pour le cancer de l’ovaire, Necdin semble être présent dans les lignées représentant un stade moins avancé de la maladie. L’utilisation de l’oncoprotéine virale PyLT nous a permis de révéler des propriétés intéressantes de Necdin. Nous proposons que dans certains contextes, l’expression constitutive de Necdin pourrait contribuer au cancer en retardant une réponse par p53 appropriée et possiblement en participant à l’augmentation de l’instabilité génomique. La fonction potentiellement oncogénique de Necdin quant à sa relation avec p53 que nous avons révélée requiert davantage d’investigation et les cancers caractérisés ici pourraient constituer de bons modèles à cette fin.
REASON FOR PERFORMING STUDY: In Europe the incidence of botulism in horses has increased in the last decade due to the growing popularity of haylage feeding. Recombinant vaccines are safer and less expensive to produce and are generally better tolerated than toxoids. OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether the recombinant C-terminal half of the heavy chain of the botulinum neurotoxin C (Hc BoNT/C) in combination with an immunstimulatory adjuvant is an appropriate vaccine candidate for horses by testing its efficacy to induce neutralising antibodies and by comparing its immunogenic properties and adverse reactions to a commercial toxoid vaccine. Formation of oedema and local pain reactions were assessed. ELISA and Western blot assay against Hc BoNT/C and testing of neutralising antibody induction in a mouse protection assay were used to evaluate the immune response. RESULTS: With the recombinant vaccine, only minor local swelling with full recovery after 5 days was noted after brisket injections. The toxoid vaccine produced local, painful reactions with longer recovery periods of up to 2 weeks. Horses vaccinated with either vaccine induced neutralising antibodies after the second booster vaccination, while seroconversion on ELISA and Western blot to Hc BoNT/C was apparent after the first recombinant vaccination, and at various time points in the vaccination schedule in horses that received commercial toxoid vaccine. CONCLUSION: The recombinant vaccine showed fewer adverse reactions compared to the only commercially available vaccine but induced similar concentrations of neutralising antibodies. There was no correlation between the serological response to Hc BoNT/C and the neutralising capacity of serum. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Recombinant Hc BoNT/C is an appropriate vaccine candidate to stimulate production of neutralising antibodies against botulinum neurotoxin C in horses and creates only minor local reactions at the injection site.
Botulinum neurotoxins, predominantly serotypes C and D, cause equine botulism through forage poisoning. The C-terminal part of the heavy chain of botulinum neurotoxin types C and D (HcBoNT/C and D) was expressed in Escherichia coli and evaluated as a recombinant mono- and bivalent vaccine in twelve horses in comparison to a commercially available toxoid vaccine. A three-dose subcutaneous immunization of adult horses elicited robust serum antibody response in an ELISA using the immunogen as a capture antigen. Immune sera showed dose-dependent high potency in neutralizing specifically the active BoNT/C and D in the mouse protection assay. The aluminium hydroxide based mono- and bivalent recombinant HcBoNT/C and D vaccines were characterized by good compatibility and the ability to elicit protective antibody titers similar or superior to the commercially available toxoid vaccine.
The role of tumor suppressor function in the multistep process of carcinogenesis was studied in the human teratocarcinoma cell line PA-1. Early passage PA-1 cells ($<$P100) are preneoplastic while late passage ($>$P100) PA-1 cells are spontaneously transformed. Previous work demonstrated a causal role for the N-ras oncogene in the neoplastic transformation of this cell line and the gene was cloned. A clonal cell line established at passage 40 has been shown to suppress the neoplastic transformation potential of the PA-1 N-ras oncogene in gene transfer experiments. This phenotype has been termed SRT+ for suppression of ras transformation. A clonal cell line established at passage 63 is neoplastically transformed by the N-ras in similar gene transfer experiments and is regarded as srt$-$. Somatic cell hybrids were formed between the SRT+ cell and two different N-ras transformed srt$-$ cells. The results indicate that five of the seven independent hybrid clones, and all 14 subclones, failed to form tumors in the nude mouse tumor assay. Chromosomal analysis of rare neoplastic segregants which arose from suppressed hybrid populations demonstrate that the general loss of chromosomes correlates with the reemergence of neoplastic transformation. Karyotype analyses demonstrate a statistically correlative loss of chromosomes 1, 4, 19, and to a lesser extent 11, 14, and 16. DNA hybridization analysis demonstrates a single copy of the intact N-ras oncogene in parental cells, suppressed hybrids, and neoplastically transformed hybrids. These results indicate that functional ras transformation suppression is a trans-dominant trait which may be controlled by sequences residing on particular chromosomes in the human genome. Furthermore, the suppression of ras transformation results from a unique step in the multistep process of carcinogenesis that is different from the induction of immortality. Thus, the neoplastic process of the PA-1 cell line involves at least three steps: (1) induction of immortality, (2) activation of the N-ras oncogene, and (3) loss of tumor suppressor function. ^
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) in Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) seronegative solid organ transplant recipients remains a significant problem, particularly in the first year post-transplant. Immune monitoring of a cohort of high-risk patients indicated that four EBV seronegative transplant recipients developed early-onset PTLD prior to evidence of an EBV humoral response. EBV status has been classically defined serologically, however these patients demonstrated multiple parameters of EBV infection, including the generation of EBV-specific CTL, outgrowth of spontaneous lymphoblastoid cell lines, and elevated EBV DNA levels, despite the absence of a classic EBV antibody response. As EBV serology is influenced by both immunosuppression and cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin treatment, both the EBV-specific CTL response and elevated EBV levels are more reliable indicators of EBV infection post-transplant.
We have recently reported significant association of non-polio enteroviruses (NPEVs) with acute and persistent diarrhea (18-21% of total diarrheal cases), and non-diarrheal Increased Frequency of Bowel Movements (IFoBM-ND) (about 29% of the NPEV infections) in children and that the NPEV-associated diarrhea was as significant as rotavirus diarrhea. However, their diarrhea-causing potential is yet to be demonstrated in an animal model system. Since the determination of virus titers by the traditional plaque assay takes 4-7 days, there is a need for development of a rapid method for virus titer determination to facilitate active clinical research on enterovirus-associated diarrhea. The goal of this study is to develop a cell-based rapid detection and enumeration method and to demonstrate the diarrhea-inducing potential of purified and characterized non-polio enteroviruses, which were isolated from diarrheic children. Here we describe generation of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against purified strains belonging to different serotypes, and development of an enzyme-linked immuno focus assay (ELIFA) for detection and enumeration of live NPEV particles in clinical and purified virus samples, and a newborn mouse model for NPEV diarrhea. Plaque-purified NPVEs, belonging to different serotypes, isolated from children with diarrhea, were grown in cell culture and purified by isopycnic CsCl density gradient centrifugation. By ELIFA, NPEVs could be detected and enumerated within 12 h post-infection. Our results demonstrated that Coxsackievirus B1 (CVB1) and CVB5 strains, isolated from diarrheic children, induced severe diarrhea in orally-inoculated 9-12 day-old mouse pups, fulfilling Koch's postulates. The methods described here would facilitate studies on NPEV-associated gastrointestinal disease. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The mouse spleen cell assay (MSCA) has been compared with a radioimmunoassay for the measurement of serum erythropoietin (Ep). In 20 normal subjects the serum values ranged from 15 to 73 mU/ml for the MSCA compared with 5-30 mU/ml for the RIA. For normal sera there was no correlation between the results of the two assays. In 37 patients with anaemias of differing aetiologies and at various stages of treatment values ranged from 10 to 3645 mU/ml for the MSCA and 13-10,000 mU/ml for the RIA. Although patient values from the two assays were highly correlated (r = 0.98, P less than 0.001), the MSCA results were generally lower. These discrepancies can be largely accounted for by two factors. Firstly the MSCA is sensitive to non-specific matrix effects. Secondly, heat inactivation of serum, a prerequisite for the MSCA, but not for the RIA, destroys a variable and unpredictable proportion of the Ep in the test sera leading to an underestimation of Ep in the MSCA. We conclude that the RIA is more reliable than the MSCA which, in its present form, cannot be recommended for the accurate measurement of serum erythropoietin.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
BACKGROUND The transgenic adenocarcinoma of the mouse prostate (TRAMP) model closely mimics PC-progression as it occurs in humans. However, the timing of disease incidence and progression (especially late stage) makes it logistically difficult to conduct experiments synchronously and economically. The development and characterization of androgen depletion independent (ADI) TRAMP sublines are reported. METHODS Sublines were derived from androgen-sensitive TRAMP-C1 and TRAMP-C2 cell lines by androgen deprivation in vitro and in vivo. Epithelial origin (cytokeratin) and expression of late stage biomarkers (E-cadherin and KAI-1) were evaluated using immunohistochemistry. Androgen receptor (AR) status was assessed through quantitative real time PCR, Western blotting, and immunohistochemistry. Coexpression of AR and E-cadherin was also evaluated. Clonogenicity and invasive potential were measured by soft agar and matrigel invasion assays. Proliferation/survival of sublines in response to androgen was assessed by WST-1 assay. In vivo growth of subcutaneous tumors was assessed in castrated and sham-castrated C57BL/6 mice. RESULTS The sublines were epithelial and displayed ADI in vitro and in vivo. Compared to the parental lines, these showed (1) significantly faster growth rates in vitro and in vivo independent of androgen depletion, (2) greater tumorigenic, and invasive potential in vitro. All showed substantial downregulation in expression levels of tumor suppressor, E-cadherin, and metastatis suppressor, KAI-1. Interestingly, the percentage of cells expressing AR with downregulated E-cadherin was higher in ADI cells, suggesting a possible interaction between the two pathways. CONCLUSIONS The TRAMP model now encompasses ADI sublines potentially representing different phenotypes with increased tumorigenicity and invasiveness.
Human breast cancer cell metastasis to long bone and soft organs of nude mice : a quantitative assay
Bone is a common metastatic site in human breast cancer (HBC). Since bone metastasis occurs very rarely from current spontaneous or experimental metastasis models of HBC cells in nude mice, an arterial seeding model involving the direct injection of the cells into the left ventricle has been developed to better understand the mechanisms involved in this process. We present here a sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method to detect and quantitate bone and soft organ metastasis in nude mice which have been intracardially inoculated with Lac Z transduced HBC cells. Amplification of genomically incorporated Lac Z sequences in MDA-MB-231-BAG HBC cells enables us to specifically detect these cells in mouse organs and bones. We have also created a competitive template to use as an internal standard in the PCR reactions, allowing us to better quantitate levels of HBC metastasis. The results of this PCR detection method correlate well with cell culture detection from alternate long bones from the same mice, and are more sensitive than gross Lac Z staining with X-gal or routine histology. Comparable qualitative results were obtained with PCR and culture in a titration experiment in which mice were inoculated with increasing numbers of cells, but PCR is more quantifiable, less time consuming, and less expensive. This assay can be employed to study the molecular and cellular aspects of bone metastasis, and could easily be used in conjunction with RT-PCR-based analyses of gene products which may be involved with HBC metastasis.
The graft-versus-myeloma (GVM) effect represents a powerful form of immune attack exerted by alloreactive T cells against multiple myeloma cells, which leads to clinical responses in multiple myeloma transplant recipients. Whether myeloma cells are themselves able to induce alloreactive T cells capable of the GVM effect is not defined. Using adoptive transfer of T naive cells into myeloma-bearing mice (established by transplantation of human RPMI8226-TGL myeloma cells into CD122(+) cell-depleted NOD/SCID hosts), we found that myeloma cells induced alloreactive T cells that suppressed myeloma growth and prolonged survival of T cell recipients. Myeloma-induced alloreactive T cells arising in the myeloma-infiltrated bones exerted cytotoxic activity against resident myeloma cells, but limited activity against control myeloma cells obtained from myeloma-bearing mice that did not receive T naive cells. These myeloma-induced alloreactive T cells were derived through multiple CD8(+) T cell divisions and enriched in double-positive (DP) T cells coexpressing the CD8alphaalpha and CD4 coreceptors. MHC class I expression on myeloma cells and contact with T cells were required for CD8(+) T cell divisions and DP-T cell development. DP-T cells present in myeloma-infiltrated bones contained a higher proportion of cells expressing cytotoxic mediators IFN-gamma and/or perforin compared with single-positive CD8(+) T cells, acquired the capacity to degranulate as measured by CD107 expression, and contributed to an elevated perforin level seen in the myeloma-infiltrated bones. These observations suggest that myeloma-induced alloreactive T cells arising in myeloma-infiltrated bones are enriched with DP-T cells equipped with cytotoxic effector functions that are likely to be involved in the GVM effect.
The skin cancer incidence has increased substantially over the past decades and the role of ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the etiology of skin cancer is well established. Ultraviolet B radiation (280-320 nm) is commonly considered as the more harmful part of the UV-spectrum due to its DNA-damaging potential and well-known carcinogenic effects. Ultraviolet A radiation (320-400 nm) is still regarded as a relatively low health hazard. However, UVA radiation is the predominant component in sunlight, constituting more than 90% of the environmentally relevant solar ultraviolet radiation. In the light of the recent scientific evidence, UVA has been shown to have genotoxic and immunologic effects, and it has been proposed that UVA plays a significant role in the development of skin cancer. Due to the popularity of skin tanning lamps, which emit high intensity UVA radiation and because of the prolonged sun tanning periods with the help of effective UVB blockers, the potential deleterious effects of UVA has emerged as a source of concern for public health. The possibility that UV radiation may affect melanoma metastasis has not been addressed before. UVA radiation can modulate various cellular processes, some of which might affect the metastatic potential of melanoma cells. The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible role of UVA irradiation on the metastatic capacity of mouse melanoma both in vitro and in vivo. The in vitro part of the study dealt with the enhancement of the intercellular interactions occurring either between tumor cells or between tumor cells and endothelial cells after UVA irradiation. The use of the mouse melanoma/endothelium in vitro model showed that a single-dose of UVA to melanoma cells causes an increase in melanoma cell adhesiveness to non-irradiated endothelium after 24-h irradiation. Multiple-dose irradiation of melanoma cells already increased adhesion at a 1-h time-point, which suggests the possible cumulative effect of multiple doses of UVA irradiation. This enhancement of adhesiveness might lead to an increase in binding tumor cells to the endothelial lining of vasculature in various internal organs if occurring also in vivo. A further novel observation is that UVA induced both decline in the expression of E-cadherin adhesion molecule and increase in the expression of the N-cadherin adhesion molecule. In addition, a significant decline in homotypic melanoma-melanoma adhesion (clustering) was observed, which might result in the reduction of E-cadherin expression. The aim of the in vivo animal study was to confirm the physiological significance of previously obtained in vitro results and to determine whether UVA radiation might increase melanoma metastasis in vivo. The use of C57BL/6 mice and syngeneic melanoma cell lines B16-F1 and B16-F10 showed that mice, which were i.v. injected with B16-F1 melanoma cells and thereafter exposed to UVA developed significantly more lung metastases when compared with the non-UVA-exposed group. To study the mechanism behind this phenomenon, the direct effect of UVA-induced lung colonization capacity was examined by the in vitro exposure of B16-F1 cells. Alternatively, the UVA-induced immunosuppression, which might be involved in increased melanoma metastasis, was measured by standard contact hypersensitivity assay (CHS). It appears that the UVA-induced increase of metastasis in vivo might be caused by a combination of UVA-induced systemic immunosuppression, and to the lesser extent, it might be caused by the increased adhesiveness of UVA irradiated melanoma cells. Finally, the UVA effect on gene expression in mouse melanoma was determined by a cDNA array, which revealed UVA-induced changes in the 9 differentially expressed genes that are involved in angiogenesis, cell cycle, stress-response, and cell motility. These results suggest that observed genes might be involved in cellular response to UVA and a physiologically relevant UVA dose have previously unknown cellular implications. The novel results presented in this thesis offer evidence that UVA exposure might increase the metastatic potential of the melanoma cells present in blood circulation. Considering the wellknown UVA-induced deleterious effects on cellular level, this study further supports the notion that UVA radiation might have more potential impact on health than previously suggested. The possibility of the pro-metastatic effects of UVA exposure might not be of very high significance for daily exposures. However, UVA effects might gain physiological significance following extensive sunbathing or solaria tanning periods. Whether similar UVA-induced pro-metastatic effects occur in people sunbathing or using solaria remains to be determined. In the light of the results presented in this thesis, the avoidance of solaria use could be well justified.
The t(14;18) translocation in follicular lymphoma is one of the most common chromosomal translocations. Most breaks on chromosome 18 are located at the 3'-UTR of the BCL2 gene and are mainly clustered in the major breakpoint region (MBR). Recently, we found that the BCL2 MBR has a non-B DNA character in genomic DNA. Here, we show that single-stranded DNA modeled from the template strand of the BCL2 MBR, forms secondary structures that migrate faster on native PAGE in the presence of potassium, due to the formation of intramolecular G-quadruplexes. Circular dichroism shows evidence for a parallel orientation for G-quadruplex structures in the template strand of the BCL2 MBR. Mutagenesis and the DMS modification assay confirm the presence of three guanine tetrads in the structure. 1H nuclear magnetic resonance studies further confirm the formation of an intramolecular G-quadruplex and a representative model has been built based on all of the experimental evidence. We also provide data consistent with the possible formation of a G-quadruplex structure at the BCL2 MBR within mammalian cells. In summary, these important features could contribute to the single-stranded character at the BCL2 MBR, thereby contributing to chromosomal fragility.
The t(14;18) translocation in follicular lymphoma is one of the most common chromosomal translocations. Most breaks on chromosome 18 are located at the 3'-UTR of the BCL2 gene and are mainly clustered in the major breakpoint region (MBR). Recently, we found that the BCL2 MBR has a non-B DNA character in genomic DNA. Here, we show that single-stranded DNA modeled from the template strand of the BCL2 MBR, forms secondary structures that migrate faster on native PAGE in the presence of potassium, due to the formation of intramolecular G-quadruplexes. Circular dichroism shows evidence for a parallel orientation for G-quadruplex structures in the template strand of the BCL2 MBR. Mutagenesis and the DMS modification assay confirm the presence of three guanine tetrads in the structure. 1H nuclear magnetic resonance studies further confirm the formation of an intramolecular G-quadruplex and a representative model has been built based on all of the experimental evidence. We also provide data consistent with the possible formation of a G-quadruplex structure at the BCL2 MBR within mammalian cells. In summary, these important features could contribute to the single-stranded character at the BCL2 MBR, thereby contributing to chromosomal fragility.