967 resultados para Motor behavior
A set of constraints on the performance of motor skills is a determinant factor of success in many sport modalities that require from the athlete continuous adaptation to changes in the game context. Taking into account Newell's model of organism (or performer), task and environmental constraints in the acquisition of motor skills (NEWELL, 1986), the focus of this study is the set of changes that take place in motor behavior from the beginner to the high level athlete. In specific, the focus is toward changes in sports settings in which the ball is the center of the game, responsible for the relationship among athletes of the same team as well as between opponents, as in volleyball. The ball, in its trajectory, carries on a set of constraints to the player's behavior. To be able of imposing constraints on the opponent's behavior is so important as to know how to deal with a ball sent to you by the opponent in an unpredictable trajectory.
Objective: To assess sensory deficits and their effects on proprioceptive and motor function in patients who had undergone unilateral anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction.Design: Four evaluations were conducted: (1) joint position perception of the knee for predetermined angles (0degrees, 15degrees, 30degrees, 45degrees, 60degrees); (2) threshold for detection of passive knee motion at 0degrees, 15degrees, 30degrees, 45degrees, and 60degrees moving into flexion and at 15degrees, 30degrees, 45degrees, and 60degrees moving into extension; (3) latency onset of hamstring muscles; and (4) postural control during upright double- and single-leg stance.Setting: Movement laboratory in Brazil.Participants: Ten participants who had surgical reconstruction of the ACL (reconstructed group) and 10 participants without knee injury (control group).Interventions: Not applicable.Main Outcome Measures: Absolute error, angular displacement, hamstring muscles latency, and mean sway amplitude.Results: Individuals with a reconstructed knee showed decreased joint position perception, a higher threshold for detection of passive knee motion, longer latency of hamstring muscles, and decreased performance in postural control.Conclusions: After lesion and ACL reconstruction, sensory and motor behavior changes were still observed. This may be because of the lack of proprioceptive information resulting from the ACL lesion and/or substitution of ACL by the graft. (C) 2003 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o nível de desempenho motor das habilidades motoras fundamentais e a relação do mesmo com as oportunidades de vivências motoras dentro do contexto escolar de meninos e meninas na faixa etária de seis anos e seis meses a sete anos e onze meses de duas escolas da rede pública municipal de ensino do distrito de Icoaraci/PÁ, participou deste estudo uma amostra de 39 crianças sendo 16 meninas e 23 meninos. Foi utilizado como instrumento de avaliação do desempenho motor dos participantes o TGMD2 (Teste of Gross Motor Development); para a avaliação do contexto escolar, foram realizadas filmagens de situações de recreio e aulas de Educação Física; uma entrevista estruturada também foi aplicada para investigação das oportunidades de vivências motoras fora do contexto escolar. A análise de Variância (ANOVA) e teste de continuidade (Tukey HSD Post HOC Test) foi utilizada para o tratamento das médias das idades cronológica, locomotora e manipulativa, o quociente de desenvolvimento e os escores brutos dos subtestes locomotores e manipulativos e para análises por gêneros e por escolas foi realizado o Test “t” para amostras independentes. Para a análise das verbalizações das preferências das crianças quanto o tipo de brincadeira, local, parceiros e ofertas de atividades recreativas, esportivas e culturais também foi realizada a ANOVA. Os resultados sugerem que 51,8% da amostra apresentaram nível de desenvolvimento motor na média, 2,6% acima da média, 28,2% abaixo da média, 12,8% pobre e 5,1% muito pobre. A análise das habilidades motoras demonstrou um comportamento bastante heterogêneo nos resultados encontrados evidencia pelo elevado desvio padrão principalmente no salto com um pé, corrida lateral e galope (locomotoras) e chutar e rebater (manipulativas), quando todos os participantes foram levados em conta, encontrou-se diferenças significativas somente nas habilidades de correr e corrida lateral (locomotoras) e no rebater e chutar (manipulativas), quando se levou em conta o sexo verificou-se diferenças estatisticamente significativa somente na idade manipulativa, onde os resultados das meninas foram melhores que os dos meninos. Quanto às oportunidades de vivências motoras fora do contexto escolar a brincadeira preferida entre os participantes nas duas escolas é o brincar de bola, o local de preferência para as brincadeiras, o quintal e como parceiros prediletos são os amigos e irmãos ao mesmo tempo. A análise do recreio apontou que as brincadeiras mais freqüentes em ambas as escolas são o brincar de correr, brincar de pira, trocar figurinhas e conversar, quando o gênero é levado em conta, não foram encontradas diferenças os meninos e as meninas em ambas as escolas brincam das mesmas coisas, com relação a participação em atividades recreativas, esportivas e culturais, os resultados apontaram para que 100% da amostra não realiza estas atividades fora do contexto escolar. A análise das aulas de Educação Física apontou para diferenças na estrutura e na oferta do material entre as escolas, sendo a as condições da escola “B” muito superiores a da “A”, porém no que diz respeito à metodologia utilizada pelas professoras, elas são similares. Os resultados demonstram que as oportunidades de vivências motoras dentam do contexto escolar são primordiais para o desenvolvimento motor dos escolares, pois em muitos casos é a única oportunidade que tem para estimular o desenvolvimento motor dos escolares.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Reduced motor activity has been reported in schizophrenia and was associated with subtype, psychopathology and medication. Still, little is known about the neurobiology of motor retardation. To identify neural correlates of motor activity, resting state cerebral blood flow (CBF) was correlated with objective motor activity of the same day. Participants comprised 11 schizophrenia patients and 14 controls who underwent magnetic resonance imaging with arterial spin labeling and wrist actigraphy. Patients had reduced activity levels and reduced perfusion of the left parahippocampal gyrus, left middle temporal gyrus, right thalamus, and right prefrontal cortex. In controls, but not in schizophrenia, CBF was correlated with activity in the right thalamic ventral anterior (VA) nucleus, a key module within basal ganglia-cortical motor circuits. In contrast, only in schizophrenia patients positive correlations of CBF and motor activity were found in bilateral prefrontal areas and in the right rostral cingulate motor area (rCMA). Grey matter volume correlated with motor activity only in the left posterior cingulate cortex of the patients. The findings suggest that basal ganglia motor control is impaired in schizophrenia. In addition, CBF of cortical areas critical for motor control was associated with volitional motor behavior, which may be a compensatory mechanism for basal ganglia dysfunction.
Altered structural connectivity is a key finding in schizophrenia, but the meaning of white matter alterations for behavior is rarely studied. In healthy subjects, motor activity correlated with white matter integrity in motor tracts. To explore the relation of motor activity and fractional anisotropy (FA) in schizophrenia, we investigated 19 schizophrenia patients and 24 healthy control subjects using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and actigraphy on the same day. Schizophrenia patients had lower activity levels (AL). In both groups linear relations of AL and FA were detected in several brain regions. Schizophrenia patients had lower FA values in prefrontal and left temporal clusters. Furthermore, using a general linear model, we found linear negative associations of FA and AL underneath the right supplemental motor area (SMA), the right precentral gyrus and posterior cingulum in patients. This effect within the SMA was not seen in controls. This association in schizophrenia patients may contribute to the well known dysfunctions of motor control. Thus, structural disconnectivity could lead to disturbed motor behavior in schizophrenia.
Theta burst stimulation (TBS) is a novel variant of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), which induces changes in neuronal excitability persisting up to 1h. When elicited in the primary motor cortex, such physiological modulations might also have an impact on motor behavior. In the present study, we applied TBS in combination with pseudo continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL) in order to address the question of whether TBS effects are measurable by means of changes in physiological parameters such as cerebral blood flow (CBF) and if TBS-induced plasticity can modify motor behavior. Twelve right-handed healthy subjects were stimulated using an inhibitory TBS protocol at subthreshold stimulation intensity targeted over the right motor cortex. The control condition consisted of within-subject Sham treatment in a crossover design. PCASL was performed before (pre TBS/pre Sham) and immediately after treatment (post TBS/post Sham). During the pCASL runs, the subjects performed a sequential fingertapping task with the left hand at individual maximum speed. There was a significant increase of CBF in the primary motor cortex after TBS, but not after Sham. It is assumed that inhibitory TBS induced a "local virtual lesion" which leads to the mobilization of more neuronal resources. There was no TBS-specific modulation in motor behavior, which might indicate that acute changes in brain plasticity caused by TBS are immediately compensated. This compensatory reaction seems to be observable at the metabolic, but not at the behavioral level.
Qualitative assessment of spontaneous motor activity in early infancy is widely used in clinical practice. It enables the description of maturational changes of motor behavior in both healthy infants and infants who are at risk for later neurological impairment. These assessments are, however, time-consuming and are dependent upon professional experience. Therefore, a simple physiological method that describes the complex behavior of spontaneous movements (SMs) in infants would be helpful. In this methodological study, we aimed to determine whether time series of motor acceleration measurements at 40-44 weeks and 50-55 weeks gestational age in healthy infants exhibit fractal-like properties and if this self-affinity of the acceleration signal is sensitive to maturation. Healthy motor state was ensured by General Movement assessment. We assessed statistical persistence in the acceleration time series by calculating the scaling exponent α via detrended fluctuation analysis of the time series. In hand trajectories of SMs in infants we found a mean α value of 1.198 (95 % CI 1.167-1.230) at 40-44 weeks. Alpha changed significantly (p = 0.001) at 50-55 weeks to a mean of 1.102 (1.055-1.149). Complementary multilevel regression analysis confirmed a decreasing trend of α with increasing age. Statistical persistence of fluctuation in hand trajectories of SMs is sensitive to neurological maturation and can be characterized by a simple parameter α in an automated and observer-independent fashion. Future studies including children at risk for neurological impairment should evaluate whether this method could be used as an early clinical screening tool for later neurological compromise.
We aimed to investigate whether aberrant motor behavior in schizophrenia was associated with structural alterations in the motor system. Whole brain voxel based morphometry of patients with different severity of motor symptoms identified altered gray matter volume in the supplementary motor area (SMA), a key region of the motor system.
Schizophrenia is associated with heterogeneous course of positive and negative symptoms. In addition, reduced motor activity as measured by wrist actigraphy has been reported. However, longitudinal studies of spontaneous motor activity are missing. We aimed to explore whether activity levels were stable within and between psychotic episodes. Furthermore, we investigated the association with the course of negative symptoms. In 45 medicated patients, we investigated motor behavior within a psychotic episode. In addition, we followed 18 medicated patients across 2 episodes. Wrist actigraphy and psychopathological ratings were applied. Within an episode symptoms changed but activity levels did not vary systematically. Activity at baseline predicted the course of negative symptoms. Between two episodes activity recordings were much more stable. Again, activity at the index episode predicted the outcome of negative symptoms. In sum, spontaneous motor activity shares trait and state characteristics, the latter are associated with negative symptom course. Actigraphy may therefore become an important ambulatory instrument to monitor negative symptoms and treatment outcome in schizophrenia.
In order to reduce heterogeneity in schizophrenia, a system-specific approach consisting of the domains "language", "affect" and "motor behavior" has been proposed. We examined this system-specific approach for its applicability to clinical practice in the motor behavior domain, using the methodological approach of case studies, and discuss here the differences to the positive/negative concept. We analyzed eight cases with stable motor-dominant symptoms, and also quantitatively assessed motor behavior by using the Bern Psychopathology Scale (BPS), a standardized psychopathological assessment instrument, as well as actigraphic data. Characterization of cases using the positive/negative approach was not helpful. We found an overlap of the motor behavior domain with the other two domains. This complicates the application of the system-specific approach in the sense of a typology. Furthermore, we found both relapsing courses with full remission and chronic courses with deterioration within the motor-dominant subtype. Nevertheless, the system-specific approach has heuristic utility for the future.
Motor learning is based on motor perception and emergent perceptual-motor representations. A lot of behavioral research is related to single perceptual modalities but during last two decades the contribution of multimodal perception on motor behavior was discovered more and more. A growing number of studies indicates an enhanced impact of multimodal stimuli on motor perception, motor control and motor learning in terms of better precision and higher reliability of the related actions. Behavioral research is supported by neurophysiological data, revealing that multisensory integration supports motor control and learning. But the overwhelming part of both research lines is dedicated to basic research. Besides research in the domains of music, dance and motor rehabilitation, there is almost no evidence for enhanced effectiveness of multisensory information on learning of gross motor skills. To reduce this gap, movement sonification is used here in applied research on motor learning in sports. Based on the current knowledge on the multimodal organization of the perceptual system, we generate additional real-time movement information being suitable for integration with perceptual feedback streams of visual and proprioceptive modality. With ongoing training, synchronously processed auditory information should be initially integrated into the emerging internal models, enhancing the efficacy of motor learning. This is achieved by a direct mapping of kinematic and dynamic motion parameters to electronic sounds, resulting in continuous auditory and convergent audiovisual or audio-proprioceptive stimulus arrays. In sharp contrast to other approaches using acoustic information as error-feedback in motor learning settings, we try to generate additional movement information suitable for acceleration and enhancement of adequate sensorimotor representations and processible below the level of consciousness. In the experimental setting, participants were asked to learn a closed motor skill (technique acquisition of indoor rowing). One group was treated with visual information and two groups with audiovisual information (sonification vs. natural sounds). For all three groups learning became evident and remained stable. Participants treated with additional movement sonification showed better performance compared to both other groups. Results indicate that movement sonification enhances motor learning of a complex gross motor skill-even exceeding usually expected acoustic rhythmic effects on motor learning.