175 resultados para Mosses.
A detailed spore investigation of spore release and dispersal from an isolated colony of Phascum cuspidatum Hedw. indicated that approximately 98% of the spores originally present remained within the colony. The spatial distribution of colonies of P.cuspidatum and Pottia truncata (Hedw.) Fürer. in relation to those of the previous year was investigated by mapping the occurrence of colonies in five permanent quadrats for each species during two successive years. Phascum cuspidatum reoccurred in three quadrats during the second year, and P. truncata in only one, in the latter case apparently due to invasion by other mosses, principally Barbula hornschuchiana Schultz. A substantial proportion of the second year colonies overlapped in position with the first year colonies, particularly in P.cuspidatum. The results are discussed in relation to data on spore dispersal and other aspects of the life-history of these annual or short-lived shuttle mosses.
Observations on clumps of Phascum cuspidatum during the summer and autumn indicated that this species is at least a short-lived perennial, as young shoots develop from old, brown shoots persisting from the previous winter. No young shoots arising by vegetative propagation were recorded in Pottia truncata. Rhizoid tubers were observed in this species, but only in one of the many clumps examined. Spores of both species germinated freely in culture, but when spores were planted in the field young gametophytes developed inconsistently in P. truncata and never in P. cuspidatum. An investigation of spore deposition around an isolated clump of P. truncata suggested that 67% of the spores released were deposited within the clump, and 70% within 2m. Electrophoretic studies indicated limited genetic variation within two populations of each species, with no genotypes in common between the populations. No genetic variation was recorded between gametophytes within individual clumps of either species, nor between sporophytes and their maternal gametophytes, suggesting a high incidence of inbreeding in these monoecious mosses. (author abst.)
Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos (CIBIO--?UP)
Experimental observations on pathways of water movement are discussed in relation to anatomical and micromorphological features of five moss species from Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. Significant internal uptake of water was recorded only in the mesic species Polytrichum alpinum (internal=>60% of total) and Bartramia patens (internal=c.30% of total), in experiments in which uptake by cut shoots was compared in individuals with the external pathway blocked, and others with both external and internal pathways open. Internal uptake maintained shoot water content close to full turgor in P. alpinun and at 30% of full tugor in B. patens, whereas water content fell to 12-15% dry wt. in the lithophytes Andreaea gainii and Schistidium antarctici and in the mesic/hydric species Drepanocladus uncinatus, with the external pathway blocked. Where both pathways were open water uptake from below maintained water content at or above full turgor in shoots of all five species. External water uptake by capillarity occurred most rapidly in the lithophytes, and was slower in initially air-dry than in hydrated shoots of the other species. The spreading limbs of leaves in B. patens and P. alpinum are water-repellent, as are the bright green leaves in the apical 1-2 mm of dry shoots of the lithophytes. A central strand of hydroids is well-developed only in B. patens and P. alpinum. These two species have deposits of surface wax on parts of the leaves, and surface wax also occurs on the green apical leaves in some specimens of S. antarcticum and other lithophytes from Signy Island.
The loss of water in a desiccating atmosphere (c.40% r.h. at 10°C) and uptake of water from a saturated atmosphere (100% r.h. at 10°C) was recorded at intervals over periods of many hours or days in the dominant mosses and macroiichens occurring near the Australian Casey Station. Wilkes Land, continental Antarctica. While major differences exist in the water holding capacity and rates of water loss between mosses and lichens, the minimum levels attained after prolonged exposure to desiccating conditions are remarkably similar. By contrast, the volume of water absorbed from a saturated atmosphere is very similar in both groups of cryptogams. Morphological and anatomical characters are responsible for many of the differences, both between species, and within species exhibiting different growth features. Thus, significantly larger amounts of water are held by colonies of Bryum algens with a dense tomentum of rhizoids than those with sparse rhizoids; similarly, the rhizinate Umbilicaria aprina held a greater volume of water than the erhizinate U. decussata. The filamentous mat form of Alectoria mimiscula permits a much higher water content to be attained than in the coarser fruticose forms of Usnea sphacelata and U. antarctica. The dense shoot arrangement in Schistidium antarcticum accounts for the high water holding capacity in the hydric turf form whereas the less densely packed shoots and thicker cell walls of the xeric cushion form maintain a lower water content. The rate of water loss (as percentage dry weight) was much faster in the turf form of Schistidium and tomenlose form of Bryum, although this trend was reversed when expressed as percentage of the initial water content. Minimal water contents arc achieved by the lichens in desiccating conditions within 6-12 hours, whereas the mosses take several times longer. The water relations characteristics of these cryptogams are considered in the light of their distribution in the field and of their metabolic activity under prevailing Antarctic conditions.
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