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Objective. To analyze survival, prognostic factors, and causes of death in a large cohort of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). Methods. From 1991 to 2010, 947 patients with SSc were treated at 2 referral university centers in Brazil. Causes of death were considered SSc-related and non-SSc-related. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify prognostic factors. Survival at 5 and 10 years was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results. One hundred sixty-eight patients died during the followup. Among the 110 deaths considered related to SSc, there was predominance of lung (48.1%) and heart (24.5%) involvement. Most of the 58 deaths not related to SSc were caused by infection, cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease, and cancer. Male sex, modified Rodnan skin score (mRSS) > 20, osteoarticular involvement, lung involvement, and renal crisis were the main prognostic factors associated to death. Overall survival rate was 90% for 5 years and 84% for 10 years. Patients presented worse prognosis if they had diffuse SSc (85% vs 92% at 5 yrs, respectively, and 77% vs 87% at 10 yrs, compared to limited SSc), male sex (77% vs 90% at 5 yrs and 64% vs 86% at 10 yrs, compared to female sex), and mRSS > 20 (83% vs 90% at 5 yrs and 66% vs 86% at 10 yrs, compared to mRSS <20). Conclusion. Survival was worse in male patients with diffuse SSc, and lung and heart involvement represented the main causes of death in this South American series of patients with SSc. (First Release Aug 15 2012; J Rheumatol 2012;39:1971-8; doi:10.3899/jrheum.111582)
Mortality among HIV-infected persons is decreasing, and causes of death are changing. Classification of deaths is hampered because of low autopsy rates, frequent deaths outside of hospitals, and shortcomings of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) coding.
Evaluation of the impact of a disease on life expectancy is an important part of public health. Potential gains in life expectancy (PGLE) that can properly take into account the competing risks are an effective indicator for measuring the impact of the multiple causes of death. This study aimed to measure the PGLEs from reducing/eliminating the major causes of death in the USA from 2001 to 2008. To calculate the PGLEs due to the elimination of specific causes of death, the age-specific mortality rates for heart disease, malignant neoplasms, Alzheimer disease, kidney diseases and HIV/AIDS and life table constructing data were obtained from the National Center for Health Statistics, and the multiple decremental life tables were constructed. The PGLEs by elimination of heart disease, malignant neoplasms or HIV/AIDS continued decreasing from 2001 to 2008, but the PGLE by elimination of Alzheimer's disease or kidney diseases revealed increased trends. The PGLEs (by years) for all race, male, female, white, white male, white female, black, black male and black female at birth by complete elimination of heart disease 2001–2008 were 0.336–0.299, 0.327–0.301, 0.344–0.295, 0.360–0.315, 0.349–0.317, 0.371–0.316,0.278–0.251, 0.272–0.255, and 0.282–0.246 respectively. Similarly, the PGLEs (by years) for all race, male, female, white, white male, white female, black, black male and black female at birth by complete elimination of malignant neoplasms, Alzheimer's disease, kidney disease or HIV/AIDS 2001–2008 were also uncovered, respectively. Most diseases affect specific population, such as, HIV/AIDS tends to have a greater impact on people of working age, heart disease and malignant neoplasms have a greater impact on people over 65 years of age, but Alzheimer's disease and kidney diseases have a greater impact on people over 75 years of age. To measure the impact of these diseases on life expectancy in people of working age, partial multiple decremental life tables were constructed and the PGLEs were computed by partial or complete elimination of various causes of death during the working years. Thus, the results of the study outlined a picture of how each single disease could affect the life expectancy in age-, race-, or sex-specific population in USA. Therefore, the findings would not only assist to evaluate current public health improvements, but also provide useful information for future research and disease control programs.^
"Prepared by Theodore A. Janssen, chief of the Nosology section."--p.1.
bACKGROUND - The Dande Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) located in Bengo province, Angola, covers nearly 65,500 residents living in approximately 19,800 households. This study aims to describe the main causes of deaths (CoD) occurred within the HDSS, from 2009 to 2012, and to explore associations between demographic or socioeconomic factors and broad mortality groups (Group I-Communicable diseases, maternal, perinatal and nutritional conditions; Group II-Non-communicable diseases; Group III-Injuries; IND-Indeterminate). Methods - Verbal Autopsies (VA) were performed after death identification during routine HDSS visits. Associations between broad groups of CoD and sex, age, education, socioeconomic position, place of residence and place of death, were explored using chi-square tests and fitting logistic regression models. Results - From a total of 1488 deaths registered, 1009 verbal autopsies were performed and 798 of these were assigned a CoD based on the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Mortality was led by CD (61.0%), followed by IND (18.3%), NCD (11.6%) and INJ (9.1%). Intestinal infectious diseases, malnutrition and acute respiratory infections were the main contributors to under-five mortality (44.2%). Malaria was the most common CoD among children under 15 years old (38.6%). Tuberculosis, traffic accidents and malaria led the CoD among adults aged 15–49 (13.5%, 10.5 % and 8.0% respectively). Among adults aged 50 or more, diseases of the circulatory system (23.2%) were the major CoD, followed by tuberculosis (8.2%) and malaria (7.7%). CD were more frequent CoD among less educated people (adjusted odds ratio, 95% confidence interval for none vs. 5 or more years of school: 1.68, 1.04–2.72). Conclusion - Infectious diseases were the leading CoD in this region. Verbal autopsies proved useful to identify the main CoD, being an important tool in settings where vital statistics are scarce and death registration systems have limitations.
Background Familial adenomatous polyposis is a genetic syndrome associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) and different extracolonic manifestations Goals The goal of this study is to evaluate the frequency of death causes Material and Methods Charts from 97 patients treated from 1977 to 2008 were reviewed Retrieved data and family information allowed us to classify causes of death in those related to CCR to other malignancies or other causes Results There were analyzed data from 46 men (47 4%) and 51 women (52 6%) with an average age of 35 1 years (14 to 82) At diagnosis, 57 patients (58 7%) already had CRC-associated polyposis There were performed 93 colectomies, one internal diversion, and one partial resection Two patients were not operated on Results from 19 deceased patients (19 5%) were analyzed CRC, other tumors (desmoid tumors, lymphoma, and gastric cancer), and other causes (complication of duodenal cancer surgery, complication after ileorectal anastomosis (IRA), and coronary disease) were responsible for 12 (63 1%), four (21 1%), and three (15 8%) of all deaths, respectively Death from CRC occurred in the context of either systemic, rectal, or pouch recurrence Desmoid disease was the second cause of death (10 5% of all causes), leading to a fatal outcome 22% of all patients who developed DT during the study period Upper digestive carcinomas were responsible for other two death cases Conclusions (1) CRC is still the most prevalent cause of death, (2) even after curative resections, CRC can cause death through rectal or pouch malignization, (3) long-term survival was also strongly related to the development of extracolonic neoplasia, especially desmoid tumors and gastroduodenal carcinoma, (4) our results raise the need for local improvement in familiar screening and help us to define follow-up strategies and patient-information standards
Statistics of causes of death remain an important source of epidemiological data for the evaluation of various medical and health problems. The improvement of analytical techniques and, above all, the transformation of demographic and morbid structures of populations have prompted researchers in the field to give more importance to the quality of death certificates. After describing the data collection system presently used in Switzerland, the paper discusses various indirect estimations of the quality of Swiss data and reviews the corresponding international literature.
Postmortem imaging consists in the non-invasive examination of bodies using medical imaging techniques. However, gas volume quantification and the interpretation of the gas collection results from cadavers remain difficult. We used whole-body postmortem multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) followed by a full autopsy or external examination to detect the gaseous volumes in bodies. Gases were sampled from cardiac cavities, and the sample compositions were analyzed by headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/thermal conductivity detection (HS-GC-MS/TCD). Three categories were defined according to the presumed origin of the gas: alteration/putrefaction, high-magnitude vital gas embolism (e.g., from scuba diving accident) and gas embolism of lower magnitude (e.g., following a traumatic injury). Cadaveric alteration gas was diagnosed even if only one gas from among hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide or methane was detected. In alteration cases, the carbon dioxide/nitrogen ratio was often >0.2, except in the case of advanced alteration, when methane presence was the best indicator. In the gas embolism cases (vital or not), hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide and methane were absent. Moreover, with high-magnitude vital gas embolisms, carbon dioxide content was >20%, and the carbon dioxide/nitrogen ratio was >0.2. With gas embolisms of lower magnitude (gas presence consecutive to a traumatic injury), carbon dioxide content was <20% and the carbon dioxide/nitrogen ratio was often <0.2. We found that gas analysis provided useful assistance to the postmortem imaging diagnosis of causes of death. Based on the quantifications of gaseous cardiac samples, reliable indicators were determined to document causes of death. MDCT examination of the body must be performed as quickly as possible, as does gas sampling, to avoid generating any artifactual alteration gases. Because of cardiac gas composition analysis, it is possible to distinguish alteration gases and gas embolisms of different magnitudes.
Planners in public and private institutions would like coherent forecasts of the components of age-specic mortality, such as causes of death. This has been di cult to achieve because the relative values of the forecast components often fail to behave in a way that is coherent with historical experience. In addition, when the group forecasts are combined the result is often incompatible with an all-groups forecast. It has been shown that cause-specic mortality forecasts are pessimistic when compared with all-cause forecasts (Wilmoth, 1995). This paper abandons the conventional approach of using log mortality rates and forecasts the density of deaths in the life table. Since these values obey a unit sum constraint for both conventional single-decrement life tables (only one absorbing state) and multiple-decrement tables (more than one absorbing state), they are intrinsically relative rather than absolute values across decrements as well as ages. Using the methods of Compositional Data Analysis pioneered by Aitchison (1986), death densities are transformed into the real space so that the full range of multivariate statistics can be applied, then back-transformed to positive values so that the unit sum constraint is honoured. The structure of the best-known, single-decrement mortality-rate forecasting model, devised by Lee and Carter (1992), is expressed in compositional form and the results from the two models are compared. The compositional model is extended to a multiple-decrement form and used to forecast mortality by cause of death for Japan
Acute renal failure (ARF) is a frequent complication in hospitalized patients and is strongly related to increase in mortality. In order to analyze the clinical outcome and the prognostic factors in hospital-acquired ARF a prospective study was performed. Data from 200 patients with established ARF during the period of January 1987 through July 1990 were collected. The incidence of ARF was 4.9/1000 admissions. Renal ischemia (50%) and nephrotoxic drugs (21%) were the main etiologic factors. The histologic study done in 43 patients showed: acute tubular necrosis (53%), tubular hydropic degeneration (16%), glomerulopathies (16%), and other lesions (15%). Dialysis therapy was performed in 101 patients. The mortality rate was 46.5% and the most important causes of death were. sepsis (38%), respiratory failure (19%), and multiple organ failure (11%). Higher mortality was observed in oliguric patients (62.9%) than nonoliguric (34.5%) (p < 0.05) and in ischemic renal failure (56.7%) when compared to nephrotoxic renal failure (14.7%) (p < 0.05). As primary cause of death was not associated to the acute renal failure, conclude that acute renal failure is an important marker of the gravity of the underlying disease and not the cause of death.
Living in high-rise buildings could influence the health of residents. Previous studies focused on structural features of high-rise buildings or characteristics of their neighbourhoods, ignoring differences within buildings in socio-economic position or health outcomes. We examined mortality by floor of residence in the Swiss National Cohort, a longitudinal study based on the linkage of December 2000 census with mortality and emigration records 2001-2008. Analyses were based on 1.5 million people living in buildings with four or more floors and 142,390 deaths recorded during 11.4 million person-years of follow-up. Cox models were adjusted for age, sex, civil status, nationality, language, religion, education, professional status, type of household and crowding. The rent per m² increased with higher floors and the number of persons per room decreased. Mortality rates decreased with increasing floors: hazard ratios comparing the ground floor with the eighth floor and above were 1.22 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.15-1.28] for all causes, 1.40 (95% CI 1.11-1.77) for respiratory diseases, 1.35 (95% CI 1.22-1.49) for cardiovascular diseases and 1.22 (95% CI 0.99-1.50) for lung cancer, but 0.41 (95% CI 0.17-0.98) for suicide by jumping from a high place. There was no association with suicide by any means (hazard ratio 0.81; 95% CI 0.57-1.15). We conclude that in Switzerland all-cause and cause-specific mortality varies across floors of residence among people living in high-rise buildings. Gradients in mortality suggest that floor of residence captures residual socioeconomic stratification and is likely to be mediated by behavioural (e.g. physical activity), and environmental exposures, and access to a method of suicide.
Objectives: To identify the causes of death and main cardiovascular complications in adolescents and adults with congenitally malformed hearts. Design: Retrospective review of 102 necropsy reports from a tertiary centre obtained over a period of 19 years. Methods: The diagnosis, the operated or non-operated state of the main defect, the cause of death, and main complications were related to the age and gender. Other clinically relevant conditions, and identifiable sequels of previous diseases, were also noted. Results: The ages ranged from 15 to 69 years, with a mean of 31.1 and a median of 28 years, with no difference detected according to the gender. Of the patients, two-thirds had been submitted to at least one cardiac surgery. The mean age of death was significantly higher in non-operated patients (p = 0.003). The most prevalent cause of death in the whole group was related to recent surgery, found in one-third. From them, two-fifths corresponded to reoperations. Among the others, cardiac failure was the main terminal cause in another third, and the second cause was pulmonary thromboembolism in just over one-fifth, presenting a significant association with histopathological signs of pulmonary hypertension (p = 0.011). Infection was the cause of death in 7.8% of the patients, all previously operated. Acute infective endocarditis was present or was the indication for the recent surgery in one-tenth of the patients, this cohort having a mean age of 27.8 years. There was a statistically significant association between the occurrence of endocarditis and defects causing low pulmonary blood flow (p = 0.043). Conclusions: Data derived from necropsies of adults with congenital heart defects can help the multidisciplinary team refine both their diagnosis and treatment.