918 resultados para Mononuclear complexes
New dioxadiaza- and trioxadiaza-macrocycles containing one rigid dibenzofuran unit (DBF) and N-(2-aminoethyl) pendant arms were synthesized, N,N'-bis(2-aminoethyl)-[17]( DBF) N2O2 (L-1) and N,N'-bis(2-aminoethyl)-[22](DBF)N2O3 (L-2), respectively. The binding properties of both macrocycles to metal ions and structural studies of their metal complexes were carried out. The protonation constants of both compounds and the stability constants of their complexes with Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ were determined at 298.2 K, in aqueous solutions, and at ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in KNO3. Mononuclear complexes with both ligands were formed, and dinuclear complexes were only found for L-2. The thermodynamic binding affinities of the metal complexes of L-2 are lower than those of L-1 as expected, but the Pb2+ complexes of both macrocycles exhibit close stability constant values. On the other hand, the binding affinities of Cd2+ and Pb2+ for L-1 are very high, when compared to those of Co2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+. These interesting properties were explained by the presence of the rigid DBF moiety in the backbone of the macrocycle and to the special match between the macrocyclic cavity size and the studied larger metal ions. To elucidate the adopted structures of complexes in solution, the nickel(II) and copper( II) complexes with both ligands were further studied by UV-vis-MR spectroscopy in DMSO-H2O 1 : 1 (v/v) solution. The copper(II) complexes were also studied by EPR spectroscopy in the same mixture of solvents. The crystal structure of the copper complex of L-1 was also determined. The copper(II) displays an octahedral geometry, the four nitrogen atoms forming the equatorial plane and two oxygen atoms, one from the DBF unit and the other one from the ether oxygen, in axial positions. One of the ether oxygens of the macrocycle is out of the coordination sphere. Our results led us to suggest that this geometry is also adopted by the Co2+ to Zn2+ complexes, and only the larger Cd2+ and Pb2+ manage to form complexes with the involvement of all the oxygen atoms of the macrocyclic backbone.
oxovanadium(V) salicylhydroximate complexes, [VO(SHA)(H2O)]center dot 1.58H(2)O (1) and [V3O3(CSHA)(3) (H2O)(3)]center dot 3CH(3)COCH(3) (2) have been synthesized by reaction of VO43- with N-salicyl hydroxamic acid (SHAHS) and N-(5-chlorosalicyl) hydroxamic acid (CSHAH(3)), respectively, in methanol medium. Compound 1 on reaction with pyridine 2,6-dicarboxylic acid (PyDCH2) yields mononuclear complex [VO(SHAH(2))(PyDC)] (3). Treatment of compound 3 with hydrogen peroxide at low pH (2-3) and low temperature (0-5 degrees C) yields a stable oxoperoxovanadium(V) complex H[VO(O-2)(PyDC)(H2O)]center dot 2.5H(2)O (4). All four complexes (1-4) have been characterized by spectroscopic (IR, UV-Vis, V-51 NMR) and single crystal X-ray analyses. Intermolecular hydrogen bonds link complex 1 into hexanuclear clusters consisting of six {VNO5} octahedra surrounded by twelve {VNO5} octahedra to form an annular ring. While the molecular packing in 2 generates a two-dimensional framework hydrogen bonds involving the solvent acetone molecules, the mononuclear complexes 3 and 4 exhibit three-dimensional supramolecular architecture. The compounds 1 and 2 behave as good catalysts for oxygenation of benzylic, aromatic, carbocyclic and aliphatic hydrocarbons to their corresponding hydroxylated and oxygenated products using H2O2 as terminal oxidant; the process affords very good yield and turnover number. The catalysis work shows that cyclohexane is a very easily oxidizable substrate giving the highest turnover number (TON) while n-hexane and n-heptane show limited yield, longer time involvement and lesser TON than other hydrocarbons. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Solubility and pH precipitation studies were carried out to obtain the binuclear complex {[TiO(C9H6NO)2][Sn(C9H6NO) 2]} involving 8-hydroxyquinoline as chelating agent. The compound, the individual mononuclear complexes and their physical mixture were evaluated by means of techniques such as TG, DTA, elemental analysis, X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy. The properties of the original compounds and also the thermoanalytical conditions exerted a great influence on the degree of crystallinity and on the crystalline phase of the mixed oxide obtained as final product of the thermal decomposition.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit waren die Synthese und Untersuchung von Modellverbindungen zur Sauerstoffaktivierung auf der Basis neuer Ligandensysteme des 1,3,4-Thiadiazols unter Ausarbeitung einer Synthesestrategie zur Derivatisierung der heteroaromatischen 1,3,4-Thiadiazol-Liganden, deren Koordinationsverhalten in Abhängigkeit ihres 2,5-Substitutionsmusters untersucht wurde, sowie die fortführende Bearbeitung bereits bekannter Ligandensysteme zur Erzeugung von homo- und heterovalenten Übergangsmetallkomplexverbindungen.rnDie unter der Verwendung der modifizierten Liganden TPDE, H1TPDP und H1BPMP resultierenden dinuklearen Komplexverbindungen zeigen unterschiedlich starke antiferromagnetische Wechselwirkungen in Abhängigkeit der vorhandenen Brückenliganden. In der Verbindung [Fe6O2(OH)(L´)2(OOCMe3)9(OEt)2] trat eine Fragmentierung des Liganden H1TPDP auf. Das cisoide Ligandensubstitutionsmuster der entstandenen sechskernigen Verbindung ist verantwortlich für die interessanten magnetischen Eigenschaften des Komplexes. rnNeue Perspektiven zur Erzeugung von Modellverbindungen zur Sauerstoffaktivierung wurden mit dem Mono-Chelatliganden H1ETHP und den Bis-Chelatliganden HL2H, H2L2H und H2BATP aufgezeigt. Die Umsetzung von H1ETHP mit verschiedenen Übergangsmetallsalzen resultierte für die Metalle Cr(III), Fe(III), Co(III) und Ni(II) in mononuklearen Verbindungen des Typs [M(ETHP)2]X (X = ClO4, FeCl4, OMe, Cl, Br) sowie in zwei tetranuklearen Verbindungen mit Mn(II) und Cu(II). [Mn4(ETHP)6] besitzt ein propellerförmiges, planares [Mn4O6]2+-System mit einen Spingrundzustand von S = 5. In allen Verbindungen von H1ETHP konnte eine mono-κN-Koordination des 1,3,4-Thiadiazol-Rückgrates über eines seiner beiden endozyklischen Stickstoffdonoratome beobachtet werden. rnAus Umsetzungen der Bis-Chelatliganden wurden fast ausschließlich polynukleare Übergangsmetallkomplexe erhalten. Insbesondere der Ligand H2L2H zeigt eine ausgeprägte Tendenz zur Ausbildung trinuklearer, linearer Komplexe, welche auf Grund ihrer ungeraden Anzahl von Übergangsmetallionen einen Spingrundzustand S ≠ 0 aufweisen.rn Die mit dem Liganden HL2H erhaltenen Verbindungen unterstreichen die hohe Flexibilität dieser Systeme hinsichtlich der Erzeugung polynuklearer und heterovalenter Komplexverbindungen. So konnten in Abhängigkeit vom verwendeten Übergangsmetallsalz trinukleare, pentanukleare, aber auch hepta- und oktanukleare Verbindungen synthetisiert werden. Insbesondere die Komplexe des Mangans und des Cobalts zeigen ein heterovalentes [MnIIMnIII4]- bzw. [CoII2CoIII3]-Motiv, was sich in Spingrundzuständen von S ≠ 0 äußert. Der diamagnetische, achtkernige Fe8-Cluster besitzt eine pseudo C3-symmetrische Anordnung der Metall-Zentren, während für die heptanukleare Cu7-Kette durch ihre stark unterschiedlichen Kupfer-Koordinationsgeometrien interessante magnetische Austauschwechselwirkungen beobachtet werden konnten. Der dreikernige µ3-oxo-verbrückte Komplex des Liganden H2BATP zeigt als interessante strukturelle Eigenschaft ein ein µ3-Verbrückungsmuster des eingesetzten Sulfat-Anions. rnIn allen Komplexen der Bis-Chelatliganden HL2H, H2L2H und H2BATP konnte ein µ2-κN,κN-Koordiantionsmodus des 1,3,4-Thiadiazols und somit eine Abhängigkeit der Verbrückung vom Ligandensubstitutionsmuster beobachtet werden.rn
L'activació d'oxigen que té lloc en els éssers vius constitueix una font d'inspiració pel desenvolupament d'alternatives als oxidants tradicionals, considerats altament tòxics i nocius. En aquesta treball s'utilitzen compostos sintètics com a models del centre actiu de proteïnes dinuclears de coure i mononuclears de ferro de tipus no-hemo que participen en l'activació d'oxigen en els éssers vius. Els sistemes dinuclears de coure mostren un centre de tipus coure(III) bis(oxo) que és capaç de dur a terme l'ortho-hidroxilació de fenols de manera similar a la reacció que catalitza la proteïna tirosinasa. Per altra banda, els sistemes de ferro desenvolupats en aquest treball actuen com a models de les dioxigenases de Rieske i poden dur a terme l'hidroxilació estereoespecífica d'alcans i l'epoxidació i cis-dihidroxilació d'olefines utilitzant peròxid d'hidrogen com a agent oxidant. Tot plegat demostra que el desenvolupament de sistemes model constitueix una bona estratègia per l'estudi dels sistemes naturals.
X-ray crystal structure shows that 3,5-dimethyl-1-(2-nitrophenyl)-1H-pyrazole (DNP) belongs to the rare class of helically twisted synthetic organic molecules. Hydrogenation of DNP gives 2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazole-1-yl)phenylamine (L) which on methylation yields [2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazole-1-yl)phenyl]dimethylamine (L'). Two Pd(II) complexes, PdLCl2 (1) and PdL'Cl-2 (2), are synthesized and characterized by NMR. X-ray crystallography reveals that 1 and 2 are unprecedented square planar complexes which possess well discernible helical twists. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Three new ruthenium complexes of the formulae cis-[Ru(PPh3)(2)(BzTscbz)(2)] (1a), [Ru-2(PPh3)(2)(BzTscbz)(4)] (1b) and [Ru(PPh3)(2)(BzTscHbz)(2)](ClO4)(2) (2) [BzTscHbz = 4-(phenyl) thiosemicarbazone of benzaldehyde] have been synthesized and characterized by various physicochemical methods including X-ray structure determinations for 1a and 1b. The relative stabilities of the four-membered versus five-membered chelate rings formed by the deprotonated ligand BzTscbz are discussed on the basis of the experimental results and some semi-empirical as well as DFT calculations. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reaction of salicylaldehyde semicarbazone (L-1), 2-hydroxyacetophenone semicarbazone (L-2), and 2-hydroxynaphthaldehyde semicarbazone (L-3) with [Pd(PPh3)(2)Cl-2] in ethanol in the presence of a base (NEt3) affords a family of yellow complexes (1a, 1b and 1c, respectively). In these complexes the semicarbazone ligands are coordinated to palladium in a rather unusual tridentate ONN-mode, and a PPh3 also remains coordinated to the metal center. Crystal structures of the 1b and 1c complexes have been determined, and structure of 1a has been optimized by a DFT method. In these complexes two potential donor sites of the coordinated semicarbazone, viz. the hydrazinic nitrogen and carbonylic oxygen, remain unutilized. Further reaction of these palladium complexes (1a, 1b and 1c) with [Ru(PPh3)(2)(CO)(2)Cl-2] yields a family of orange complexes (2a, 2b and 2c, respectively). In these heterodinuclear (Pd-Ru) complexes, the hydrazinic nitrogen (via dissociation of the N-H proton) and the carbonylic oxygen from the palladium-containing fragment bind to the ruthenium center by displacing a chloride and a carbonyl. Crystal structures of 2a and 2c have been determined, and the structure of 2b has been optimized by a DFT method. All the complexes show characteristic H-1 NMR spectra and, intense absorptions in the visible and ultraviolet region. Cyclic voltammetry on all the complexes shows an irreversible oxidation of the coordinated semicarbazone within 0.86-0.93 V vs. SCE, and an irreversible reduction of the same ligand within -0.96 to -1.14 V vs. SCE. Both the mononuclear (1a, 1b and 1c) and heterodinuclear (2a, 2b and 2c) complexes are found to efficiently catalyze Suzuki, Heck and Sonogashira type C-C coupling reactions utilizing a variety of aryl bromides and aryl chlorides. The Pd-Ru complexes (2a, 2b and 2c) are found to be better catalysts than the Pd complexes (1a, 1b and 1c) for Suzuki and Heck coupling reactions.
Treatment of of (R,R)-N,N-salicylidene cyclohexane 1,2-diamine(H(2)L(1)) in methanol with aqueous NH(4)VO(3) solution in perchloric acid medium affords the mononuclear oxovanadium(V) complex [VOL(1)(MeOH)]-ClO(4) (1) as deep blue solid while the treatment of same solution of (R,R)-N,N-salicylidene cyclohexane 1,2-diamine(H(2)L(1)) with aqueous solution of VOSO(4) leads to the formation of di-(mu-oxo) bridged vanadium(V) complex [VO(2)L(2)](2) (2) as green solid where HL(2) = (R,R)-N-salicylidene cyclohexane 1,2-diamine. The ligand HL(2) is generated in situ by the hydrolysis of one of the imine bonds of HL(1) ligand during the course of formation of complex [VO(2)L(2)](2) (2). Both the compounds have been characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction as well as spectroscopic methods. Compounds 1 and 2 are to act as catalyst for the catalytic bromide oxidation and C-H bond oxidation in presence of hydrogen peroxide. The representative substrates 2,4-dimethoxy benzoic acid and para-hydroxy benzoic acids are brominated in presence of H(2)O(2) and KBr in acid medium using the above compounds as catalyst. The complexes are also used as catalyst for C-H bond activation of the representative hydrocarbons toluene, ethylbenzene and cyclohexane where hydrogen peroxide acts as terminal oxidant. The yield percentage and turnover number are also quite good for the above catalytic reaction. The oxidized products of hydrocarbons have been characterized by GC Analysis while the brominated products have been characterized by (1)H NMR spectroscopic studies.
Since first reported in 2005, mononuclear ruthenium water oxidation catalysts have attracted a great deal of attention due to their catalytic performance and synthetic flexibility. In particular, ligands coordinated to a Ru metal centre play an important role in the catalytic mechanisms, exhibiting significant impact on catalyst efficiency, stability and activity towards water oxidation. This review focuses on finding possible correlations between the ligand effects and activity of mononuclear Ru aqua and non-aqua complexes as water oxidation catalysts. The ligand effects highlighted in the text include the electronic nature of core ligands and their substituents, the trans–cis effect, steric hindrance and the strain effect, the net charge effect, the geometric arrangement of the aqua ligand and the supramolecular effects, e.g., hydrogen bonding and influence of a pendant base. The outcome is not always obvious at the present knowledge level. Deeper understanding of the ligand effects, based on new input data, is mandatory for further progress towards a rational development of novel catalysts featuring enhanced activity in water oxidation.
The synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and thermal analysis of the compounds [Pd(X)(2)(mtu)(PPh3)] (X = Cl- (1), SCN- (2); mtu = N-methylthiourea; PPh3 = triphenylphosphine) and [Pd(X)(2)(phtu)(PPh3)] (X = Cl- (3), SCN- (4); phtu = N-phenylthiourea) are described. The thermal decomposition of the compounds occurs in two, three, or four stages and the final decomposition products were identified as Pd-0 by X-ray powder diffraction. The thermal stability order of the complexes is 4 > 3 > 2 > 1.
The synthesis of three bis[(tert-butoxy)carbonyl]-protected (tetramine)dichloroplatinum complexes 2a – c of formula cis-[PtCl2(LL)] and of their cationic deprotected analogs 3a – c and their evaluation with respect to in vitro cytotoxicity, intramolecular stability, DNA binding, and cellular uptake is reported. The synthesis comprises the complexation of K2[PtCl4] with di-N-protected tetramines 1a – c to give 2a – c and subsequent acidolysis, yielding 3a – c. The cytotoxicity of the complexes is in direct relation to the length of the polyamine. Complexes 3a – c display a significant higher affinity for CT DNA as well as for cellular DNA in A2780 cells than cisplatin.
Patellamide D (patH(4)) is a cyclic octapeptide isolated from the ascidian Lissoclinum patella. The peptide possesses a 24-azacrown-8 macrocyclic structure containing two oxazoline and two thiazole rings, each separated by an amino acid. The present spectrophotometric, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and mass spectral studies show that patellamide D reacts with CuCl, and triethylamine in acetonitrile to form mononuclear and binuclear copper(II) complexes containing chloride. Molecular modelling and EPR studies suggest that the chloride anion bridges the copper(II) ions in the binuclear complex [Cu-2(patH(2))(mu-Cl)](+). These results contrast with a previous study employing both base and methanol, the latter substituting for chloride in the copper(II) complexes en route to the stable mu-carbonato binuclear copper(II) complex [Cu-2 (patH(2))(mu-CO3)]. Solvent clearly plays an important role in both stabilising these metal ion complexes and influencing their chemical reactivities. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.