996 resultados para Modified Zirconium Dioxide


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Zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) thin films were deposited on BK7 glass substrates by the electron beam evaporation method. A continuous wave CO2 laser was used to anneal the ZrO2 thin films to investigate whether beneficial changes could be produced. After annealing at different laser scanning speeds by CO2 laser, weak absorption of the coatings was measured by the surface thermal lensing (STL) technique, and then laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was also determined. It was found that the weak absorption decreased first, while the laser scanning speed is below some value, then increased. The LIDT of the ZrO2 coatings decreased greatly when the laser scanning speeds were below some value. A Nomarski microscope was employed to map the damage morphology, and it was found that the damage behavior was defect-initiated both for annealed and as-deposited samples. The influences of post-deposition CO2 laser annealing on the structural and mechanical properties of the films have also been investigated by X-ray diffraction and ZYGO interferometer. It was found that the microstructure of the ZrO2 films did not change. The residual stress in ZrO2 films showed a tendency from tensile to compressive after CO, laser annealing, and the variation quantity of the residual stress increased with decreasing laser scanning speed. The residual stress may be mitigated to some extent at proper treatment parameters. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Fotocatalisadores baseados em nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio modificados fornecem soluções em potencial para a mineralização de poluentes orgânicos em meio aquoso. Agentes modificadores têm sido amplamente investigados com o objetivo de promover a fotoativação pela luz visível. Foram estudadas a nível fundamental até aqui, as modificações estruturais, texturais e óticas causadas pela introdução de silício e nitrogênio na rede da titânia. Titânias puras (TiO2) e modificadas nanoestruturadas, particularmente titânias modificadas com silício (TiO2-SiO2), com razões atômicas Si/Ti de 0,1, 0,2 e 0,3 foram sintetizadas pelo método sol-gel a partir da hidrólise ácida de isopropóxido de titânio(IV) e tetraetoxisilano. As metodolo-gias sintéticas desenvolvidas tentaram aderir aos princípios da Química Verde, dispensando o uso de atmosfera inerte e temperatura e pressão elevadas, o que foi alcançado utilizando-se, principalmente, a agitação ultrassônica. Titânias modificadas com silício e dopadas com ni-trogênio (TiO2-SiO2-N) foram obtidas a partir do pré-tratamento de TiO2-SiO2 a 500 C ao ar e então submetidas ao fluxo de amônia (NH3) a 600 C por 1-3 h e, após resfriamento, foram recozidas a 400 C ao ar. Amostras distintas foram caracterizadas, na forma de pó seco e após calcinação entre 400600 C, por difração de raios X, adsorção de nitrogênio, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de refletância difusa no UV-Visível. As titânias pu-ras, obtidas principalmente variando-se a razão de hidrólise, foram cristalizadas na forma de anatásio como fase predominante até 600 C, além de traços de brookita presente até 500 C. O rutilo foi identificado a partir de 600 C como fase minoritária, embora apresentando tama-nhos de cristal significativamente maiores que os estimados para o cristal de anatásio. As titâ-nias modificadas com até 20% de silício apresentaram notável estabilidade térmica, evidenci-ada pela presença exclusiva de anatásio até 900 C. Foi também observado o aparecimento de macroporos com diâmetro médio em torno de 55 nm após calcinação a 400 C, diferentemente do que se observou nas amostras em geral. A introdução de baixo teor de silício assegurou às titânias calcinadas valores elevados de área específica, atribuído ao efeito de contenção acentuada na taxa de crescimento do cristal. As titânias modificadas com silício e as titânias puras obtidas com taxa de hidrólise 25:1 para a razão H2O : Ti apresentaram mesoporos com diâmetros médios de mesma dimensão do cristal. As titânias modificadas com silício e dopa-das com nitrogênio apresentaram absorção na região visível entre 400-480 nm, com discreta redução da energia de band gap para as transições eletrônicas consideradas. Titânias calcina-das a 300−400 C apresentaram desempenho fotocatalítico semelhante ao TiO2 P25 da De-gussa sob irradiação UV, na degradação do azo corante Reactive Yellow 145 em soluções a-quosas em pH 5 a 20 1C


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By employing poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) shielding and a polymer cushion to achieve air stability of the lipid membrane, we have analyzed PEG influence on dried membranes and the interaction with cholesterol. Small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) formed by the mixture of 1,2-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) with different molar fraction of 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[methoxy(poly(ethylene glycol))-2000] (DSPE-PEG(2000)) adsorb and fuse into membranes on different polymer-modified silicon dioxide surfaces, including chitosan, poly(L-lysine) (PLL), and hyaluronic acid, Dried membranes arc further examined by ellipsometer and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Only chitosan can support a visible and uniform lipid array. The thickness of dry PEGylated lipid membrane is reduced gradually as the molar fraction of PEG increases. AFM scanning confirms the lipid membrane stacking for vesicles containing low PEG, and only a proper amount of PEG can maintain a single lipid hi lover; however, the air stability of the membrane will be destroyed if overloading. PEG. Cholesterol incorporation can greatly improve the structural stability of lipid membrane, especially for those containing high molar fraction of PEG. Different amounts of cholesterol influence the thickness and surface morphology of dried membrane.


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Inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) with attractive electronic, optical, magnetic, thermal and catalytic properties have attracted great interest due to their important applications in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, materials science and interdisciplinary fields. Biomolecule-NP hybrid systems, which combine recognition and catalytic properties of biomolecules with electronic, optical, magnetic and catalytic properties of NPs, are particularly new materials with synergistic properties originating from the components of the hybrid composites. The biomolecule-NP hybrid system has excellent prospects for interfacing biological recognition events with electronic signal transduction so as to design a new generation of bioelectronic devices with high sensitivity.


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A indústria da pasta e do papel é um sector importante da economia mundial, particularmente a que assenta em espécies de Eucalyptus. No entanto, essas indústrias geram quantidades significativas de correntes secundárias de subprodutos e resíduos de biomassa que podem ser exploradas em aplicações de valor acrescentado em vez de serem queimadas para produção de energia. Um exemplo nobre pode ser a produção de ácidos triterpénicos com estruturas dos tipos lupano, oleanano e ursano, dada a sua abundância em alguns destes resíduos, em particular na casca, adotando o conceito de biorrefinaria integrada numa fábrica de pasta. Estes compostos são conhecidos pelas suas inúmeras actividades biológicas, por exemplo, antioxidante, anti-inflamatória e antitumoral, e podem encontrar aplicações em produtos de elevado valor, tais como cosméticos, nutracêuticos ou farmacêuticos. Neste sentido, o estudo das potencialidades das cascas das espécies de eucalipto mais exploradas enquanto fontes de compostos triterpénicos é um tópico relevante. Por conseguinte, foram analisados e comparados em pormenor os teores e composições em ácidos triterpénicos (TTAs) das cascas externas de várias espécies de eucalipto (E. globulus, E. grandis, E. urograndis, E. maidenii e E. nitens). Os teores dos principais TTAs identificados nestas espécies variaram entre 4.5 g/kg no E. urograndis e 21.6 g/kg no E. nitens. Observou-se que as cascas externas de Eucalyptus de zonas temperadas e Mediterrânicas, nomeadamente E. nitens e E. globulus, são mais ricas em TTAs que as espécies de regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Além disso, a casca externa do E. globulus é claramente a mais rica em ácidos com estruturas do tipo ursano enquanto a do E. nitens é a mais rica em ácidos do tipo oleanano e lupano. Estes resultados levaram-nos a estudar a extração dos TTAs da casca de Eucalyptus, bem como a sua posterior concentração e purificação, a qual foi efetuada por extração sólido-líquido convencional combinada com a precipitação de solutos, e por extração com fluidos supercríticos (SFE). No que diz respeito à primeira abordagem referida, foi desenvolvido neste trabalho um método patenteado que permite obter extratos enriquecidos em TTAs das cascas de eucalipto baseado em tecnologias disponíveis no imediato. Em relação à segunda abordagem, e de forma a apostar em processos de baixo impacto ambiental exigidos pelas biorrefinarias do futuro, a SFE surge como uma opção natural. Assim, foi efetuada a SFE da casca caduca do E. globulus com dióxido de carbono puro e modificado para recuperar a fração de TTAs, e os resultados foram comparados com os obtidos por extração em Soxhlet com diclorometano. Foram realizados estudos preliminares sobre a influência da pressão (100-200 bar), a adição de co-solvente (0, 5 e 8% m/m de etanol), e operação em múltiplos passos a fim de avaliar a aplicabilidade da alternativa supercrítica para a sua produção eficiente e selectiva. Os resultados destacaram a influência da pressão e o importante papel resumo (cont.) desempenhado pelo co-solvente neste processo, cujo efeito foi mais relevante do que o aumento da pressão em várias dezenas de bar. Este trabalho foi depois otimizado, usando o planeamento factorial de experiências e a metodologia de superfícies de resposta, para analisar a influência da temperatura (40-60 ºC), pressão (100-200 bar), e teor de etanol (0.0-5.0% m/m) na recuperação dos TTAs e respectiva concentração nos extractos. Nestes intervalos, as melhores condições de operação encontradas foram 200 bar, 40 °C e 5% de etanol, para as quais os modelos de regressão estatisticamente validados previram um rendimento de extração de 1.2% com 50% de concentração em TTAs, correspondendo ao rendimento em TTAs de 5.1 g/kg de casca e uma recuperação de 79.2% comparativamente ao valor do Soxhlet. Os TTAs livres e acetilados apresentaram tendências de extracção bastante distintas devido às suas diferentes afinidades para o CO2 causadas pelas diferentes polaridades: os derivados acetilados aproximam-se de um patamar máximo a cerca de 200 bar e 5% de etanol, enquanto a extração dos TTAs livres apresenta uma tendência sempre crescente no intervalo de condições estudado. Foram também medidas curvas cumulativas de SFE da casca do E. globulus de forma a analisar o comportamento cinético do processo em termos de rendimento total, rendimento em TTAs, rendimento em TTAs livres, rendimento em TTAs acetilados, e concentração dos TTAs nos extractos. Foi analisada a influência da pressão, temperatura, teor de co-solvente e caudal do dióxido de carbono sobre as respostas anteriores. Os dados experimentais foram modelados com os modelos Logístico, de Dessorção, de Placa Plana Simples, e de Difusão. Na globalidade, os resultados confirmaram que a pressão e o teor de etanol têm um efeito significativo sobre as curvas de extração, os rendimentos finais e as concentrações dos extratos, e mostraram a presença de limitações externas à transferência de massa em alguns ensaios. Mais uma vez, as famílias individuais de TTAs livres e acetilados apresentaram diferentes tendências de extracção. A modelação permitiu-nos confirmar não só o importante papel desempenhado pela difusão intraparticular na SFE, mas também a contribuição da resistência no filme em alguns ensaios. Após a análise de todos os resultados, foi efetuado um ensaio em duas etapas em série, possibilitando o enriquecimento do teor em TTAs no extracto devido às diferentes condições adotadas em cada etapa. Por último, um éster metílico de um ácido triterpénico do tipo oleanano - morolato de metilo - foi identificado pela primeira vez enquanto componente da casca de Eucalyptus na casca externa do Eucalyptus grandis x globulus, onde ocorre em teores elevados. A sua extração com CO2 supercrítico foi também realizada, visando a conceção de uma alternativa de extração ambientalmente benigna para este composto. A 200 bar e 60 ºC, a remoção do morolato de metilo atingiu um patamar às 6 h para 5.1 kg h-1 de CO2 / kg de casca. Em geral, e de forma semelhante à SFE da casca do E. globulus, os TTAs acetilados foram mais significativamente extraídos quando comparados com os seus ácidos livres, o que está diretamente relacionado com a natureza menos polar destas moléculas. O trabalho apresentado nesta tese é uma contribuição para a valorização de uma corrente de biomassa com baixo valor na indústria de pasta em duas vertentes complementares. Por um lado, aumentou o conhecimento da composição lipofílica das cascas de Eucalyptus spp. com interesse comercial para a produção de pasta, destacando o seu potencial enquanto fontes de ácidos triterpénicos. Por outro lado, foram desenvolvidos dois processos alternativos e facilmente integráveis numa fábrica de pasta para a sua exploração a partir da casca: um baseado em tecnologias convencionais bem estabelecidas a nível industrial, prevendo a sua aplicação a curto prazo, e um outro baseado na SFE, seguindo as tendências das futuras biorrefinarias.


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Over 11 million tons of nanomaterials (NMs) have been produced in 2012 and predictions point the increase in production. Despite predictions and extended usage via consumer products and industry, the understanding of the potential impact of these materials on the environment is virtually absent. The main aim of this thesis is to understand how a selected group of nanomaterials (metal based particles) may impact soil invertebrates, with special focus on the mechanisms of response. Since a case-by-case Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of all the emerging contaminants (particularly NMs) is impossible, among others due to time and cost reasons, to gain understanding on the mechanism of action and response is very important to reach a common paradigm. Understanding the modes of action provides predictive characters in cross particle extrapolation. Besides, it also provides insight for the production of new and sustainable materials. Overall, the effects of the selected NMs (Copper and Silver, Titanium and Zirconium oxides) and the respective salt forms, were investigated at the gene expression (using high-throughput tools, microarray and qPCR technology), biochemical (using enzymatic assays for analysis of oxidative stress markers) and organism (survival and reproduction as in OECD test guidelines) levels, this using standard soil species (Enchytraeus albidus, Enchytraeus crypticus, Eisenia fetida). Gene expression analysis provided valuable information on the mechanisms affected by each of the NMs. The gene expression profile highlighted a (nano)material signature and the effect of the duration of exposure. The functional analyses integrated with the biochemical and organism data, revealed a good understanding power. The biochemical parameters (oxidative stress related) were distinct across the materials and also influenced by duration of exposure and concentration. The standardized organismal responses differed the least between the various materials. The overall outcome is that, in this context of NMs effect assessment, gene expression and enzymatic assays introduced a very important knowledge gap, which could not had been achieved by the standard organismal effects alone. A reoccurring issue with some metal based NMs is the possible dissolution and subsequent release of ions that then causes toxicity e.g. Cu-NPs or Ag-NPs release Cu2+ or Ag+. The oxidation state of the particles was investigated, although this was not the focus of the thesis. The study of fate, e.g. dissolution of NPs, is also only in its beginning and the appropriate techniques are currently being developed. The results showed a specific nanoparticle effect. The UV exposure with titanium dioxide nanoparticles increased its effect.


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The heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation of methylorange over TiO2 is studied and is found to be cost effective. Effect of Zirconium metal incorporation over titania system is investigated. Photocatalytic degradation of methylorange using solar radiation is found to be highly economical when compared with the processes using artificial UV radiation, which require substantial electrical power input. The characterization of titania as well as modified zirconium metal doped titania systems are done using XRD, FTIR and EDAX measurements. The catalytic activities of different systems are also compared and is tried to correlate with the crystallite size and presence of dopant metal.


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Lasers play an important role for medical, sensoric and data storage devices. This thesis is focused on design, technology development, fabrication and characterization of hybrid ultraviolet Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (UV VCSEL) with organic laser-active material and inorganic distributed Bragg reflectors (DBR). Multilayer structures with different layer thicknesses, refractive indices and absorption coefficients of the inorganic materials were studied using theoretical model calculations. During the simulations the structure parameters such as materials and thicknesses have been varied. This procedure was repeated several times during the design optimization process including also the feedback from technology and characterization. Two types of VCSEL devices were investigated. The first is an index coupled structure consisting of bottom and top DBR dielectric mirrors. In the space in between them is the cavity, which includes active region and defines the spectral gain profile. In this configuration the maximum electrical field is concentrated in the cavity and can destroy the chemical structure of the active material. The second type of laser is a so called complex coupled VCSEL. In this structure the active material is placed not only in the cavity but also in parts of the DBR structure. The simulations show that such a distribution of the active material reduces the required pumping power for reaching lasing threshold. High efficiency is achieved by substituting the dielectric material with high refractive index for the periods closer to the cavity. The inorganic materials for the DBR mirrors have been deposited by Plasma- Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) and Dual Ion Beam Sputtering (DIBS) machines. Extended optimizations of the technological processes have been performed. All the processes are carried out in a clean room Class 1 and Class 10000. The optical properties and the thicknesses of the layers are measured in-situ by spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectroscopic reflectometry. The surface roughness is analyzed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and images of the devices are taken with scanning electron microscope (SEM). The silicon dioxide (SiO2) and silicon nitride (Si3N4) layers deposited by the PECVD machine show defects of the material structure and have higher absorption in the ultra violet range compared to ion beam deposition (IBD). This results in low reflectivity of the DBR mirrors and also reduces the optical properties of the VCSEL devices. However PECVD has the advantage that the stress in the layers can be tuned and compensated, in contrast to IBD at the moment. A sputtering machine Ionsys 1000 produced by Roth&Rau company, is used for the deposition of silicon dioxide (SiO2), silicon nitride (Si3N4), aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and zirconium dioxide (ZrO2). The chamber is equipped with main (sputter) and assisted ion sources. The dielectric materials were optimized by introducing additional oxygen and nitrogen into the chamber. DBR mirrors with different material combinations were deposited. The measured optical properties of the fabricated multilayer structures show an excellent agreement with the results of theoretical model calculations. The layers deposited by puttering show high compressive stress. As an active region a novel organic material with spiro-linked molecules is used. Two different materials have been evaporated by utilizing a dye evaporation machine in the clean room of the department Makromolekulare Chemie und Molekulare Materialien (mmCmm). The Spiro-Octopus-1 organic material has a maximum emission at the wavelength λemission = 395 nm and the Spiro-Pphenal has a maximum emission at the wavelength λemission = 418 nm. Both of them have high refractive index and can be combined with low refractive index materials like silicon dioxide (SiO2). The sputtering method shows excellent optical quality of the deposited materials and high reflection of the multilayer structures. The bottom DBR mirrors for all VCSEL devices were deposited by the DIBS machine, whereas the top DBR mirror deposited either by PECVD or by combination of PECVD and DIBS. The fabricated VCSEL structures were optically pumped by nitrogen laser at wavelength λpumping = 337 nm. The emission was measured by spectrometer. A radiation of the VCSEL structure at wavelength 392 nm and 420 nm is observed.


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We describe numerical simulations designed to elucidate the role of mean ocean salinity in climate. Using a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model, we study a 100-year sensitivity experiment in which the global-mean salinity is approximately doubled from its present observed value, by adding 35 psu everywhere in the ocean. The salinity increase produces a rapid global-mean sea-surface warming of C within a few years, caused by reduced vertical mixing associated with changes in cabbeling. The warming is followed by a gradual global-mean sea-surface cooling of C within a few decades, caused by an increase in the vertical (downward) component of the isopycnal diffusive heat flux. We find no evidence of impacts on the variability of the thermohaline circulation (THC) or El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The mean strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning is reduced by 20% and the North Atlantic Deep Water penetrates less deeply. Nevertheless, our results dispute claims that higher salinities for the world ocean have profound consequences for the thermohaline circulation. In additional experiments with doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide, we find that the amplitude and spatial pattern of the global warming signal are modified in the hypersaline ocean. In particular, the equilibrated global-mean sea-surface temperature increase caused by doubling carbon dioxide is reduced by 10%. We infer the existence of a non-linear interaction between the climate responses to modified carbon dioxide and modified salinity.


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The photocatalytic degradation of Janus Green B azo dye over silver modified titanium dioxide films was investigated by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). An optimized SERS-active substrate was employed to study the photodegradation reaction of Janus Green B. Considering that photocatalytic degradation processes of organic molecules adsorbed on TiO2 might involve either their oxidation or reduction reaction, the vibrational spectroelectrochemical study of the dye was also performed, in order to clarify the transformations involved in initial steps of its photochemical decomposition. In order to understand the changes in Raman spectra of Janus Green B after photodegradation and/or electrochemical processes, a vibrational assignment of the main Raman active modes of the dye was carried out, based on a detailed resonance Raman profile. Products formed by electrochemical and photochemical degradation processes were compared. The obtained results revealed that the first steps of the degradation process of Janus Green B involve a reductive mechanism. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Nickel catalysts with a load of 5 wt% Ni, supported on pure ZrO(2) and ZrO(2) stabilized with 4, 8 and 14 mol% CaO, were prepared by the polymerization method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), temperature-programmed reduction with hydrogen (TPR-H(2)), specific surface area (BET) and impedance spectroscopy (IS) and tested in the carbon dioxide reforming of methane. The XRD patterns showed the presence of the oxide precursor (NiO) and the tetragonal phase of CaO-ZrO(2) solid solutions. According to the TPR-H(2) analysis, the reduction of various NiO species was influenced by the support composition. The electrical properties of the support have a proportional effect on the catalytic activities. Catalytic tests were done at 800 degrees C for 6 h and the composition of the gaseous products and the catalytic conversion depended on the CaO-ZrO(2) solid solution composition and its influence on supported NiO species. A direct relation was found between the variation in the electrical conductivity of the support, the nickel species supported on it and the performance in the catalytic tests. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Organic-inorganic hybrids were prepared using ureapropyltriethoxysilane, methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane and acrylic acid modified zirconium(IV) n-propoxide precursors and were characterized by small angle X-ray scattering, X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The results indicate an effective interaction between the zirconium-based nanoparticles and the siliceous nanodomains that induces changes in the hybrids' emission features. Planar waveguides were obtained by spin-coating of the prepared sols on sodalime and silica substrates. Refractive index, thickness, number of propagating modes, and attenuation coefficient were measured at 543.5, 632.8 and 1550 nm by the prism coupling technique. The synergism between the two hybrid precursors resulted in monomode planar waveguides with low losses in the infrared ( from 0.6-1.1 dB cm(-1)) which also support a number of propagating modes in the visible ( losses from 0.4-1.5 dB cm(-1)). Channel waveguides were also obtained by UV photopatterning using amplitude or phase masks and propagating modes were observed at 1550 nm.