965 resultados para Modern technology


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Information forms the basis of modern technology. To meet the ever-increasing demand for information, means have to be devised for a more efficient and better-equipped technology to intelligibly process data. Advances in photonics have made their impact on each of the four key applications in information processing, i.e., acquisition, transmission, storage and processing of information. The inherent advantages of ultrahigh bandwidth, high speed and low-loss transmission has already established fiber-optics as the backbone of communication technology. However, the optics to electronics inter-conversion at the transmitter and receiver ends severely limits both the speed and bit rate of lightwave communication systems. As the trend towards still faster and higher capacity systems continues, it has become increasingly necessary to perform more and more signal-processing operations in the optical domain itself, i.e., with all-optical components and devices that possess a high bandwidth and can perform parallel processing functions to eliminate the electronic bottleneck.


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Modern technology has allowed real-time data collection in a variety of domains, ranging from environmental monitoring to healthcare. Consequently, there is a growing need for algorithms capable of performing inferential tasks in an online manner, continuously revising their estimates to reflect the current status of the underlying process. In particular, we are interested in constructing online and temporally adaptive classifiers capable of handling the possibly drifting decision boundaries arising in streaming environments. We first make a quadratic approximation to the log-likelihood that yields a recursive algorithm for fitting logistic regression online. We then suggest a novel way of equipping this framework with self-tuning forgetting factors. The resulting scheme is capable of tracking changes in the underlying probability distribution, adapting the decision boundary appropriately and hence maintaining high classification accuracy in dynamic or unstable environments. We demonstrate the scheme's effectiveness in both real and simulated streaming environments. © Springer-Verlag 2009.


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With the advent of the laser in the year 1960, the field of optics experienced a renaissance from what was considered to be a dull, solved subject to an active area of development, with applications and discoveries which are yet to be exhausted 55 years later. Light is now nearly ubiquitous not only in cutting-edge research in physics, chemistry, and biology, but also in modern technology and infrastructure. One quality of light, that of the imparted radiation pressure force upon reflection from an object, has attracted intense interest from researchers seeking to precisely monitor and control the motional degrees of freedom of an object using light. These optomechanical interactions have inspired myriad proposals, ranging from quantum memories and transducers in quantum information networks to precision metrology of classical forces. Alongside advances in micro- and nano-fabrication, the burgeoning field of optomechanics has yielded a class of highly engineered systems designed to produce strong interactions between light and motion.

Optomechanical crystals are one such system in which the patterning of periodic holes in thin dielectric films traps both light and sound waves to a micro-scale volume. These devices feature strong radiation pressure coupling between high-quality optical cavity modes and internal nanomechanical resonances. Whether for applications in the quantum or classical domain, the utility of optomechanical crystals hinges on the degree to which light radiating from the device, having interacted with mechanical motion, can be collected and detected in an experimental apparatus consisting of conventional optical components such as lenses and optical fibers. While several efficient methods of optical coupling exist to meet this task, most are unsuitable for the cryogenic or vacuum integration required for many applications. The first portion of this dissertation will detail the development of robust and efficient methods of optically coupling optomechanical resonators to optical fibers, with an emphasis on fabrication processes and optical characterization.

I will then proceed to describe a few experiments enabled by the fiber couplers. The first studies the performance of an optomechanical resonator as a precise sensor for continuous position measurement. The sensitivity of the measurement, limited by the detection efficiency of intracavity photons, is compared to the standard quantum limit imposed by the quantum properties of the laser probe light. The added noise of the measurement is seen to fall within a factor of 3 of the standard quantum limit, representing an order of magnitude improvement over previous experiments utilizing optomechanical crystals, and matching the performance of similar measurements in the microwave domain.

The next experiment uses single photon counting to detect individual phonon emission and absorption events within the nanomechanical oscillator. The scattering of laser light from mechanical motion produces correlated photon-phonon pairs, and detection of the emitted photon corresponds to an effective phonon counting scheme. In the process of scattering, the coherence properties of the mechanical oscillation are mapped onto the reflected light. Intensity interferometry of the reflected light then allows measurement of the temporal coherence of the acoustic field. These correlations are measured for a range of experimental conditions, including the optomechanical amplification of the mechanics to a self-oscillation regime, and comparisons are drawn to a laser system for phonons. Finally, prospects for using phonon counting and intensity interferometry to produce non-classical mechanical states are detailed following recent proposals in literature.


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Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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Point-of-care (POC) tests offer potentially substantial benefits for the management of infectious diseases, mainly by shortening the time to result and by making the test available at the bedside or at remote care centres. Commercial POC tests are already widely available for the diagnosis of bacterial and viral infections and for parasitic diseases, including malaria. Infectious diseases specialists and clinical microbiologists should be aware of the indications and limitations of each rapid test, so that they can use them appropriately and correctly interpret their results. The clinical applications and performance of the most relevant and commonly used POC tests are reviewed. Some of these tests exhibit insufficient sensitivity, and should therefore be coupled to confirmatory tests when the results are negative (e.g. Streptococcus pyogenes rapid antigen detection test), whereas the results of others need to be confirmed when positive (e.g. malaria). New molecular-based tests exhibit better sensitivity and specificity than former immunochromatographic assays (e.g. Streptococcus agalactiae detection). In the coming years, further evolution of POC tests may lead to new diagnostic approaches, such as panel testing, targeting not just a single pathogen, but all possible agents suspected in a specific clinical setting. To reach this goal, the development of serology-based and/or molecular-based microarrays/multiplexed tests will be needed. The availability of modern technology and new microfluidic devices will provide clinical microbiologists with the opportunity to be back at the bedside, proposing a large variety of POC tests that will allow quicker diagnosis and improved patient care.


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The Academic South and Academic North buildings are located at the west end of campus. The 80 000 square-foot facilities include the Computer Commons, several multimedia lecture halls, office space, state-of-the-art labs, a food court, and student meeting space. The complex included some of the most modern technology, including broadband Internet video conferencing that enabled real-time visual contact between professors, students, and researchers from around the world.


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Au cours des dernières années, le domaine de la consommation a grandement évolué. Les agents de marketing ont commencé à utiliser l’Internet pour influencer les consommateurs en employant des tactiques originales et imaginatives qui ont rendus possible l’atteinte d'un niveau de communication interpersonnelle qui avait précédemment été insondable. Leurs interactions avec les consommateurs, en utilisant la technologie moderne, se manifeste sous plusieurs formes différentes qui sont toutes accompagnés de leur propre assortiment de problèmes juridiques. D’abord, il n'est pas rare pour les agents de marketing d’utiliser des outils qui leur permettent de suivre les actions des consommateurs dans le monde virtuel ainsi que dans le monde physique. Les renseignements personnels recueillis d'une telle manière sont souvent utilisés à des fins de publicité comportementale en ligne – une utilisation qui ne respecte pas toujours les limites du droit à la vie privée. Il est également devenu assez commun pour les agents de marketing d’utiliser les médias sociaux afin de converser avec les consommateurs. Ces forums ont aussi servi à la commission d’actes anticoncurrentiels, ainsi qu’à la diffusion de publicités fausses et trompeuses – deux pratiques qui sont interdites tant par la loi sur la concurrence que la loi sur la protection des consommateurs. Enfin, les agents de marketing utilisent diverses tactiques afin de joindre les consommateurs plus efficacement en utilisant diverses tactiques qui les rendent plus visible dans les moteurs de recherche sur Internet, dont certaines sont considérés comme malhonnêtes et pourraient présenter des problèmes dans les domaines du droit de la concurrence et du droit des marques de commerce. Ce mémoire offre une description détaillée des outils utilisés à des fins de marketing sur Internet, ainsi que de la manière dont ils sont utilisés. Il illustre par ailleurs les problèmes juridiques qui peuvent survenir à la suite de leur utilisation et définit le cadre législatif régissant l’utilisation de ces outils par les agents de marketing, pour enfin démontrer que les lois qui entrent en jeu dans de telles circonstances peuvent, en effet, se révéler bénéfiques pour ces derniers d'un point de vue économique.


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Cette recherche s’intéresse aux enjeux de l’habitat de demain de la génération des baby-boomers, tout particulièrement ceux nés entre 1945 et 1953, qui arrivent aujourd’hui à la retraite. C’est au carrefour de la vision de ce que signifie habiter selon des auteurs comme Benoit Goetz ( 2011), des philosophes comme Heidegger (1958), Bachelard (1957), Benjamin (1955), Büber (1962) ou encore Deleuze (1980) d’une part, soulignant les facteurs de porosité et les liens aux autres, et d’autre part les caractéristiques des baby-boomers telles que présentées par Jean François Sirinelli (2003) et Josée Garceau (2012), que se situe la recherche. Cette génération informée entend rester active et pratique des « adeptions » qui influencent par les gestes un savoir habiter et par là son habitat. L’étude de terrain a sondé les aspirations des baby-boomers en ce qui concerne leur choix résidentiel pour l’avenir, pour comprendre sur quelles valeurs et vers quels buts leur projet se construit. Le choix de méthodologies qualitatives s’appuie sur le visionnement préalable d’un film récent : Et si on vivait tous ensemble. Des entretiens semi-dirigés, auprès de cinq baby-boomers, de 60 à 65 ans, effectués en deux phases avec verbatim approuvés,étaient basés sur trois thèmes : la mémoire, l’adeption et le projet. Entre autres résultats, sont confirmés avec variantes, plusieurs concepts théoriques, comme ceux de porosité et d’ouverture par la fenêtre à la fois physique et virtuelle, mais soulignent le spectre de la maison de retraite et des préoccupations financières concernant l’avenir d’un habitat nécessairement autonome. Cette génération imprégnée par le monde technologique veut avoir accès à tout ce que propose la modernité sans pour autant perdre le sens de l’historicité de leur vie. Nés dans un monde en bouillonnement, les baby-boomers ont réinventé chaque étape de leur existence, ce qui laisse préfigurer que cette génération s’apprête à réinventer la retraite et ses sites domiciliaires. Aussi l’approche design devra-t-elle complètement se renouveler pour ces nouveaux usagers.


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Cette thèse de doctorat se rapporte aux films du cinéaste japonais Ozu Yasujirô (1903-1963) suivant l'hypothèse principale que les enjeux de la destruction qui y sont mis en scène, sous la forme de la disparition des liens familiaux et de la mort, ne peuvent être éclairés par la narration, dont le caractère non dramatique est notoire. En figurant la dislocation de la famille, les films d'Ozu rendent plutôt compte de la vulnérabilité du monde à la prise cinématographique : la destructivité du médium s'y énonce comme sa capacité à mobiliser ce qui entre dans son champ et à le transformer en faire-valoir de son aptitude à produire des effets. Cette étude fait ainsi apparaître les images animées, en tant qu'elles relèvent de la logique technique régie par la modernité, comme une forme de désastre, qui atteint la famille comme expérience de la communauté, c'est-à-dire comme rapport constitutif à un hors-de-soi. Mais à cette destructivité fait également face, au sein même de la pratique cinématographique d'Ozu, une autre possibilité du cinéma, qui peut restaurer ces liens menacés. Cette étude du cinéma d'Ozu montre sa profonde affinité avec la pensée du désœuvrement élaborée par Giorgio Agamben, les films du cinéaste et les travaux du philosophe s'éclairant mutuellement. Le concept de désœuvrement permet de reconsidérer les enjeux essentiels des films d'Ozu à un niveau à la fois thématique et formel, immatériel et matériel, articulant ces deux facettes pour en considérer le registre proprement médiatique. Le propos n'est pas essentiellement esthétique ou formaliste, mais s'intéresse avant tout au travail d'Ozu du point de vue des enjeux éthiques du cinéma, qui se formulent en termes de relation à sa puissance. Celle-ci concerne aussi bien l'attention d'Ozu à la vie collective que le soin qu'il porte aux potentialités expressives du cinéma, c'est-à-dire à la manière dont il se rapporte aux limites de son médium.


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El transplante de órganos constituye uno de los avances más espectaculares en la historia de la Medicina. Representa un ejemplo de cómo la medicina moderna ha progresado de manera extraordinaria gracias a la importancia del trabajo en equipo, la super-especialización así como su carácter multi e interdisciplinario. El desarrollo del transplante se ha logrado gracias a la conjunción de numerosos factores, el desarrollo de diversas ramas de las ciencias médicas y básicas, así como la tecnología moderna que han permitido que lo que era un sueño en la década del 60 hoy en día se considere una práctica rutinaria. A continuación queremos compartir el Resumen Ejecutivo del manejo postquirúrgico en Cuidados Intensivos en niños con transplante de hígado que realizamos en la Fundación Cardio-Infantil IC.


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Exhibiting is or should be to work against ignorance, especially against the most refractory of all ignorance: the pre-conceived idea of stereo typed culture. To exhibit is to take a calculated risk of disorientation - in the etymological sense: (to lose your bearings), disturbs the harmony, the evident , and the consensus, that constitutes the common place (the banal). Needless to say however it is obvious that an exhibition that deliberately tries to scandalise will create an inverted perversion which results in an obscurantist pseudo-luxury - culture ... between demagogy and provocation, one has to find visual communication's subtle itinerary. Even though an intermediary route is not so stimulating: as Gaston Bachelard said "All the roads lead to Rome, except the roads of compromise." It is becoming ever more evident that museums have undergone changes that are noticeable in numerous areas. As well as the traditional functions of collecting, conserving and exhibiting objects. museums have tried to become a means of communication, open and aware of the worries of modern society. In order to do this , it has started to utilise modern technology now available and lead by the hand of "marketing" and modern business management.


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Building services are worth about 2% GDP and are essential for the effective and efficient operations of the building. It is increasingly recognised that the value of a building is related to the way it supports the client organisation’s ongoing business operations. Building services are central to the functional performance of buildings and provide the necessary conditions for health, well-being, safety and security of the occupants. They frequently comprise several technologically distinct sub-systems and their design and construction requires the involvement of numerous disciplines and trades. Designers and contractors working on the same project are frequently employed by different companies. Materials and equipment is supplied by a diverse range of manufacturers. Facilities managers are responsible for operation of the building service in use. The coordination between these participants is crucially important to achieve optimum performance, but too often is neglected. This leaves room for serious faults. The need for effective integration is important. Modern technology offers increasing opportunities for integrated personal-control systems for lighting, ventilation and security as well as interoperability between systems. Opportunities for a new mode of systems integration are provided by the emergence of PFI/PPP procurements frameworks. This paper attempts to establish how systems integration can be achieved in the process of designing, constructing and operating building services. The essence of the paper therefore is to envisage the emergent organisational responses to the realisation of building services as an interactive systems network.


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The 'Uncanny Valley' was conceived in 1970 by Prof Masahiro Mori and details a possible relationship between an object's appearance or motion and how people perceive the object. Initially this research was used without validation. Modern technology has enabled initial investigations, summarised here, that conclude further work is required. A good design guideline for humanoid robots is desired if humanoid robots are to assist with an increasingly elderly population, but not yet possible due to technological constraints. Prosthetics is considered a good resource as the user interaction is comparable to the anticipated level of human-robot interaction and there is a wide range of existing devices.