22 resultados para Mirounga-leonina
Foram estudadas 131 amostras de fezes de gatos de comportamento domiciliado e errante da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, obtendo-se uma positividade de 63,4% das amostras, com maior ocorrência no grupo de animais errantes. Foi observado predomínio de parasitismo por Ancylostoma sp (43,5%), Toxocara sp (19,1%) e Cystoisospora sp (43,5%) em ambos os grupos. Também foram encontrados ovos de Uncinaria sp (1,5%), Toxascaris leonina (7,6%), cistos de Giardia sp (6,1%) e esporocistos de Sarcocystis sp (0,8%). A alta prevalência de enteroparasitas na amostra estudada ressalta a importância de um maior controle parasitológico nesses animais, para proteção da saúde animal e humana.
A study of the Adolpho Lutz Collection of Tabanidae at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz and of additional Lutz material at the Instituto Butantan in São Paulo is reported. Of the ninety-four species of Tabanidae validly described by Lutz, type material of eighty-four was recognized, either holotypes, allotypes or syntypes. Lectotypes were selected from among syntype series or remaining specimens and all type material was labelled. Of the ten species of which no type material could be found, neotypes were designated in the case of two species, Erephosis nigricans and Erephosis pseudo-aurimaculata. Types of three species, Chrysops ecuadoriensis, Dichelacera salvadorensis and Esenbeckia nigricorpus are believed to have been in Hamburg and destroyed during the last war. Types of two species, Esenbeckia biscutellata and E. dubia, and additional type material of several others are believed to have been in Montevideo. A request for information about them remains unanswered. Types of the remaining three species, Dichelacera intermedia, Dichelacera laceriascia and Esenbeckia distinguenda could not be found, and it is believed that at least the type of the last species was accidentally destroyed. Three specific of subspecific names proposed by Lutz but palaced by others in synonymy have been revalidated, Acanthocera intermedia, Erephosis brevistria and Esenbeckia fenestrata. Generic placement of two names has been changed, Esenbeckia arcuata ricardoae to Proboscoides, and Selasoma giganteum to Stibasoma. Seven specific names proposed by Lutz appear to be synonyms of earlier names, as follows: Bombylopsis juxtaleonina Lutz and Castro, 1936 = B. leonina Lutz, 1909. Bombylopsis pseudoanalis Lutz, 1909 = B. erythronotata (Bigot, 1892). Esenbeckia fuscipennis var. flavescens Lutz, 1909 = Esenbeckia fuscipennis Wied., 1828. Fidena chrysopyga Lutz and Castro, 1936 = F. atra Lutz and Castro, 1936. Laphriomyia longipalpis Lutz and Castro, 1937 = L. mirabilis Lutz, 1911. Stibasoma semiflavum Lutz, 1915 = St. bicolor Bigot, 1892. Tabanus hesperus Lutz, 1912 = Chlorotabanus (Cryptolylus) innotescens (Walker, 1854). Four Lutz names appear to antedate names proposed by others, viz.: Diachlorus angustifrons Kröber, 1930 and D. ochraceus Kröb., 1928 not Macquart, 1850 = Diachlorus fuscistigma Lutz, 1913. Psalidia fairchildi Barretto, 1950 = dicladocera conspicua Lutz and Neiva, 1914. Fidena pseudo-fulvithorax Kröb., 1931 = Erephopsis flavicrinis Lutz, 1909. Esenbeckia lemniscata Enderlein, 1925 = Esenbeckia clari Lutz, 1909. Some comments on Lutz' system of classification are given together with notes on the genotypes and included species of his genera as revaled by his collection and notes.
A Gestão, como arte e experiência, tem sido infelizmente pouco solicitada para participar activamente no crucial e urgente processo de regeneração e reversão do Sistema Nacional de Saúde em Portugal. Perante a prevalência notória da perspectiva macroeconómica da economia da saúde, a gestão tem-se remetido quase ao serviço mínimo de repositório e subserviente cumpridor da norma emanada dos diversos e diversificados poderes da saúde, nomeadamente os político e burocrático. Sem querer com isto pretender ter encontrado a panaceia para a intervenção no processo, julga-se que sem um forte contributo da gestão jamais se atingirá o objectivo pretendido de flexão no andamento notoriamente negativo dos últimos anos. E isso passa por dois aspectos cruciais inerentes às organizações de saúde: acreditar verdadeiramente nas competências detidas pelas suas lideranças intermédias e apostar na respectiva delegação de poder e decisão. A contrapartida para isso será um sério, genuíno, forte, diferenciado e negociado processo de contratualização interna e avaliação de desempenho em excelência das unidades, serviços e centros nucleares da estrutura, em que de uma vez por todas se arrede a tradicional e já demonstradamente prejudicial posição negocial leonina dos diversos centralismos da saúde em Portugal.
In April and June 1968, the Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program (POBSP) of the Smithsonian Institution conducted surveys on breeding marine birds and pinnipeds on various Mexican islands. Between 18 to 26 April and 21 to 29 June, pinniped populations were surveyed at Islas de Guadalupe, San Benito, Cedros, and Natividad off Baja California. Species observed were the California sea lion, Zalophus californianus, Guadalupe fur seal, Arctocephalus townsendi, harbor seal, Phoca vitulina, and northern elephant seal, Mirounga angustirostris
Coproscopic examination of 505 dogs originating from the western or central part of Switzerland revealed the presence (prevalence data) of the following helminthes: Toxocara canis (7.1%), hookworms (6.9%), Trichuris vulpis (5.5%), Toxascaris leonina (1.3%), Taeniidae (1.3%), Capillaria spp. (0.8%), and Diphyllobothrium latum (0.4%). Potential risk factors for infection were identified by a questionnaire: dogs from rural areas significantly more often had hookworms and taeniid eggs in their feces when compared to urban family dogs. Access to small rodents, offal, and carrion was identified as risk factor for hookworm and Taeniidae, while feeding of fresh and uncooked meat did not result in higher prevalences for these helminths. A group of 111 dogs was treated every 3 months with a combined medication of pyrantel embonate, praziquantel, and febantel, and fecal samples were collected for coproscopy in monthly intervals. Despite treatment, the yearly incidence of T. canis was 32%, while hookworms, T. vulpis, Capillaria spp., and Taeniidae reached incidences ranging from 11 to 22%. Fifty-seven percent of the 111 dogs had helminth eggs in their feces at least once during the 1-year study period. This finding implicates that an infection risk with potential zoonotic pathogens cannot be ruled out for the dog owner despite regular deworming four times a year.
La catedral de León, debido al estado de ruina que presentaba a mediados del siglo XIX, se vio sometida a partir de entonces a una serie de intervenciones de conservación, restauración y reconstrucción que la transforma-ron significativamente. A pesar de encontrarnos con gran cantidad de documentación escrita sobre este monumento y de existir varios estudios sobre los arquitectos restauradores que intervinieron en este a finales del siglo XIX, resulta sorprendente que todavía existan períodos de este lapso de tiempo en el que su análisis y profundización haya sido menor. Este es el caso del período de Juan Bautista Lázaro como arquitecto director de las obras de la catedral leonesa, existiendo únicamente sobre toda su obra un estudio general que fue realizado por el director de este trabajo de investigación, por lo que nos llevó a considerar que era oportuno profundizar sobre la figura y obra de uno de los arquitectos más importante de la restauración en España de este período, no solo por su obra en sí, sino también por sus pos-turas significativas respecto a la intervención en el patrimonio arquitectónico: su respeto por los añadidos históricos, su preferencia por no aislar los monumentos, sus interés por los sistemas constructivos y su deseo de recuperar los oficios tradicionales que estaban completamente perdidos en la España decimonónica. El objetivo principal de la tesis es, por tanto, el análisis descriptivo y arquitectónico de los proyectos e intervenciones que Lázaro desarrolló y ejecutó para la catedral de Santa María de Regla de León, para deducir los principios e ideas que guiaron su quehacer en este templo, y poder, tras estudiar sus diversas publicaciones escritas y los proyectos e intervenciones de restauración acometidas en otros edificios de carácter monumental, llegar a establecer sus criterios de intervención en el patrimonio histórico y artístico. De acuerdo con esto, la tesis se estructura en tres partes: una primera parte en la que se contempla el pensamiento arquitectónico de Lázaro en su intervención en el patrimonio histórico; una segunda, en la que se abordan directamente los proyectos e intervenciones de Lázaro en la pulchra leonina, previa aproximación del citado arquitecto al proceso de restauración que se acometía en dicho templo; y una tercera, en la que se realiza el estudio de las principales intervenciones de restauración que ejecutó en otros edificios del patrimonio arquitectónico español. El presente trabajo de investigación se ha servido de la documentación escrita, gráfica, planimétrica y fotográfica que sobre los temas tratados existe desperdigada en diversos archivos dependientes de distintos organismos oficiales civiles y eclesiásticos. Además, el hecho de haber podido acceder a los trabajos de conservación y restauración que en estos momentos se están llevando a cabo en las zonas en las que intervino Lázaro (vidrieras, rejas, puertas, fábricas, cubiertas, etc.), y el poder intercambiar opiniones y criterios con la persona que actualmente es responsable de las obras de la catedral de León, ha facilitado y complementado el desarrollo de la presente tesis al haber podido contrastar y tomar datos directamente en el monumento objeto de estudio. También se ha llevado a cabo la consulta de las distintas revistas de arquitectura publicadas en aquellos años y de los múltiples libros que versaban sobre los edificios objeto de este trabajo o que guardaban relación con ellos. Asimismo hemos logrado conocer el testimonio de algunos de los herederos de Lázaro y de varios de los descendientes de los operarios que trabajaron bajo sus órdenes. Como conclusiones generales, la tesis define por primera vez los criterios generales que guiaron su quehacer profesional en el patrimonio. Además, en este trabajo se analizan pormenorizadamente los proyectos y actuaciones de Lázaro en la catedral de León, abordándose también en profundidad el trabajo del mencionado arquitecto en el ámbito de la restauración arquitectónica. Para lograr este objetivo, esta tesis no se ha limitado únicamente a analizar la información existente en los proyectos y en los in-formes de supervisión de los mismos, como tradicionalmente se había hecho, sino que también se ha tratado de verificar si los datos contenidos en los diferentes documentos de un mismo proyecto y en los borradores de los mismos tenían relación y coherencia entre sí. Además, se ha procurado realizar el análisis comparativo de la realidad construida con el contenido de los proyectos, liquidaciones y documentos de la fase de ejecución de las obras. Este análisis comparativo no había sido realizado hasta la fecha, siendo este, por tanto, una de las aportaciones del trabajo. Por último, la tesis abre tres vías de investigación futuras (que ya se han tratado y avanzado en parte, pero que escapan a los límites de este trabajo). Estas se refieren al estudio de la evolución de la representación gráfica de los planos de la catedral leonesa catalogados en este trabajo, de la actividad pública de Lázaro y su preocupación por la defensa del patrimonio como diputado en las Cortes, arquitecto municipal de Ávila y arquitecto diocesano de Ávila y Toledo, y de cómo sus actuaciones de restauración en el patrimonio arquitectónico influyeron en los proyectos de obra nueva que construyó. ABSTRACT Due to the state of ruin in mid-nineteenth century, the Cathedral of Santa Maria de Regla of León was subjected to a series of interventions on conservation, restoration and reconstruction that transformed it significantly. There have been several studies on the architects who took part in the restoration during the mentioned century and despite abundant documentation and research on this monument, it is surprising to note the lack of deep analysis in some of the periods. In particular, the interventions accomplished by Juan Bautista Lázaro, as chief architect of the works of the Cathedral of León, have not been documented and analysed in adequate depth, despite the outstanding recognition of his work nationally and internationally. Furthermore, up to date, only the director of this research had conducted a general research of all his architectural work. For these reasons, we felt it was appropriate to elaborate on the life and work of one of the most important architects of the restoration in Spain during that period, not only for his work itself, but also for his significant contribution to the debate on architectural interventions on heritage. He is notable for his respect to historical additions, his preference for not isolating the monuments, his interest in building systems and his continuous desire to re-cover the traditional crafts that were completely lost in the nineteenth century in Spain. The main aim of this thesis is therefore the descriptive and architectural analysis of Lázaro’s projects and interventions developed and executed for the Cathedral of León. The thesis identifies the principles and ideas that guided his work in this temple and establish the criteria for intervention in the historical and artistic heritage architecture he applied after studying its various print publications, projects and restoration works undertaken in other buildings. Accordingly, the thesis is structured in three parts: the first part where it deals Lázaro’s architectural thinking in his interventions on heritage constructions; the second one, in which analyses the projects and interventions carried out by Lazaro in the “pulchra leonina”, but this analysis is preceded by the description of Lázaro’s relationship with the Cathedral of León before taking charge of its restoration in 1892; and the third and final section, in which the study of major restoration interventions implemented by Lázaro in other buildings of Spanish architectural heritage is made. This research has used available documentation (in written or graphic form, plans or photographs) scattered in a diverse range of archives de-pendent on various civil and ecclesiastical institutions. Moreover, we could access the conservation and restoration works, currently being carried out in areas where Lázaro intervened (stained glass windows, forged iron en-closures, gates, doors, masonry, covers, etc.). It has been possible to ex-change views and opinions with the person currently in charge of the referred restoration works which has facilitated and complemented the development of this thesis. It further, it has allowed contrasting and obtaining data directly from the monument under study. Consultation of various architectural journals published in those years has also been taken into account, as well as a diversity of books and articles which concerned the buildings assessed in this work, or related to them. Also, although not with the results expected, it has been obtained the testimony of some of Lázaro’s descendants as well as descendants of the workers who operated under him. As a general conclusion, the thesis defines the general criteria that guided his professional work in the heritage for the first time. Furthermore, Juan Bautista Lázaro’s projects and interventions in the Cathedral of León are analysed in detail. Also, it has been studying in detail the Lazaro’s work in the architectural heritage. To achieve this goal, the thesis has studied not only the information from the official projects and technical reports of them, but also it has been tried to verify if the information contained in the different documents of the same project and in the drafts were related and consistent with each other. In addition, it has been attempted to per-form a comparative analysis of the execution of Lázaro’s projects and the entire projected content. This comparative study had not been done to date and this will be, therefore, one of the main contributions of this re-search. Finally, this thesis opens up three lines of investigation (that have already been discussed and partially advanced, but which fall beyond the scope of this research). These refer to the study of the evolution of the graphical representation of the plans of Leon Cathedral catalogued in this thesis, public activity of Lazaro and his concern for the defence of heritage as deputy in Parliament, municipal architect of Avila, and as diocesan architect Ávila and Toledo, and even more how its restoration actions in architectural heritage influenced his projects of new construction.
T. 1, pt. 1 and t. 1, pt. 2 are "Editio altera retractata".